After Reboot I Have To Reconnect To My Wireless Network

Aug 7, 2009

Every time I reboot I have to reconnect to my wireless network. Any ideas? No problems after manually reconnected.

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Intel 1030n Does Not Reconnect To Wireless Network After Hibernation

Jun 3, 2012

Windows 7 XPS laptop. Connects to the wireless network just fine. However, when I suspend or put the laptop into hibernation it never reconnects. I take the lpatop out of hibernation and it shows a red x through the network icon. I have to try and manually reconnect, and then I just get the spinning blue thing over the network connections without it ever reconnecting. I restart .no problem. I have a bunch of otehr PC's and devices on my home network. I have tried 2 different routers, same problem. None of the other laptops on the network have this problem. This laptop did not have this problem last month. Nothing changed. How do I start de-bugging this

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Networked Drives Don't Reconnect On Reboot

May 2, 2009

I have two XP machines as well as my dual-booted (XP Pro SP3/ Windows 7 RC 7100)

laptop - whenever I reboot my Windows 7 system it fails to reconnect the mapped network drives.

XP reconnects them without fail.

The only way I've found round it is to change the workgroup name, change it back and reboot - then it works.

This is VERY ANNOYING and such a basic problem - I've seen the problem all over the internet but no solutions.

Only MS could release an RC with such an obvious bug

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WiFi Does Not Reconnect After Login / Sleep / Reboot

Nov 19, 2011

Wi-Fi does not reconnect after login / sleep / reboot. It always prompts me for the password. In "Manage Wireless Networks", it is set to "Automatically Connect". But somehow Windows "forgets" the password.

I'm running Professional x64.

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Won't Connect To Wireless Network After Reboot Or Wake Up

Aug 3, 2012

Windows tells me that I am connected to the network but I do not get internet access after turning the pc on, waking it from sleep or restart. However, if I disconnect from the network and reconnect I have internet access immediately.

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Wireless Ad-hoc Not Working After Reconnect?

Dec 23, 2009

i have a problem in win 7 on 2 different comp...on 2 dif wireless(an atheros laptop wireless and an atheros usb)i can setup an ad hoc connection with internet no like a charm but...if the server computer enters to sleep....after resume....the ad-hoc doesnt work anymore...only sais "identify.." and doesnt work anymore....need to make another new ad-hoc connection to make it workthe ad-hoc connection is saved so i can use it another time....but once disconnected i can never reconnect to make it work... i know the ad-hoc network its a temprary connection...but why bother to save it if it doesnt work afterwardsthe command << netsh wlan connect name=Profile2 ssid=SSID2 interface="Wireless Network Connection">> works smooth but its in vain if the connection is not working after reconnect..i said before its not working on s3....but not working on restart either....not even working if i disconnect the host PC and connect it again.

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Wireless Internet Won't Reconnect When Laptop Lid Opened

Mar 20, 2011

This topic was posted in Dec without a fix. I have 2 Toshiba Satellite laptops with a Realtek wireless adapter running Windows 7 64 bit. Just started having the problem about a month ago with both laptops. The adapter is disable when lid is closed. I want the computer to go to Sleep when not in use, but the adapter will not reconnect when the lid is raised and I log back in. I must manually disable and then enable the adapter (in Admin mode) to re-connect to the wireless network or reboot the computer. The computer is plugged into the power adapter. Power options are set to maximum performance. I checked all the power settings, adapter properties to automatically connect, and WLAN is the service running in automatic mode. Microsoft Answers has no answer to the problem either.

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Network Drives Don't Reconnect At Logon

Jan 15, 2009

I'v got a problem with mapped network drives.

My configuration:

i have my pc with Windows 7 beta, anda onther old pc with windows xp. I mapped a shared folder on the xp computer ads network drive.

The problem is that even if I save my credentials, the network drive don't reconnect at logon and I have to reenter my credential again.

I have the same username on both pc, on the xp one (where are the shared folders) I have also set a password, on mine not.

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Change WEP Key For Saved Network (or Delete And Reconnect)?

Jul 8, 2012

I have a wireless LAN sharing internet through a Mac Book Pro, i have no problems connecting to this with Ubuntu, an android phone, and other Apple products. The only system that i'm having problems with is the windows partition....The network is listed in available connections, but seems to have the wrong WEP key because it fails to connect. However I cannot delete the connection and start again as the network is not listed in 'Manage Wireless Networks'.

I'm stuck!! I cannot scan for updates because even when the notebook is plugged directly into the router it will not connect to the internet. I can just about get onto my neighbours WiFi network, but it is very poor strength and cuts out, so can't really use that. I know the hardware in the computer is fine because the Ubuntu partition works.

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How To Dismiss "Could Not Reconnect All Network Drives" Alert

Jan 9, 2012

I have created 2 permanent network mappings to local drives for my phone, but I always get that "Could not reconnect all network drives" alert at logon. It's certain the phone is only occasionally connected so that the network resources are not always accessible. Is there a way how to tell Windows to remember those mappings so that I can open the associated driver whenever I connect my phone, but when not connected those drives will still exist but be inaccessible, same way as empty CD-ROM drive behaves.

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"Could Not Reconnect All Network Drives"

Feb 28, 2009

I have a home network that includes an XP-based home server of sorts. I hang my Drobo off that server and share it to my home Network. On all my other PC's I access it as my "N" drive (N for network). This has worked fine through XP, Vista and even Windows 7 installations on the same PC (discussed below) for some time. But now whenever I boot up my system with Windows 7 I get the"Could not reconnect all network drives" error every time I boot. When I click on the "N:" drive through Windows Explorer or a link on the desktop W7B asks me for a userid and password. I can literally type anything in the Userid field (complete gibberish works) and add a password or not. When I do, my shared drobo connects as N: (I refer this as a manual connection for the rest of this post). Thereafter all my apps can use, see, change files on N: . All is golden until my next reboot.

It's important for me that the system automatically connect because a dozen or so of my apps routinely interact with my "N:" drive. For example I use the program Second Copy to automatically backup several directories and drives across my network to my Drobo on N:. That app won't work until N: is connected. My iTunes library is situated on my Drobo. iTunes won't see my iTunes library and gives error messages until I manually connect the N: drive and on and on and on from app to app. My N: drive is my data repository for all my devices.Here's the rub. When I first installed W7B (on the exact same PC) I installed it as an upgrade to my then current Vista x64 installation. After that upgrade, I had no problem. That N: drive auto connected on bootup just as it had when I was running Vista on the same PC and just as it had when I ran XP before on the same PC. Subsequently I chose to do a fresh W7B install on the exact same PC that I had previously installed the WB7 as a Vista x64 upgrade. That's when this problem arose.

I have NOT been able to get my shared N: Drobo drive hosted off an XP computer to automatically connect when I boot up. I have changed NOTHING on the XP server. I have changed nothing on Drobo (though I did try "Unsharing" and "Resharing" the drobo on the XP server to reset / update directory permissions - this did nothing). My other networked Vista/XP PCs continue to access it as their N: drive without incident. It is only my clean-install W7B PC (and a tablet PC I did a fresh W7B install on) that cannot automatically connect to that shared network drive on boot.What is truly strange is that on this EXACT same PC the share worked flawlessly (as always) after an upgrade from Vista x64, but when I did a fresh/clean install on the EXACT same PC, the problem raised its head.

- All PC's on my network are on the same workgroup.

- The problem persists whether or not I have a homegroup activated

- I have no problems accessing shared drives BETWEEN PCs running WB7

- I have no problem accessing the shared Drobo on the XP PC from other XP/Vista PCs

- all pcs are behind a NAT router so firewalls are turned off

- no anti virus software is running on any PC (not that anti-virus software ever caused an issue here before)

- I have tried changing most of the Advanced Sharing Settings in:

Start --> network and sharing center --> change advanced sharing settings including turning on and off 'password protected sharing'

- When I mapped my network drive to N: I did it using the proper '\serverdrobo' naming convention

- I note that when I click on the "Browse..." button my networked XP server does not show up as an available network device (though I can still connect to it by manually typing \serverdrobo

- I, of course, always check the 'Reconnect at logon' checkbox on the "Map Network Drive" dialogue box

- Whether or not I check the "Connect using different credentials' checkbox on the "Map Network Drive" dialogue box makes no difference.

- Under the 'Computer' item on the left side of Windows Explorer, the N: drive shows up (before manual connection) with a red x through it.

- I note that under the 'Network' item on the left side of Windows Explorer, only W7B PCs show up even though W7B shows all network PC's even XP PCs in the Network Map

- Clicking on the 'Remember my credentials' checkbox on the "Enter Network Password" screen when I manually connect makes no difference - WB7 clearly doesn't remember them.

- NOTE: I do NOT login with the same userid and password on the server and on my WB7 machine. I never had to before (including when WB7 on this PC was an upgrade from Vista) so I can't imagine that that is the problem. Note, all other PCs on my network access the shared Drobo from ANY userid on any other PC

Control Panel --> Network and Internet --> Network Map, (after manually connecting N: by clicking on it, that is)

The last thing I did (as mentioned in parenthesis above)(though I did try "Unsharing" and "Resharing" the drobo on the XP server to reset / update directory permissions - this did nothing)was to copy files from N: (after a manual connection) to my C: drive. When I connected that last time it asked me, as it does/did sometimes, though not always, for a userid and password. I entered the server's userid (different from my W7B's userid) and password and checked the 'remember my credentials' field, all as I had many times before). the system crashed when I was trying to do that transfer of files which lead me to reboot (pressing the power button to shut down and restart). The next time it started I didn't even notice that the N: had connected at first (I was on to a new project and wasn't paying attention to the boot process). About 15 minutes in I noticed there was no red x beside the mapped N: drive in Windows Explorer as there always had been in the past. Since I was pretty sure I hadn't done a manual connection I decided to reboot and test ... Lo and behold, N: automagically connected at boot and I don't know why. I created a save point so I can get back here if something goes awry. For now I'm just happy it works. I don't know how to replicate it. I NOTE THAT THE PROBLEM STILL SUBSISTS ON MY TABLET RUNNING W7B, so I am now confident the problem has nothing to do with how my XP server is configured. It has something to do with the way W7B is configured.

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Wireless Adapter Turns Off Each Reboot?

Mar 12, 2011

Last week I took my laptop into Best Buy for a diagnostic due to some issues. After I picked it up, I noticed that every time I restart/turn on the computer, the wireless adapter turns on for a couple of seconds then shuts back off, and I have to manually press the adapter button twice for it to turn back on. I've never had this happen before.... and I reinstalled the OS last night at the recommendation of Best Buy because of the other issues, yet this adapter thing is still happening. The wireless works perfectly fine after I turn it on, but normally my adapter turns on automatically.

Does anyone know why this might be happening and what I can do to fix it? Right now it's just more of an annoyance that I have to turn the adapter on every time, but I'm worried that means something is wrong? Like I said, this didn't start happening until a week ago.

The laptop is an HP G60, running windows 7 home premium. The adapter is an Atheros AR5007.

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Linksys Wireless Adapter Driver Gone After Reboot

Dec 12, 2009

I have Windows 7 Pro installed on my PC, which uses a linksys wireless USB adapter for internet. I have the latest driver installed, but what happens is the driver won't be retained in the settings after I reboot it. The only way to keep this from happening is to hibernate the PC. Never had this problem before and it seems very odd to me since I don't see a reason for Windows to delete the driver.

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Configure Wireless Router WNR500 To Existing Wireless Network?

Oct 19, 2012

how to configure my wireless router WNR500 to my existing wireless network

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Windows 7 Reverts Back To Old Wireless Profile On Reboot?

Sep 23, 2010

Windows 7 continues to revert back to the old wireless profile despite me deleting all old wireless profiles. Wireless adapter is Edimax EW-7128g, newest drivers for Windows 7 64bit First set up a WEP profile the usual manner by connecting using the bottom-right wireless networking widget; "Save this connection", yes. Works right off the bat, first time Needed to switch to WPA on router for better security. Same router. Done. Entered new credentials using the same wireless networking widget. Works fine first time, right off the bat. Computer enters sleep mode overnight. Upon a wake (or restart, or cold boot) - Windows 7 reverts back to the old WEP profile. I go into "Manage Wireless Networks" I select the profile from the list, hit DELETE. Removes it from the list. ADD new profile, supply proper WPA credentials, "Save this connection". Works fine. Manage wireless networks displays proper information (WPA security) Restart, or reboot, or logoff. BOOM. Back to using the old WEP profile!Tried this using Administrator account and user account. Same behavior. Workaround is to change the security type credentials or delete & create a new profile every time windows is rebooted/logoff/restart. I cannot for the life of me figure this out. I am not using the vendor's connection utility. Windows cannot remember the new connection profile and despite me deleting the old one ... continues to revert back to it.

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Cant Find Wireless Network Can See Other Wireless Networks?

Feb 10, 2013

how come can't get signal internet in my houese althogh have a wifi in theh building my computer is dell kind? what need to do or something.

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Network Card Name Reporting Incorrectly In Wireless Network List Area?

Jan 30, 2012

My rig uses a Centrino Advanced-N 6230 wireless mini half-card. It reports the correct name except within the wireless network list. Instead of 6230 it reports 6320. I searched the registry to see if I could find the error, but nothing found. It's only a nuisance, and a minor one at that.

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Unknown Network After Every Reboot?

Feb 6, 2013

My son has a problem on his PC where everytime he starts up his computer or reboots he can't connect to the internet and the little network icon in the corner of the screen has a yellow warning sign. If you disable the network adapter and then re-enable it then the problem goes away.

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No Internet.Network Access After Reboot?

Mar 5, 2012

I have a laptop with a Intel N6230 wireless card which I'm having a strange issue with. I can be connected fine to my wireless network but if I perform a reboot the laptop 'connects' to the network however has no internet access (nor can I access the router via its ip address).The only way i can get it working again is delete the wireless adapter via the device manager, let windows re discover and install it, and all is fine again - nothing else is required. It continues to work fine until I shut down and reboot where it drops again (sleep modes or hibernation do not cause any problem).

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Have To Re-install Network Driver On Every Reboot?

May 2, 2011

I have two NIK's onboard the MB I thought had given out so I installed another in a available PCI slot.They work if I go into Device manager and remove them, then scan for new hardware, the drivers automatically install and it works, but when I reboot they no worky until I do the above step. [CODE]

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Problems With Network Card After Reboot

Jun 3, 2009

every time i'm doing a restart to my computer i see on the network icon next to the clock a yellow triangle that indicate on a problem. when i open it i see "no network..."

in order to fix it i need to DISABLE & ENABLE my network card and after this step the connection is back & i have internet. Someone know why i have this problem & how to fix it for good?

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Network Connectivity But No Internet After Reboot

Nov 25, 2009

I'm running 7 Home Premium 64bit on an HP box we got about a month ago.

Lately, when I restart the system, I can't get any internet connection. I can access shares on my home network, so the nic is working and I'm getting an ip address from my router. If I disable and reenable the nic, the internet connection works again. I've tried disabling firewalls and things like that, but the only thing that fixes it is the disable/enable.

The network "troubleshooter" can't see anything wrong, and everything looks like it's configured properly, and nothing has been changes since the initial setup. It worked fine for a couple weeks and now doesn't.

Anyone seen this before? Hints? The disable/enable isn't a big deal but I know at some point I won't be home and my wife will have a problem and I'd rather not deal with that!

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Network Shares Disappear After Router Reboot?

Jul 20, 2011

I have a wired network that has the following connected:1) My Main PC (Quad Core) with all the Shared HDD's (Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit)2) My Wife's PC (HP Touchsmart) Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit3) WD TV LiveHub (Media Player)4) WD TV Live (Media Player)5) My Second PC (Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit)6) My Third PC (Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit)and occasionally my laptop which has Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and Ubuntu 10Often my ADSL connection drops and I have to restart my router to get it running.Once I do that, and My Main PC is on AND any other PC is on too, the network shares disappear. If I go to "Network" on any PC only the Media Servers are shown and if I go to the Media Players, no shares are shown.If I turn off all other PC's and THEN restart my main PC all shares appear again.I have been searching the Internet but haven't found anything that worked.

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Network Places Remembering Old IP Settings After Reboot?

Nov 7, 2011

So, I have a class "A" IP Subnet in my home and a class "C" subnet. one is outside the "corporate" firewall and one is inside. My Laptop wireless always loves to obtain the which is the ISA router/firewall. Obviously there is an IP conflict here because the TMG/ISA server/GATEWAY already has that..

This only happens after a reboot and the IP settings that it "desires" are the following:
Subnet Mask:

It should be....
Subnet Mask:

Should I delete the network controller, or do I have to delve into the registry to get this crap sorted out? The Laptop ALWAYS connects to the N router but has a problem assigning the IP where it will just assign a bad IP or "first ip" in the sequence. There are times that I need to get beyond the firewall, and I need to assign it a class "c" but I don't understand why this should be having a bearing upon future connections. I have repeatedly reset the "arp" and DNS; to no avail.

I have typed this command at my last chance:
"netsh int ip reset c:

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Wireless Connection Network Says It Is An Unidentified Network?

May 12, 2011

Recently when I try and connect to the internet my wireless connection network says it is an unidentified network with no internet access. This never happened before.

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Map Network Drive Fails To Retain Password After Reboot

Dec 21, 2009

I have Win 7 ver 6.1 (build 7600) on Desktop and I have a Linux server. I don't use a password to logon to windows.

I successfully mapped Linux drives using my Linux user (which happens to be the same as the windows user) but on Linux I have a password. All the mappings were OK (4 directories) asking me on each one username + password + ticking the box called "retain credentials".

All went OK until I rebooted, then a message pop-up that "could not reconnect all network drives"...appeared: => the old stupid message from win XP.

Ok I opened My computer and surprise: My user and my password from the sharing pop-up window were gone! I've inserted them again and all went OK.

I thought they solved the old windows XP problem which clears the user + password from the Network drive mapping IF you do not have the SAME password as the mapped drives.

What can I do to retain that User+Password combination for good in Win 7 Mapping?

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Keep Having To Disconnect And Reconnect Internet?

Jan 19, 2011

Since doing a clean install of Windows 7 my internet keeps timing out. The icon in the task bar shows that it's normal, but I'll be online and after a couple minutes the internet just stops. When I click on the icon it says "connected" and "internet access."I have tried on both a Netgear and Apple router, so it's not a router issue. I reset the modem and routers a dozen times. I called my ISP and they said everything looks normal. My Droid phone works fine and so does a Macbook in the house.I have rolled back my Atheros5007 wireless card driver, which did nothing. And then tried upgrading the latest version, which did nothing. Uninstalled the driver then reinstalled, still with no luck.I was running Windows 7 fine all year and did the clean install as something I do every year to keep my computer running well.

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Reconnect One Usb Hardware To Computer?

Nov 21, 2012

how i can reconnect usb hardware to my lap top?

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Windows 2007 Does Not Reconnect To Server

Oct 26, 2011

I have a Toshiba L675D Laptop with Windows 7 Home edition and Microsoft Office 2007. When i turn on my computer first hing in the morning, my computer will not connect to the the drives located on our server. I have to restart or even shutdown and restart my computer sometimes multiple times before it will recognize the drives.

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How To 'reconnect' Relocated User Library Files

Feb 8, 2013

In preparing for install of SSD I used 'Properties>Location' to relocate user library folders from the system HDD to a different HDD. After I do a clean install of Win 7 Pro to the SSD, how do I reconnect the relocated folders?

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Laptop Won't Reconnect After Sleep If Wired Windows 7 Computer Is On

Nov 27, 2011

if my Win 7 computer is on and connected to the router (wired), then neither my Toshiba laptop (also running Win 7) nor an iPod will reconnect after sleep.

After reading through this forum, I tried disabling the Homegroup on both Win 7 computers. Even tried disabling the IPv6 on the network adapters.

I've also made sure power remains on to the wireless adapter even when computer is asleep. And updated all my drivers, etc. turning off the wired Win 7 computer. The laptop is also showing a Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter #3.

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