Clear Type Text Not Working But Only In Yahoo Search

Sep 16, 2011

Suddenly when doing a search in Yahoo the display font of the results is not correct. It is not clear type. Everywhere else clear type works fine. Everywhere.

I have done system restore to a point I know it was working and that did not resolve it. I have disasbled and reenabled clear type text both in Windows and in IE8.

I did do all the Windows updates on Tuesday but I can't think how one of those would effect only Yahoo Search.

I recall this happening on my old system for one user and not another and we could never resolve it. It was summized that it was a corrupt profile but I can't understand how it would only effect Yahoo.

how I can get the Yahoo search results to have the proper font? therwise it's off to Google but I'd rather resolve this..

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Blurry Text Even With Clear Type On?

Nov 30, 2011

coming from windows xp to windows 7 and the text seems blurry washed out even with clear type on

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Blurry Text Even With Clear Type

Dec 2, 2011

coming from windows xp to windows 7 and the text seems blurry washed out even with clear type on any suggestions?

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Disable Clear Type In IE9?

Dec 25, 2012

I've disabled Clear Type in Win 7 and yet some programs (including IE9) use it.

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Can't See Text In Yahoo Messenger

May 29, 2011

Just recently I've encountered the problem where I cannot see the text that I type in Yahoo IM and as wellas that it frequently closes down before I've had a chance to do anything saying that an error is preventing the program from working properly. I'm pretty dense when it comes to stuff like this and a quick search of the forum before posting found this: This can solve "can't see text in yahoo messenger"
Start -> run -> regedit -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion ->Internet Settings -> Zones then In zones part you must have 0,1,2,3,4 ,If not delete other ones(Don't delete 0,1,2,3,4)

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Text Is Too Light In Yahoo Mail?

Mar 7, 2012

Text is too light in Yahoo mail

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Can't Remove Yahoo Search Bar From Firefox

Nov 5, 2011

i have looked in uninstall progs looked in prog files ,i have put a search in for yahoo ,i have made firefox the default homepage in the tools/ options /general tab,and i`ve had a look in add ons but can`t find it , when i open a new tab on firefox it opens as a yahoo page .it came down with 7 zip by accident

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Clicked On Website Link In Yahoo Search / Got Redirected To Blank Page

Mar 28, 2011

Yesterday I was browsing the web on Yahoo search like I always do. And I was searching for a well known social web hosting forum.That I was visiting two weeks ago and had no problems getting onto that site then. I will not tell you the link as I do not want anyone else to click on it, as it is not safe.But I clicked on the link from Yahoo search engine but instead of putting me onto the website. I was redirected to a blank page,that said I have got viruses and it needed to scan my computer.And it just closed my web browser,without warning, and started scanning.I tried to stop it but I could not, so I quickly shut down my computer as this brings everything on my computer to a halt. And then I turned my computer back on again everything seemed normal.But I did a scan with Windows Defender and MRT-Malicious Software removal tool,just in case. And it never found any viruses or malware. And using system restore to put my computer back in time to BEFORE the event happened helped,I think.

But when I went round to two of my friends house,the same thing happened to them on their computer.When they tried to go onto that website. And I tried some computers in the Internet cafe. And the same thing happened,so it was not just my computer.But am I right in that the website I visited was trying to install,spyware,a virus or malware on my computer and someone elses computer as well?As I explain the website is a well known and genuine website that I have visited in the past,well two weeks ago in fact. But now it redirects to that page which seems IS trying to install spyware on an unsuspecting persons computer. And it is not just my computer was trying to do it on.So am I right was it spyware or a computer virus,that, that redirect was trying to install on my computer? And if so is there anything we can do about it?As I reported the website link to Google and Yahoo and they have not taken it off of the search engine.

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No Type Filter In Search?

May 14, 2012

Win 7 lacks a search filter in the search bar of windows explorer.The only way to search with filters is to find the keywords such as "kind: videos" etc. XP had a much better search than Win7

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Any Way To Search For Text Within Individual Window?

Apr 25, 2011

Are there any functions or 3rd party programs that would allow me to search for text within an individual window? I am using a program that generates 1000's of pieces of data and information and it has no search function.

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Multiline Search And Replace Tool For Text?

Feb 10, 2012

Is there multiline search and replace tool for text? I need to search and replace multi lines of text files. If there is a text file like this:

WEBS (AM), a radio station at 1030 kHz, licensed to Calhoun, Georgia, United States
The Web (film), a film noir
The Web (TV series), a mystery/suspense anthology series
"Web" (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Webs (film), a 2003 sci-fi movie
The Web, a dangerous region of space in the ReBoot universe
West End Broadcast (WeB FM), a radio station in Newcastle, England, that was a forerunner of NE1fm
"The Web", an episode from the first season of the British science-fiction series Blake's 7

Search for:
Webs (film), a 2003 sci-fi movie
The Web, a dangerous region of space in the ReBoot universe

Replace with:
Tech-Webs find et setra
setra setra setra setra setra

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Turn The Address Taskbar Into A Search Engine Text Bar?

Apr 25, 2012

how to turn the address taskbar into a search engine text bar? Basically, we want to enable the user to type in keywords and have that passed to a search engine that will show the results in the browsers.

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Type Letters To Select A File Or Folder Instead Of Typing A Search Term?

Oct 5, 2012

In XP (and Vista), you type alphebets to select a file or folder. For example, you are trying to access a file named "My file.txt", you type "m", "y" and it goes directly to folder or files start withm and y so it's close to My file.txt. This is convenient way to find a file you need.But, it's not the same in Windows 7 anymore. Typing anything will activate the search. It narrows down the files in folder window and it shows many unrelated documents and folders.Is there a way to disable that so I only search by keywords when I press Control-F while typing only takes me to the folder or file?

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Saving Search Results In Text File Readable In Notepad?

May 27, 2012

How can I save the search result in a text file that can be read by Notepad for example?

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Webcam Not Working On Yahoo Messenger With Windows 7?

Nov 18, 2009

I have just installed the latest Yahoo Messenger (version 9) on a new Windows 7 (x64) platform, and I can't get my webcam to work. All I get when I try --> Messenger --> My webcam is a black screen. My webcam seems to be correctly connected and installed on my PC with the latest drivers ("The device is working" ). And I can use my webcam with other applications, like Skype, on Windows 7, with no problems. I use a desktop PC with a USB webcam.

By the way, I can see the video image from the webcams of my YM contacts when I am in a video conversation with them. So, no problem the other way.

I have also tried to un-install/re-install both the webcam (Windows 7 re-installs it automatically) and YM. I have also gone through all the camera settings in YM. But still no chance.

Is there a well known problem related to the use of a webcam with YM on Windows 7?

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Why Camera And Audio Is Not Working On Yahoo Messenger

Oct 1, 2011

Why my camera and audio is not working on YM

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Yahoo Home Page And Related Yahoo Pages Won't Display Ads

Mar 2, 2012

My Yahoo home page and related yahoo pages won't display ads, does anyone know how to fix this. I have uninstalled IE8 reinstalled it, restored advanced settings and reset internet explorer it worked for a short while after i did this now its playing up again.I get the usual diagnose internet connection and of course ther is nothing wrong with it. I forgot to say its windows 7 pro I am running, I would update to IE9 but I hate it if only they kept the layout the same as IE8

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Cannot Login/sign In Yahoo Mail, Skype And Even Yahoo Messenger

Oct 4, 2010

i unable to signin my yahoo messenger, skype and even cannot load to yahoo mail website. but i still can surf other website normally. i noticed that some of the page that required password are unable to load. the will be an error that ask to check the intrnet conection. im using LAN connection. i tried to login yahoo mail, and signin skype and ym by using my friends pc in my home and i can login/singin without any trouble. we using the same internet connction.i already reformat my laptop cause i thought there is laptop problem. but there is still no luck. same problem still occur. i scaned my lappy with updated antvrus (btdefender) but no virus detected. i also tried unable the firewall in my system but no changed.

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Windows 7 Not Updating, Indexing Not Working, Search Not Working?

Sep 2, 2012

The problem likely started when I cloned my drive to a new Seagate drive using a Seatools *Seagate** utility, which I believe is actually made by Acronis. The final fix was installing new drivers for the Hard drive from Intel "Intel Rapid Storage Technology"

Symptoms =
Failure code when trying to start indexing = 0x8e5e0247
Search function would not work properly
Indexing was not working
Could not get Windows update to install

windows 7 indexing is not running acronis clone Intel Rapid Storage Technology 0x8e5e0247 windows update not working

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Cannot Open Yahoo Website Or Yahoo Mail

May 30, 2012

I have Windows 7 and I cannot open the Yahoo website or Yahoo mail. Can anyone help me? I need to get my emails! I was able to get to them last night.

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Why Have Adobe Open Type Fonts Quit Working On Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

Jan 7, 2013

Up until a couple of weeks ago all of my Adobe Open Type fonts worked fine. Now I a getting a atmlib.dll error. Says it is not designed to work on Windows. Seems to have happened after a Win 7 update.

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Text Missing And Start Menu Not Working

Oct 13, 2012

I currently have an issue with my PC where all the text under desktop icons and dialogue boxes is missing, and instead there is a mumbo jumbo of lines and misshapen boxes in control panel, so its impossible for me to try and do anything. I tried doing /sfc scannow in a cmd prompt, but it told me I do not have administrative privileges when I was logged in on my admin account. This happened after I had to boot into safe mode when some windows updates were installed previously. After they were removed, the BSOD remained, but I managed to log on by using 'Boot using last known good configuration'. I have also tried using a system restore point to before the updates were installed but to no avail. Start up repair also drew a blank and I can't think of anything else to do.

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Windows 7 / IE9 - Rich Text Editing Not Working

May 26, 2012

Have a friend that uses rich text editing. He is using IE9 Windows 7 Home Premium x64.

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Search Box Not Working?

Oct 4, 2012

Often the search box at the bottom of the Start menu does not find the file on the hard drive. But the file is there when I look in Documents.

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Missing Text In Dialogue Boxes And Start Orb Is Not Working?

Oct 15, 2012

So for a while, windows updates have been causing BSODs on my PC, usually I just go and remove them via safe mode and all is well again. Well last night, after doing that, my PC BSOD'd and on rebooting found that several things were bad. First, the start orb didn't work and I couldn't pull up the start menu. All the text is gone from my desktop icons, the date and time is missing, all the items within control panel and My computer are a jumbled mess of random lines and boxes, so that means I cannot do anything in Windows explorer or control panel. This happens even within safe mode. So far, I have tried doing a system restore, sfc /scannow, startup repair and rebooting in last known good configuration. Nothing I've tried has been successful in solving this issue. About the only thing I can do on my computer is use the web browser and type blindly in the address bar, since all the text is also gone from the top of tabs and the address bar

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Search Tools Are Not Working

Nov 11, 2010

I have not the Search tool in the Star menu and libraries, just in IE. I have checked the tutorial here, I did everything I checked the box and it's ticked, I don't understand the reason which the Search tool is not working when I accept the changes and it starts to make the changes but at the end a message pops-up and says that some of the features did not change correctly I don't understand what's going on.

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Windows 7 Search Not Working?

Apr 13, 2011

So, I've been trouble free on Windows 7 for a long time. Today, while searching for a document containing the word "audit" I realized that my Windows 7 search is not returning correct results.I open up the Documents library link, and I see all of my files. I see files with the name audit in them. I go to the top and put audit into the search field and it comes back with 2 files...and misses handfuls of other files that contain the word. I then search for .xlsx (as this is a spreadsheet) and I cannot find that either. I can find other .xlsx files, but not a good handful of them.I've cleared the index and rebuilt it, but that didn't resolve the issue. My results are the same as they always were.

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Search Function Not Working?

Mar 2, 2011

So I just did a fresh install of windows 7 and now all of the sudden the search function, as far as I can tell, does not work. At all. I tell it to search for a simple file I KNOW is there and it does not bring it up. It brings up nothing. Infact it wont find anything on my computer at all. Seems 100% useless. So whats up with that? I never had issues with Windows search before, not with Vista, XP, or any other. is there a 3rd party search engine I can use to find stuff on my computer? I have almost 3TB of stuff, I can rarely remember where I have stored every single thing I would use.

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Windows 7 Search Isn't Working Properly

May 1, 2011

I've made sure that the file typoe that I'm searching is included in the searches, I've indexed search on my computer to make sure everything is inluded but it's still not finding what I'm looking for. I'm searching for an image file(.png) that I know is on my computer(and I have several of them that start with the name that I;m searching) and none of them come up?

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Windows Explorer Top Right Search Not Working

Jun 29, 2011

Whenever I type something into the search bar on the top right in window explorer, nothing happens. It usually gives a bunch of files but not all matching files.

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Windows 7 Search Index Not Working?

Mar 22, 2011

I saw that the search index had indexed a grand total of 1000 items despite me knowing there are many more in the folders selected to be indexed.I selected to rebuild the index. It now says indexing completed with only 13 items indexed!!

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