Freezes At Select User Screen

May 15, 2010

vista freezes at select user screen. but safe mode works fine. mouse works fine in safe mode. how do i fix this, please?

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Select Dazzle 170 As Capture Device, Get Blue Screen

Jun 8, 2008

I have Vista preminm with 3 gig of ram. I installed Dazzle video creator platinum. I installed reccommended updates from Pinnacle. Whenever I start Instant DVD recorder and select Dazzle 170 as the capture device I get the blue screen and it restarts my puter,EVERY TIME. Does anyone know how to fix this.

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Screen Freezes, Needs Reboot

Jan 4, 2009

I've had some trouble with my computer and I'm not sure if it's ram problems or graphics or anything. I've had the following problems: Vertical very thin pixel lines that show up random places nvlddmkm has stopped responding and recovered. And within the last 2 days it's done it 3 times, I'm having my screen go blank with random colors. Green, White, and then the last is black that goes away and comes back like the monitor is trying to reset itself. Always black tho. I have to restart in order to get it to reboot. So I'm thinking I have bad ram, my monitor is a Westinghouse 17" Flat panel I got in 2005. My graphics card (8800GT) is about 11 months old.

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Windows Freezes On Screen Saver

Sep 14, 2009

Can anyone explain why Windows periodically freezes when the screen saver is running? At first I thought it was due to the Windows Live Photo Gallery. After running for several hours (overnight, for e.g.), it would freeze on one picture. Usually moving the mouse would eventually close the screen saver and I'd return to the desktop.

I then changed to a regular screen saver, Mystify. Usually this isn't a problem, but today when I moved the mouse, the screen saver froze. I couldn't soft boot, actually had to shut down manually. This is the second time this has happened.

I've checked whether I'm using the latest video driver using device manager, and it says everything is up to date. I'm using NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430, driver version Could there be a device conflict? How would I be able to tell?

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Installing Ultimate 64 Bit, Screen Freezes

Jun 30, 2008

I recently built a computer with a SATA hdd and a IDE disk drive. I had also bought vista ultimate 64 bit. I cannot install vista. the screen just freezes, about 20-50% through the expanding files part. when I boot the hdd up, I get the missing bootmgr thing, several times. I tried the tip by lifehacker to use the repair settings thing. I cannot seem to install vista. I even tried to make a copy of the dvd from the comp I am typing with now.

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System Freezes Up And Screen Goes Black

Feb 6, 2009

I'm having a problem watching videos. About an hour into a movie, I lose the video. My laptop freezes up and my screen goes black, although I still have audio. I have to power it down and then restart Windows normally. I have NVIDIA GeForce GO 7150 graphics w. 1071 mb shared video. It is set to "Let 3D Application Decide". Can anyone tell me what I need to do to stop these abnormal shutdowns?

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Locks Up After About 30 Minutes, The Screen Becomes A Bit Distorted And The PC Freezes

Apr 20, 2010

I have a windows vista that boots OK, but after about 30 minutes the screen becomes a bit distorted and the PC freezes. I cannot move mouse/keyboard nor can I ping it. In safe mode it doesnt lock up.Trying to find where to look. I have disbaled most startup apps and it still locks up in normal mode.

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Blue Screen Crashes - Computer Freezes.

Jan 28, 2010

I am having problems with my computer randomly crashing. Didnt have a clue what was causing it. So I decided to: update all my drivers that I could think to update (used device manager to do so). I cleaned my computers inside. Updates my virus scanner - am protected. (Avast) cleaned my registery (I used a downloaded registry cleaner from a computer magazine website, they reviewed it, and i tried it) Disk Defrag used. Finally found some info when my computer crashed. Went online to find information and got some software that helped me get more info about my problems. (see attachments)....

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Install Software Screen Dims And Freezes

Jul 26, 2008

I was trying to install all my old software but I have recently come across a problem that I need some assistance with. When I try to install this software DVD Copy Software from DVDFab | Copy DVD to PSP, DVDR or iPod it starts the install, confirms that I want to install it and then the screen dims and basically freezes. I go to the task manager and it doesn't list the install on there, but when I cancel out of there it has cleared up. I know that this software works on vista from the manufacturer. This has happened with a few install attempts.

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Operating System: Freezes Before Welcome Screen Appears

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to boot into my Windows Vista Operating System, and it seems to freeze before the Welcome screen appears, is there a way that I can fix, this, the problem started straight after I had uploaded some pics from my Digital camera, I had already scanned the hard drive and I only found trojan horse virus in it, which is only one virus, can there be any other way to fix this?

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Install Slow, Freezes, Black Screen

Jan 20, 2010

This computer ran Vista x64 fine for over a year. I sold it to brought it back to me the other day stating it started up, but just a black screen. First thought was power supply. Replaced the power supply with a 500 watt Thermaltake. System POST's. Gets to windows screen with the loading bar. Freezes. Decide to re-install thinking maybe there was too many unsucessful boots.

Install is VERY slow. Never have I seen it do this. It takes forever to get into the language screen. Finally once installed, Freezes at the windows screen with the loading bar underneath, yet again. Fooling around, I popped out the CMOS battery and cut all power to the system (Resetting CMOS, yes I know I can do it via Jumpers as well but I dont have the manual handy) and low and behold once I replace the battery and reboot I get into vista. I shutdown, restart to see if everythings all set. Frozen at the windows loading bar screen again...............

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Half-Life 2: Freezes, Black Screen

Dec 28, 2009

I recently received The Orange Box, and wish to play Half-Life 2. I am running a Vista Home Premium x64 machine updated to SP1. However, whenever I run Half-Life 2, either from within Steam or from a shortcut, Half-Life 2 starts, adjusts the screen resolution, and freezes on a black screen with a frozen Taskbar at the bottom of the screen. I have added "-32bit" to the shortcut line and have set the program to run in Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode. This fix has made Portal run fine, so I don't know why it won't work for Half-Life 2.

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Graphic Screen Black System Freezes

Feb 26, 2009

Windows Vista freezes I have geforce 8600 graphics card. System works perfectly with 2 gb, but if I try to use 4 gb or 6 gb, i get graphic glithces and screen goes black / system freezes. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? It's driving me nuts

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Cs Source, Monitor Freezes And Crashes To Blue Screen

Dec 26, 2008

whenever i enter a game in Cs : Source it lets me stay in for about 1 min then my monitor freezes and crashes to blue screen (error nvlddmkm.sys) or comp stays frozen.. i have to restart the hard way.

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Ultimate 64bit: Watch Dvds Screen Freezes

Jan 5, 2009

1. when I play games (quake4) and watch dvds, every now and again (more often with games, sometimes with dvds) the screen freezes and I have to reboot by reset button (nothing else work). As my PC is new, I don't know whether it's a hardware or software problem.

2. I have MS Office 2003 loaded, and again the Word would stop responding every so often and sometimes it restarts, sometimes it doesn't.

3. Finally, a few programs, especially catalyst, would stop working as soon as boot up is completed, but again, this happens only at times. To top it off, sometimes vista will reboot itself automatically, as if I pressed the reset button.

I've checked Bios updates from Asus, and while there are newer updates, they don't seem to be for the problems I'm having, and my realtek driver is the latest version (I've compared my version to what's on Asus' site)

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Windows Memory Diagnostics: Freezes On Blank Screen

Apr 27, 2008

Every time I run a Windows Vista Memory Diagnostics and it completes and gets ready to boot back into Windows it freezes on the blank screen with the progress bar running? While Windows Memory Diagnostics was testing it didn't report any errors and memtest64 also didn't report any errors.

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Screen Freezes With A Yellow And White Checkard Effect

Jun 1, 2008

I have new computer, but about two week after purchase this problem started. The screen freezes with a Yellow and white checkard effect, then goes black. The computer is still running but not the screen. The only thing to do it hold the on off button on the tower and reboot. This happened a few times, and I was going to contact my supplier. Then it stopped for about two weeks. But it has just happened again?

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Unstable Freezes Blue Screen Data Dump

Apr 15, 2008

I recently used a VISTA compatible utility (TWEAK VI) to sort and clean my registry. I then added several new applications, including Office 2007. My system has now become very unstable and often freezes, does a blue screen data dump, or just shuts down with no explanation. I am to far removed from the registry clean to reach a restore point for it, so I am hoping there is a repair option on the VISTA install disk, like the XP disk has. So far the only option I find is to reinstall the whole program.

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User Log On Screen

May 12, 2010

Sent my computer off to diagnose a program on the weekend. I was told some start up programs were taken off. Now when i turn on the computer it does the usual windows logo animation and instead of going to the log on screen it loads up the account straight away. I am the only user but still want the machine locked so i have to enter a password to log on. Just wondering if it needs to be added to the start up list or something to get it to start as normal again??

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User Pic In Login Screen

Jul 23, 2008

I've been searching through the forum's tutorials and all through Google to find out how to change the size of the user picture in the login screen. I don't have a password set to my account and I am currently the only one with an account on the computer, so the picture is very small on my 22" 1680*1050 monitor.

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'User' And Pat Not Shown On Screen

Jun 5, 2008

My wife has just bought a laptop and has been playing the included "Hearts" game that comes with Vista Basic. I have set so that her name -Pat- appears as the key player in the game but for no apparent reason sometimes she becomes 'User' and Pat is not shown on the screen. There is nothing I can see to cause this but advice from one of you knowledgeable people out and might keep me out of the doghouse.

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How Do Bypass Switch User Screen To Login As Another?

Feb 26, 2008

Whenever someone in my family walks away from using the computer with Windows Vista, after the Screen Saver, I'm always taken to a screen that allows only the last user to log back in, but when someone else wants to log in, they need to hit the "Switch User" button to go back to the regular login screen. Can I have the computer just go back to showing all the user's names (so I don't have to click the "Switch User" button to login as me). I would like this to work, just as XP did... so if the last person who used the computer has to log back in, s/he would just have to click their name again...just like XP did.

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User Accounts Do Not Fully Start Up Blue Screen

Mar 26, 2008

All new accounts I create on Vista home premium do not login properly. When a user logs in the explorer.exe process does not start (the user just sees blank blue screen). It is possible to launch the task manager and start processes by hand. I found a suggestion on another post that said there was an incorrect "Shell" registry entry that could be the cause of the problem, but that was not the case here. The Shell key is correctly set to "explorer.exe". If the users log in under safe mode, the desktop loads correctly.

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User Accounts Do Not Fully Start Up - Blue Screen

Mar 23, 2008

All new accounts I create on Vista home premium do not login properly. When a user logs in the explorer.exe process does not start (the user just sees blank blue screen). It is possible to launch the task manager and start processes by hand. I found a suggestion on another post that said there was an incorrect "Shell" registry entry that could be the cause of the problem, but that was not the case here. The Shell key is correctly set to "explorer.exe". If the users log in under safe mode, the desktop loads correctly.

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Stop User Account Control (UAC) Screen Flicker / Flash

Feb 19, 2007

Every time I get one of those UAC prompts asking me to authorize an administrative action my LCD screen flashes when the box pops up. This is caused by the switch to the secure desktop, similar to what happens when you hit CTRL + ALT + DELETE. The only difference is that the background is a snapshot of your desktop that gives it the effect that it is just a pop up window. Although if you look carefully you will notice it is static since the clock does not change and anything else that was animated is now static. The secure desktop provides an extra level of security to UAC by making it immune to any application that may try to automate the click on the allow button bypassing the purpose of UAC.

This sounds like a great thing but it is really annoying to me. I hate that screen flicker. Rather than disable UAC, there is a better alternative.  Instead, I can just disable the secure desktop switch that causes the flicker. I know this is not as secure but it is better than disabling UAC completely. 

Follow the steps below to disable UAC secure desktop: ...

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Freezes At Green Start Up Bar/freezes For A Few Seconds On Desktop

Sep 3, 2009

I've an Asus f5sl laptop with Vista Home Premium (32bit) but it's been freezing on me lately. When I boot up, it gets to the black screen with the green bar but after a few seconds, the green bar freezes and I can't log in. Occasionally it boots up after around half an hour but then Vista periodically freezes for a few seconds before resuming (which is annoying when trying to write out something etc)

I don't see any problems in Safe Mode so is possibly a driver? I've updated all my drivers, completely updated using WIndows Update, ran antispyware, used System Restore etc. Only problem is; I've moved to a new country, and like a fool, I left my Vista start up disk back home. Which I would otherwise have tried.

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Auto Select New Folder

Jun 7, 2008

Before SP1 was installed, whenever I created a new folder, and then clicked on the folder icon while I was changing the name from "New Folder" to whatever (or pressed <ENTER>), I would immediately go into that folder, so that I would not have to double-click it to go in. Since I installed SP1, this is not happening. Is there any way of re-enabling this feature?

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Multiple Select Inability

Mar 23, 2008

a solution to the "multiple select" problem in Vista? I'm referring to the inability to use "Shift-Select" and "Control-Select" on groups of names or files in Vista without loosing some of the selections.

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Is There Easy Way To Select More Than One Item?

Apr 28, 2008

Is there an easy way to select more than one item when trying to copy picture files to an email or website for sending over the internet? I remember I used to be able to select the first item and hold down the ctl or shift key select the end item and all the items inbetween would be highlighted for copy? Now, with windows vista, I have to click each one and sometimes it won't even let me do that, I have to do one at a time, depending on what I am doing.

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Not Able To Select Native Resolution

Apr 9, 2008

I have bought a Vista x64 approximately one week ago. Actually I had no problem with the WinXP Professional however the Dx10 and the 64-bit issue caught me and here I am with my problems. I have Samsung 931nwplus monitor and my video card is Palit 9600 GT SONIC. The native resolution of my monitor is 1440x900. On Winxp I had no problems and was able to set the native resolution. However, after I installed Vista x64 I am not able to select the native resolution. I tried it from nvidia panel (custom resolution) power-strip and so on but I the max resolution I can select is 1280x1024. I have installed the final drivers of nvidia. However, I am not sure I have the latest drivers for my monitor. On the web page it says that the said driver is for vista but not sure if it is also ok for x64?

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Can Not Select Text In Wordpad

Jun 11, 2008

i dont suppose anyone else has had vista mouse issues? It's only in certain programs and it's only when attempting to left-click drag.80% of the time i can not select text in Wordpad. And some other programs have behaved bad with left-click drag too. I have a Logitech MX510 mouse. I do not think they give drivers away online for x64 because they are assumed to come with Vista.

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