How To Do Remote Connection So That I Can Work On A PCs Remotely

Aug 9, 2009

how to do remote connection so that I can work on a PCs remotely.

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Remote Assistance: Connection Could Not Be Established As Remote

Jun 23, 2008

i am new to vista and i am using remote assitance to set up a friends comp, i have tried every way to establish a connection to their computer through remote assistance but i keep getting connection could not be established as remote user may have clossed the sessio, when the remote computer is awaiting connections, all firewalls have been disabled and the right ports open when enabled

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Remote Desktop Can't Get Connection

May 30, 2008

I am trying to connect to my Vista Ultimate 32 machine from an XP Professional machine. I can't get a connection or even an attempt at a connection. Here is what I've tried so far.

- I turned off the Windows firewall.
- I am connecting from another computer inside my network.
- I have tried both the (less secure) and (more secure) options in the Remote desktop area.
- I have tried to telnet to my machine to port 3389 and it fails to connect.
- I can ping the machine, see shared directories and connect to remote management.
- I have turned on all services having to do with remote access and terminal services.

So just clarify, it isn't a router issue, I am just trying to connect from one machine to another inside my network. Once I get that working, I will setup the router. I have been searching around for a while trying to find the answer to this problem. I have seen a hundred posts related to this topic but they all seem to end to at "try to telnet to port 3389" with no further responses

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VPN And Remote Desktop Connection

May 30, 2008

I have a new Lenovo with Vista for business OS (that replaces my old thinkpad on XP). At my office, I am able to use remote desktop connection to remotely operate my work pc (a VISTA business OS) - by attaching to the work network by wire. However, at home I use the VPN to connect to the work network. THe VPN connects just fine but the RDC comes up with the error message "This computer can't connect to the remote PC." At home I have a 3 PC wired network with the notebook being one of the connections. THe other PCs are XP pro's and can connect via the VPN and RDC to my work PC with no problems.

I've read the posts and it seems there isn't a clear answer to this problem. Also, if there is a fix that affects my home network, then what happens when I'm traveling and use the broadband connection in a hotel? If the issue is opening ports, I'll need some help as my experience with my router (netgear) is basic to moderate. I need to resolve this as I leave town in a week for business and I need to connect

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SP1 Remote Desktop Connection

Mar 24, 2008

Just installed SP1 on Vista Business here at work and now we are unable to RDP to a Windows 2000 box that we use. Is there some new elevated privileges canceling this out that we can disable and go back to? Error: Because of a protocol error, this session will be disconnected. Please try connecting to the remote computer again. The server is up that I'm telneting too (we have XP machines that reach it fine) and I can telnet to it from the Vista machine.

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Remote Desktop Connection Fails

May 6, 2008

I have two laptops running on the workgroup both wireless and using the same router.

Laptop 1 - XP Pro SP2
Laptop 2 - Vista Business

Computer I want to access via RDC (Computer Name on RDC Screen) CompName.Domain. XP Pro connects and brings up RDC terminal to machine to login. Entering in the login and password logs into the machine. Vista Business asks for credentials when logging into Domain: CompName.Domain. No RDC Terminal comes up. The login and password entered gives an error message that "This computer can't connect to the remote comuter".

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How Install Remote Desktop Web Connection

Apr 25, 2008

How to install TSWEB (Remote Desktop Web Connection) on Windows Vista Ultimate?

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Remote Desktop Loses Connection

Mar 1, 2009

my apologies for not using the quote on my prior message of "Have a new laptop with vista home premium 64bit can not stay logged in to remote dektop at workplace running vista business (?32 or 64?) lose connection
in 1 to 5 minutes". I tried to use the quote button nd it sid my message was to short I tried to add text and the quote button when pushed threw out a pop up that said message to short even with added text

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Lost Remote Desktop Connection

Jun 16, 2008

In error, I unistalled Remote Desktop Connection when I was having EXTREME problems with VPN. Now I can't reinstall it. I found a link at MS, Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows XP (KB925876), but when I try to run or save it, I get an error message "Not enough storage is available to process this command." I then saved the program to my desktop which it readily accepted, but it wont let me run it.

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Remote Desktop Connection Via RD From Biz To Home Premium

Feb 6, 2009

I am trying to connect via RDC from a Vista Biz machine to a Vista Home Premium machine. It is calling for my credentials and I can't find anything that will tell me what my credentials are supposed to be. All I can find in forums are questions about why Vista won't save them. I just want to know what they are. Neither machine is password protected, so what should I enter? The username for the Biz machine? The username for the Home machine?

Neither? What about the password? In any case, I am (of course) denied access with a message saying "Your credentials did not work".

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Remote Assistance: Connection Always Times Out Or Fails

Mar 12, 2010

FIRST, the connection is being made over the internet, with an invitation and password, not within a local network.

SECOND, we can successfully make a Remote Desktop connection to each of the computers involved. If we can successfully configure Remote Desktop, then why not Remote Assistance, which uses some of the same communications protocols?

THIRD, we can succesfully communicate with Windows Live Messenger. However, if we choose the remote assistance option with the same contact, we cannot connect. Ironically, the connection appears solid in that one contact successfully sends a request and the other accepts the request, but the connection always times out or fails. The dialog suggests that the other user may have closed the Remote Assistance session, but they have not..........

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How To Bypass Firewall On Side For Remote Connection...

Feb 25, 2009

i need a way to connect to my home computer from school but the firewall is restricting incoming connections from RDC so i cant get any feedback. I have admin access (dont ask) and have disabled the local firewall but it still blocks the connection so the firewall on the server must be blocking it. Is there software I could install like logmein which would let me do it but doesn't need a webpage to use ( and doesn't get stopped by a firewall?

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Remote Desktop Connection - Credential Tiles?

Mar 23, 2008

I've got an Acer 6292 laptop and I'm running Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 just installed), and for some reason RDC doesn't seem to work. I can establish a VPN connection OK but when I try to connect to my work computer using RDC I get a "Windows Security" box saying 'Looking for credential tiles...'. Then it just seems to keep searching and the next input box never shows up. Interestingly after I cancel RDC the application stalls but I don't get a "No response" error - it just hangs and nothing can be input in that window. I have to go into Task Manager to manually End Task.

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Remote Desktop Connection And Home Premium

Apr 21, 2008

Does the Home Preium edition of Windows Vista have the Remote Desctop Connection option?

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Configuring Remote Desktop Connection Error

Apr 4, 2008

i'm trying to use the RDC in my pc running Vista Home Premium to get connect on a Windows 2003 server. I'm getting error when i try to log on. I open the port in my firewall already and i did most of the steps that windows help gave to me.

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Can Not Accessed Shared Files Or Desktop Remote Connection

Jun 19, 2009

In the network connection sharing, i see both me and my wifes laptop on the full map on her computer and my computer. I can not accessed shared files or desktop remote connection. I do have file sharing on and both computers are set on the same workgroup. All firewalls are configured and i've tried it with all firewalls turned off (vista firewall and gateway firewall).

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A Bug In Remote Desktop Connection Of Windows Server 2003 R2

Aug 27, 2009

A Bug in Remote Desktop Connection of Windows Server 2003 R2. There are two servers. Both are running the "Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x64 Edition, SP2" system. I login to the servers with "remote desktop connection" tool, with a thinkpad. Then someone took my cable away and when the battery run out, the thinkpad slept. When I restores the thinkpad, something is wrong with the two servers:

**** For oneserver:
I can login, but for any window:
(1) When I press 'b', the current window loses focus;
(2) When I press 'd', the system turns to the desktop;
(3) When I press 'e', "My computer" is opened with "System resource...........

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Remote Assistance Doesnt Work Msra.exe

Jun 16, 2009

I have an issue with Remote Assistance whenever someone sends me an invite through live I accept and it never launches the next window for me to see there screen and they never get the prompt. What I Have found thus far is that after a reboot it usually works and when it doesnt work I find msra.exe running in processes and as soon as I end the task it then comes up. This only happens on my Vista 64 Bit Ultimate Copy and doesnt happen at all with 32 Bit. I have DMZ on both firewalls off as well as on the PC and same results. and it is driving me crazy although I have a work around for the time being even though it is annoying

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Re-installed Ultimate: Remote Control Wont Work Anymore

May 24, 2008

I have this remote control,I just re-installed VIsta Ultimate, and now this remote control is not working anymore.. it was working fine before I did the comes w/no driver, so short of disconnecting and connecting the transmitter again to a USB port not sure what more I can do.. it used to work fine not just with Windows Media Center but also with Rhapsody and other stuff, now it does not work at all... I just put new batteries in it... when I press a button on the remote the green light on the remote goes on and the red light on the transmitter also goes on.. so it's definitely not a battery problem..

(I know there's another, more specialized ng for this question in hierarchy, but I'm posting thru google now and can't find that group (posting thru google for now b/c also have not been able to retrieve all prefs/info (i.e., passwords) for my news client (Thunderbird).

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Remote Desktop Connection: "Cannot Connect - Try Again"

Apr 14, 2008

Can someone point me to a link or Newsgroup that tells a dummy how to setup and use Remote Desktop Connection? I have an in-house network with three computers. Two are running Vista Home Premium and one is running WinXP Professional. RDC tell me there are no Terminal Servers in the Workgroup? Also, I'm trying to connect to a remote WinXP Professional system on a DSL network. RDC tries to connect but comes back with the infamous "Cannot connect - try again" or " Contact your network administrator" or something to that effect. I know I had RDC working when I had Vista Ultimate installed but I thought Vista Premium would have the same capability?

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Possible To Remotely Set The Password?

Mar 22, 2009

I am overseas for a while. So to be able to access my Vista computer at home, I installed Log Me In program, which works great for me in other environments. However, I've found out that I can't access my PC because the account on my Vista box does not have a password set (e.g. it's blank). Log Me In, it turns out, requires a password.

However, I am able to get to other computers (all running Windows XP) on my home network (i have 4 PCs in the house doing various things) via Remote Desktop and VNC. My question is whether it is possible to remotely (via Windows XP computers that are on my network) change the password for the account on my Vista computer?

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How To Remotely View Another PC?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm looking for info on the best way to remotely view another PC. I know how to setup a RDP connection, but I'm wondering if there is a more efficient "view only" solution. What I'd like to do is walk around a room with a tablet PC, and have what is on my screen copied to a separate desktop PC in the same room. The desktop PC would be projecting to a screen using an LCD projector. FWIW, this is the only way I can think of to use a wireless lcd tablet that also connects to an LCD projector. I have a wireless tablet (Wacom Graphire) that almost does this, but the tablet itself just has a grey surface to write on. I have to look up at the projector screen to see what I'm writing.

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Remote Desktop Connection From Desktop To Laptop?

Mar 26, 2009

I've been trying to set up a remote desktop connection between my laptop and my desktop both running on Vista Home Premium. Why does this error come up:

"This computer can't connect to the remote computer."

when they are both connected (wirelessly) via the same network.

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"Remote Desktop Connection"?

Jul 6, 2008

I want to buy Vista HOME , BUT it has no "Remote Desktop Connection ". I dont want to buy Vista business or Ultimate. How I can have "Remote Desktop Connection" in vista home or what should I do?

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Can Access Computer Remotely?

Sep 19, 2009

My mom is ill and I will be spending the next couple of weeks at her house. I want to buy a laptop computer that I could use at her house and access the information from my home computer, about three miles from moms house. Is there any way I can access my computer and the internet from her house which has no cable or anything?

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Connects To Internet, Can't Access Files Remotely

Aug 25, 2009

I have a computer and laptop both running Vista. I want to be able to share files and printer between the computer and laptop. I have a wireless router connected to my computer which I class as the "main" computer and then I want to be able to use my laptop elsewhere in the house and be able to access all files on the main computer.

Both my laptop and computer are able to get to the internet but I can't get the computers to "speak" to each other so that I can file share. When I go to the Network Sharing Centre it only shows one computer and when I go to My Computer and then Networks it only shows one computer (on each) and therefore I can't access files remotely.

I have set up file sharing using the properties function on the files I want to share but when I'm on my laptop I can't "see" the computer on my Network and therefore cannot access the files and vice versa.

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Entire Computer Accessed Remotely Without Permission

May 29, 2008

My laptop has been accessed by one of two people I once trusted... Now my entire system & Event Viewer logs show my User Account & my Admin have been redirected. A similar user name was created to replace mine along with the Registry to delete these changes.I have hundreds of records indicating the changes but no clue where to go from here!The DOS window closes when i try "netstat" or any other attempt to view system. I do have screen shots showing the remote servers, etc I would like to not only clean up this mess but also to reveal the coward! My ex-web designer or ex-bfriend.

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Remote Desktop Can Not Find Remote Computer

Mar 22, 2009

I'm running Vista Home Premium 64 bit on a new HP pavilion laptop. I'm trying to log into my work system remotely. The error I'm getting is "This computer can't connect to the remote computer. Remote desktop cannot find the remote computer. Type the computer name or IP address again, and then try connecting" I've tried the help desk at work, they say they know there has been issues with people loggin in with Vista, but its been resolved. But they have not actually been able to help me log in. They are running Windows NT.

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VPN Connection Can't Work

Apr 15, 2009

I have two computers. One with Windows XP Pro and the other with Vista ultimate. Both are behind a modem/router. I want to connect them through the internet, so that i can have a file share between them, like i am on lan. I have configured the Vista pc to be a server and the XP as a client. I do the following on vista. I create a new incoming connection, allow the users i want, and enable the "allow callers to access my local network" option in tcp/ip properties of the connection. I also port forward the TCP 1723 port on both pc's as well as GRE. So everything should be fine. When i connect from my xp pc with a vpn connection to the other, the connection establishes and on the vista pc, i can see it says one client connected and it pops up the new network wizard and shows the user i used to connect. However on the status of the vpn connection says, ipv4 connectivity, not connected. My problem is, that although the connection is established , the pc's can't see each other in network. What am i doing wrong? I have read a hundred of articles that say that all you have to do is this. I also tried the other way around, with XP as server and vista as the client, but with the same result.

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Outlock Box Connection Can't Work

Oct 4, 2009

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'me', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10013, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Wireless Connection Can't Work

Apr 17, 2010

Vista HP 32bit....When I power on my laptop after not using the Power its coming out of Sleep....and you see RESUMING WINDOWS.....9 out of 10 times I won't get connected to my Router. I have used the Diagnostic Tool...and get the same results, which is, power off the Router...and power it back on...and when I do that, I do get re-connected.

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