Install Vista Ultimate 64 (w/SP1) With 4GB. Didn't Work

May 24, 2008

I attempted to install Vista Ultimate 64 (w/SP1) with 4GB. Didn't work - BSOD. I took 1 stick out so now I had 2GB. After about 5 reboots, I finally got Vista to install. However, as soon as I'd install the latest gfx driver (175.16-Vista64) it would crash. I spent hours on the phone with Microsoft - they couldn't solve it. Called EVGA, they said they hadn't heard of any problems with the latest driver. I installed an older driver (169.25) and got it work. I never got the system stable, and I don't think it's the gfx card.

I tried installing Gears of War, which seemed to install just fine, however, if I started to do something else (I tried this twice) it would give me a BSOD. Then, I tried installing it and nothing else. It crashed on it's own giving me a BSOD. Another time I was just looking around the features in Control Panel and it crashed. Bottom line - it was never very stable.

I decided to format my drive and start fresh. This time, I could get the Vista disc to load and install, but it would crash at various places during install (sometimes after "Installing Features," but most of the time just before it would finish - so about 30-45 minutes into the installation). The errors I have received are the following (but not limited to, ):........

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Repair Install Didn't Work

Oct 4, 2008

I have a Dell Inspirion E1505. 1.73ghz core duo, 2 gb Ram, 80gb hdd. I had been running Linux on my laptop. It ran fine. I decided to sell the laptop and realized I'd have to re-install the Vista OS that came with the computer. After a successful install and the downloading of all updates, including SP1, I noticed a problem when I attempted to change my power options. When I clicked on the drop down menu, it showed me all the options, I chose what I wanted and when it retracted, it went through every option and then settled on the one at the top of the list. It did this numerous times. I then clicked on set to default and that worked. I had downloaded spybot search and destroy and attempted to install it. When it came to the select language portion, it was on Afrikaans (top of the list), I attempted to change it to english and it would quickly rotate through all the languages and stop on Afrikaans, again, numerous times. I googled the problem to no avail. I then figured that one of the updates had a corrupted file or something and restored the syatem to the very first point, again to no avail. I then decided to do a repair install, that didn't work. I then decided to do a complete re-install, when I get to the set the time and date,I choose Eastern Standard Time and it then rotates through all the choices in seconds and stops at the very top one. I am Lost and could sure

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Drivers For IPX To Work On Vista, Didn't Work

Jul 1, 2008

I have been wracking my brain for weeks now, trying to play C&C First Decade with Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge over the LAN, it will only run on IPX networking which I could setup with 2x XP machines, I have Vista Ultimate on my PC, and XP on another, I found some drivers for IPX to work on Vista, didn't work ... So I loaded Hamachi which had built-in IPX support. Now when I open RA2, it no longer says IPX unavailable, it shows 00 00 00...

So it can see my Hamachi adapter with IPX support, great! The other XP machine has Hamachi installed, and they are both VPN'd (Connected) on the same Hamachi Network. They don't see each other... The XP machine shows a few IPX networks, I have tried switching to them all, even put the Hamachi adapter and the LAN adapter to the top of the preferred networks list. This was sort-of a breeze with both XP, but with Vista it's looking to be a bit tricky. I have no firewalls running on either machine and I am pretty cluey when it comes to networking (TCP/IP that is).

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Upgrade From Vista Basic To Vista Premium But The Activation Key Didn't Work

Mar 26, 2008

I recently tried to upgrade from Vista Basic to Vista Premium but the activation key didn't work. So I recovered Vista Basic from the windows.old file but there is still a corrupt version of Vista Premium on my hard disk. how to remove it?

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Install Vista Ultimate From Retail 64-bit DVD?

Jun 23, 2008

I know that retail versions of Vista Ultimate come with media for both 32-bit and 64-bit installation and that the same product will work for either. Machines that are purchased with Vista pre-installed come with either 32-bit or 64-bit versions, but there is no way to change from a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version, ever if you have 64-bit hardware. The COA on the bottom of the machine says Vista Ultimate, but does not say 32-bit or 64-bit. I have been told that you can reinstall Vista onto machines that originally came with OEM versions of Vista using retail media and activate using the OEM-supplied product key. (This is different from XP, where retail disks will not activate using OEM product keys). My question is whether I can install Vista Ultimate from a retail 64-bit DVD (that is licensed onto a different machine) and activate using the OEM key and whether or not Microsoft thinks this is a legal use of their product.

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Is It Possible To Install An Premium Version Of Vista With A Ultimate Key

Mar 23, 2008

Is it possible to install an Premium version of Vista With a Ultimate key?? And if it is possible, HOW? I want to Install Premium because of all the security options.

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Install: Legitimate Version Of Vista Ultimate

Mar 26, 2008

I have a fairly new HP a6110 desktop that has its own special restore = partition on the "C" drive that can be accessed from the boot menu. My issue is that I have a legitimate version of Vista Ultimate that I = would like to install, but I have heard some horror stories that the way = the HP is set up, that it will not allow this - Indeed that it will not = even allow a "clean" install of the Vista Ultimate and will crash the HD = id I try? Is this true and also, is it possible to upgrade to Vista Ultimate by an = upgrade over the Home Premium? If it is possible - what do I need to do to install Vista Ultimate?

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After Being Unable To Install SP2 For Ultimate, Reinstall Vista?

Sep 2, 2009

After being unable to install SP2 for Ultimate, my computer now says that I have to re-install Vista. Is there a way to get my data from the computer before doing this. I was in the process of backing up all of my inventory for my store and it reset on its own.

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Possible To Install Vista Ultimate Edition Over A Xp Installation?

Mar 26, 2008

is it possible to install vista ultimate edition over a xp installation that came with my computer trough a windows vista ultimate upgrade pack?

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True Clean Re-install Of Vista Ultimate?

Mar 23, 2008

I want to do a true clean re-install of Vista Ultimate, and wipe out all data on my hard drive (not a clean lite re-install). When I select drive D I'm told it's too small to use for the install. I'm unable to resize this drive.

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Install Vista Ultimate Edition Over Xp Installation?

Mar 23, 2008

is it possible to install vista ultimate edition over a xp installation that came with my computer trough a windows vista ultimate upgrade pack?

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SP1 Didn't Install

Mar 24, 2008

I have three Vista machines on my home network (2 Ultimate, 1 Home Premium - all dual core, not too old). Vista runs great on all three machines except that when I try to copy files over my network, I see that dreaded "Calculating Time Remaining" and nothing happens. Sometimes it may copy one file over but that's it. Then it hangs forever. when I click "Cancel" it still hangs and I end up rebooting.

I waiting patiently for SP1, only to find that it made absolutely no difference and did not solve the problem. I have scoured the web for suggestions and done everything from turning off remote compression to disabling UAC yadda yadda yadda.

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Didn't Work Activation Code

May 20, 2007

I had a problem with my Vista so i had to reinstall it. After i reinstalled it I had to enter my activation code. I did that (i think). I tried the voice automated system and it didn't work. This is what i entered.

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Recovering Serial Didn't Work

Mar 23, 2008

I just upgraded my system's motherboard, chip, and ram and ran into a big problem. When I booted up for the first time, Vista started to boot up then reset. When I ran recovery, it told me some drivers were corrupted (probably the old hardware) . I ran the motherboard disk and installed the new drivers and to make a long story short, it didn't work. Add that to the fact that I can't find my serial number sticker and I'm screwed. Is there a way to find my serial using the Dos prompt or can windows pull my serial off my hard drive if I reinstall? Please help, the copy of Vista is only 4 months old and I was waiting to put the sticker on when I got the new case + Motherboard setup

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The Online Downloader/installer Didn't Work

May 12, 2008

I decided to make the most of my MSDN subscription and give Vista a go, since my XP installation was very slow. I wiped the drive clean and installed Vista Ultimate SP1 - with an open mind and high hopes.

It took a while to install, but time aside it was rather painless. However, my experience started to go downhill quickly. As a first step, I opened up IE and went straight to AVG's website to get some Antivirus protection. IE crashed. Ok, so I tried a few other websites. IE crashed rather often, in fact it's not random it'll crash on the same websites every time. So I managed to get Firefox installed without having IE crash - and tried to do all my updating through Firefox (not much choice).

My second bad experience was when I tried to install MSN Messanger. First off, the online downloader/installer didn't work. Says it couldn't install and to try again later. So I opted for the standalone installer (took a while to find) and tried it. It installed, but unfortunately it constantly crashes with various exceptions, seems to be related to the rotating ads but can't be sure. I have even tried to install Flash & Java and still no luck with the wierd exceptions. I also made sure I updated my video drivers to the latest ATI drivers available.........

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Mail Notifier, Widget Didn't Work

Apr 10, 2008

Mail Notifier that works i tried the Yahoo widget didn't work and a couple from the Sidebar widget list none worked, I use Yahoo for my emails

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Windows Easy Transfer Didn't Work

Jul 29, 2009

1. On my old laptop (Windows XP) I first used MS Office 2003, I then installed MS Office 2007 Student and Home. Before uninstalling Office 2003 I stored some Outlook pst-files (e-mail, contacts and archive files). How can I import these files into Windows Mail/Contacts on my new laptop (Windows Vista/MS Office 2007 H&S). I tried Windows Easy Transfer, but it didn't work.
2. How can I import Mozilla Thunderbird files (e-mail, contacts) from the old laptop into Windows Mail/Contacts on the new one? The wizzard does not give the opportunity to select Thunderbird files.

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Didn't Work Disable Command Prompt

Mar 21, 2009

I have a dell xps M1530. After fiddling with a bunch of settings to get protools 7.3 (an XP program) to work in compatability mode, it wouldnt work after installing and uninstalling it a few times so i bought the new vista compatible version but when i went to uninstall it it wouldnt let me. I then turned off DEP with setup>performance>dep but it didnt work so i disabled it in command prompt but it still wouldnt let me uninstall it. Then after i turned it off the next time i turned it on it wouldnt start. Every time i try to start it it loads up to the start of the windows load screen where the green bars usually go across the box, but after loading the box and the windows logo it blue screens and goes back to the initial loading screen. Every time i run startup repair it says there is no problem, then restarts and does it all again. Every time i run system restore i run it back before i tried installing protools at all, and it says its successful but then the same blue screen happens at the same time. When i run system restore it only lets me run it on the OS: (system) drive and the other drives are able to be highlighted but i cant tick the boxes.

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Disc Download Online Didn't Work

Feb 14, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire laptop which the user password was changed and forgotten, also all other accounts were deleted. I am unable to do ANYTHING with this computer now. We bought a new laptop, but want to get the pics and music of the HD. Any ideas on how to get those files, or how to get passed the password? I've tried the password reset disc downloaded online, but didn't work.

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Desktop Icon Didn't Work Uninstalled

Apr 15, 2009

here’s one for the books!!! Shawn, I hope you’re there, I downloaded a GAOTD icon program called Desktop Icon Toy, but it didn’t work well for me, so I uninstalled it (using Programs + Features). Afterward, I did a search to see if there were any additional files left over, and there was one, (the system tray icon) which I also deleted. The icons on my Desktop reverted back to the way I originally had them, and I thought all was fine, until. . . later this evening I turned my laptop off and rebooted. Everything seemed fine except for the Desktop icons. This was something I’ve never seen before – each of the original icons had a generic icon laid over the top of it – like two layers of icons, and you could see the original icon a little bit around the edges of the generic one.

I tried right-clicking on Properties to change the icons back to what they were, but no dice. Couldn’t change them at all. Then I went to your Tutorial on deleting the icon cache, but it didn’t work. In fact, I did it twice and each time, the icon cache got larger! ( It went from 3,648kb, to 4,043kb, to 4,046kb.) I rebooted after each attempt and deleted the icon cache.db file from the Recycle Bin after each reboot. The last thing I tried was changing the Display color setting from 32 to 16 and back again. I saw the icons move slightly as the changes were occurring, but the problem didn’t get fixed. Now I’m really concerned. Have you ever heard of this happening Shawn? I have Vista 64 bit on an HP Pavillion dv5t.

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Didn't Let It Install Quicktime 4 Or DirectX 6

Mar 23, 2008

Decided to replay the whole Myst series, so got the compilation set of parts 1 to 5. Installing on Vista Ultimate x64 (4Gb memory, Nvidia 8800GTX, etc) Myst (masterpiece edition) installs OK (just didn't let it install Quicktime 4 or directX 6 !)Can it really be possible that the original is dated 1993 ? (even this version is 1999)Forgot how little of the screen it used (especially in the middle of a 24"
widescreen)Is there any known way of forcing it to resize ? Masterpiece Edition ? Still looks like the old Myst to me. What about RealMyst ? Should I be substituting that for this first part.

Won't install.Presumably its a 16 bit installer (which of course won't run on x64) even though Riven itself is obviously 32 bit.Anyone know of a 32 bit installer ?Otherwise I am stuck with XP 32 on a laptop.Annoying as this is the one that I really wanted to play (1) never finished it the first time (2) on a bigger screen

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Black Screen: Startup Repair Didn't Work

Mar 20, 2009

Recently after being infected with a virus the laptop goes to a black screen after the vista loading bar. In safe mode it freezes when loading crcdisk.sys System restore was disabled, so I couldn't do that. Startup repair didn't work. If this works I'm gonna post as much

Partial Bootlog:Code:
Did not load driver AFD.SYS
Did not load driver AFD.SYS
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSUSBSTOR.SYS
Did not load driver AFD.SYS
Did not load driver AFD.SYS.....

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High CPU Use At Idle: Using Task Manager To Find The Culprit, That Didn't Work?

Jan 18, 2008

Some program has started to use a lot of CPU cycles during idle. I have a q6600 processor. My logitech g15 keyboard LCD display is showing core 2 (0,1,2,3) to be running constantly at 20-40%. This is unusual. There is very little hard-drive use occurring. I've been running Vista Ultimate x64 since October. This is new behavior. I tried using task manager to find the culprit. That didn't work. This process seems to be preventing the computer from entering sleep mode. How do I find out what's running up my cpu usage? (If I can find it, I assume I can shut it down!)

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Blue Screen: Booting On Safe Mode/ Last Good Configuration Both Didn't Work

Feb 1, 2010

I am trying to fix a laptop.. it is getting blue screen.. things i did

1. Replace ram
2. Tried booting on safe mode/ last good configuration both didn't work

When I put a windows cd for repair (windows XP Home) and boot from cd.. its goes on the window where I need to select 1.c:windows but when i select that.. it goes on blue screen again.. I removed the hard disk.. connect it externally and ran a chkdsk /r and chkdsk /f then put it back to the laptop still didnt work..

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Vista Didn't Empty Ram Has Closed

Apr 4, 2010

my problem is the immense ram use in vista. but this is a new problem to me! i had after booting vista (all programms and services were load!) 1.2gb in use at the most! i had problems with my pc, so i reinstalled vista (vista didn't empty the ram anymore after a programm had been closed). now it starts at 1gb and climbs up to 1.3 to 1.5gb in a few minutes! in the meantime i do nothing, vista does that on its own. and i haven't installed yet the startup programms i have had installed before. using vista 64-bit

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System Vista Didn't Realtek

Nov 22, 2008

Does anyone know how I can sync Windows time to the global time for my timezone? I had to manually set the time in BIOS the first time I installed this motherboard from 9/19/2008, and I never had to do that. Also I had to install NIC drivers from the disk... again I haven't had to do that for a long time. I guess Vista didn't have Realtek RTL8168C(P)/8111C(P) NIC drivers integrated into the OS?

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Didn't Viao's Copy Of Windows Vista

Aug 7, 2009

Vaio Laptop that was in desperate need of a wipe and reinstall. Unfortunately she didn't know where her Vaio's copy of Windows Vista Premium was. While I was at my campus bookstore, I asked them if they had a copy of just the media itself as I already had my sister's Vaio license. They sold me a copy of the Ultimate version for $20 or $40 dollars, I don't remember how much exactly. I knew that the Ultimate version had all the versions, including the Premium version my sister had a license for. I used Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder to look up her license which I e-mailed to myself. I reinstalled Vista which installed as the Premium version, just as I expected. Five to six hours later I had everything set up. I thought everything was activated and working just fine. I was wrong.

And now a week later, my sister brings me her laptop and complains herbackground is gone. The operating system had reverted itself to its limited "Illegal State". Frustrated and not wanting to spend another five hours redoing it all, I tried using the license that came on the back of the CD that I got at my campus bookstore which Windows refused. It won't allow me to upgrade to Ultimate either. What is my best solution at this point? Will Microsoft support me in this? Can I get a disc replacement from Vaio? The last thing we want to do is have to buy another license. I don't know if if its okay to use the license that came on the back of my Ultimate disc either.

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Vista Didn't Recognized My ATI Video Card, NO SOUND

Apr 16, 2008

I installed Vista Ultimate in my 2.4 G. Core 2 Duo iMAC.

1. Vista didn't Recognized my ATI Video card. So I cant use Media Center Contents and play DVD.


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New Ultimate Extras: Windows Vista Ultimate Language Packs Are Back After The SP1 Upgrade

Apr 23, 2008

I see Windows Sound Schemes, and DreamScene Content Pack 3 now available. Also the Windows Vista Ultimate Language Packs are back after the SP1 upgrade.

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Running Vista Operating System Didn't Automatically Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased a dell laptop last year and have had numerous issues form the start. It is running the Vista Business operating system. I realize I should have sent the thing back to the factory right away, but I didn't. I would like to reinstall the operating system and start fresh to see if the same issues occur: automatically shuting down, blue / black screen, clock consistantly loosing time, printers not working, yadda, yadda, yadda. I have all the restore disks that came with the computer. What do I need to consider before attempting to take it back to square one?

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Anytime Upgrade To Ultimate Can I Choose Between The 32 And 64 Bit Vista Ultimate

Mar 25, 2008

I Have Windows Vista OEM 32 bit that came on my computer. I noticed that the full retail version of ultimate includes the 32 and 64 bit install. With the anytime upgrade to ultimate can I choose between the 32 and 64 bit vista ultimate? I do realize that I would have to do a clean install of the 64 bit OS. I would like to try the 64 bit version but would also like to be able revert back to the 32 bit if the 64 bit doesn't work out. If I can't then the 32 bit version it is as I need to join a domain.........

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