Lock Screen When Remote Assistance Session Ends

Mar 23, 2008

Does anyone know how to configure Vista so that if a Remote Assistance session end ths client being remotely controlled screen locks? Secondly - do you know how to configure the remotely assisted Vista desktop to automatically allow the remote controller UAC control? (the remote controller user will be a member of the local admin group on the controlled PC.)

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Remote Assistance: Connection Could Not Be Established As Remote

Jun 23, 2008

i am new to vista and i am using remote assitance to set up a friends comp, i have tried every way to establish a connection to their computer through remote assistance but i keep getting connection could not be established as remote user may have clossed the sessio, when the remote computer is awaiting connections, all firewalls have been disabled and the right ports open when enabled

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Can Not Connect To Remote Machine's Console Session

Mar 23, 2008

After installing the Vista Service Pack 1 update, I can no longer connect to the remote machine's console session. Prioir to SP1 I could connect to the console of the remote machine using Remote Desktop. Now when I connect I get a fresh desktop and not the console. Has anyone else run into this or found a fix?

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Remote Assistance From To XP?

Feb 6, 2009

I'm puzzled about something that should be really simple. I'm trying to provide Remote Assistance to someone who has Windows XP, and my PC is running Vista x64, but after making a connection I get a message saying that the other person is away from the computer and did not respond. This message is wrong, because the prompt never pops up on the other end. When I try connecting from the same network using my laptop which is running Windows XP, I am able to successfully connect and control their desktop.

While searching the web I read conflicting things. On the one hand some people say to tweak the Vista auto-tuning setting. That doesn't do anything to fix it. On the other hand, another message says that remote assistance from Vista to XP is not possible. Well if it was not possible then why doesn't Microsoft pop up an error message that says it's attempting to connect to an incompatible operating system? Why instead is there an error message saying that the person didn't respond? Seems like a bug to me..........

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How To Set Up Remote Assistance

Oct 1, 2009

"You cannot use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to remote computers running Windows XP." However, I noticed that Vista has Remote Assistance as well as Remote Desktop. So, mainly I want to know how to set up Remote Assistance on his PC (with XP) and Remote Assistance on my PC (with Vista). So, what are the step-by-step instructions for setting up Remote Assistance on his PC and on my PC?

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Remote Assistance Between XP And Machines

Jun 17, 2008

A friend needs me to help troubleshoot an application on his Windows Vista machine. I have an XP machine, and both of happen to use routers at home (he lives in a different city), and neither of us have unique IP addresses, just local IP addresses and the address of our routers. Connecting to each others machines is therefore a bit tricky.

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How Can Remote Assistance Safety

Mar 23, 2008

If I am remotely assisting another computer, and they are having to lower their firewall to let me in, can hackers more easily access their computer? I don't want to jeopordize their system.

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How Set Up Vista Remote Assistance?

Dec 27, 2007

I was wondering if it was at all possible to set up Vista Remote assistance so that you don't have to send out and invite every single time you want to use it?

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Remote Assistance Shortcuts

Jan 17, 2007

Remote Assistance in Windows Vista is a great tool that is ofter overlooked and forgotten about. When it is actually used, it can be very valuable when trying to troubleshoot issues and demonstrate how to do a task to remote users. I find it very helpful when trying to assist my parents when they have a computer issue. Instead of trying to blindly walk them through something on the phone, I can connect to their computer and show how since remote assistance allows them to see what I am doing.

In Windows Vista Remote Assistance has been greatly improved and now has many command line parameters that make it easy for administrators to create shortcuts for their users. Check out the sections below for various Remote assistance shortcuts: ...

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Windows Remote Assistance Connections

Jun 7, 2008

When I try to hookup (an e-mail received) "Remote Invitation" (.msrcIncident) from my Vista (Business) to my Vista (Home Premium) machine (from where the invitation originated) it is not received. The Business Vista machine accepts the correct password but I do not even get a dialog on the Home Vista box asking for permission to let somebody access the system. I get a dialog "Remote Assistant Cannot Make the Connection"......

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Remote Assistance, NAT And Firewall/Routers

Jul 29, 2009

my computer is unable to establish the connection.

Both computers are running Windows Vista Home Premium
Both computers are behind a firewall router

Having done some reading on this over the last couple of days, it **seems** the following configuration changes will make this work;

1) Configure Windows Firewall by enabling Remote Assistance as an exception
2) Enable Remote Assistance from the "Remote" tab under "System Properties"
3) Ensure the device network is set "Private" under Vista "Network and Sharing Centre"................

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Remote Assistance Invitation Via Email

Jan 14, 2009

When I attempt to open a Remote Assistance Invitation via email, it tries to open in Dreamweaver. See attached. When I do try to open it this way I just get a page of jibberish. I've tried to open the file with Internet Explorer, Notepad, and the remote assistance executable (msra.exe) but no luck. how to go about changing this to the corrrect application?

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Strange Remote Assistance Can't Sign

Jul 3, 2008

cannot log on to Windows Live messenger at all. We have done disk cleanup, deleted cookies and temp and temp internet files. I can log on to her WLM account from my machine, but all she gets is "Cannot sign you on at this time" messages. So, I though I'd try TeamViewer. Works here on my LAN, works from here to my daughter's machine 150 miles away. When she clicks on the customer exe, she gets a window up saying "No connection to the Internet" and the ID box shows the local IP and no password. I'm stumped as to what might be causing this. She can surf the internet, download files, send emails, etc etc but NOT log onto WLM or use TeamViewer.

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Xp To Remote Assistance Not Home Network

Jul 14, 2009

ok so my neigbor is really crap at computers,right so im sick of driving to his house so i tried to set up "remote assistance" but i can seems its not possible for the PC's to find each other i dont know how but i start it up and bang 30s later to connection? im scratching my head cause i actually called micrisift (idiots) and the tech guy actualy said he dosnt know whats wrong (isnt that against policy to admit the dont know wtf is going on?)

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Remote Assistance: Connection Always Times Out Or Fails

Mar 12, 2010

FIRST, the connection is being made over the internet, with an invitation and password, not within a local network.

SECOND, we can successfully make a Remote Desktop connection to each of the computers involved. If we can successfully configure Remote Desktop, then why not Remote Assistance, which uses some of the same communications protocols?

THIRD, we can succesfully communicate with Windows Live Messenger. However, if we choose the remote assistance option with the same contact, we cannot connect. Ironically, the connection appears solid in that one contact successfully sends a request and the other accepts the request, but the connection always times out or fails. The dialog suggests that the other user may have closed the Remote Assistance session, but they have not..........

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Remote Assistance Program Is Not On Start Menue

Feb 9, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate, where do I find the remote assistance program, I don't find it on the start menue anywhere, (of coarse I do wear trifocales). I have it in live messenger but it must be on windows start menue somewhere

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Remote Assistance Doesnt Work Msra.exe

Jun 16, 2009

I have an issue with Remote Assistance whenever someone sends me an invite through live I accept and it never launches the next window for me to see there screen and they never get the prompt. What I Have found thus far is that after a reboot it usually works and when it doesnt work I find msra.exe running in processes and as soon as I end the task it then comes up. This only happens on my Vista 64 Bit Ultimate Copy and doesnt happen at all with 32 Bit. I have DMZ on both firewalls off as well as on the PC and same results. and it is driving me crazy although I have a work around for the time being even though it is annoying

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Keyboard Icons: Systray That Indicate Caps Lock, Num Lock, And Scroll Lock?

Oct 9, 2009

How do we get rid of those keyboard icons in the systray that indicate caps lock, num lock, and scroll lock?

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Blue Screen :: Working In Terminal Server Session

May 8, 2008

I recently got a blue screen in Windows vista (while I was working in a terminal Server session) and would like to know anyone can help me determine the cause of it?

I was able to retrieve the following info when my PC started back:


Shut down unexpectedly

5/5/2008 8:41 AM

Not Reported

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.0.6001.
Locale ID:1033

Files that help describe the problem (some files may no longer be available)

Extra information about the problem

OS Version:6_0_6001
Service Pack:1_0

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HP On-Screen Caps/Num/Scroll Lock Indicator

Dec 17, 2008

THE "HP On-Screen Caps/Num/Scroll lock Indicator" shows up in Programs and eatures, but the size cell is empty!! Indicator lost during a previous "fix" of an unrelated problem. HP states they can neither replace the file nor download the file contenets. What, Where, and How can I retrieve the indicator as I have a &$@*+ remote keyboard?

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Black Screen In Remote Desktop

Mar 23, 2008

Has anyone else experienced the problem of an active connection REMOTE DESKTOP window going black without any error message? I suspect this may happen when someone on the host computer interrupts the connection, but there may be other reasons also. The problem is that we do not receive any error message indicated the nature of the disruption?

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WLM Beta: Ends Up At NineMSN Hotmail

Dec 19, 2008

I downloaded the newest WLM beta (build 14.0.8050.1202) and whenever I click on the Mail notification instead of taking me to the usual login page i end up at NineMSN Hotmail. They are technically the same site as after you login you end up in the same place but i prefer the look of the proper Hotmail (or Windows Live) login page.

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Starting Up Error With Fix Ends Shuts Down

Dec 22, 2009

I was trying to fix my computer. I have an acer laptop and when i was starting it before it would say there was an error starting up. It would then go into trying to repair the problem and there is always an error with the fix so it ends and shuts down. It will start in regular mode it just wil never get to the user selection screen. I also tried safe mode. i held f8 in the bedinning to open up the options and all three safe mode options were working. When i was in safe mode a pop up told me the system needed to restart and when it did it went back to the normal veiw out of safe mode but when i shut it down to try again it didnt work in regular mode only in safe mode again. Now it wont even work in safe mode. I try to enter safe mode and the list of commands starts running down the screen. It stops and then goes into the repair function again which will not work,. I am not able to get past and i would like to know what i should do or whetherthe hard drive is dead. In safe made there were also errors with microsoft programs opening and they would not open. I scanned the computer with avg but nothing came up.

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RDP To Console Session With RDP 6.1

May 23, 2008

In Windows Vista SP1 and XP SP3 the remote desktop client has been updated to version 6.1.  In this new version running mstsc /console to get to the console session no longer works. With RDP 6.1 you need to use the new /admin flag. 

To get to the console session run: mstsc /admin ...

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Remote Desktop Can Not Find Remote Computer

Mar 22, 2009

I'm running Vista Home Premium 64 bit on a new HP pavilion laptop. I'm trying to log into my work system remotely. The error I'm getting is "This computer can't connect to the remote computer. Remote desktop cannot find the remote computer. Type the computer name or IP address again, and then try connecting" I've tried the help desk at work, they say they know there has been issues with people loggin in with Vista, but its been resolved. But they have not actually been able to help me log in. They are running Windows NT.

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IE8: Remembering Tabs From Last Session

Dec 15, 2008

Is it possible to get IE8 (b2) to remember the tabs you had open in your last session?

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How To Delete Session Restore

Jan 28, 2010

Session Restore comes up on Internet Explorer 8. Where does it come from and how do I delete this forever?

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Able To Receive New Mail Only Once Per Session

Mar 23, 2008

This is an odd one - When I first start windows mail, it retrieves all new messages. When I click send and receive again, I get an error message that "Some errors occurred while processing the required tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details." The problem is that the Errors box is empty. If I quit mail and restart it, it receives new messages.

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For Brink: Ref The Network Idle Session Time Tutorial

Mar 16, 2009

PROBLEM: I have an XP laptop that I'm using as a file/print server, with two Maxtor external USB drives, and an HP color laser printer. I have a home network to which I've connected several computers (a wireless XP laptop and two Vista desktops, one Ethernet and one wireless). When I first booted up all the computers in the morning, my Ethernet-connected Vista desktop could access the HP printer and the Maxtor external drives. Thereafter, at some time later, I couldn't get to the XP laptop, nor the printer, nor the Maxtor drives. When I would click on the mapped network drive, I would get the "The specified network name is no longer available". If I rebooted, all was well -- for a time. I could never figure out a sequence of events that was causing the problem.

UNTIL... I came across this thread and your tutorial Network Idle Session Time to Automatically Disconnect ... OMG!!! THE SOLUTION. Life has been SO good since I set the autodisconnect to 'never'. Disconnect. Geez. I had no idea there was such a thing as Network Idle Session Time.

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Remote Desktop And Getting "This Computer Can't Connect To The Remote Computer

Sep 8, 2009

I am stumped as to an issue I am having using remote desktop. I have several machines in the office that have been using RD for a while without issue. All are XP SP 3 machines. I have a new Vista Ultimate machine that I am trying to remote to with an XP machine. I have set up RD on the Vista Machine, Firewall is checked, forwarded to the correct port, set the port rule on the router...all the typical issues I am aware of. Everytime I try to connect I get "This computer can't connect to the remote computer. Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact the owner of the remote computer or your network administrator." I can ping the Vista machine and I can remote from the vista machine to any RD enabled machine.

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System Restore Problem - Need Assistance

Mar 17, 2010

Recently, i've modified a little bit of my registry key In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Policies Microsoft Windows NT SystemRestore i've deleted two keys which is DisableConfig and DisableSR which i known that i deleted it because it says that can solve the system restore creation that disable by group policy after i deleted it, i can create system restore manually which i can't previously The problem is, after i deleted the value, the system restore points manually deleted too whenever i reboot the system, now my pc don't have any system restore point at all I've recreated the DisableConfig and DisableSR value, but it didn't works.

OS : Vista home premium 32Bit
Memory: 4GB
Graphic card: 255mb dedicated memory

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