Can't Open My Documents Or Save Picture Projects In Windows 7

Mar 9, 2011

I have Windows 7 64bit and downloaded some updates today and Windows 7 SP3. Since then I can't open the "My Documents" folder I had on my Desktop. I don't get any messages. It just won't open. Also on my taskbar I have a shortcut that shows my Libraries. I can access the Music and Video Libraries when this opens. But not the Documents or Photos one's. I get a click sound, but they won't open. I also can't save any picture project am I am working on in the photo's library. It just says I can't save there.

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Attached Documents Won't Open Or Save

Jan 28, 2013

documents try to open in windows media center

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BSOD When Trying To Open Projects On Protocols 8 LE?

Jan 5, 2012

I just recently got a new motherboard and video card for my computer. I had to reinstall my Windows 7 Pro, and therefore all of my programs. Whenever I open a saved project in Protools 8 LE I get the BSOD mid-load. [URL]and followed the instructions for getting the dump file.

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Administrator Can't Save Picture?

Apr 20, 2011

I am the administrator (and only user) on my new Windows 7 laptop, so I have moved my library folders (picture, music and documents) from smaller c: partition to large D: partition, I have moved all my pictures from my backup USB drive to my library, then I installed Canon DPP editing software (similar to photoshop), now the funny part starts, when I edit a picture and trying to save the new edited picture to the same folder where the original picture resides (My Pictures/Vacation) im getting a message that I'm not authorized to save it there and need to selet another location !!! WHY ? I'm the administrator...Can anyone shed some light on this.

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Can't Save Images Or Documents

Jun 3, 2011

After upgrading to Win& Pro i'm not able to save these files to a location of my choosing. example:I attempt to save an image to a folder I get the following Error message Quote: You Don't have permission to save in this location.Contact the administrator to obtain permission. Would you like to save in the My Pictures folder instead? WTH!?! I am the administrator and I'm 99% sure I've got permission to do this already. I've checked the settings for this folder and it shows that i've got all the permissions and "Full Control".

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Save Documents On Desktop?

Oct 11, 2011

I have always been able to save documents, copied web pages, photos, etc. to my desktop. Never used to be a problem. While on a document, I would click "save as." A box would appears to the left with all he places I could save the file, including "desktop." I would just click "desktop" and he file would be saved there.The past couple of weeks, when I click "save as", the dialog box that appears to the left no longer has the word "desktop" in it so I cannot save to the desktop any more, at least this way. The 'desktop" saving option just seems to have disappeared.

I have seen some responses to this problem on various websites but I really have problems with these. They are too technical for me, an every day end user without tech expertise. Or the response suggests a round about way to save to the desktop (e.g, saving to documents and dragging to the desk top. Don't know how and don't want that much trouble. Other suggest saving to favorites and doing a bunch of other stuff. Unintelligible and too much of a hassle just to save to desktop.

Why did this simple way to save to desktop disappear and is there any way I can restore it? Please be gentle and simple. I need hand holdingI have a Dell insperon computer. Windows 7. The problem occurs on Internet Explorer (IE 8) and on Firefox 7.Driving me nuts.

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Save Picture Default Subdirectory?

Nov 26, 2012

Previous versions of Windows had a "sticky" default file "save as" subdirectory. e.g. when saving a group of photos from an email to a particular subdirectory you only had to point to that subdir in the first save. subsequent saves would by default go to that same subdir. In Win 7, everytime I do a "save as" for a picture (jpg, bmp, etc.) the default subdir is the PICTURE LIBRARY subdir. Is there a way to make Win7 remember the last subdir saved to so that you don't have to drill down through multiple subdir to get to the last subdir you accessed?

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How To Delete Picture Save As Info

Dec 14, 2012

I am looking to delete the information from when I save a picture from the net. Like when you click picture save as and it opens a new box and you type in the new file name...The file name is what i'm trying to delete. I tried cleaning the browser and used ccleaner but didn't help.

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Documents Save As To (NSP1RMCB) Folder

Nov 17, 2010

I noticed that a number of documents I worked with and did a "save as" went not into my documents folder (as I had assumed, but into a folder called "NSP1RMCB" and when I go to Windows Explorer I can not see such folder. I have hidden folders set to show. How do I find the folder and why does windows 7 do this? How can I make sure that does not happen again?

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Administrator Required To Save Documents?

Jul 14, 2012

have encountered several times when trying to "save" things getting "you have to be administrator" or "access denied" type messages preventing me from saving.For instance I'm logged onto my computer as " Joe Blow, administrator" yet I still can't save a notepad .txt file? Who the #$!@#^& else could be the "administrator" if not me when:

a.) it says I'm the admin

b.) my name as admin is the only user on this computer?

IF I specifically open/run as admin notepad then I can save it. However, if I then click on that same document & add to it I cannot save it again w/ what I modified/added.

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Computer Opens Security Prompt Box When Try To Save Picture

Aug 22, 2011

Every time I save a picture from the web using drag & drop, my computer opens a security prompt box, can I turn this off?

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Transferring Picture, Video, And Documents From Windows 7 64 Bit To Windows 7 32 Bit?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a hp laptop w/ w7 64 bit and I just bought an MSI all in one pc w/ w7 32 bit. Tried the easy transfer with a flash drive and was told could not transfer 64 bit to 32 bit files . Some tips said that this could be done manually but I'm not sure what that means. Is that w/ a data line? and physicaly connecting the two computers? Do I have to do it all thru emails. I'm not trying to transfer programs, just pics, video and documents.

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Reinstalled Windows 7 & Now Can't Open Documents

Aug 1, 2011

I had a redirect virus...uninstalled & then reinstalled windows 7 home premium. I also saved my documents. However, when I just went to open my documents, they wouldn't open because they end in .doc

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How To Open Works Database Documents In Windows 7

Jan 23, 2012

I have documents created in Works 7 Database. Is there any conversion means to open them in Windows7 ? I have found a Microsoft site offering conversion software but only up to Vista.

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Open Windows Explorer To View The Documents?

Aug 28, 2012

when i try to open my windows explorer to view the displays 'windows explorer had stopped working' and then it shows 'windows explorer is restarting' then nothing happens..

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Default Open/save Path On All Applications In Windows 7?

Jun 13, 2011

Testing a windows 7 setup and have problems with the default save as/ open location not defaulting to the users home area. It goes to the desktop insteadI have done thefollowinn group policy go to User Configuration AdministrativeTemplatesWindowsComponentsWindows ExplorerCommon Open File DialogClck ontems displayed in Places Bardd your Save Location. for example \myserverusers est\%USERNAME%i have put the setting in number 1 and i does not work, i have put it in all 5 and still does not work, i have tried just

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Cannot Open Up My Documents

May 2, 2012

I am unable to open up anything in My Documents using Windows 7. Have tried Control Panel, right clicking Microsoft Word Sarter and then "chnge" - but this has not helped.

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Cannot Open A Picture File

Jul 10, 2011

I cannot open a picture file that was sent to my e-mail.

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Windows Live Mail Will Not Open / How To Save Email Database

Oct 13, 2011

I am using Windows 7 in a Dell Inspiron and my live mail on my desktop will no longer open. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but my battery went dead while the computer was on two days ago, but I've been able to get into the mail since.Windows Live Mail could not be started. The application was unable to open the Windows Live Mail message store. Windows Live mail was unable to locate the message database. If you've moved the database files to a new location, click OK to rest the database path to that location. Otherwise, click Cancel to proceed, any existing messages found will be available under Orphaned Accounts (0x00000000.2) If I click ok or cancel, I get: Quote: Windows live mail could not be started. The application was unable to open the Windows live message store. Your computer may be out of memory or your disk is full. (0x8007002) So far, to attempt to remedy it: Run a disk check Restarted three times Run Repair on the Live stuff Tried system restore to four days ago I even removed my anti-virus (temporary of course) None of the above has any affect.How can I save my emails without being able to open the mail program itself? As one of the few idiots, I did not back up my emails. Where are the located? I figure if I can find them, pull them into another folder and the reload the Live stuff.

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Windows Open And Save As Dialog Boxes Cannot Expand Folders

Dec 29, 2011

Whenever I use the windows open/save as dialog box, I'm unable to expand 'My Documents' folder under Documents. Yet, I'm able to expand 'My Documents' folder from windows explorer. Same is true for all the Libary folders under Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. I can only expand the first folder level.

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Windows Photo Viewer Can't Open Picture Because / Don't Have Correct Permissions To Access File Location

Jun 30, 2011

I just reformatted my C: partition running windows 7.All my data is on the D: partition.I took ownership of all the files in D: Their is one folder I still don't have permission to open the files inside which are graphics for a website I am creating..The error message I get is "Windows photo viewer can't open this picture because you don't have the correct permissions to access this file location".so I ran the command prompt as administrator located the folder in question are ran "takeown /R /D Y /F *"It has given me full control of the files and made me the owner but still the error message comes up.

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How To Open Documents From Old Computer

May 24, 2011

Many of my documents that I copied over to my new computer from my old one (which I still have and runs Vista) were written on Microsoft Works & have the file association WSP . As Win 7 doesn�t come with this older program, short of going back to my old computer & converting them to a program I can download onto both (which would be very time consuming to say the least) is there some way to either convert them to a file association that a program on Win 7 can open or download a program that could open them?

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Open Documents NOT In Taskbar

Sep 16, 2012

I've got a severe problem with Windows 7 which I cannot fix alone... The thing is that open (but minimized) documents (Excel, pdf, aso.) don't appear in the taskbar. The only way to switch thorugh open documents is via the task manager. Thus ist is very annoying to work...

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Cannot Open Multiple Documents?

Apr 10, 2010

Here's the scenario. You've got a folder with say, 42 text files. In XP, you would select them, then hit enter, and they all pop up, one after another. The order would be that the last file would open first, then the remaining files would open in the order they are listed in Explorer.Windows 7 is not like that. Here's what happens.Pick all 42 files, hit enter. Nothing. No error, no warning, just nothing happens.Pick 2 files, hit enter. Opens just like normal.Pick 20 files, nothing.Pick 10 files, works fine.Pick 15 files, works finePick 16 files, nothing.More oddness. When multiple files open, they open in a random order.More more oddness. Close them, then open then again. Random, but in a different random order!My thought on this is that it is just a bug. That the number of files is (16) or (2^4) or (hex f), suggests to me that the programmer didn't allow for numbers large than (hex f). Although that number could mean nothing and is simply a coincidence.

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Can't Open Word Documents

Jul 29, 2012

I tryed to open 3 word folders to print whay was in them ,now my computer won,t open any . the dialog box just keeps telling me to go to the control panel and repair the product?

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Cannot Open Downloads Or Documents

Dec 29, 2012

all of a sudden i cannot open my downloads or my dcuments. i thought if i could turn the seing back to when it was working this might help?

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Deleted Open Office Documents

Feb 22, 2011

I have deleted a open office document (windows 7 64 bit) I want to restore it but it is not in my recycle bin.

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Unable To Open Up Word Documents?

Apr 12, 2012

My friend has a LEGALLY obtained version of word 2010 and the access code for it but is unable to open up .docx sent to him but he is able open word and begin a new document, and when i did a C drive search for the Word application there wasn't one.

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Folder In My Documents Cannot Open - Flashes When Clicked Then Nothing

Apr 14, 2012

I have a folder in My Documents that doesn't open up (other folders in my computer works fine). I double click on it and it makes that clicking sound and flashes for a sec but nothing opens up. I can only look at what's in the folder by using Word 2007 then open and select all files. I scanned it with AVG and there's no virus. Most of the stuff in there are not downloaded, it's mainly documents which I typed on this computer, and the few things that have been downloaded I have opened before and there never seemed to be a problem until recently. I made a copy of the folder to an external hard drive and funnily that opens up. I tried to delete the original folder in my documents but it says folder in use and won't let me delete it.

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: AMD Turion(tm) X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-72, x64 Family 17 Model 3 Stepping 1
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 3581 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon 3100 Graphics, 256 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 293563 MB, Free - 84065 MB; H: Total - 953867 MB, Free - 415416 MB;
Motherboard: TOSHIBA, Portable PC
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2012, Updated and Enabled

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Unable To Open More Than 3 PowerPoint Documents At The Same Time?

May 24, 2012

When I do try it I get the following message:This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.I tried to google around but all I found was people getting this error message when they tried to open hyperlinks in outlook which I doubt is related to my problem.

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Cannot Open Documents, Computer, Videos, Pictures, Etc Folders

Sep 22, 2011

They were working then I rebooted the pc today and went to click on computer and nothing happens, the only thing is the little folder icon comes on the taskbar and that's it, it doesn't open.Also all of a sudden my events viewer doesn't work either, get this error, specified query is invalid 15001BTW system restore wasn't on, I guess when I fixed my booting problem it turned it off, the only drives that had restore enabled where my other 2 drives not the one I needed.

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