Any Way To Search For Text Within Individual Window?

Apr 25, 2011

Are there any functions or 3rd party programs that would allow me to search for text within an individual window? I am using a program that generates 1000's of pieces of data and information and it has no search function.

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Adding 'open In New Window' To Search Results, & Opening In New Window?

Feb 16, 2012

Whenever I search in Windows 7, I want to have the ability to open found folders in a new window. If I r-click, that option is not there. Is there a way to add this to Windows 7?

Also: When I go to 'open file location', the file's folder opens in the same window - highly annoying. In Vista, it opens in a new window. Anyway to change this behvior in Windows 7 to act like Vista, so the file opens in a new window?

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Multiline Search And Replace Tool For Text?

Feb 10, 2012

Is there multiline search and replace tool for text? I need to search and replace multi lines of text files. If there is a text file like this:

WEBS (AM), a radio station at 1030 kHz, licensed to Calhoun, Georgia, United States
The Web (film), a film noir
The Web (TV series), a mystery/suspense anthology series
"Web" (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Webs (film), a 2003 sci-fi movie
The Web, a dangerous region of space in the ReBoot universe
West End Broadcast (WeB FM), a radio station in Newcastle, England, that was a forerunner of NE1fm
"The Web", an episode from the first season of the British science-fiction series Blake's 7

Search for:
Webs (film), a 2003 sci-fi movie
The Web, a dangerous region of space in the ReBoot universe

Replace with:
Tech-Webs find et setra
setra setra setra setra setra

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Clear Type Text Not Working But Only In Yahoo Search

Sep 16, 2011

Suddenly when doing a search in Yahoo the display font of the results is not correct. It is not clear type. Everywhere else clear type works fine. Everywhere.

I have done system restore to a point I know it was working and that did not resolve it. I have disasbled and reenabled clear type text both in Windows and in IE8.

I did do all the Windows updates on Tuesday but I can't think how one of those would effect only Yahoo Search.

I recall this happening on my old system for one user and not another and we could never resolve it. It was summized that it was a corrupt profile but I can't understand how it would only effect Yahoo.

how I can get the Yahoo search results to have the proper font? therwise it's off to Google but I'd rather resolve this..

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Turn The Address Taskbar Into A Search Engine Text Bar?

Apr 25, 2012

how to turn the address taskbar into a search engine text bar? Basically, we want to enable the user to type in keywords and have that passed to a search engine that will show the results in the browsers.

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Taskbar Window Preview Somehow Changed To Text?

Sep 28, 2011

i am running at a resolution of 5760x1080 and notice that the mouse over preview on aplications pinned to the task bar have changed to text. this problem has been going ov for some time. when i change my resolution back to 1920x1080 (16x9) it works just fine. i am using the aero theme so that should not be the problem. i think that my computer thinks i have less ram than i do. i have 10 gb of ram, soon 16, and i am only using 30pct if im not doing something graphics intense.

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Window Just Goes Dormant And Can't Enter Text In Many Application

Jan 15, 2013

When I go to a browser, card game, or word processor I can type a few characters but then I have to click the top bar to make window active again so I can type text.

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Saving Search Results In Text File Readable In Notepad?

May 27, 2012

How can I save the search result in a text file that can be read by Notepad for example?

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Search Window Always Opens?

Jan 6, 2013

Every time I click on any particular link, whether in an email or anything else, and it normally goes to that link, I now open up a google search window. How can I fix this so that I can navigate to the link desired?

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Search Won't Work In Computer (Within Window)

Feb 8, 2010

My problem is when I go into computer (my computer) the search in the top right isn't working from within this window! However if I click to go into an individual drive the search will then work from within there on the individual drive. At first it told me the index had been switched off, so I turned it back on even rebuilt the index. & its still the same except it doesn't tell me about the index when I try to search anymore.

It will still search within the individual drives but not from within the computer window. Apart from this the installation works fine. I even run a scan with Kaspersky & Spybot S&D to make sure of any nasties causing it. & run a CHkdisk this morning. I would rather not have to perform a system restore or new installation. It took me ages to install all my apps & don't fancy doing it again.

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Office 2007 Word Printing Deleted Text Over New Text

Mar 3, 2011

Ok this is wierd I have a client using Office 2007 pro and some of her docs that she recently updated and the problem is when she prints the docs text that she deleted is printing over the top of new text she inserted into the doc.

Now when you have said doc open in WORD the deleted text is not there in any view and does NOT show in "print preview".

I opened said doc with WORDPAD and the deleted text shows up at the bottom so its still in the word doc somewhere imbedded so it prints over the top of the actual text in the doc.

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Searching A Bunch Of Text Files For A Particular Text String?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a project where I need to search a large amount of text files on my home PC. I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7. My research indicated this feature was available in Windows 7.

If you do a search in Windows XP, you get a bunch of fields. You can pick to search for text INSIDE the particular sub folder structure.

I have found this feature in Windows 7, but it is different. I have tried using wild cards but it does not seem to work properly.

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Insert Pictures Inside The Text Or Beside The Text So It Won't Use So Much Space?

May 23, 2012

How do I insert my pictures inside the text or beside the text so it won't use so much space?

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Use Text To Speech To Read/speak To Text On A Page?

Aug 21, 2012

I have a Lenovo laptop - how can i use Text to Speech, to read/speak to me text on a page?

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Formatted Text Does Not Transfer Over To Pasted Text

Apr 6, 2012

All of the sudden, when I want to copy and paste something in the same document, the formatted text (whether that be a certain font or bold) does not transfer over to the pasted text. For instance, if I wanted to copy the following bolded word word and then paste it anywhere else in the document, I now get this: word (without the bold). This applies to other cutting and pasting problems: this applies to other fonts and formatting (bold, my Greek font, etc).One more example: before today, if I wanted to cut a text out of my New Testament Greek program right in the middle of a paragraph, the Greek font (or whatever font) would paste normally no matter what font the target MS Word text was in.

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Individual AVI Icons ?

Feb 20, 2009

change individual AVI icons. basically i have a DVD case template and i make ICO's for each movie and change each one with iconpackager 4.0

but it doesn't give me the "icon" tab when i right click on the movie file and select properties like xp. any way of changing each individual movie icon?

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How To Put An Individual USB Port To Sleep

May 31, 2012

I have a few external drives that i don't always use and want to be able to have them shutdown when i am not using them. They shutdown when the computer goes into sleep mode but I would like to be able to make them shutdown (and power up) without putting the whole computer to sleep.

So I was wondering if there is a way to make a usb device think the port its plugged into is asleep in Win7 x64.

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Individual Crash Dump From BSOD?

Jul 25, 2012

I've had three BSOD's in three days now all while playing either Skyrim and Dead Island. I have the three individual crash dumps attached.The video card I am using is new to the system and has had its drivers updated to Nvidia's latest (not those from the manufacturer's homepage).My guess is that I'm either having some kind of conflict with drivers here or that my PSU is inadequate but without being able to decipher the information in the dumps I can't tell. BSOD's are not my specialty at all but I don't want to simply ignore this.


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Burning Pictures To DVD-R With Individual Folders?

Apr 6, 2012

I am trying to burn pictures onto dvd-r and would like individual folders of holidays etc, but when I try in windows dvd maker I do not get folders but one long stream of pictures amount in to hundreds on one long slide show and not individual folders.

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Individual Update's Checkbox Is Blank?

Jan 8, 2012

This happens pretty often to me... out of several "Important" updates available for download/install, one or two will have their checkboxes blank, so they are not selected for installation automatically.I can't detect a pattern of which ones are left blank. It always worries me a little, wondering if that particular update was left blank for a reason. I'm running a customized version of Windows 7 64-bit, so maybe the customization has something to do with it, but I can't see how a tweak that was performed before I even installed the OS can have impact on which updates are defined as "automatic".What does it mean for an update to have a blank checkbox in Wondows Update?

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Outlook 2007 Task Search Versus Windows7 Computer Wide Search

Nov 10, 2009

Outlook 2007 Task search versus Windows7 computer wide search.

I enter the same keyword (one of the words contained within the title of a completed task) in the Outlook Task search box as I do the Windows 7 orb 'search programs and files.' The Windows 7 search returns the correct search result (along with a lot other results having the same keyword) practically immediately whereas Outlook is still searching...and searching.

If I have index options set to include the C: drive and Outlook, what's going on with Outlook?

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Windows 7 Search Files And Folders Vs Outlook 2007 Search?

Mar 24, 2011

some specifics and pinpoint the differences (or maybe a good website) that would pinpoint the differences between the Windows 7 search and the outlook 2007 search? I know the outlook search searches through email but are there other difference I am overlooking between the two?

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Change Individual Axis Sensitivity In Windows 7?

Sep 11, 2011

I just installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on my Samsung R519 laptop. I have noticed that the touchpad is more sensitive vertically than horizontally. Is there anywhere I can change individual axis sensitivity in Windows 7?

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Lock Or Protect Individual Files And Whole Folders?

Jan 25, 2011

Any way how or if you can lock or protect individual files or even whole folders with a password or other means? intended for a home pc which everyone uses but i do not want the others at home have access to certain files or folders?

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Triple Monitor Need Screensaver On Individual Monitors?

Oct 28, 2012

I have 3 monitors set up technically although one is my 54'' TV to play movies on while I work and play. Ultimately what I would like to do is while I'm playing movies and not using the other monitors (such as laying down to take a nap or playing movies with friends) I want to have a screensaver display on the unused monitors. I'm not sure if this is actually possible with a movie up on the TV but if anyone has any idea of a program i could use

I'm also running windows 7 ultimate if that matters any to you...

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Replacing Windows 7 Desktop Search With The Old Search Companion?

Dec 15, 2009

Is there any way to replace the Desktop Search with the 'Ole Dog ( Search Companion) You can not find all the related files with Desktop search like you could with Search Companion.

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No Results When Using Search Programs And Files Box Or Explorer Search Box

Feb 18, 2012

I began having an issue with my laptops ATI Radeon graphics driver not working properly. It is fixed now, but the other issues I was having at the same time was not being able to view indexed files through the "search programs and files" and "windows explorer search" box. The screen goes blank or does not produce any results. Also, one of my downloaded software disk programs will not open--error. This particular program, Logos Bible software, index its files quite often. Even when I am not using the program. I also cannot change my desktop background to any picture except solid colors. I think my laptop has a corrupted file somewhere, or it is infected with malware.

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Firefox Tabs Show Up As Individual Windows 7 On Toolbar?

Dec 26, 2011

When i pass over the icon of firefox on my toolbar at the bottom of the screen( unsure of its real name but the bar with the time and start icon) each and every tab shows up separately. just today i repartitioned my hardrive, and before the reinstall it only showed whatever windows were open, no matter how many tabs were in each.If there is any way i can return it to the old state that would be fantastical, i find it much easier to keep track of my browser and the windows i have open

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Taskbar Switcharoo Feature For Individual Items In Windows 7?

Oct 30, 2010

I vaguely recall that when I first got on Windows 7 I was able to do the new feature taskbar rearrangement with all items on the bar, but currently when I try to move one explorer item it wants to move them all, which means I can put a program to the left or right of all explorer windows, but I can't move an explorer window opened later left of any earlier one. Is that a standard limitation? is my memory failing me, or have I maybe changed some feature that does allow explorer items on the taskbar to be shuffled amongst each other, rather than being effectively attached to each other in their present order?

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Restore Individual Files From Full Image Backup

Nov 3, 2009

Is it possible to resotre individual files from a full Image Backup? I Created a System Image. If this is possible, how is it done?

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How To Change Individual File Name Font To Bold Or Color To Stand Out

Jan 14, 2012

I have certain files and folders that I would like to distinguish from others, without creating a new folder. (I have enough folders as it is.) Is there a way to make individual file name fonts look different than others (bold, color, italics, etc)? I would prefer not to use a 3rd party file manager: I read that if a file is compressed, the file name turns blue. If it is not possible to do what I am asking above, is there any downside to compressing the files I wish to distinguish, so their file names will turn blue?

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