Laptop Connected, But No Internet

Mar 23, 2008

i just got a new vista laptop and i have connected to my home router when i first got it. the next day i couldnt connect at all (well) it says im connected, with full bars but i cant seem to be able to browse the internet or get any kind of internet connectivity. i've search and tried the the whole disabling QoA and IPv6, but that doesnt work, neither does uninstalling or repairing the wifi driver thing.

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PC Not Connected To Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I'm desperately trying to solve a network problem with Vista to a internet provider.
Nearly brand new PC with nVidia Forceware ethernet controller. After booting the PC, the network ICON in right bottom bar becomes blue. For 1 - 2 seconds the blue bell is visible, then disappears. It shows the PC is connected locally, but not to internet. According to IPCONFIG/all required IP addr, DNS, Default GW etc is set

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Cannot Connected To The Internet

Jun 16, 2009

The machine has two NICs, both of which are connected to the Internet in the following fashion:

route 1: NIC 1 -- Internet (preferred Internet connection)

route 2: NIC 2 -- Switch -- Linux Cluster -- Internet (preferred LAN connection)

|-------(Printer, NAS, etc)

The linux cluster is consisted of some RedHat workstations, all of which are connected to the internet independently, but one of them (the frontend) also distribute IP and does NAT for the LAN. Also connected to the switch include some network resources, and this Vista machine..........

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Can't Connected Internet

May 18, 2008

I recently bought a new Dell with Vista Home Premuim and have not been able to connect to any of the six (6) wifi networks I've tried. Two home networks, one at work and three public. On each occasion I have been able to detect and where appropriate, provide security keys, but although it says it's connected it will not go on the internet or do any network activity. I do have a nice cheap Palm TX which connects to all of these networks, so I'm thinking it's a Vista issue. Given I bought a laptop for the explict purpose of using wifi, this is a rather expensive rock which is pretty much useless. Seems like lots of people have the same problems, but haven't yet found any solutions. What a surprise from Microsoft, eh?

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Connected To Network But Not Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I just got my HP Pavilion dv2068ca yesterday. I tried to connect through to internet. It was able to connects to my network, but not able to connect to the
internet. It also says my network is "Unidentified Network" It gave me options to diagnose and repair.

My laptop connect through 802.11 b/g WLAN
My wireless router is a D-LINK 802,11g 2.4GH

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Net Is Connected But Cannot Browse Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I just barely got a new HP Pavilion dv9500 with Vista Home Premium on it. I have Comcast cable internet with a Linksis wireless G router. I have 2 other computers in my home with Windows XP, a pc and a toshiba laptop and have always had good consistent internet through the router with both of them. Now with my new vista laptop it shows that I am connected, but I cannot browse the internet at all. It just sits there and thinks and thinks and thinks, like its bogged down or something. I tried to download the Yahoo messenger, and it just sits at 1% and doesnt move. My Outlook (Office 2007) does not work at all. No sending or recieving at all. Is Vista the problem?? Is it my Router that isnt compatible with Vista???
I have tried the repair connection, and it just says it cannot be repaired.

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Connected To Network, But Not Internet

Apr 22, 2008

I'm having problems with my home network. I find that I will be on the internet wirelessly with no problems, then all of a sudden I lose internet connection, but I still remain connected to the home network. I have tried disconnecting and re-connecting to the network, this usually doesn't help. Occasionally that will help, but then a couple minutes later, I have the same problem. I have tried running the diagnosis within the Network and Sharing Center. Sometimes it will tell me that it doesn't detect a problem and sometimes it will detect a problem. Then I try to reset the wireless adapter "Wireless Network Connection" and it will appear to have fixed it, and when I try to re-load the page it times out and then I lose internet connection again. The only thing that I have found that fixes the problem is to recycle power to the modem. (Pain in the ass!)

The modem is connected to a desktop computer (I don't remember what it's running, but I know it's a version of XP) and there are multiple laptops within the house that connect to it wirelessly and I'm the only one running Vista and the only one having problems. The modem isn't very old, so I'm not thinking that it's the modem, so because I'm the only one having problems, I'm assuming it's a Vista thing.

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Booting With Internet Connected

Aug 17, 2008

WHen i boot my PC with the internet plugged in i get the following message

"Failer to connect to a windows service. windows could not connect to the user profile service. this problem limits users from logging on to the system. Aas an administrative user you can view the system event log for details why the service didnt respond."

this stops my profile loading up and i have to restart with the internet unplugged for my computer to load the profile.

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Connected To A Network At 100% But No Internet?

Mar 6, 2010

So I am actually posting on this forum for my g/f. She has a Dell Inspiron 1521 running Vista Home Premium x32 on a 64 AMD Athlon processor with 2gb of memory. The issue that we have been encountering is simply this. Her internet just decided it didn't want to work anymore. She was checking her e-mail when the web page said that the internet connection was no longer available. We are currently at school so I told her to take it to "Computing Services" but they said that there was nothing they could do on their end because the computer was connecting to the server just fine. When I look at it I was confused myself. According to windows the internet connection is at an excellent signal strength and the networking map goes all the way green to the glob. So the internet should work. I look over the other forums to see if anyone else had this issue and tried their fixes as well. (i.e. turned off TCP/IPv6 and even got rid of AVG and turned off the firewall) nothing seems to be working. Also to top it off plugging it in hardwire doesn't work either. So does anyone have any suggestions or is it safe to assume that her network card is dead?

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Wireless Or Not, Connected To The Internet?

Oct 13, 2009

I have this new Gateway all-in-One machine that has built-in wireless and the standard Ethernet connection capabilities. I have an Ethernet cable connected and would like to know:

- How exactly, do I tell how I am connected to the internet (Via Ethernet or via wireless)? I click the connection icon and does not specify exactly how I am connected to the internet, Only that I am connected...

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Cannot Access Internet Even Though Connected

Sep 2, 2009

I upgraded my Vista Home Premium x64 to SP2 on 8/28. No problem until 8/31. Now I cannot get on the internet regardless of firefox, IE, or Chrome. The Windows Network Diagnostics did not find any problems. The network and Sharing center shows that I am connected to my network and then to the internet with no issues. IPv4 = Internet. IPv6 = limited.

Steps completed thus far:I rebooted the cable modem and the router (linksys wrt54g) I successfully pinged the x64 computer with a different cpu on the network. Status activity shows bytes sent and received successfully on the x64 system. I tried to system restore prior to SP2 upgrade but says failed, however System properties show that running SP1. I updated network card driver (intel 82567lf-2) to most recent - 7/23 I ran the Intel network card diagnostics and all test were sucessful Booted into safe mode with networking. Unsuccessful. Ran Hijackthis, nothing unusual. I am at a loss of what to do. I do even know how to describe the situation succinctly enough to search and see if others have had the same problem.

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Internet Security Not Connected

Apr 20, 2008

I still am unable to use the outgoing feature of Vista's Windows Mail. I have updated Vista for possible fixes.Windows Defender is off. My internet security is Trend Micro Internet Security.

Here is the error message when Trend is connected: Subject 'Fw: 2007 NID DVDs', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC19. Here is my error message when Trend Micro Internet Security is not connected: The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Fw: 2007 NID DVDs', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E,does not require a secure connection. Is there anything that I might try?

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Connected To Internet But Not Working

Jan 21, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate 64, and it is showing that is connected to the internet, however it will not open webpages, do updates, etc.... It also will not let me into the router (, just says it's not connected. For what it is worth, it also will not connect when plugged directly into the modem. DHCP is on. I am on a laptop (XP) using a wireless connection through the same router now, so I know the internet is working. Yes I have read the forums to death for ideas, I am about out.

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Networking Can't Connected Internet

Jan 7, 2009

i've got two computers running off a LAN network at my business (i think that's what it's called when it's not wireless). the main computer is working fine, connecting to the internet, network, etc. the secondary computer WAS working fine until yesterday morning. nothing has changed, no one has touched anything or made any adjustments or anything at all. now it appears to connect to the network since it's still running our POS program with no problem, but it says it's connecting to "unidentified network". it also won't connect to the internet. we've tried all the standard troubleshooting ideas (disconnecting, reconnecting, restarting, blah blah blah) NOTHING WORKS!

i've read other threads & tried what other people are trying & it's still doing the same exact thing. the thing that's different from everyone elses problems is that most other people are having problems with new systems or updated systems... this computer has had no changes made to it & was working fine until now.

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WRTP54G Internet Not Connected

Jan 5, 2008

I'm currently running Ultimate x64. My system consists of Asus NCT-D motherboard (with broadcom netxtreme gigabit ethernet nic built in) ....I'm experiencing two problems really. The main issue is that my computer intermittently loses its internet connection. My wife's laptop can still connect to the internet wirelessly, but my computer loses all access until I reset the router. I've disabled all power-saving functions on the computer (including the NIC). I just upgraded the firmware today after reading through the forums here, so I'm not sure if it's going to work or not. When I called Linksys this morning they said they couldn't help me because they only support 32-bit systems. If the firmware update doesn't help are there any other suggestions besides purchasing a new NIC? I've read about slowing down the NIC, but I haven't tried that yet, I didn't know if it would really be related or not since this happens at random but at least once a day. The second issue I'm having is attempting to connect my wife's laptop to the printer. I've enabled complete sharing on our network, including the printer, but when I attempt to find the printer on my wife's laptop (Toshiba, running XP Home) it cannot find it to print. It gives me the error saying there is no printer detected (and yes my printer is turned on).

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Local Access Only When Connected To Internet

Oct 7, 2009

I am running vista on a hp laptop. I can connect to the local network, but can't connect to the login website. I have tried several fixes including disableing ipv6. I feel the issue is when Im attempting to connect to this wifii public unsecure network Im unable to receive the redirect to the terms of use page. in the network sharing center it shows me conected to the local network but not to the internet.

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Connected To Home Network But No Internet

Sep 18, 2008

umm well for about 6 months now i've had my laptop (with vista premium 32 bit) and i was connected wirelessly to my home network with no problems. Then all of a sudden a few days ago (13th or 14th to be precise) at midnight i no longer had any internet connectivity. I was browsing the internet, watching a video, from a little before midnight till 12:30 and when i was done i noticed the loss of internet connection.

When i try to troubleshoot the problem i get the "cannot communicate with primary DNS server". I CAN access my home network (sent a file to our desktop computer's shared folder and recieved it just fine) but my internet connection is down. When i check in Network and Sharing Center i see the line from my PC to the home network in green but the one from home to internet is Xed. On the other hand, my brother (who also has vista on his laptop) did not get this problem and any other periferal accessing the router (wii, xbox360, DS) can all access the internet.............

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Blue Screen When Internet Connected

Apr 6, 2009

my computer turns on and picks up the internet it blue screens. whereas if the wireless is turned off its fine. this happens as soon as i enter my password i get blue screen then it restarts the process again below is a message im getting i tried searching it but found nothing that really made any sense. stop: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 08CF9759B, 0x8AC9AO3C, 0x00000000)

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System Is Connected To Internet, But Cannot Browse

Feb 25, 2010

I'm sure other people have had this problem, and I have viewed their threads and tried everything that was listed that I could find, but to no avail. I have a HP Pavilion running Windows Vista Home Premium. I try to connect to the internet, but whenever I try to browse it cannot display the webpage I am trying to load. And here's the kicker, the darn thing says I am connected, with full bars even.

As far as I can tell, I have no out of date drivers, I checked and double checked to make sure. I have tried resetting the TCP/IP and winsock settings/files using the commands I found in a thread on this forum, but it didn't work. I tried using ipconfig described in another thread, and even though I can successfully ping sites (three different ones I might add), the release/renew commands didn't resolve it. I even tried a system restore to rollback updates, still didn't work..........

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Network Connected But No Internet Connection

Jun 8, 2009

Vista has been working great for about 6 months, networking and everything, but just 2 days ago my internet connection dropped and never came back. I looked into it and I am now connected to an "Unidentified Network" with "Local Only" access. I have tried to fix it for 3 days now and have gotten no where. I've tried everything I've read, though I may have missed something, I have even reinstalled Vista 64x.

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Wireless Computer : Connected But No Access To The Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have a wireless computer...notebook and I have windows vista on it. I had comcast plugged into it and now that I am mobile again, I am not able to use the wireless. The computer keeps telling me I am connected; but, I can't get access to the internet. Can anyone please tell me what to do?

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Remote Set Up: Control XP Machine Connected To Internet

Oct 15, 2009

I have a Vista machine. I want to control an XP machine that is connected to the internet. What setting do I need to know from the XP machine and what settings do I need to make on their PC to validate me logging into their PC

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Internet Stopped Working, Still Connected To Network

Mar 23, 2008

my firefox & IE have suddenly stopped working (blank page; "website found; waiting for reply" on IE and "waiting for" on firefox). literally. one minute they were working, the next minute they weren't. i didn't do anything special in between. not even a reboot. now, it's only IE and firefox; messenger still works and so does skype and some other internet apps. i can even ping from cmd.

- i've tried rebooting, no help.
- I've tried reinstalling firefox, no help.
- i've tried switching from wired connection to wireless; no help
- i've tried disabling firewall; no help.
- i've run anti-virus (nod32) and anti-malware; no help
- It's not the router or ISP, because my laptop works fine.................

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Cannot Reconnect Wireless After Logoff, Shows Connected But No Internet

Jun 15, 2009

Running Vista64 on HP pavillion. Wireless connects great after gigaset se567 is rebooted. But if I logoff or reboot my computer, I can no longer connect until I reboot the router again. Happens if wireless is lost as well. Is an autoconnection to a non-broadcast SSID. if I manually disconnect and wait a min I can manually reconnect. Have done an ipcongif /all at one point and it showed all proper IP's etc, but I could not connect to any websites. Local access only.

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Cannot Connect To Internet Acer Laptop

Mar 23, 2008

I got my Acer Extenza 4620Z Laptop in December and it has Vista installed, and until today, the internet has always worked fine. Earlier today I was turning my computer on and when everything loaded up I connected to my home wireless network (Belkin router) but the computer couldn't connect to any programs that use the internet (AIM, Firefox, IE). My desktop is older and has XP, which is working like normal, all things internet work normally so I know its not the router or the ISP. When I contacted Acer about the situation, the IT told me to perform a system restore to a few days ago (3/9/08), which I did. That worked for a few hours and then it happened again, "Server Not Found" and nothing that uses internet would work. The I tried to System Restore it again to earlier (2/28/08) and it worked again, but also for only a few hours. Now my laptop just automatically installed all the Windows updates from 3/9-3/12 and the internet doesnt work again. How can I fix this problem? I am convinced that it has something to do with the Windows Updates because it only happens when one of the newer updates is installed.

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Vundo Virus On Laptop, Kaspersky Internet Security

Nov 7, 2008

My computer has been having issues accessing some internet sites: facebook, yahoo, thisiscornwall and so on. I have Kaspersky internet security and thought everything was ok. Until i decided to download AVG. Whilst running this scan AVG discovered i have a Vundo. 0 trojan. AVG stated the trojan had been deleted. However i decided to manually remove the program the trojan was found in (a zip file for registry mechanic sent from a friend). I also uninstalled the program. However the problem is still there and i cannot access certian sites. Does anyone know what i can do to get rid of this problem? I have tried a vundo removal program and also vundobegone (in which you start the program in safe mode) these both returned a nothing found result.

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Laptop Internet Access In Ireland South (eire)

Jun 18, 2009

can anyone please tell me what i need to access the internet in ireland south (eire) this is what i laptop running vista h/p, i also have an irish mobile phone (for use only in ireland) pay as you go with o2 ireland. ive heard people talking about a "dongle" (whatever that is) i will only be over there for a couple of weeks,so i dont want to sign up to an irish contract, even dialup would be ok.

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Do I Own Windows On My Laptop 100%, Use The Vista Home Premium 32bit Key From The Laptop On One Of My Other Desktops

Nov 5, 2009

I bought an Laptop with Vista Home Premium 32bit. If I install a FULL version of Windows 7 on this Laptop, can I use the Vista Home Premium 32bit key from the laptop on one of my other desktops? If so, would I talk to Microsoft or the manufacturer to get a disk without all the manufacturer "Bonus" software?

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From Outlook In XP On Laptop 1 To Mail On Laptop 2

Jul 5, 2008

there must be many people who have moved all their mail from XP on one laptop to Vista mail on a new laptop. These two computers can see each other on the network. How can I easily move all history, contacts, folders etc from one to the other?

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Network Can't Connected

Oct 1, 2009

Since i built my computer I have been having fight with other family members over the internet as our router broke and we have to plug right into the modem (only one can connect at a time). Today i purchased a 8 port 10-100mbps network switch (Buying a router is not possible at this time) I connected the modem to the switch, then my computer and then the home computer. When i connected on my computer, everything was fine (I have vista ultimate x64 sp2.)

I then disconnected and connected the home computer (xp Pro sp3) Everything worked fine. Then I came back to mine and tried to connect and after a bit of waiting i got the message "Error 815" and that the server is not responding. When I do the opposite and connect my computer and then try connect the xp computer, I get the message "Error 676 the line is busy." I can browse both the computers files through network as long as I have the other computers password.Does anyone know a solution to my problem so that both computers can be online at the same time e.g. a shared internet connection from vista pc to xp pc or connect to the internet through the other computer and vice versa? P.S Both computers have kaspersky internet security but i tried disabling them and it still didnt work

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Currently Not Connected To Any Networks

Feb 6, 2009

This is not causing any problems, I just don't know why. I have an i7 on a Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5, gigabit Linksys switch, Norton 2008 firewall, Vista 32bit, and 3 PCs (Vista, Vista, XP) in a LAN. Vista doesn't seem to think a LAN/switch is a real network? I can see all of the other network PCs, connect to the internet (DSL) thru a switch connected Linksys wireless router, share files, and printers; but it's bugging me.

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