Xp To Remote Assistance Not Home Network

Jul 14, 2009

ok so my neigbor is really crap at computers,right so im sick of driving to his house so i tried to set up "remote assistance" but i can seems its not possible for the PC's to find each other i dont know how but i start it up and bang 30s later to connection? im scratching my head cause i actually called micrisift (idiots) and the tech guy actualy said he dosnt know whats wrong (isnt that against policy to admit the dont know wtf is going on?)

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Remote Assistance: Connection Could Not Be Established As Remote

Jun 23, 2008

i am new to vista and i am using remote assitance to set up a friends comp, i have tried every way to establish a connection to their computer through remote assistance but i keep getting connection could not be established as remote user may have clossed the sessio, when the remote computer is awaiting connections, all firewalls have been disabled and the right ports open when enabled

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Remote Assistance From To XP?

Feb 6, 2009

I'm puzzled about something that should be really simple. I'm trying to provide Remote Assistance to someone who has Windows XP, and my PC is running Vista x64, but after making a connection I get a message saying that the other person is away from the computer and did not respond. This message is wrong, because the prompt never pops up on the other end. When I try connecting from the same network using my laptop which is running Windows XP, I am able to successfully connect and control their desktop.

While searching the web I read conflicting things. On the one hand some people say to tweak the Vista auto-tuning setting. That doesn't do anything to fix it. On the other hand, another message says that remote assistance from Vista to XP is not possible. Well if it was not possible then why doesn't Microsoft pop up an error message that says it's attempting to connect to an incompatible operating system? Why instead is there an error message saying that the person didn't respond? Seems like a bug to me..........

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How To Set Up Remote Assistance

Oct 1, 2009

"You cannot use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to remote computers running Windows XP." However, I noticed that Vista has Remote Assistance as well as Remote Desktop. So, mainly I want to know how to set up Remote Assistance on his PC (with XP) and Remote Assistance on my PC (with Vista). So, what are the step-by-step instructions for setting up Remote Assistance on his PC and on my PC?

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Remote Assistance Between XP And Machines

Jun 17, 2008

A friend needs me to help troubleshoot an application on his Windows Vista machine. I have an XP machine, and both of happen to use routers at home (he lives in a different city), and neither of us have unique IP addresses, just local IP addresses and the address of our routers. Connecting to each others machines is therefore a bit tricky.

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How Can Remote Assistance Safety

Mar 23, 2008

If I am remotely assisting another computer, and they are having to lower their firewall to let me in, can hackers more easily access their computer? I don't want to jeopordize their system.

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How Set Up Vista Remote Assistance?

Dec 27, 2007

I was wondering if it was at all possible to set up Vista Remote assistance so that you don't have to send out and invite every single time you want to use it?

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Remote Assistance Shortcuts

Jan 17, 2007

Remote Assistance in Windows Vista is a great tool that is ofter overlooked and forgotten about. When it is actually used, it can be very valuable when trying to troubleshoot issues and demonstrate how to do a task to remote users. I find it very helpful when trying to assist my parents when they have a computer issue. Instead of trying to blindly walk them through something on the phone, I can connect to their computer and show how since remote assistance allows them to see what I am doing.

In Windows Vista Remote Assistance has been greatly improved and now has many command line parameters that make it easy for administrators to create shortcuts for their users. Check out the sections below for various Remote assistance shortcuts: ...

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Windows Remote Assistance Connections

Jun 7, 2008

When I try to hookup (an e-mail received) "Remote Invitation" (.msrcIncident) from my Vista (Business) to my Vista (Home Premium) machine (from where the invitation originated) it is not received. The Business Vista machine accepts the correct password but I do not even get a dialog on the Home Vista box asking for permission to let somebody access the system. I get a dialog "Remote Assistant Cannot Make the Connection"......

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Remote Assistance, NAT And Firewall/Routers

Jul 29, 2009

my computer is unable to establish the connection.

Both computers are running Windows Vista Home Premium
Both computers are behind a firewall router

Having done some reading on this over the last couple of days, it **seems** the following configuration changes will make this work;

1) Configure Windows Firewall by enabling Remote Assistance as an exception
2) Enable Remote Assistance from the "Remote" tab under "System Properties"
3) Ensure the device network is set "Private" under Vista "Network and Sharing Centre"................

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Remote Assistance Invitation Via Email

Jan 14, 2009

When I attempt to open a Remote Assistance Invitation via email, it tries to open in Dreamweaver. See attached. When I do try to open it this way I just get a page of jibberish. I've tried to open the file with Internet Explorer, Notepad, and the remote assistance executable (msra.exe) but no luck. how to go about changing this to the corrrect application?

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Strange Remote Assistance Can't Sign

Jul 3, 2008

cannot log on to Windows Live messenger at all. We have done disk cleanup, deleted cookies and temp and temp internet files. I can log on to her WLM account from my machine, but all she gets is "Cannot sign you on at this time" messages. So, I though I'd try TeamViewer. Works here on my LAN, works from here to my daughter's machine 150 miles away. When she clicks on the customer exe, she gets a window up saying "No connection to the Internet" and the ID box shows the local IP and no password. I'm stumped as to what might be causing this. She can surf the internet, download files, send emails, etc etc but NOT log onto WLM or use TeamViewer.

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Remote Assistance: Connection Always Times Out Or Fails

Mar 12, 2010

FIRST, the connection is being made over the internet, with an invitation and password, not within a local network.

SECOND, we can successfully make a Remote Desktop connection to each of the computers involved. If we can successfully configure Remote Desktop, then why not Remote Assistance, which uses some of the same communications protocols?

THIRD, we can succesfully communicate with Windows Live Messenger. However, if we choose the remote assistance option with the same contact, we cannot connect. Ironically, the connection appears solid in that one contact successfully sends a request and the other accepts the request, but the connection always times out or fails. The dialog suggests that the other user may have closed the Remote Assistance session, but they have not..........

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Remote Assistance Program Is Not On Start Menue

Feb 9, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate, where do I find the remote assistance program, I don't find it on the start menue anywhere, (of coarse I do wear trifocales). I have it in live messenger but it must be on windows start menue somewhere

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Remote Assistance Doesnt Work Msra.exe

Jun 16, 2009

I have an issue with Remote Assistance whenever someone sends me an invite through live I accept and it never launches the next window for me to see there screen and they never get the prompt. What I Have found thus far is that after a reboot it usually works and when it doesnt work I find msra.exe running in processes and as soon as I end the task it then comes up. This only happens on my Vista 64 Bit Ultimate Copy and doesnt happen at all with 32 Bit. I have DMZ on both firewalls off as well as on the PC and same results. and it is driving me crazy although I have a work around for the time being even though it is annoying

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Lock Screen When Remote Assistance Session Ends

Mar 23, 2008

Does anyone know how to configure Vista so that if a Remote Assistance session end ths client being remotely controlled screen locks? Secondly - do you know how to configure the remotely assisted Vista desktop to automatically allow the remote controller UAC control? (the remote controller user will be a member of the local admin group on the controlled PC.)

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Why Cannot Remote Connect XP Laptop To Home PC?

May 10, 2009

I knew Vista Home does not allow remote desktop connection to it. I followed some online hack and install some Terminal Service hack file. It worked when my laptop Windows XP sits close to the Vista HOME PC, when the laptop is using wireless and the Vista is using Internet LAN connection. I made sure my Kaspasky Internet Security Firewall is open for RDP port. But the moment when I move out of my home, and bring the laptop to an outside network, I cann't connect to the Vista Home PC anymore. If RDP to Vista is not an option. What is the next best remote connection software that allows smooth file transform and clipboard transfer, as seamless as RDP?

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Routers: Possible To Connect From A Remote Location Via VPN Without Home PC Being ON

Jun 18, 2009

Are there routers that make it possible to connect from a remote location (e.g. open Wi-Fi somewhere) via VPN without my home PC being ON?

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Remote Desktop Connection Via RD From Biz To Home Premium

Feb 6, 2009

I am trying to connect via RDC from a Vista Biz machine to a Vista Home Premium machine. It is calling for my credentials and I can't find anything that will tell me what my credentials are supposed to be. All I can find in forums are questions about why Vista won't save them. I just want to know what they are. Neither machine is password protected, so what should I enter? The username for the Biz machine? The username for the Home machine?

Neither? What about the password? In any case, I am (of course) denied access with a message saying "Your credentials did not work".

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Home Premium Remote Desktop: Not Possible Over Internet

May 11, 2009

I've seen several posts concerning the inability to Remote Access a Vista (x86) Home Premium machine. I can easily access my Vista desktop from an MCE2005 XP machine using Live Mesh -- at least from behind the NAT on my home network. Am I to understand that this is definitively not possible from a remote computer over the internet?

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Remote Desktop Connection And Home Premium

Apr 21, 2008

Does the Home Preium edition of Windows Vista have the Remote Desctop Connection option?

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Network; Remote Wake-up

Apr 18, 2009

Running Vista 32 Bit Home Prem on Desktop and Laptop. My Home Network has Wireless Router...Desktop is hard wired to Router, Laptop is wireless. Recently configured Network to let me share Printer connected to Desktop via USB connection. The Desktop is set to sleep after 60 mins. What I didn't realize is when Desktop goes to Sleep the Network doesn't see it, and, trying to print from the Laptop to the shared printer will not work. Is there away given the configuration of my Home Network that I can Wake the Desktop from my Laptop when I want to Print from the Laptop when the Desktop has gone to Sleep? I realize I could just not let the Desktop to go into Sleep....but that defeats the Power saving feature which is important to me.

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Remote Access Not Connected Network

Jan 1, 2010

I am using vista ultimate, I noticed that under properties in my computer/remote,the box is checked for remote access?,as I am not connected to any networks,is this neccessary?,can I un tick the box?,or do I just leave it?

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Remote Desktop Can Not Find Remote Computer

Mar 22, 2009

I'm running Vista Home Premium 64 bit on a new HP pavilion laptop. I'm trying to log into my work system remotely. The error I'm getting is "This computer can't connect to the remote computer. Remote desktop cannot find the remote computer. Type the computer name or IP address again, and then try connecting" I've tried the help desk at work, they say they know there has been issues with people loggin in with Vista, but its been resolved. But they have not actually been able to help me log in. They are running Windows NT.

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No Home Network Available

Mar 23, 2008

1.a wireless laptop running Vista Ultimate. 2.an ethernet wired desktop running Vista Ultimate. 3.a SM8014W-G gateway. The laptop and the desktop can connect to the internet with no poroblems. I can ping the laptop( from the desktop. I get "request timed out" when I ping the desktop( from the laptop. When I map the network, my gateway icon on each computer shows up as a different address. The laptop gateway icon has, whereas the desktop gateway icon has I have double and triple checked all the Vista settings for network discovery, file and printer sharing, they are set correctly on both devices. If I connect the laptop to my desktop through a crossover cable, I do have a network available on which I can share all files and printers without any problem.

I have contacted my ISP (Rogers) numerous times and they told me I had to contact the manufacturer(SMC) as they only provide support for connectivity. I contacted SMC and they told me that Rogers had to provide support as Rogers has all the administrator rights to my gateway. I contacted Rogers and they told me that I had to "use a PRIVATE IP address and not a PUBLIC IP address". Umm, isn't the 192. series the private IP's? Needless to say I don't believe anyone at Rogers knows what they're doing. I am also beginning to believe that my gateway is not designed to create a home network and is just a modem with multiple connection ports. Aside from returning the gateway to rogers for a regular single connection modem and purchasing a router from say best buy, do you all have any ideas? I am only looking to set-up a home network consisting of a laptop and a desktop for file and prineter sharing.

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Setting Up A XP/ Home Network

Oct 16, 2009

I am trying to set up a small network but having some difficulties – it does not work - I have done everything I think I should have done but still it does not work. OK what I have is two desktop machines DT (1) and DT(2) running XP Pro I think with SP2 – dont think I have SP3 and a nice four port O2 wirelessrouter which seems to be a Thomson Telecoms product and lovely new and shiny New Toshiba Tecra M10 running Vista Business. I am running ZoneAlarm as my firewall.

At the movement my main DT PC (1) is the only XP PC connected - obviously using Cat 5 cable and the Toshiba Laptop is also connected using Cat 5 cable. I did the XP set up a home network wizard and that seemed to be OK. I have set both the DT (1) and the LT to be on the same workgroup and on the DT (1) when I go to My Networks and then workgroup I can see (icons for) both the DT (1) and the LT.

I have multiple LARGE drives on the DT (1) and this is why I want the other DT (2) machine on the network to use as a fileserver – i have what must be close to a trillion pictures that i want to sort out - the work of a lifetime and a lifetimes work and i still have years of negatives to scan and sort I will then move all (apart from one) HDD’s to the second DT (2)............

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Home Network: Able To Map The C Drives

Mar 23, 2008

i'm trying to network my laptop with my desktop via my modem. i cant seem to get it right. only thing i did so far was to access the public folder. i want to be able to map the C drives onto both machines.

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Printing In Home Network

Mar 23, 2009

I have an annoying problem that might be a Vista problem. I am using a D-Link router with a built-in printerserver and a USB cable from the server to a HP Deskjet printer (I have two, one 1500-series, one 2300, both having the same problem). Ok. I install the printer via a TCP/IP port, no problem. I print a test page, it starts ok, but stops and hangs 2-3 lines from the end, and the print queu hangs. I have contacted HP, no help, and Microsoft, no help. No error messages. Has anyone heard of this, I have found nothing in different fora? In addition: I also have a PC using XP, use the same print server and printer without any problems

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XP Home Network Not Accessable

Mar 23, 2008

I have a desktop running XP Home SP2, and a new laptop running Vista Home Premium. I would like to access the DVD-ROM drive on the latop from the desktop. I have successfully shared my desktop resources with the laptop, but not vice versa. Both computers are on the same Workgroup. I have turned off Password protected sharing and shared the DVD-ROM drive in the Folders window. Network Discovery and File Sharing are on.

When I try to access the laptop from my desktop through Windows Explorer>My Network Places>Microsoft Windows Network>"workgroup name">"Laptop name" I get a window that says "'laptop name' not accessable. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions."

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How To Send Fax From Home Network

Feb 6, 2009

We have four or so computers on a home office network, with one of them being used as a fax receiver, using the fax software that comes with Windows. We want to be able to send faxes from each computer, via that one that is connected to the phone line. It has XP, most of the others have Vista.

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Cannot Connect To Home Network

Mar 24, 2007

I cannot connect to my existing small home network unless I plug directly into the cable modem. Three other PC's in the house connect properly via the router/switch (all XP machines) but I cannot. I have disabled firewall, have no AV or other security software installed yet, have checked all settings

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