Headset Unplugged, Audio Muted

Jan 6, 2009

As I was playing a game my speakers stopped and minimized, then my Realtek HD Audio Manager says that my headset is plugged in, I looked to see if it was, it wasn't...and now my sound is muted, I rebooted the computer and there was no change, I closed Realtek Audio Manager down and started it back up and still no change!

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Realtek HD: Device Unplugged, Cutting Audio Constantly

Dec 15, 2008

ive been getting this problem for a while now, even after system restoring. whenever im running something that requires audio, eg. itunes, ventrilo, Internet video etc a balloon will pop up from 'realtek hd audio manager' saying a device (my headphones) has been unplugged, it will then say the device has been plugged in again. it cuts the audio for about a second (very frustrating) and if i am in game, will make me lag also. it seems to occur more frequently when i am in vent and in game, if more than 2-3 people talk at once it will happen definately. i have tried reinstalling directx10, playing around inside the realtek hd audio manager.. but to no prevail.

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Micro Cannot Be Muted And Useable

Dec 26, 2008

I have a fresh install of Vista Business 64 bit. I installed the latest drivers for my soundblaster X-fi extreme gamer fatility pro. By default my microphone plays through my speakers. If I mute the microphone in my playback devices, it disables the whole microphone until I restart. I had this exact same problem when I tried Vista Ultimate 32 bit. Why is this happening. How can I fix it.

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Cable Unplugged On To Xp Machine

Mar 23, 2008

I have little red crosses on the LAN connections between my 2 pcs - one running vista, on running xp sp2. The ethernet cable is plugged in, and the ethernet ports work ok when connecting to a router, they only stop working when one pc is plugged to the other So far I've tried, amongst other things: -Installing the XP networking patch on the xp machine - Getting the workgroup and user names the same on both machines I dont seem to be able to run ipconfig on 1 pc - the window pops up ,scrolls and quickly closes. The xp machine says "cable unplugged" when connected to the vista pc, but is fine when I plug it into the router Can bright ideas...?

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Unplugged Network Cable Nothing Happening

Apr 5, 2009

EVERYTHING is plugged in, the internet on my computer is working fine. However my laptop says "local and internet connection" but only displays the 5 bars now if I go into network configuration. It says everything is connected, yet ALSO says the LAN cable is unplugged, which it isn't. I originally thought this might be a problem with the laptop itself but my dad brought his home from work and it doesn't work either... I've done pretty much everything you can think of doing to fix this problem but nothing is working

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Bridge Show Always Network Cable Unplugged

Jun 23, 2008

I've bridged my wireless and ethernet connections to connect my xbox360 to the internet. This worked fine before on this laptop but now it don't! I've enabled compatibility mode via netsh but I still get "network cable unplugged" on MAC Bridge Miniport immediately after I create the bridge. The wireless network works just fine when I remove the bridge. I have the latest drivers and SP.

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Restore The System And Network Cable Unplugged?

Feb 12, 2010

i run a toshiba satellite L300D and i had to restore the system before the restore all was ok .. but now i have the message "Network cable unplugged"..the little screen on the statup bar has a cross in it and no matter what i do it just gives me the same message .. it sees my bt home hub and says i am connected i have tried to connect by lan cable ,but that did no good the connectivity doctor says the wirless is disconnected.and says the possible cause is "ip address not set properly ( c-19 )".i have used the network diagnostics to repair the "ip address" but to no avail.i think i have tried everthing to fix this

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Network Cable Unplugged Windows Startup

Apr 7, 2010

i have windows vista ultimate x64 since i first got my computer, never formatted it afterwards and its the same install since first. I have a problem that started some time a go (i think it started in md autumn last year) after installing NIS 2010 (i suppose this is when it really started). And if you ask me, no, it's not original. Or it may have started after an update...this is the problem cuz i can't pinpoint accurately when it first appeared. So here's the problem: my windows loads normally i type in the password to my account, and then i get the "X" icon on the Networks (it appears like this, the X doesnt appear after "it loads") i have to wait like 30 seconds and i'm not kidding, when my computer normally fully loads vista in 12 seconds or so (with all the startup progrms). AND HERE COMES THE S@#T biscuit: almost anything windows-related operations don't work until that stupid icon turns to normal (without the X)... like User Account control (UAC appears after the icon turns to normal, eventually), On-screen keyboard i found out that it doesn't appear until that stupid X disappears (i had probs with my keyboard).

There's another curious thing: if i wait a few seconds at the log in screen and then decide to log in, everything loads normally (as if that stupid X has a fixed timer when it disappears). Internet works fine, no network problems... except one minor, windows-related problem: i can't click the damn icon or right click it doesn't do jack !@@# as if the icon is frozen... if i hover my mouse over it nothing appears (the list of connected networks would normally appear if you hover the mouse pointer). I have Hamachi and Tunngle installed (they are both progrms which create virtual networks,i removed tunngle a few weeks ago though), but i had them before this problem first appeared and worked fine. Another thing i need to mention is i started to get some retarded "device is not working" like 4 of them under network adapters something called Windows 6to4 Adapter #4, #5 #6, but i solved it (unninstalled them, then reinstall ONE of it).

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Headset Not Functioning..

May 25, 2008

I have a headset (mic & earphone). I used it on my old system and it worked fine, but now that I've upgraded to Vista x64 it seems to not work. I'm wondering if maybe there is a setting or something that I have missed somewhere?

The problem: I can hear sound coming from it...so no problems there. The sound quality is great just like before..now then, the problem is that the mic seems to not work anymore. No one can hear me and I've tried testing by recording myself and it doesn't play back anything either. I also tried hooking it back up to my old PC and it worked fine...so its definitely a software problem of some sort..

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Not Working Mic/headset

Jun 16, 2008

I am having troubles getting my mic/headset to do anything. Ive tried changing every setting that I see but nothing seems to be working. I have a Creative SB X-FI Sound card and I am using the Line In/Digital I/O/Mic In port for my Mic and the Line Out1 for my headset.

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Mic With X64 (SB Audigy2Z & Headset)

Dec 6, 2008

I see to be having a rather odd problem with my Vista, Headset Mic, and Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS card. Ive searched and searched for a solution to this problem on this board but nothing seems to working.here's my deal:I have the correct drivers installed for my Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS card.I am able to hear the Mic on my headset loud and clear on both headphones and speakers. This is the weird part. Everything says its connected and working, and yet, STEAM won't detect anything coming from my mic and neither will Sound Recorder in Vista. I can hear the mic perfectly when I un-mute it in playback, but for some really weird reason,none of the software I try to use it with can detect the sound when I speak into it when it can all be heard clearly I have the latest sound blaster drivers for my card and even installed the new beta one for this model and still no luck.

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Ventrilo + USB: Headset: Not Wprking

Oct 19, 2009

after about an hour of fruitless searching i have decided to make a thread. here is my problem, i use ventrilo and everyone says they can hear themselves when i talk so i spoke with ventrillo live help and they said to mute the line in section of my mic settings. well there is no such setting there, i use a usb headset

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Headset Stop Working

Jul 8, 2009

I have a Razer Carcharias gaming headset. It has always worked properly and very well. Now today for some reason the mic on it has decided to stop working. I've checked my sound levels and my boost option, and they are all turned all the way up.
So my question to you is, what should I do next to get this working again? I run my own ventrilo server, so its kind of dumb to do that if I can't even talk on it

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Not Recognizing Headset Plugging

Jun 2, 2008

I am posting from work, but should have enough information for you guys for a start. I just got a new computer on Friday, and have been having some problems with sound. I have gone to the Asus sight and downloaded the drivers again for the motherboard, and am using onboard sound. I don't recall the exact specifics, but its onboard Realtek. Sound works fine from my speakers, but I have not been able to get the computer to recognize just a standard headset that I was using with my other computer that same day, so I know the headset is working. My setup is Does anyone have any suggestions that would enable my computer to recognize when the headphones are plugged in so that I may use Ventrilo and listen to music?

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Doesn't Recognize Headset

Feb 27, 2009

so I'm running a MSI 790x Plat and Windows Vista x64 everything is plugged in correctly according the the manual, and I have all of my drivers updated, but it still doesnt recognize the headset or head phones for that matter. This headset works on other computers so i know its not the headset. I've asked around and people have told me i might need to enable it in the BIOS, but I've looked around and i don't know how to find it there. So I guess what im asking is if anyone can help me find the setting within the BIOS where i can enable it, or do i have to do something else.

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Headset Microphone Detected But Won't Work

Oct 26, 2008

I just got a new computer with Vista. I'm trying to get a headset that I used on my old computer to work. The headset is a free one that came with some language learning software so there's no driver. In the sound manager, Vista detects the microphone as being plugged in - as a "Microphone/Line In - SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC", but no program notices any sound coming from it. It is set as the default microphone and it's enabled. It works on my old computer still.

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Fatal1ty USB Gaming Headset HS-1000

Jul 3, 2009

So I followed the instructions and had uninstalled everything i installed with the disc it came with. I then downloaded the drivers from the creative website for windows 32bit and restarted. Still no mic i checked the settings in the sound and nothing is muted and all bars are at high. I can hear everyone but no one can hear me.

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Recognizing Headset But No Sound Coming Out

Aug 27, 2009

Alright, I got the fatal1ty headset and I'm having a problem with my MIC. The headphones are working perfectly. It's recognizing the headset but no sound is coming out when I speak, seems like it's on mute, on the headset the mic is set on "on."

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Bluetooth Headset Can Connect Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Jabra Bluetooth Headset model BT160 and I wood like to know if I can connect it with my pc. I have Windows Vista Ultimate.

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Headset In Front Jack Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

1) Headset plugged into front jacks is not working and it looks like my PC hasn't even sensed the headset bcos I expected it to it ask me about what I have plugged into the jack if it was not sure.

2) Rear speakers are working fine for playbacks. Rear jack microphone is working for recording but the issue is the audio being recorded cannot be heard from speakers. After I stop recording I can play and hear the recording but not while I am recording it.

Has someone faced this and has some solutions for me? Let me make it clear that same hardware works absolutely fine when the OS was XP. I had a fresh Vista install couple of days back on hardware with Intel motherboard, Intel core 2 duo 946GZ Express chipset. I have every possible (also all optional) latest update for the OS. I have installed latest drivers meant for Vista (audio and graphics accelerators) downloaded and installed yesterday from Intel site.

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Audio From Dvd: Need Software That Will Allow Me To Extract Audio Segments From A Dvd

Mar 23, 2008

Need a software that will allow me to extract audio segments from a Dvd. I'm very new to CD/DVD RW so hopefully it won't be too complicated for me.

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Audio Red Cross - Conexant HD Audio

Dec 18, 2008

"no audi device installed, in volume mixer"

Im trying to help a friend fix their sound on their HP Compaq Presario F500 (2EA)Laptop. They have the annoying red cross over the audio icon on the bottom right hand corner of the screen (No Volume Mixer).

I have tried numerous things like:-

- Completely uninstalled the (Conexant High Definition) drivers in device manager, restarted and let Vista install them again.
- Downloaded latest drivers from RealTek,, and also HP
- Unfortunately their are no system restore points before the problem happened.

I have a sneaking suspision that either Windows Update installed something that is clashing with this problem or I herd that Itunes may have somethign to do with it (Which was installed near the time).

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Audio Tab Has A Big Red X Above It?

May 1, 2009

I have a Gateway MX6445 i bought it back in 2006 i recently updated from xp to vista ultimate x64 when i updated it everything was ok except audio. The audio tab has a big red x above it, and when i go to the control panel it says no audio output device is installed. I have tried unistalling and rebooting and that doesnt work because it searches for the audio drives and then ask for a disk, well i dont have a disk and then it tells me it could not find the drive and to contact the manufacturer

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Audio In Vista Is Too Low

Oct 11, 2008

Prior to installing Vista, Windows XP had drivers for my Conexant Sound Card but 3 days ago I installed Vista Ultimate and I can't seem to find drivers for my sound card, I used Everest Ultimate and it shows my Sound Card as Riptide Audio Device, the problem is that currently I'm making my speakers work on the onboard audio, But the output is too low since the speakers lack amplifiers. Tell me if my Sound Card Diver in XP would be compatible in Vista! PS: I've tried Windows Update and It says that it couldn't find the drivers for my Sound Card.

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Recording Audio From The Web

Sep 6, 2009

Running a Toshiba Satellite (nice speakers) under Vista Home Premium SP2. There is a series of audio interviews on the web that I want to record on my HD. Currently, I'm having acceptable results simply playing through the speakers and picking it up through the microphone using Sound Recorder. It's not exactly high fidelity, but I'm dealing with speech, not music. The only problem is that it's vulnerable to any noise in the area, and four to six grandkids can produce that effortlessly.

I asked Geek Squad if I could just jumper the earphones output to the mic input, thereby blocking out external noise. She said it wouldn't work because ... yadda yadda .. powered mic ... yadda yadda ... a lot of extra noise. She confused me further with talk about software that will do this. I tried a free trial of one, but it looked as though it was still depending about the output from speakers and said nothing about gagging grandkids. Is there a way to play audio from a website and record it on my HD without depending on immediate airspace?

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Audio Level Is Always Low

Mar 30, 2009

If I run the default Vista audio drivers the output volume on my external speakers is very low (i would guess 10% of maximum) with all volume controls set to maximum. Double and Triple Checked - but no change. I have read here an in other forums to try updating to the new Realtek Audio drivers. I have done so, but when I do all of the volume comes from the internal speaker only on the tower. No audio coming out of external speakers. The Realtek Audio Manager in the system tray show a red (ish) speaker.

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No Audio Through Hdmi To Tv

Feb 1, 2009

I used to connect my HP Pavilion dv9260nr Notebook to my Sharp Aquos LCD tv through an HDMI cable and got audio and video w/ no problems. About 2 months ago I reinstalled Vista Ultimate x64. I haven't tried to reconnect until recently and now I get video but no audio.

I have tried to set SPDIF Interface to default like I used to but it doesn't work. You can see the green "mixer" bar moving, but I can't hear anything. Also, when it's set to default the configure box is greyed out.

I have the latest Conexant High Definition Audio Driver,
I also have Vista Codec pack v511 installed.

Seems like I need to "enable" hdmi somewhere but I can't find anywhere to.

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Recording Audio

Aug 17, 2009

I have a dell lalptop with windows vista basic. I have used the sound recorder before but the quality is not that great (using the inbuilt mic). So today I brought a microphone headset (cheap one). But I still find a little bit of background noise using the sound recorder. I need this because I do poetry and I am doing some recorded peotry for use as backing for a dvd. Im just looking for the cheapest resonable option. Has anyone got any ideas? I have done a couple of peoms to dvd but the sound lets it down. This is just a project at the moment so I dont wont to spend louds of money on equipment.

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No Audio In Videos

Nov 3, 2008

I've just got a new laptop which has Vista Basic on. Everything seemed fine until I tried playing MPEG 2 videos: the video itself looked fine but there was no audio. I've spent hours on this now and I still can't find an answer to my problem. I'm getting desperate now:

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How To Rip Just Audio From DVDs?

Mar 23, 2008

Is there a way to rip just the audio from DVDs? I have a few live concerts on DVDs, and I would just like to listen to the audio of them all on my MP3 player. Transferring the whole contents of the DVDs would take up way too much storage on my MP3 player. Can Windows Media Player do this?

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And SRS Audio Sandbox

Mar 3, 2009

For those who are using Vista x64 flavor with the SRS Audio Sandbox topping!

Many complains i have seen on the net about sound crashing when using this combo.

I also have the same problem with SRS.
I came up with the why....? but not the how to fix it.
I have an MSI sli v2, with the HD realtek alc888, 7.1 capable audio connector.
I used to have installed windows xp x86, in this system and used SRS 32bit version and it worked great, never had a crash.
Now I re installed my system with the lattest trend that is ....Windows Vista Ultimate x64....i had to get myself the x64 version of SRS. I installed it and ran it, and now the problems start. It sounds great untill it crashes.
(I did install the 32 bit vesrsion of SRS in Vista Ultimate x86 for a friend and he doesn't suffer from crashes)
So my deduction here is that the problem lies in the x64 drivers of SRS or the capacity for vista x64 to handdle such a fine program.
(i have not tryed the x64 version of xp yet to single out if it is the xp/vista or is the 32/64 conflicts with SRS)

So if any one wants to join this discussion, to see if we can come up to the solution....i tell you there will be many happy ears out there!
I am one of the addicts to SRS the sound, its so rich! i can't just listen to the plain sound of the realtek eq.

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