Local Access Only When Connected To Internet

Oct 7, 2009

I am running vista on a hp laptop. I can connect to the local network, but can't connect to the login website. I have tried several fixes including disableing ipv6. I feel the issue is when Im attempting to connect to this wifii public unsecure network Im unable to receive the redirect to the terms of use page. in the network sharing center it shows me conected to the local network but not to the internet.

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Cannot Access Internet Even Though Connected

Sep 2, 2009

I upgraded my Vista Home Premium x64 to SP2 on 8/28. No problem until 8/31. Now I cannot get on the internet regardless of firefox, IE, or Chrome. The Windows Network Diagnostics did not find any problems. The network and Sharing center shows that I am connected to my network and then to the internet with no issues. IPv4 = Internet. IPv6 = limited.

Steps completed thus far:I rebooted the cable modem and the router (linksys wrt54g) I successfully pinged the x64 computer with a different cpu on the network. Status activity shows bytes sent and received successfully on the x64 system. I tried to system restore prior to SP2 upgrade but says failed, however System properties show that running SP1. I updated network card driver (intel 82567lf-2) to most recent - 7/23 I ran the Intel network card diagnostics and all test were sucessful Booted into safe mode with networking. Unsuccessful. Ran Hijackthis, nothing unusual. I am at a loss of what to do. I do even know how to describe the situation succinctly enough to search and see if others have had the same problem.

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Local Access, No Internet

Mar 14, 2009

I installed Vista Business on a new computer (Asus P2) and it keeps loosing the internet connection intermittently. Local access always works. In the network are 3 computers, 2 Vista desktops, 1 XP Home which acts as a file and printer server and a Draytek router behind a cable modem. The 2 Vista PC's are new and both have the same problem. When the XP machine was the desktop PC this problem never occurred, and it still doesn't as the XP machine always has a live internet connection (the cable provider is wonderfully reliable). The machines are connected via a wired 100Mbps network...............

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Cannot Connect To Internet - Local Access Only

Apr 1, 2009

I have a Samsung Vista Home laptop that has connected to the internet without problem for over 2 years. It cannot connect now, either wirelessly or wired, but two other computers running XP can connect both wired and wireless. The connection shows as 'local access only'. I have tried so many things, and have come to a grinding halt

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Wireless Computer : Connected But No Access To The Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have a wireless computer...notebook and I have windows vista on it. I had comcast plugged into it and now that I am mobile again, I am not able to use the wireless. The computer keeps telling me I am connected; but, I can't get access to the internet. Can anyone please tell me what to do?

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Wireless Not Connecting To Internet. Access Local

May 2, 2008

I just bought a new Dell laptop that is installed with Windows Vista. I am not able to connect my wireless to internet. It says access local only. I have no problem when connecting using cable direct to Boradband. Never had this problem with old laptop using XP.

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Local Access Only, No Longer Connect To Internet

Dec 27, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium (32-bit). I've had the same laptop/modem/DSL for over a year and everything worked fine, then about a week ago I started getting the local-access-only message and can no longer connect to the internet.

1) Taking my laptop to another wireless location - same error.
2) Trying an XP laptop on my home wireless - works just fine.
3) Rebooting in Safe Mode - still doesn't work.
4) Deleting the Network adapter drivers and letting windows reinstall - still doesn't work.
5) Going back to the latest windows update and uninstalling it - still doesn't work.
6) Disabling TCP/IPv6

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Connected To Network, 'Local Only'

Aug 3, 2009

My laptop is connected to a NetGear router, and has been for over a year with no problems. I went on vacation and used another network for a week and when I came back I can no longer connect to the internet with my home network. I am connected to the network, but it says 'Local Only'. If I disconnect and reconnect again, it will tell me I have an internet connection, but as soon as I try to access a web page with my browser, it drops the connection. I CAN connect via ethernet cable with no problems, and no other computers on the network are having any issues. I've tried resetting the network adapter, uninstalled my antivirus, tried disabling my firewall, updated my wireless network adapter driver.

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Windows 7 : Loses Local Resources When Connected To VPN

Oct 11, 2009

When connected to a pptp VPN resources on the local domain are inconsistantly available. Previously with XP they were always available even if connected to a VPN. What has changed?

From win 7, I can print to a Lan printer shared on the server (2008) Once connected to a remote VPN (windows 2003 pptp), the print que says "Accessed Denied" when trying to print to the same printer. With XP printing was still possible to the Lan even though connected to a VPN.

Mapped Drives:
Sometime they work, sometimes they don't. If I have a mapped drive to a local file server once connected to the VPN I can't list the contents of drive, or access any of the files.Other times even with a VPN connected I can acess the files. If you access the drive before opening the VPN this seems to help. I thought it may be a DNS issue but I have added the server to my hosts file. The host name resolves correctly even after an "ipconfig /flushdns".

Does windows 7 need to resolve service records on the local AD dns server before passing on credentials? The order of accessing DNS servers is the remote VPN DNS server first and then the local DNS server second. Is this why I can always print to a local printer that I installed using its IP address, whilst connected to a VPN, which then prompted me for credentials. I assume the credentials were stored locally, making them always available no matter what the order of DNS servers were.
Once connected to a VPN why can't Vista/Win7 always print/access local resources?
Connected to the same VPNs XP could always access local recources.

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Access HDD When Connected To Another PC

Sep 16, 2009

I've got a friends laptop to repair. I've determined that at least the boot files are damaged. I've connected the hard drive to my own PC in an attempt to recover the files from the drive. Unfortunately, my PC says that access is denied when I try to browse the drive. In the disk manager I can see the drive. I've gone onto the drive and updated the permissions on all the files to allow full access for administrators and users, yet I still cannot access the drive. I know that the content of the drive is still there because I COULD see the filenames zipping on the screen while the system was updating permissions. (That shouldn't work if I don't have permission, should it?) If I boot from an installation CD and try to access the drive from a recovery console it asks for the password for that Windows installation. I enter the only password that is on the laptop, but it does not work. There is only one user on the laptop, so that SHOULD be the password.

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Local Access Only??

Mar 2, 2009

So I turned on my PC this morning ( vista 64 bit ) and I could not connect to the internet. I hover my mouse over the little internet connection icon in the botom right hand corner and it says local access only. Has anyone else had this roblem? Is more information required (more than likely) jsut let me know. This is jsut another reason to have vista.

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Local Access Only After Updates

Dec 14, 2008

My friend, who now does not have a connection to internet with a wired router, has asked me for help. His connection is showing "local access only" . He runs Vista Premium on his desktop and was connected yesterday. Vista updates installed automatically, and after restart he only had " l. a . o. " connection.

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Local Access Only For 2nd Laptop

Sep 16, 2009

I have 2 laptops both running vista home premium and both have been working perfectly until recently. I use 3 mobile broadband and this worked fine until i upgraded the hardware to a faster version. When i did this i could not connect to the internet on my 2nd laptop. I was getting the message "local access only". My other laptop still worked fine on the new dongle so I could live without my 2nd laptop on my home internet as i primarily use this one for college anyway. However, i then decided to get a mobile broadband router. When i connect this up i can detect the network on both laptops and connect to it but i am now getting the message "local access only" on both computers.

I have spent literally hours of my life on the phone running through every kind of test with my isp and still have gotten nowhere. They cannot identify the problem and are telling me that there actually isn't one and can't understand why its not working!

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Network; Local Access Only

Jun 4, 2008

i just got a new PC last friday with 64bit vista ultimate and i have been having alot of problems with hooking it up to my home network. At first, i would plug it in and it would only let me get into "local area connection" local access only. I did a repair install which got rid of all updates that the company had put on, so its a fresh SP1 install. Now i can sometimes get it to connect to the internet, but the speed is ridiculously slow, like if i look at the antivirus updaters for speed (i cant access speedtest.net cuz it says i dont have flash or w.e. and it wont let me download it cuz the site wont load) i get max speeds of...4 kb/s.

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Wireless: Local Access Only

Apr 29, 2009

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FW370j which has worked flawlessly for the past 3 months I owned it. But now, I wake up and get ready to do some work on it, and the damn thing is local access only. I skyped with my dad last night, so I know it was working perfect before I went to bed. However, I believe I left it on so It might have updated something I am unaware of. I did a system restore back to 3 days ago. I have another laptop, a toshiba, and it can connect fine. I have hard reset my router (which usually fixes the connection problems). And I have also restarted the laptop, disabled and reenabled the wireless network connection, turned off and on the wlan switch on front. On my router their is no security set. Its just boot up and go. I sure also add that the Sony is Vista Home Premium 64bit, while the toshiba is Widows Vista Home Basic 32bit.

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Connected With Limited Access - WRT54GS

Jan 13, 2010

Dell laptop Inspiron 1545, WRT54GS - "Connected With Limited Access" - drove me up the wall. Tried everything. Browsed other forums for hours. What did I do? Just for grins, and for NO particular reason, I switched from WEP to WPA Personal / TKIP in the router and to WPA / TKIP in the laptop and other PC, entered the ten-char key I've always used, and POOF - instant connection.

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Connected To ADSL Modem: Can Access

Apr 30, 2009

I have my wife's and my own desktops (both XP Home) and my laptop (Vista Home Premium) all connected to the same ADSL modem. I want to set permissions so that I can access and do what I want with any file on any machine from any other machine.

On the XP machines this was a breeze. I can access either machine from any other machine and do whatever I want. But on the Vista machine, I'm prevented from doing this. The only files on the Vista machine that I can access from the XP machines are in the "Public" folder. I can't access the Vista machine's root menu or even the files in my own folder from the XP machines. When I try, I get this complaint:

You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Access is denied. "T-pc" is the name of the name of the laptop in the "Workgroup" and "rlb" is my folder. I'm the administrator, so where do I go from here? How do I make Vista let the other machines access my files?

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Connected With Limited Access Pains.

Mar 11, 2009

This problem is driving me up a wall. I try to connect, and I get a "Connected with Limited Access" or "Limited Connectivity" error.I have a NETGEAR_WPN284v3 and I'm on Vista.

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : dmastt
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection 2:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Dell Wireless 1510 Wireless-N WLAN Mini-Card
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-22-68-A8-32-ED.....

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Remote Access Not Connected Network

Jan 1, 2010

I am using vista ultimate, I noticed that under properties in my computer/remote,the box is checked for remote access?,as I am not connected to any networks,is this neccessary?,can I un tick the box?,or do I just leave it?

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PC Not Connected To Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I'm desperately trying to solve a network problem with Vista to a internet provider.
Nearly brand new PC with nVidia Forceware ethernet controller. After booting the PC, the network ICON in right bottom bar becomes blue. For 1 - 2 seconds the blue bell is visible, then disappears. It shows the PC is connected locally, but not to internet. According to IPCONFIG/all required IP addr, DNS, Default GW etc is set

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Cannot Connected To The Internet

Jun 16, 2009

The machine has two NICs, both of which are connected to the Internet in the following fashion:

route 1: NIC 1 -- Internet (preferred Internet connection)

route 2: NIC 2 -- Switch -- Linux Cluster -- Internet (preferred LAN connection)

|-------(Printer, NAS, etc)

The linux cluster is consisted of some RedHat workstations, all of which are connected to the internet independently, but one of them (the frontend) also distribute IP and does NAT for the LAN. Also connected to the switch include some network resources, and this Vista machine..........

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Can't Connected Internet

May 18, 2008

I recently bought a new Dell with Vista Home Premuim and have not been able to connect to any of the six (6) wifi networks I've tried. Two home networks, one at work and three public. On each occasion I have been able to detect and where appropriate, provide security keys, but although it says it's connected it will not go on the internet or do any network activity. I do have a nice cheap Palm TX which connects to all of these networks, so I'm thinking it's a Vista issue. Given I bought a laptop for the explict purpose of using wifi, this is a rather expensive rock which is pretty much useless. Seems like lots of people have the same problems, but haven't yet found any solutions. What a surprise from Microsoft, eh?

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Unidentified Network / Access: Local Only

Mar 23, 2008

I was online yesterday all day. I put my rig to sleep last night. It powered off during the night. I turn it on this afternoon. No internet access. Every other XP machine is online fine, wireless and wired. I have tried just about every fix I have seen:

Disable DHCP Flags
no firewalls
blah, blah, blah.
Restarted router, modem, car, dog, etc.

What can I do or try? A list would be nice. A chatting support option would be nice. A little instant messenger like device with a tech on the other end.

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Comcast Modem : Local Access Only

Mar 16, 2010

I am working on a toshiba satalite for someone but can not get internet access at my home. I have it plugged directly into the comcast modem but get the "local access only" message that seems to be such a problem for wireless users. When doing ipconfig /renew I get a message stating that windows could not contact the dhcp server. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the modem as it works fine with XP and Linux machines. Everything I have found related is talking about wireless issues and I've tried the registry edit provided by MS for setting the dhcp flag value to 1 and also disabled IPv6 and power options in the adapter configuration.

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Unidentified Network: Local Access

Oct 8, 2009

I'm aware that this is quite a common issue and i apologize if it's been repeated hundeds of times, but it's driving me crazy. I have an acer 8920g laptop with an atheros AR8121 pci-e ethernet network card. On my older laptop, the internet connects fine via cable modem and an ethernet cable (this has a broadcom network card). On the newer laptop i just seem to get local access only, with a 169.x.x IP address, no default gateway or DNS server addresses. Both laptops run vista home premium, and i'm totally lost and confused as to where it's going wrong.. Ive been searching a few sites and there doesnt seem to be any definitive answer to this problem. Does anyone know how to fix this before i throw my laptop out of the window?

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Unidentified Network - Local Access Only

May 4, 2008

I have scrolled through pages and pages of posts here and tried to find my solution. I must repost this issue for me. I had this issue after building my rig and it miraculously fixed itself one day when I powered the computer on. It worked for a few months. Then I inadvertantly put my computer into hibernation or sleep, instead of powering it off, like I normally do. Vista didn't like that. So now I am offline again.............

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Connected To Network But Not Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I just got my HP Pavilion dv2068ca yesterday. I tried to connect through to internet. It was able to connects to my network, but not able to connect to the
internet. It also says my network is "Unidentified Network" It gave me options to diagnose and repair.

My laptop connect through 802.11 b/g WLAN
My wireless router is a D-LINK 802,11g 2.4GH

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Laptop Connected, But No Internet

Mar 23, 2008

i just got a new vista laptop and i have connected to my home router when i first got it. the next day i couldnt connect at all (well) it says im connected, with full bars but i cant seem to be able to browse the internet or get any kind of internet connectivity. i've search and tried the the whole disabling QoA and IPv6, but that doesnt work, neither does uninstalling or repairing the wifi driver thing.

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Net Is Connected But Cannot Browse Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I just barely got a new HP Pavilion dv9500 with Vista Home Premium on it. I have Comcast cable internet with a Linksis wireless G router. I have 2 other computers in my home with Windows XP, a pc and a toshiba laptop and have always had good consistent internet through the router with both of them. Now with my new vista laptop it shows that I am connected, but I cannot browse the internet at all. It just sits there and thinks and thinks and thinks, like its bogged down or something. I tried to download the Yahoo messenger, and it just sits at 1% and doesnt move. My Outlook (Office 2007) does not work at all. No sending or recieving at all. Is Vista the problem?? Is it my Router that isnt compatible with Vista???
I have tried the repair connection, and it just says it cannot be repaired.

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Connected To Network, But Not Internet

Apr 22, 2008

I'm having problems with my home network. I find that I will be on the internet wirelessly with no problems, then all of a sudden I lose internet connection, but I still remain connected to the home network. I have tried disconnecting and re-connecting to the network, this usually doesn't help. Occasionally that will help, but then a couple minutes later, I have the same problem. I have tried running the diagnosis within the Network and Sharing Center. Sometimes it will tell me that it doesn't detect a problem and sometimes it will detect a problem. Then I try to reset the wireless adapter "Wireless Network Connection" and it will appear to have fixed it, and when I try to re-load the page it times out and then I lose internet connection again. The only thing that I have found that fixes the problem is to recycle power to the modem. (Pain in the ass!)

The modem is connected to a desktop computer (I don't remember what it's running, but I know it's a version of XP) and there are multiple laptops within the house that connect to it wirelessly and I'm the only one running Vista and the only one having problems. The modem isn't very old, so I'm not thinking that it's the modem, so because I'm the only one having problems, I'm assuming it's a Vista thing.

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Booting With Internet Connected

Aug 17, 2008

WHen i boot my PC with the internet plugged in i get the following message

"Failer to connect to a windows service. windows could not connect to the user profile service. this problem limits users from logging on to the system. Aas an administrative user you can view the system event log for details why the service didnt respond."

this stops my profile loading up and i have to restart with the internet unplugged for my computer to load the profile.

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