Windows 7 : Loses Local Resources When Connected To VPN

Oct 11, 2009

When connected to a pptp VPN resources on the local domain are inconsistantly available. Previously with XP they were always available even if connected to a VPN. What has changed?

From win 7, I can print to a Lan printer shared on the server (2008) Once connected to a remote VPN (windows 2003 pptp), the print que says "Accessed Denied" when trying to print to the same printer. With XP printing was still possible to the Lan even though connected to a VPN.

Mapped Drives:
Sometime they work, sometimes they don't. If I have a mapped drive to a local file server once connected to the VPN I can't list the contents of drive, or access any of the files.Other times even with a VPN connected I can acess the files. If you access the drive before opening the VPN this seems to help. I thought it may be a DNS issue but I have added the server to my hosts file. The host name resolves correctly even after an "ipconfig /flushdns".

Does windows 7 need to resolve service records on the local AD dns server before passing on credentials? The order of accessing DNS servers is the remote VPN DNS server first and then the local DNS server second. Is this why I can always print to a local printer that I installed using its IP address, whilst connected to a VPN, which then prompted me for credentials. I assume the credentials were stored locally, making them always available no matter what the order of DNS servers were.
Once connected to a VPN why can't Vista/Win7 always print/access local resources?
Connected to the same VPNs XP could always access local recources.

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Loses Local Connectivity After Inactivity

Oct 12, 2008

I have a laptop running Vista Home Premium 32 bit. It's fairly new (~1 month) and has pretty much had this issue since day 1. If you leave the laptop idle for a "fairly long" period of time, it will lose connectivity to other machines on the local network. It will do it frequently overnight, but not always, so it's hard to pinpoint when/how long.

Here are the symptoms:

-Mapped drives still show up in explorer, but if you click on one, it hangs FOREVER. I have let it try to connect for several hours and it never gets through

-Using UNC gives the same result

-I can still ping other machines on my local network

-I can still access the internet

-Disabling/enabling the network connection does not help

-Once the issue starts, Windows explorer can not be shut down. You can task-manager-> end process all day and it will not die.

-Once the issue starts, Windows can not be shut down. It will hang on the "logging off" screen for literally hours. The only way to recover from this is to do a hard power down by holding the power button for 10 seconds or so.

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Connected To Network, 'Local Only'

Aug 3, 2009

My laptop is connected to a NetGear router, and has been for over a year with no problems. I went on vacation and used another network for a week and when I came back I can no longer connect to the internet with my home network. I am connected to the network, but it says 'Local Only'. If I disconnect and reconnect again, it will tell me I have an internet connection, but as soon as I try to access a web page with my browser, it drops the connection. I CAN connect via ethernet cable with no problems, and no other computers on the network are having any issues. I've tried resetting the network adapter, uninstalled my antivirus, tried disabling my firewall, updated my wireless network adapter driver.

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Local Access Only When Connected To Internet

Oct 7, 2009

I am running vista on a hp laptop. I can connect to the local network, but can't connect to the login website. I have tried several fixes including disableing ipv6. I feel the issue is when Im attempting to connect to this wifii public unsecure network Im unable to receive the redirect to the terms of use page. in the network sharing center it shows me conected to the local network but not to the internet.

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Internet Resources -wasted?

Dec 14, 2007

I use Road Runner as my ISP, which is supposed to have ~ 5mb/s down (not sure about up speed). Whenever I begin a download, my download speed usually begins at around 1.5-2.0 mb/s (assuming the server will offer that much bandwidth), but within about 2 seconds it falls to around 500-700 kb/s. I've had this issue both on windows xp and windows vista (I dual boot). I'm using an on board network adapter (mobo is EVGA 680i). Also, I have a Linksys Wireless G router.

Also, I decided to check my resource monitor in vista and it shows under my Network tab that I'm consuming a constant 5-6 mb/s. I looked at the processes that it shows me downloading from (steam, EA download manager), and the combined total of my download speed is ~750 kb/s. I'm completely lost and irritated with this problem. Whenever I play Crysis online, my ping is way above everybody else's. Whenever I to play Lost Planet Online (yeah yeah it's a bad port >.>) I constantly get complaints that I'm lagging, and as a result I get kills that I don't deserve.

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Task Scheduler (Local) Upon Opening TS..a Error Box Populates And No (Local) Data

Oct 12, 2009

Task Scheduler (Local) Upon opening TS..a error box populates and no (Local) data. Upon Xing close the error populates.. Message in error box..The Task Image is Corrupt or has been Tampered with.mcupdate...I ran sfc..nothing reported

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Windows Could Not Start The Windows Audio Service On Local Computer

Jan 3, 2009

My speaker icon in the taskbar has a red cross on it. When I hover my mouse over it, it says "The audio service is not running", if I right click it I get 3 options

1. Playback devices
2. Recording devices
3. Sounds

I went to my start menu and searched services.msc and checked to see if plug and play, windows audio endpoint builder, and multimedia class scheduler were all set to startup type automatic & all started. they were. so then i go to Windows Audio, right click to properties, and it is stopped. So i click to start it and it says "Windows could not start the Windows Audio service on Local Computer. Error 1079: The account specified for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process."

I tried to restore my computer but my restore point is past the point when this issue originated. Also, Conexant Driver is installed and working properly. If I right click on the volume icon with a little red X through it... I can click on Open Volume Mixer, and It says "No Audio Device Installed" Yet, my audio devices are installed.

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Loses Power: Ac/Dc

Aug 24, 2008

my freind advised me to come here with my problem before i phoned the manufacturer to see. basicaly iv had my laptop for 2 months now so its rather new running Vista home edition, im having troubles when the Ac/DC cable is plugged in the light on the front flashes saying it is charging but it still loses power at a fast rate. it also wont start charging unless i fiddle with the power cable for 5-10 mins. i know it cant be the cable itself coz i bought a new charger.

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Fax Loses 9 As A Prefix

Apr 29, 2008

I am having a problem with windows ultimate and the windows fax utility. The windows fax software is is not using my location IE dial 9 for outside line, I can get it to work manually but it will not default to the dial 9 option.

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Loses IP Config When Undocking

Aug 12, 2008

used to use ThinkVantage's Access Connections to manage my network connection profiles on my Thinkpad. I just recently uninstalled it because I decided to just rely on the Vista has natively.

Since our office requires static IP, I set that up at the LAN properties.

Everything works fine when I start from a clean boot. It's when I undock and redock to the docking station that problem starts.

I lose the static IP configuration. Instead Vista assigns:

IP: (supposed to be

Subnet: (supposed to be

Gateway: blank

DNS: correct

I now find myself having to do a reboot everytime I just need to undock and go to a 30 minute meeting when I used to be able to undock and redock without any problems whatsoever.

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Loses Authority, Priority Over DNS

Sep 29, 2009

When a Vista computer comes on the LAN, our DNS server has to look to the IP address: (forwarding) for a name server. Is this because the number of computers that are powered-on, changes? It seems that Vista is trying to take priority over DNS.

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SP1: Loses WiFi Connection

Jun 5, 2008

Running Vista Enterprise x86 SP1 with all updates applied as per Windows Update. Machine is a HP 6910p with Intel Wifi Link 4965AGN. All power saving disabled where possible; power management running max performance. Router is Linksys WRT54GS v2 with latest firmware from Linksys installed. SSID broadcast disabled. Connecting using WPA-2 personal, AES encryption. Have a few other notebooks (Tosh, HP, Dell) and all work without problems but they are all running XP. This current problematic notebook runs fine if I boot to XP.

Problem: with no discernable pattern, the Wifi connection would be lost and cannot reconnect even though the network is visible (shows up as unnamed). Tried IPConfig renew, right-click diagnose & repair, disable/reenable (from network setting and soft-button on notebook) and reboot. Nothing helps.

Simple solution: click on the network and provide the correct SSID and Passphrase, all is well again. Of course, each time I do this, it's a new Wifi network registration so I end up with 6-10 every week that I need to clean up (mywifinet, mywifinet 2, mywifinet 2 3, mywifinet 2 3 5, etc...). They're all connected to the same thing but everytime it dies, the same setting will not reconnect and I have to register all over again. Registration is standard and set to remember and auto connect. This isn't my only problem with Vista but it is the most annoying. Why, why, why does Vista hate me?

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Connected To Vista`s Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have a problem with my Vista Home Premium that I think is somehow connected to Vista`s Windows Mail. In my documents folder and on my desktop, 4 things show up that when I delete them to the recycle bin and empty the bin, they show up again the next time I go into Windows Mail. They are labled edb.chk, edb.log, edbres00001.jrs and edbres00002.jrs. Any recommendations on what they are and how to get rid of them?

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Monitor Loses Signal On Boot Up

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Viewsonic LCD monitor. i just put a new pc together with an XFXForce 8600GT video card. The problem is when i boot the pc i see the bios screen fine. it's not until i see 'Micrsoft Corporation' and am about to see the status bar going back and forth that the screen goes blank and i then see 'No sginal'. I'm connected using a DVI-I cable. If i unplug the cable from either the card or monitor and plug it back in i then get video. I sent the monitor to Viewsonic which they said they fixed a problem. hmmm anyway i'm still seeing this proble. If i use a VGA cable with a DVI adapter i won't have this problem. While the LCD monitor was away i used an old CRT monitor with a VGA cable and had no problem.

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64 Loses Internet Through D-Link DGL-4100

May 31, 2008

I have been troubleshooting this problem for about a week with no success. I have a Westell DSL modem with a static IP from ATT running in bridged mode to a D-Link DGL-4100 Router running in PPoE mode into a Netgear JGS-524 24 port switch. Connected to the 24 port switch are 3 XBOX 360's and 5 PC's. Four PC's are running Vista 64 Ultimate and one is running Vista Home 32 bit. All PC's and XBOX 360 units have Static IP's.

Many times a day my network loses the internet connection at all 360 units and all PC's. When I diagnose the Vista Network connection it says cannot find the DNS server and mentions this is a problem Vista cannot repair. All settings are entered manually on all equipment including the DNS settings. If I go into the D-Link router settings and look at the status it shows a working internet connection.

To get the internet working again, I disconnect the internet connection through the router settings, wait a few seconds, then reconnect to the internet. Once it shows connected I go back and Diagnose the network connection in Vista again. This time it will not say cannot find DNS server, It will now say no problem found and give me the option to reset the network connection. Once I reset the network connection, I will get my internet back.......

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Window Mail Loses Emails!

Mar 23, 2008

Has anybody encountered a problem where when you click send/recieve, Mail informs you that it is downloading x of x mails but the mails never appear in the Inbox? The problem does not happen all the time. I have check all the usual things like spam filters etc, but I still have this annoying problem!

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Remote Desktop Loses Connection

Mar 1, 2009

my apologies for not using the quote on my prior message of "Have a new laptop with vista home premium 64bit can not stay logged in to remote dektop at workplace running vista business (?32 or 64?) lose connection
in 1 to 5 minutes". I tried to use the quote button nd it sid my message was to short I tried to add text and the quote button when pushed threw out a pop up that said message to short even with added text

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Open The Network Screen From The Start Menu Loses XP

Sep 14, 2009

I have a Vista and XP LAN. The problem is when I open the network screen from the start menu it sometimes shows my XP machine and sometimes it doesn't. any ideas?

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Windows Was Unable To Open Service WdiServiceHost For Writing On Local Computer

Feb 19, 2009

Anyone know a fix for the error Windows was unable to open service WdiServiceHost for writing on local computer

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Windows Can't Format Drive H: - Check To See That The Disk And Drive Are Connected Properly

Jul 29, 2009

i just bought My Book Essential 1 TB today... and when i got home i plug it and it works just fine but its bothering me that the HDD type is FAT32 .. so i format it and try to change it to NTFS.. but somethings happen and boom the electric in my apartment was down... and so when the electric back i want to format it again but i can't... there drive is detected but with no space detail... it says "Windows can't format Drive H: - Check to see that the disk and drive are connected properly, make sure that the disk is not read-only, and then try again.

For more information, search Help for read-only files and how to change them" when i open the Disk Management from (My COmputer > Manage) it seems it's already a volume.. but the weird thing there is no space detail.. and i cant erase the volume ... i've tried using diskpart but i can't do nothing because there is no volume and i can't erase the disk... no luck with fsutil cause its not ntfs... I havent tried 3rd party software and i havent tried it on other computer (don't have other computer right now) and WDC didnt give live cd for formatting because all of them was in the drive... though i already redownload it but the program is useless..

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Network Can't Connected

Oct 1, 2009

Since i built my computer I have been having fight with other family members over the internet as our router broke and we have to plug right into the modem (only one can connect at a time). Today i purchased a 8 port 10-100mbps network switch (Buying a router is not possible at this time) I connected the modem to the switch, then my computer and then the home computer. When i connected on my computer, everything was fine (I have vista ultimate x64 sp2.)

I then disconnected and connected the home computer (xp Pro sp3) Everything worked fine. Then I came back to mine and tried to connect and after a bit of waiting i got the message "Error 815" and that the server is not responding. When I do the opposite and connect my computer and then try connect the xp computer, I get the message "Error 676 the line is busy." I can browse both the computers files through network as long as I have the other computers password.Does anyone know a solution to my problem so that both computers can be online at the same time e.g. a shared internet connection from vista pc to xp pc or connect to the internet through the other computer and vice versa? P.S Both computers have kaspersky internet security but i tried disabling them and it still didnt work

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Currently Not Connected To Any Networks

Feb 6, 2009

This is not causing any problems, I just don't know why. I have an i7 on a Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5, gigabit Linksys switch, Norton 2008 firewall, Vista 32bit, and 3 PCs (Vista, Vista, XP) in a LAN. Vista doesn't seem to think a LAN/switch is a real network? I can see all of the other network PCs, connect to the internet (DSL) thru a switch connected Linksys wireless router, share files, and printers; but it's bugging me.

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PC Not Connected To Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I'm desperately trying to solve a network problem with Vista to a internet provider.
Nearly brand new PC with nVidia Forceware ethernet controller. After booting the PC, the network ICON in right bottom bar becomes blue. For 1 - 2 seconds the blue bell is visible, then disappears. It shows the PC is connected locally, but not to internet. According to IPCONFIG/all required IP addr, DNS, Default GW etc is set

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Wireless Available But Not Connected

Dec 24, 2007

I went home for the Christmas break and I am trying to get my laptop to connect to the network back at my house. I set up a wireless network through the main computer and have found nothing but problems. The main computer is running XP and I am running Vista. Now, the problem is my computer will detect there is a wireless network available but it will not connect. It let me enter in a password to connect but it tells me there isn't enough strength to connect. This makes no sense due to the fact that it will display 90% network strength.

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Cannot Connected To The Internet

Jun 16, 2009

The machine has two NICs, both of which are connected to the Internet in the following fashion:

route 1: NIC 1 -- Internet (preferred Internet connection)

route 2: NIC 2 -- Switch -- Linux Cluster -- Internet (preferred LAN connection)

|-------(Printer, NAS, etc)

The linux cluster is consisted of some RedHat workstations, all of which are connected to the internet independently, but one of them (the frontend) also distribute IP and does NAT for the LAN. Also connected to the switch include some network resources, and this Vista machine..........

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Wireless Can't Connected

Apr 14, 2009

I'm re-posting this because it is only visible online at the MS website, not on NewsReaders so.... (I'll try again)...I just installed a D-Link DIR-625 router, before, we had a Linksys router with no issues whatsoever. (This is in secure WPA mode, there is no problem in "unsecure" mode) My sons PC has Vista installed. He has a D-Link wireless usb adaptor. Before, with the Linksys router, hookup was as would be expected, find the SSID, click, a prompt for passphrase, sweet. Now what happens is this... I right click the network icon in the taskbar and select "Connect to a network" a list of available networks shows.( as usual) I click our SSID and a different message appears than before, instead of getting the usual prompt for a simple passphrase, I get a "Windows needs more credentials to connect to this network", I click it and then a window appears prompting for...

Domain pass

this is not an option suitable for the usual WPA Personal encryption, first off there is no user name, no domain, its just WPA personal, TKIP,passphrase... what can I do? like I said it connects fine if no encryption is used. and it worked fine Lo these last 2 years with a Linksys WRT54G I'm not very familiar with Vista, I'm an XP man myself (I and my wife have XP, router installed on mine)(My wife has windows XP with a Linksys adaptor and it works fine so I know it is a Vista conflict)

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Can't Print: USB No Connected

Mar 23, 2008

I can't print nothing from my computer, the printer said the USB is no connected. I don't known what that means.

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Can't Connected Printer

Jun 8, 2008

I have a printer connected via USB on my desktop computer running vista Ultimate 32bit and I have a Laptop running Home Premium 32bit it sees the printer cause its there on the printer's folder but when I try to test a print page from the laptop it says its being sent to the printer but nothing prints out. I know it works cause it worked when my desktop had XP PROFESSIONAL installed which was like 3 weeks ago. My desktop prints fine. I just need the laptop to print. By the way Im sharing the printer from the desktop

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Access HDD When Connected To Another PC

Sep 16, 2009

I've got a friends laptop to repair. I've determined that at least the boot files are damaged. I've connected the hard drive to my own PC in an attempt to recover the files from the drive. Unfortunately, my PC says that access is denied when I try to browse the drive. In the disk manager I can see the drive. I've gone onto the drive and updated the permissions on all the files to allow full access for administrators and users, yet I still cannot access the drive. I know that the content of the drive is still there because I COULD see the filenames zipping on the screen while the system was updating permissions. (That shouldn't work if I don't have permission, should it?) If I boot from an installation CD and try to access the drive from a recovery console it asks for the password for that Windows installation. I enter the only password that is on the laptop, but it does not work. There is only one user on the laptop, so that SHOULD be the password.

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Can't Printer Connected

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Canon LBP 1120 printer connected to a Windows XP PC and a Vista Laptop. I used to be able to print from both computers..... suddenly the printer started rejecting orders to print from the Vista Lapton. It sends to the Canon printer menu but it disappears after a few seconds. I've reinstalled the driver but no joy. Find it strange that it used to print from the Laptop but suddenly stopped yet still prints from the Windows PC. don't wish to pay the ??99.00 Dell wants to charge to trouble shoot the problem!

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Can't Connected Network

Mar 10, 2009

Windows Vista Business with SP1 I have two NICs in my Vista Business SP1 machine - one NIC is connected to our corporate network, the other NIC is connected to a private network. Both networks are using DHCP, with the private network obtaining it's address from a LinkSys WRT54G (not being used as a router - just a switch with DHCP). The problem I having is that both networks end up with a entry in the routing table for with the same metric. So anytime I try to access the internet (which should always go through the corporate network), I have a 50-50 chance of actually succeeding.

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