Unable To Get The Shell Integration To Work

May 19, 2008

I am running WinRAR 3.71 with x64 Vista Ultimate. The program runs fine, however I am unable to get the shell integration to work. It was enabled and I reset it, right clicked on a rar file and it still was not showing me the options of WinRAR.

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WinRAR Shell Integration Doesn't Extract, Disabling Windows Defender

Oct 19, 2007

I've had some issues with the winrar shell integration, the program works fine for extracting files with doubleclick to open it up, extract to etc. But using rightclick, drag, extract here just doesn't do anything. I figured it had something to do with the untrusted programs popupthing, so i tried disabling the Windows Defender which still didn't help.

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Unable To Get The Screensaver To Work

Oct 22, 2007

I am unable to get the Screensaver to work on my laptop that has Vista. Any thoughts on how I can get it to work? I have taken it back for service and no one can figure it out.

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Power Shell :: What Is It?

Nov 1, 2009

Somehow I acquired Windows Power Shell. Briefly what is it? Do I need it?

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The CPU And HDD Were Not Used While The Shell Was Hanging

Sep 21, 2009

I have a problem with Vista. Recently, if I don't use a computer about 20-30. minutes and then try to run something then the explorer hangs and doesn't, ALT + CTRL + DEL combination doesn't work . If a program was run before the shell hangs then it will continue to work whereas the explorer is hanging. I have tried to left performance monitor opened and found that the CPU and HDD were not used while the shell was hanging. If I active use the computer without long inactivity then nothing happens.

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Batch Files Unable To Work

Jun 22, 2008

For many years I have been using a batch file to back up files later than a
specific date to a temporary directory. I then copy them to an external hard
drive. My new computer has Vista business. I am unable to get the batch file
to work. Would someone please help?

Old version
call xcopy c:docume~1mikeha~1mydocu~1*.* C: emp3 /f /d:06-03-2008 /i /s

New version
call xcopy c:usersmikehdocuments*.* C: emp3 /f /d:06-03-2008 /i /s

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Missing Shell Registry

Nov 10, 2009

i think i accidentally deleted a shell registry that makes my windows explorer open up new windows all the time without a option to open within a window but always to open a new window whenever i double click a folder. How can i resolve this?

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Common Shell Files

Mar 12, 2010

For some odd reasons, after a friend had install a software for me on my computer, I have shell common files icons showing - mostly associated with video or music downloads, copy and/or when making my own video (using either sony vegas or movie maker). I think it's a bit bothersome because when I transfer file to thumb drive or cd, I have to make sure the shell files are attached. Also since then , most video and music files in my music or video folders have added shell files in folder automatically. Why did that happened and how can I fix the problem???? I can't seem to figure it out on my own!.

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Unlocker Shell Tool For 64 Bit?

Jan 31, 2009

Unfortunately Unlocker won't work in Vista 64. Is there another tool similar?

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Say No To Segoe - Changing The Shell Font

Jan 16, 2008

I searched the web in many places and could not find a way to completely change my system to not use Segoe UI fonts. I have a new 21-inch CRT and Segoe UI looks terrible, especially with ClearType turned off. I do not need ClearType at all on my CRT monitors. I need to use CRT's because I often need to change resolutions.

I looked everywhere for a solution... so I them messed around with the registry, and stumbled on something that may truely remove Segoe UI from my user interfaces and dialogs. I do not know how this works on other systems, or systems with Office 2007. I would be very interested in the results that others get, and also to see if someone has Office 2007 that can try it. I included the .REG files in the zip of this little app, so you can open those and see what I do. If it works, or not works for you, let me know. See this somewhat private link in my blog for the tools and .REG files...

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Unlocker Explorer' Extension Shell

Feb 15, 2008

I'm tryng to solve some issue on my Vista x64 based pc.

I've installed (as always in all my pc) the Unlocker prog ( HERE )

No problem during the install, Then I setup the program to work with Admin previlege(Run as administrator) but.I don't have any unlocker shortcut in my explorer extension (to be more clear.I have no Unlocker choice with right click on the file I want to unlock).I have the Unlocher assistent in the app Bar, but it is useless.

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Disable Shell Hardware Detection

Dec 10, 2008

how to disable shell hardware detection in Vista 64.
I own a gateway Fx6800, the mouse cursor in window explorer act funny, from the review page in gateway, one person said he has this problem also and he just disable the shell hardware detection and solve the problem.

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Wscript.shell Run And MS Office Files

May 15, 2010

My work setup is Vista Enterprise 32 bit with SP1 and Office 2007 and IE7. I am writing a browser based application using Visual Studio 2008. I have the following piece of jscript code:

function runFile(_fileName) {
var objO = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');
objO.run(_fileName, 1, false);

var objO = null;

and it works just fine for various file types (HTM, MSG, PDF, TIF and TXT) where it opens the application that has been associated with the relevant file extension and displays the file. But when the code is passed a .DOC or .XLS file name a copy of the relevant applicaton instance is started but before the document is displayed the jscript code gives the error message 'Unknown exception' with no further details. why the .DOC and .XLS files are not opening as expected?

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Windows 7 Beta: Unable To Get Library Search To Work

Feb 19, 2009

I'm gonna post this here because there is no Win7 usenet group (yet). Plain and simple: library search doesn't work for me at all. I've done the steps exactly to the tutorial: add ONE folder with subfolders (and I kept it to one tree for now) Then I tried searching, even for most primitive combinations like c*.* or c* but absolutely no search results. Does library search happen to be still broken in current public beta? (7000)

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Unable To Get Roxio Easy Media Creator To Work

Dec 31, 2008

I have not been able to get my Roxio Easy Media Creator to work. When I click on any of the icons, it says that the 'certificate is invalid or corrupted' and wants me to reinstall it. Is there some way of repairing this short of a complete reinstall? I have the Roxio disk supplied by Dell and I was hoping to get away with not having to completely reinstall the program. I have no luck with that stuff.

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Logging Into Windows Vista: Error Showed Up Saying Failed To Set Data For 'Shell'

Jun 14, 2008

Running Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 on HP Pavilion TX 1250ee laptop. I have a problem logging into Windows Vista. I get the screen up which allow me to select my account and enter a password. Then I get a welcome message. Trouple is it goes no further. The Screen went black with only a white cursor showing. Seconds later, an error showed up saying failed to set data for 'Shell' I've left it for few hours but nothing changed. I did some troubleshooting like testing the Hard Disk using the Built in Self Test in BIOS and everything was pass. I tried to login through safe mode and fortunatlly it's ok. but I don't exactlly know what's the problem? Before it did happen I was creating CD recovery for my computer using the Recovery Manager. Also, there was some updates from Windows which I think what cause the problem. I'm still troubleshooting and waiting for any respond from you guys.

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Unable To Send Email :: Unable To Connect To SMTP Server

May 5, 2008

I am unable to send email. Using Vista. Have emptied outbox as suggested in other posts. Outbox was emptied without difficulty, sent to drafts, then deleted. Created new email - tried to send - still couldn't. Error message - unable to connect to smpt server. Have gone to tols - accounts - servers - re-entered info.

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Extra Personal Shell Folders To Create Extra Folders

Aug 6, 2008

I love the personal shell folders so much I would like to create extra folders

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Drivers For IPX To Work On Vista, Didn't Work

Jul 1, 2008

I have been wracking my brain for weeks now, trying to play C&C First Decade with Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge over the LAN, it will only run on IPX networking which I could setup with 2x XP machines, I have Vista Ultimate on my PC, and XP on another, I found some drivers for IPX to work on Vista, didn't work ... So I loaded Hamachi which had built-in IPX support. Now when I open RA2, it no longer says IPX unavailable, it shows 00 00 00...

So it can see my Hamachi adapter with IPX support, great! The other XP machine has Hamachi installed, and they are both VPN'd (Connected) on the same Hamachi Network. They don't see each other... The XP machine shows a few IPX networks, I have tried switching to them all, even put the Hamachi adapter and the LAN adapter to the top of the preferred networks list. This was sort-of a breeze with both XP, but with Vista it's looking to be a bit tricky. I have no firewalls running on either machine and I am pretty cluey when it comes to networking (TCP/IP that is).

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Speakers Work But Headphones Dosent Work

Mar 23, 2008

Ive just bought some new headphones yet when i plug them in the sound still comes out of the speakers. I know the headphones do work because i use them with my mp3 player

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Software Doesn't Work, "Windows Hostprocess Doesn't Work"

Apr 21, 2009

I have had Windows Vista 64 for 2 Months now and of that period of time it worked soundly for about 2 Weeks. I am NOT an irresponsible User, I don't just delete Data, I know a little something about computing, I don't visit or download from dubious sites etc.

1) Without any reason software suddently doesn't work.
a) I installed a Antivirussoftware - after 3 Weeks it suddently didn't work any more (Kaspersky) I couldn't reinstall it.
b) I installed a new Antivirussoftware - after 5 days it didn't work anymore.
c) 4 days later I started to get errormessages "Windows Defender doesn't work any more" - "Windows Hostprocess doesn't work anymore"

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DVD/CD-Rom: Unable To Use

May 29, 2008

With my PC I do have 2 internal DVD/CD-ROM and another external via USB. All 3 disappeared from "My Computer" and from "Disc Manager" and I am now unable to use anyone of them. But in "Device Manager" they are shown with a yellow mark and a "!". If I uninstall anyone of them and reboot it will appear again in "Device Manager" with that mark. If I try to update its controller the Windows search Internet and a message says that best controller for it is already installed. But it is still not appearing in My Computer. All other hardware and programs are working OK including external storage, printer and scanner.

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Unable To Log Into WoW

Jun 20, 2009

I've recently updated my drivers (mainboard, network card, and graphics card) and for some reason I am unable to log into WoW with 3 of my 4 characters. I can log in with my rogue just fine and run around, but as soon as I try to log in any other character (warrior, druid, or DK) I'm instantly disconnected from the server as well as from my home network. The only fix is to restart the computer so I can get back onto the network. I've tested removing all addons, deleting the WTF, Cache, and Interface folders. I've done a repair using the Blizzard repair .exe and I'm still only able to log in using the rogue. I have two desktops and a laptop at home and I don't have a problem playing the game on any character using the other desktop or the laptop. I'm pretty sure there is some sort of corrupted file for WoW in my system and I'm wondering if there is a fix other than reinstalling the entire game.

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Vista Unable To See XP In LAN

Oct 11, 2008

I got a laptop with Vista Ultimate 32bit and a XP desktop

Both of my PC is connected to DSL-2640T Modem+Router.

I change both my PC under MSHOME group.

My laptop using wireless connection & my desktop is on cable.

I have read some thread by installing a update on XP and reset in Vista but nothing happens.

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Registery - Unable To Do ANYTHING.

May 7, 2009

i have recently ran a registery cleaner, i do not know why. I am now having troubles with my windows vista operating system. It seems i cannot access my registery but maybe you will be able to help me with whats wrong. i have tried to install a few applications since i have "cleaned" my registery. i get these errors:

Installing AVG:...........

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Unable To Get Or Update SP1

Apr 8, 2010

i think i'm kickin a dead horse here but i'm unable to get or update SP1 & 2 on my PC. i bought this PC 3 years ago with Vista on it. I thought i was getting all the updates i needed from HP. i guess not. When i go to windows updates, it looks for a minute then comes up with the 80080005 error. the no updates error. ok, so i got a hold of the HP people and they gave me links to do everything to make my horse come alive--AND jump through hoops. it ain't happenin......

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Unable To Overclock In X64

Jul 30, 2009

i realize my CPU is kind of a weak link in my set up but i've had excellent results overclocking it until i moved to vista. I previously ran XP Professional SP3 and had the system overclock to 3.1Ghz with no issues. The CPU temp ran at full load around 39C. Before i upgraded to vista i set all system settings back to default did my upgrade and then proceeded to push my overclock again. No matter when i changed my settings to it would show only the 2.8Ghz for processer speed in system settings. According to my motherboard the bus speed and multiplier are set high enough to obtain the 3.1 overclock again but the system settings are showing it only at 2.8Ghz.

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Why Unable To Ping

Jun 16, 2008

I have Vista basic edition. At the CMD command line, I cannot ping anything successfully (e.g., www.cnn.com, www.google.com).However, with my broswer, my Internet connection is working fine.

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Unable To Repair

May 12, 2010

I have been trying for ever to do an upgrade install, vista home premium 64 over vista home premium 64 to solve some WU problems but haven’t had any luck. I have no service packs installed, and are trying to upgrade from a non service pack vista disk. It seems to skip asking me if I want to upgrade at all. It goes like this

Insert vista DVD
Click install now
Product key screen (i don't put it in right now)
Choose version (home premium 64)
Agree to license
>>This is where it gets different<<
It asks to select partition (I dual boot xp)

After I choose the partition that contains my vista installation it gives me a warning that files may already be there and they will be moved to windows.old I went ahead and agreed once and it went to the screen that said copying files 0%... at which point I clicked cancel. I was afraid to leave it to see if it would..............

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Unable To Launch GOW On 32 Bit?

Mar 16, 2009

I am facing a problem on launching GOW it says some fix need to be done regarding Graphics in Vista.(i.e to download the fix for some memory Kp.). Anyone with same issue.... Please tell me the way to resolve this. Do i need to install SP1 to solve this...???

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Unable To Use Keyboard

Mar 28, 2008

I just recently built a new PC and I am installing windows home premium 64 bit for the first time on a PC. When installing vista everything was normal until there was a reboot in the installation. After the reboot it sent me to a windows error recovery screen where I am unable to select anything using the keyboard. The default selection is start windows normally so I wait for the countdown to finish because I have no other choice. Then it boots up and says the following:

The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation. So I click ok because once again I have to. Note: The keyboard is working again. This continues over and over again so I tried to reinstall windows again. I get the PC to boot from the DVD drive by using my keyboard and then it says: Press any key to boot from CD or DVD.

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