XP Mode Fails To Complete Setup Windows 7 Ult 64-bit

Dec 26, 2011

I recently set up a new computer, and managed to get a copy of Win 7 Ultimate. However, I get an ambiguous error when I attempt to set up the Windows XP Mode. I'm able to boot a virtual machine, and my CPU's VM options are turned on.

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Cannot Complete Setup - Windows XP Mode

Mar 21, 2011

Homebuilt PC, all appears fine but when trying to install/setup Windows XP Mode, the green progess bar gets approximately 98% complete then goes red and a message "Cannot Complete Setup Please Try Again" appears. I have tried four or five times now and same thing every time.

My system:
OS Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
CPU Intel Q9550
Motherboard Nforce 750i SLI
Memory 6 GB RAM
Graphics Card Nvidia 9500GT
Sound Card Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi
Screen Resolution 1920 X 1080

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Can't Complete Windows XP Mode Setup

Jun 9, 2011

i know theres another thread but instead of Hijacking his (i hate getting hijacked..) i'll start a new one,no wi tried the solution si've seen, chang emy username in Windows 7, defrag hard drive, download w/ IE, Firefox, Chrome, try another PC.. nada.its annoying because want to use it for Rosetta Stone: Japanese. and only issue running it in Windows 7 as is? as is it Will Not Find language CDs yet it will in XP.


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Windows 7 Back Fails To Complete?

Oct 1, 2010

each time try do schedule back up it fails to complete. Repeatedly requires first dvd subsequent attempts and says unable to write to dvd. driving me bonkers.

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Windows 7 Fails To Complete Booting After Software Update?

Jun 30, 2012

While recently using Nero 10's suite of programs I encountered a screen indicating several programs had newer versions and that I should update before continuing. I then updated the programs. The update process required a system reboot to complete the update, since part of the update process could not be completed while the system was running. After clicking on the "Reboot Now Button" the system went through a normal shutdown and start up process. However, after displaying the Windows 7 screen the system hung and I never saw the Windows 7 Logon screen.At this point I powered down and restarted the computer.

The computer displayed the "Windows did not shutdown properly last time" screen during the loading process. I then selected to finish booting in SAFE Mode. The computer then booted successfully and I was able to exercise the system. I then attempted to restart the computer from SAFE MODE but again encountered the "hanging" condition. I again attempted to reboot and once again received the "Windows did not shutdown properly last time" screen. Since booting into SAFE MODE hadn't solved the problem, I attempted to boot into SAFE MODE with networking.This caused the system to again "hang". In summary, I am able to boot into all but the SAFE MODE with networking capability, which reproduces the problem.Since SAFE MODE failed to resolve the issue, I attempted to boot from a Windows 7 Installation DVD. After successfully loading from I selected the "Repair your Computer" option, which then located the Windows 7 system and attempted to repair the error.

After completing the system repair, I again attempted to restart the system, thinking the repair had been successful. However, the computer again "hung" without displaying the Windows Logon screen.I then used an external USB drive containing Fedora 15 to successfully boot the computer. This has allowed me to "poke" around on the hard drive containing the Windows 7 system. I've examined the failing drives partition tables to see if during the updating process the drive had become corrupted. Upon examination of the drive's partition table, I could not find any apparent errors. The following screen shot shows the partition contents of the Windows 7 drive:[CODE]

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System Restore Fails To Complete

Jan 30, 2011

I have tried to restore my system to an earlier state to remedy the faulty uninstallation of a speech recognition programme, which tries to reinstall every time I start the computer. System restore restarts the computer but then tells me the restore process failed, once i am back to my desktop. OS is Windows 7 Home Premium and computer is an Acer Aspire laptop. System partition is encrypted using Truecrpyt.

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Windows 7 Won't Complete Setup Installation

Jul 9, 2012

I am trying to install my windows 7 and it wont complete the setup. After all the files load from my original disks, the computer restarts and starts the setup but its been a blank screen for over 2 hours now and still nothing. I can use the restore from an image file and it sets up in 30 minutes and works but i have no home group setup and cant read some external hard drives right so I wanted to try a clean install. The computer is a Gateway 64 bit.

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Cannot Complete Installation Of Windows 7 On RAID 10 Setup

Feb 18, 2010

- build a system with 1 WD1101FALS HDD and installed Windows 7 64 bit no problem. All was good for few days until I got a bug to set up a RAID 10.

- Went out bought 3 more of the same drives. All 4 drives are WD1101FALS 1TB.

- Set up the RAID 10 array on the ASUS motherboard, got the RAID drives for Win7 64bit on a USB key.

- Start install, no problem. Win7 asks for drivers, I click browse and select the drives from USB for the RAID. Install continues, files are copied, thing are flying, it's fast.

- Then 1st re-start

- Windows continues to install (finalizing things, registry update, etc).

- I get to 4 check marks on the Windows Install screen and then it goes into the last step "Completing Installation". The progress bar goes to about 80% complete and then

BLACK SCREEN, computer re-starts. Windows comes up with a message "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation can not proceed. etc.." It assks to press OK and and PC re-starts and the installation re-starts from scratch. I tried about 15 times, with different RAID drives, from XP to Vista, to Win7.

I have no clue what else I can try. Usually people have problem with the RAID drives but I have no problem with that step. The drivers are selected and seem to be working fine. The install almost completes.

Here are the images on how far along the install goes. The progress bar actually goes more than that, I just took a picture before the black screen.

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Windows Didn't Start Correctly - Could Not Complete Setup

Feb 5, 2013

When I turned on my laptop, I was prompted to start windows normally, so I did. Then, it came up with an error message that read: "windows didn't start correctly" so I pressed okay and it came up with the start windows normally again and now I get a message to restore my computer, so I did and now it gives a message that says: Windows could not complete setup what do I need to do to get it back up and working correctly?

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Windows 7 Reinstall - Complete OS Setup Process Before Doing Recovery

Mar 23, 2011

I'm looking to reinstall Windows 7 64 on my Gateway computer. I go into the advanced recovery options and tell it to reinstall to original factory. Everything is going well and the computer restarts to begin the process ... I choose my keyboard type at the prompt ... but then, I get this message in a dialogue box:

"Please complete operating system setup process before doing system recovery".

I have no idea what that means or what it is asking me to do. I've googled everywhere and can't find any info on it.

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Setup Is Starting Services / Windows Could Not Complete Installation

Jul 19, 2012

Setup is starting services.Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation.About one month ago I decided I wanted to have a clean install of windows 7 on my acer machine. I did this by using an acer made pre-installed program. It claims to be very straightforward, all you have to do is click a button and they will reinstall windows 7 for you and even back up all your data ,so that after the clean install you don't lose a thing. Sounded great but in reality it has stopped my notebook from working.I am now in a circle-jerk of the error message I stated in the beginning of this topic. Once my computer restarts it just gets me the same error message again. I tried booting from a bootable USB-key with the windows 7 iso downloaded from official sources. But this did not do anything from me. I also went to acer support in my city. They offered me to fix it. All they had to do is copy all the info of my hard drive I wanted to keep and do a fresh install of windows 7. Would take them 3 hours. This is the easyiests option for me. But problem is I live in China and I don't trust those tech support guys for good reasons. I went there with my laptop, the tech-support guy put in a usb-key and started up my computer. It started some kind of diagnostics. After 20 minutes of this he stopped the diagnostics and started running some chinese software on my computer. Presumably booting from the USB-key. After a couple of clicks he was browsing around on my hard-drive. I was right behind him and could see him every move. He was snooping around my folders looking for all sorts of personal stuff. He was going to folders he had no business going to. I think he thought I had no idea what he was doing or would not recognize he was snooping around on my computer. At one point he went into a folder and told him not to go there in chinese. He quickly exited, but then couple of seconds later went back to that same folder to do some looking around. Presumably cause he thought I would not notice. So I do not trust these people one bit. And would not want him to copy all the info of my hard drive to then re-install windows7.

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Windows 7 Installation Fails After 1 Setup Session?

Aug 2, 2010

I am trying to install Windows 7 on my Acer Predator 7750G but everytime the first installation phase stops it says that it cannot configure my computer so the installation will stop.I have had some virus problems on my HDD were i couldn't see what was on them, that is the reason why i have choosen to install from scratch on the computer!

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Error Code 6 - Setup Was Unable To Complete The Installation

Nov 1, 2009

i recently installed windows 7.. when i installed VIA drivers for graphics it didn't get installed properly... i had the message "setup was unable to complete the installation (error code-6) ".. so i was asked to upgrade my BIOS... i downloaded it and installed it... when i ran the update, the system just hanged up and nothing happened for hours,..

so i had to restart the system and went to BIOS settings and clicked load optimized settings,,,.. from then onwards my OS is booting until the windows startup screen appears and just hangs..it's not booting to the users login... but it logs in at times... i dont have any restore points too..what to do?

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Setup Will Only Run In Administrator Mode - Setup Is Aborting

Jan 16, 2009

When I try to install some programs and drivers i get error: 'Setup will only run in administrator mode. setup is aborting.'. I only have one account which has administrator rights. I have already tried to enable and disable UAC, booting in safe mode, run as administrator, enabling original administrator account, adding permissions, taking ownership, changing compability mode and other but nothig is solving my problem. I'm running windows 7 x64 build 7000.

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Windows 7 Fails To Go Into Safe Mode

Mar 7, 2010

I wanted to go into safe mode on windows 7 but it kept stopping at classpnp.sys. After reading a few threads I read about using Msconfig and checking the safe mode option under "Boot". It still keeps staying at classpnp.sys and when I hit F8 and hit "Last Known Good Configuration (advanced)" it seems to be able to get trough and it says it's actually loading up safe mode but then it changes to a black screen and does not change from that screen.

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XP Mode Will Not Complete Set Up

Jul 28, 2012

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit,i have downloaded XP mode but each time i try to install at the final point "cannot complete set up,please try again".There is nothing to indicate what problem occured.I have removed program and done fresh download but with the same result.

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Install Disk Fails To Boot Into Setup

Nov 22, 2009

I have downloaded windows 7 home premium upgrade ISO from the microsoft store. The burned the iso to disk using the image burner in windows.

My problem is that the disk will boot, and a "windows is loading" screen appears which only takes a minute. Then a windows background appears on screen with a cursor. That is all. No setup at all. What might be wrong here. I would like to make a bootable disk that works.

I can run setup from an OS, but that is not what I want to be able to do.

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System Fails To Boot Setup DVD - STOP ERROR 0x000000A5

Feb 26, 2010

run windows 7 on an old laptop, an hp pavilion zt1250 (1ghz, 1gb ram, 20gb hdd, dvd/cd, external wlan, xga screen, that sort of old). it isn't like a serious installation, it is more like a "post on Internet to a "windows 7 running on a nine year old laptop" or "wow your friends with your old computer running a newer os than their new one (possibly)"", and because it looks pretty darn cool. anyway, i pop in the install dvd and we get past the gray progress bar and onto "starting windows", until all of the sudden out of nowhere, just a second before the cutesy windows logo animation appears, i am instantly greeted with a blue screen saying nothing more than:

stop: 0x000000a5 (0x0001000b, 0x50434146, 0xffd0ac0, 0x00000000)

it does it on all install discs that i've tried, and it gives me the same error consistently every time. i even tried starting the installer within xp, and that starts okay, but after the first reboot where it boots the partially installed os from the hard drive, it does the same thing before it can continue. everything that is not essential has been unplugged, tried removing ram modules, on battery or plugged in, checked the extremely simple bios settings menu (you can change like three things, none of which pertain to the situation), and most other items that could possibly be covered here. this leads me to the conclusion, that since it my disc is fine and my hardware is fine (did a bios update), that the installation disc must be first modified in some way, perhaps to skip a certain unnecessary check?

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Backup Fails - Away Mode Error

Nov 16, 2009

Just installed 64-bit Win 7. Everything works well except backup fails. The error is "Away Mode". Unlike Vista, not way to turn Away Mode off.

Suggestions? 3rd party utility? Trick? MSI board in HP desktop - now way to get to BIOS to turn off.

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Hibernate Mode Fails- Wakes Up Unasked?

Sep 7, 2012

Every evening after hibernation, the computer comes out of hibernation unexpectedly, lights up the screen unasked for!Note: I have adjusted the power settings in control panel to do this w/o a password wake-up. Even the screen doesn't dim with no use! This is a new phenomenon, it was working properly about a month ago. I did at one time in the last month reset everything to defaults, but that was in response to the beginning of this problem !

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Virtual Windows XP Mode - Install And Setup

May 1, 2009

How to Install and Setup Virtual Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 ?

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"Windows Cannot Complete Installation In Safe Mode"

Dec 27, 2012

I reinstalled Win7 on my laptop yesterday (a recovery reinstall, not a clean one). The install worked fine, I'm able to boot up and use all my programs again no prob, but when I attempt to go into Safe Mode, it thinks Windows hasn't completed the install. While the message "Setup is starting services" is on the screen, a popup appears saying "Windows cannot complete installation in Safe Mode. To continue installing Windows, restart the computer".

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BIOS - Cannot Enter In Setup Mode / Laptop Shuts Down Automatically

Feb 16, 2013

My laptop does boot up when I press F2 to enter setup but in few seconds my laptop shut down automatically. I am using sony vaio model no. VPCEB46FG

Optional Information:
Computer OS: Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)

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No "Remember Credentials" Choice In XP Mode Setup Wizard

Aug 19, 2012

I've just freshly restored the Windows 7 Ultimate Edition image from the restore DVDs for my Thinkpad. Once I had completely installed all relevant Lenovo and Microsoft updates, I set up Windows XP mode while still logged in as the administrative user, an error. There was the option to remember user credentials in the second panel of the XP Mode Wizard which I selected and verified that the resulting XP Mode VM did autologin as required (integration mode was automatically started as well).

So I logged off that Windows 7 account and started the XP Mode Wizard in my usual standard user account, but this time there was NO "Remember credentials" option available in the second panel of the XP Mode wizard.

I logged back into the administrative Windows 7 account, deleted all the XP Mode files, and started the XP Mode set-up wizard again, and this time there was NO "Remember credentials" in the second panel.

In each case, the VM's "Delete credentials" button in the relevant VM settings page is greyed out, as is the ticked option to remember credentials lower down in that settings page. Integration is auto-started as well.

How can I restore the "remember credentials" function for XP Mode?

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Windows 7 Starter Getting Error On Initial Setup; Locked In Setup Loop?

Oct 5, 2011

one of the netbooks was plugged in to initially power it up, but then hard-shut-down before Windows could run through its initial setup.Now when I boot up the netbook, and it attempts to go through the initial windows setup "Setup is starting services", and then throws an error message: The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation.I restart, and the cycle continues. This happens whether I try to boot normally or in safe modeI've got no CD-drive attached to it, so I'm not sure what I can do to break this error cycle.

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Upgrade Install Of W7x86 Fails And W7x64 Fails To Clean Install

Jan 19, 2009

Clean installing Windows 7 x86 is no problem. But

1) upgrading Vista x86 to Windows 7 x86 fails and automatically rolls back to Vista, and

2) attempt to clean install Windows 7 x64 results in BSOD when rebooting to finalize the process.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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My Windows 7 Does Not Complete Backups

Jan 17, 2013

on my new hp laptop i used to do schedueled backups on my elements wd external hard drive regularly but suddenly it stopped completing backups because as soon as it gets around 70% my windows restarts the drive it happened 20 times already

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Windows Cannot Complete The Installation

Jul 27, 2011

something shut down my new laptop when i went to put on for some reason it needed to reinstall windows 7 home premium.... after loading windows files appears ....then it stops says please wait..... the screen goes black then reads setup is starting services a box appears andsays ........windows could not complete the installation............i push OK...it then says to install windows on this computer restart installation ............th;is happens over and over again....and nothing more........i have tried a restore,systems check,tried to open in safe mode,....

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Windows Could Not Complete The Installation...

Dec 25, 2011

Just got a new HP laptop for Christmas (yeah. It's not even 7 on Christmas morning and I'm already having problems.) I've seen a lot of people with this problem, but I can't fix it the way they did. "Windows could not complete installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation." Here's the catch:I can't start it in Safe Mode.I can't access task manager.F11 does nothing.I've tried alt+tab to see if these things are running in the background; they're not.I don't have any disks.It's an HP Pavilion dv7, and I got it refurbished.

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Can't Complete Install Of Windows 7 X64

Jul 22, 2012

I formatted my hard drive to reinstall windows and for some reason when I reboot the computer after installing from the DVD it won't go further than a black screen...

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Taskbar Is Complete Gone From Windows 7?

Mar 6, 2012

My taskbar is completly gone from windows 7.. everything else is working fine but I can't even pull up taskbar options in the control panel..

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