Remote Assistance: Connection Always Times Out Or Fails

Mar 12, 2010

FIRST, the connection is being made over the internet, with an invitation and password, not within a local network.

SECOND, we can successfully make a Remote Desktop connection to each of the computers involved. If we can successfully configure Remote Desktop, then why not Remote Assistance, which uses some of the same communications protocols?

THIRD, we can succesfully communicate with Windows Live Messenger. However, if we choose the remote assistance option with the same contact, we cannot connect. Ironically, the connection appears solid in that one contact successfully sends a request and the other accepts the request, but the connection always times out or fails. The dialog suggests that the other user may have closed the Remote Assistance session, but they have not..........

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Remote Assistance: Connection Could Not Be Established As Remote

Jun 23, 2008

i am new to vista and i am using remote assitance to set up a friends comp, i have tried every way to establish a connection to their computer through remote assistance but i keep getting connection could not be established as remote user may have clossed the sessio, when the remote computer is awaiting connections, all firewalls have been disabled and the right ports open when enabled

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Remote Desktop Connection Fails

May 6, 2008

I have two laptops running on the workgroup both wireless and using the same router.

Laptop 1 - XP Pro SP2
Laptop 2 - Vista Business

Computer I want to access via RDC (Computer Name on RDC Screen) CompName.Domain. XP Pro connects and brings up RDC terminal to machine to login. Entering in the login and password logs into the machine. Vista Business asks for credentials when logging into Domain: CompName.Domain. No RDC Terminal comes up. The login and password entered gives an error message that "This computer can't connect to the remote comuter".

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Remote Assistance From To XP?

Feb 6, 2009

I'm puzzled about something that should be really simple. I'm trying to provide Remote Assistance to someone who has Windows XP, and my PC is running Vista x64, but after making a connection I get a message saying that the other person is away from the computer and did not respond. This message is wrong, because the prompt never pops up on the other end. When I try connecting from the same network using my laptop which is running Windows XP, I am able to successfully connect and control their desktop.

While searching the web I read conflicting things. On the one hand some people say to tweak the Vista auto-tuning setting. That doesn't do anything to fix it. On the other hand, another message says that remote assistance from Vista to XP is not possible. Well if it was not possible then why doesn't Microsoft pop up an error message that says it's attempting to connect to an incompatible operating system? Why instead is there an error message saying that the person didn't respond? Seems like a bug to me..........

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How To Set Up Remote Assistance

Oct 1, 2009

"You cannot use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to remote computers running Windows XP." However, I noticed that Vista has Remote Assistance as well as Remote Desktop. So, mainly I want to know how to set up Remote Assistance on his PC (with XP) and Remote Assistance on my PC (with Vista). So, what are the step-by-step instructions for setting up Remote Assistance on his PC and on my PC?

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Remote Assistance Between XP And Machines

Jun 17, 2008

A friend needs me to help troubleshoot an application on his Windows Vista machine. I have an XP machine, and both of happen to use routers at home (he lives in a different city), and neither of us have unique IP addresses, just local IP addresses and the address of our routers. Connecting to each others machines is therefore a bit tricky.

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How Can Remote Assistance Safety

Mar 23, 2008

If I am remotely assisting another computer, and they are having to lower their firewall to let me in, can hackers more easily access their computer? I don't want to jeopordize their system.

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How Set Up Vista Remote Assistance?

Dec 27, 2007

I was wondering if it was at all possible to set up Vista Remote assistance so that you don't have to send out and invite every single time you want to use it?

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Remote Assistance Shortcuts

Jan 17, 2007

Remote Assistance in Windows Vista is a great tool that is ofter overlooked and forgotten about. When it is actually used, it can be very valuable when trying to troubleshoot issues and demonstrate how to do a task to remote users. I find it very helpful when trying to assist my parents when they have a computer issue. Instead of trying to blindly walk them through something on the phone, I can connect to their computer and show how since remote assistance allows them to see what I am doing.

In Windows Vista Remote Assistance has been greatly improved and now has many command line parameters that make it easy for administrators to create shortcuts for their users. Check out the sections below for various Remote assistance shortcuts: ...

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Windows Remote Assistance Connections

Jun 7, 2008

When I try to hookup (an e-mail received) "Remote Invitation" (.msrcIncident) from my Vista (Business) to my Vista (Home Premium) machine (from where the invitation originated) it is not received. The Business Vista machine accepts the correct password but I do not even get a dialog on the Home Vista box asking for permission to let somebody access the system. I get a dialog "Remote Assistant Cannot Make the Connection"......

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Remote Assistance, NAT And Firewall/Routers

Jul 29, 2009

my computer is unable to establish the connection.

Both computers are running Windows Vista Home Premium
Both computers are behind a firewall router

Having done some reading on this over the last couple of days, it **seems** the following configuration changes will make this work;

1) Configure Windows Firewall by enabling Remote Assistance as an exception
2) Enable Remote Assistance from the "Remote" tab under "System Properties"
3) Ensure the device network is set "Private" under Vista "Network and Sharing Centre"................

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Remote Assistance Invitation Via Email

Jan 14, 2009

When I attempt to open a Remote Assistance Invitation via email, it tries to open in Dreamweaver. See attached. When I do try to open it this way I just get a page of jibberish. I've tried to open the file with Internet Explorer, Notepad, and the remote assistance executable (msra.exe) but no luck. how to go about changing this to the corrrect application?

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Strange Remote Assistance Can't Sign

Jul 3, 2008

cannot log on to Windows Live messenger at all. We have done disk cleanup, deleted cookies and temp and temp internet files. I can log on to her WLM account from my machine, but all she gets is "Cannot sign you on at this time" messages. So, I though I'd try TeamViewer. Works here on my LAN, works from here to my daughter's machine 150 miles away. When she clicks on the customer exe, she gets a window up saying "No connection to the Internet" and the ID box shows the local IP and no password. I'm stumped as to what might be causing this. She can surf the internet, download files, send emails, etc etc but NOT log onto WLM or use TeamViewer.

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Xp To Remote Assistance Not Home Network

Jul 14, 2009

ok so my neigbor is really crap at computers,right so im sick of driving to his house so i tried to set up "remote assistance" but i can seems its not possible for the PC's to find each other i dont know how but i start it up and bang 30s later to connection? im scratching my head cause i actually called micrisift (idiots) and the tech guy actualy said he dosnt know whats wrong (isnt that against policy to admit the dont know wtf is going on?)

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Remote Assistance Program Is Not On Start Menue

Feb 9, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate, where do I find the remote assistance program, I don't find it on the start menue anywhere, (of coarse I do wear trifocales). I have it in live messenger but it must be on windows start menue somewhere

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Remote Assistance Doesnt Work Msra.exe

Jun 16, 2009

I have an issue with Remote Assistance whenever someone sends me an invite through live I accept and it never launches the next window for me to see there screen and they never get the prompt. What I Have found thus far is that after a reboot it usually works and when it doesnt work I find msra.exe running in processes and as soon as I end the task it then comes up. This only happens on my Vista 64 Bit Ultimate Copy and doesnt happen at all with 32 Bit. I have DMZ on both firewalls off as well as on the PC and same results. and it is driving me crazy although I have a work around for the time being even though it is annoying

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Lock Screen When Remote Assistance Session Ends

Mar 23, 2008

Does anyone know how to configure Vista so that if a Remote Assistance session end ths client being remotely controlled screen locks? Secondly - do you know how to configure the remotely assisted Vista desktop to automatically allow the remote controller UAC control? (the remote controller user will be a member of the local admin group on the controlled PC.)

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Remote Desktop Can't Get Connection

May 30, 2008

I am trying to connect to my Vista Ultimate 32 machine from an XP Professional machine. I can't get a connection or even an attempt at a connection. Here is what I've tried so far.

- I turned off the Windows firewall.
- I am connecting from another computer inside my network.
- I have tried both the (less secure) and (more secure) options in the Remote desktop area.
- I have tried to telnet to my machine to port 3389 and it fails to connect.
- I can ping the machine, see shared directories and connect to remote management.
- I have turned on all services having to do with remote access and terminal services.

So just clarify, it isn't a router issue, I am just trying to connect from one machine to another inside my network. Once I get that working, I will setup the router. I have been searching around for a while trying to find the answer to this problem. I have seen a hundred posts related to this topic but they all seem to end to at "try to telnet to port 3389" with no further responses

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VPN And Remote Desktop Connection

May 30, 2008

I have a new Lenovo with Vista for business OS (that replaces my old thinkpad on XP). At my office, I am able to use remote desktop connection to remotely operate my work pc (a VISTA business OS) - by attaching to the work network by wire. However, at home I use the VPN to connect to the work network. THe VPN connects just fine but the RDC comes up with the error message "This computer can't connect to the remote PC." At home I have a 3 PC wired network with the notebook being one of the connections. THe other PCs are XP pro's and can connect via the VPN and RDC to my work PC with no problems.

I've read the posts and it seems there isn't a clear answer to this problem. Also, if there is a fix that affects my home network, then what happens when I'm traveling and use the broadband connection in a hotel? If the issue is opening ports, I'll need some help as my experience with my router (netgear) is basic to moderate. I need to resolve this as I leave town in a week for business and I need to connect

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SP1 Remote Desktop Connection

Mar 24, 2008

Just installed SP1 on Vista Business here at work and now we are unable to RDP to a Windows 2000 box that we use. Is there some new elevated privileges canceling this out that we can disable and go back to? Error: Because of a protocol error, this session will be disconnected. Please try connecting to the remote computer again. The server is up that I'm telneting too (we have XP machines that reach it fine) and I can telnet to it from the Vista machine.

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Connection To The Internet Fails

May 13, 2009

It's a small office, we have maybe 7 or 8 computers. 1 or 2 connect wirelessly, the rest are wired. I guess the situation before I got here was that they were going to try going wireless but it didn't work for whatever reason. (My boss used a Dummie's book to set up the server and network). So the current environment is that there are multiple gateways. When I first started I had some Compaq computer and it was fine. Then I started getting very intermittent (almost non-existant) connection to the internet. When it did connect, it would go slow.........................

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How To Do Remote Connection So That I Can Work On A PCs Remotely

Aug 9, 2009

how to do remote connection so that I can work on a PCs remotely.

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How Install Remote Desktop Web Connection

Apr 25, 2008

How to install TSWEB (Remote Desktop Web Connection) on Windows Vista Ultimate?

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Remote Desktop Loses Connection

Mar 1, 2009

my apologies for not using the quote on my prior message of "Have a new laptop with vista home premium 64bit can not stay logged in to remote dektop at workplace running vista business (?32 or 64?) lose connection
in 1 to 5 minutes". I tried to use the quote button nd it sid my message was to short I tried to add text and the quote button when pushed threw out a pop up that said message to short even with added text

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Lost Remote Desktop Connection

Jun 16, 2008

In error, I unistalled Remote Desktop Connection when I was having EXTREME problems with VPN. Now I can't reinstall it. I found a link at MS, Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows XP (KB925876), but when I try to run or save it, I get an error message "Not enough storage is available to process this command." I then saved the program to my desktop which it readily accepted, but it wont let me run it.

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Remote Desktop Connection Via RD From Biz To Home Premium

Feb 6, 2009

I am trying to connect via RDC from a Vista Biz machine to a Vista Home Premium machine. It is calling for my credentials and I can't find anything that will tell me what my credentials are supposed to be. All I can find in forums are questions about why Vista won't save them. I just want to know what they are. Neither machine is password protected, so what should I enter? The username for the Biz machine? The username for the Home machine?

Neither? What about the password? In any case, I am (of course) denied access with a message saying "Your credentials did not work".

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How To Bypass Firewall On Side For Remote Connection...

Feb 25, 2009

i need a way to connect to my home computer from school but the firewall is restricting incoming connections from RDC so i cant get any feedback. I have admin access (dont ask) and have disabled the local firewall but it still blocks the connection so the firewall on the server must be blocking it. Is there software I could install like logmein which would let me do it but doesn't need a webpage to use ( and doesn't get stopped by a firewall?

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Remote Desktop Connection - Credential Tiles?

Mar 23, 2008

I've got an Acer 6292 laptop and I'm running Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 just installed), and for some reason RDC doesn't seem to work. I can establish a VPN connection OK but when I try to connect to my work computer using RDC I get a "Windows Security" box saying 'Looking for credential tiles...'. Then it just seems to keep searching and the next input box never shows up. Interestingly after I cancel RDC the application stalls but I don't get a "No response" error - it just hangs and nothing can be input in that window. I have to go into Task Manager to manually End Task.

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Remote Desktop Connection And Home Premium

Apr 21, 2008

Does the Home Preium edition of Windows Vista have the Remote Desctop Connection option?

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Configuring Remote Desktop Connection Error

Apr 4, 2008

i'm trying to use the RDC in my pc running Vista Home Premium to get connect on a Windows 2003 server. I'm getting error when i try to log on. I open the port in my firewall already and i did most of the steps that windows help gave to me.

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Connection Fails: Cannot Receive Or Send Email

Dec 18, 2009

I have Windows Vista For the last 2 months every evening between 5PM and 10PM I cannot receive or send email. The message I get is The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP 3, Port: 110, Secure (SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number Ox800CCCOE

The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'windows mail', Server: '', Protocol: POP 3, Port 110, Secure (SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number Ox800CCCOE. My email runs fine any other time except between those times above.

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