Install Software Screen Dims And Freezes

Jul 26, 2008

I was trying to install all my old software but I have recently come across a problem that I need some assistance with. When I try to install this software DVD Copy Software from DVDFab | Copy DVD to PSP, DVDR or iPod it starts the install, confirms that I want to install it and then the screen dims and basically freezes. I go to the task manager and it doesn't list the install on there, but when I cancel out of there it has cleared up. I know that this software works on vista from the manufacturer. This has happened with a few install attempts.

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Install Slow, Freezes, Black Screen

Jan 20, 2010

This computer ran Vista x64 fine for over a year. I sold it to brought it back to me the other day stating it started up, but just a black screen. First thought was power supply. Replaced the power supply with a 500 watt Thermaltake. System POST's. Gets to windows screen with the loading bar. Freezes. Decide to re-install thinking maybe there was too many unsucessful boots.

Install is VERY slow. Never have I seen it do this. It takes forever to get into the language screen. Finally once installed, Freezes at the windows screen with the loading bar underneath, yet again. Fooling around, I popped out the CMOS battery and cut all power to the system (Resetting CMOS, yes I know I can do it via Jumpers as well but I dont have the manual handy) and low and behold once I replace the battery and reboot I get into vista. I shutdown, restart to see if everythings all set. Frozen at the windows loading bar screen again...............

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Monitor #1 Dims On Start-Up

Jan 12, 2010

After spending a while on google and forum searches I can't find anyone talking about what is happening to me. I just recently purchased a Gateway computer and I am having a problem with monitor's dimming. (HD3200 onboard graphis, dual e-machines 22" lcd monitors). When I first got the machine I noticed that it would randomly decide to dim one of my monitors. It was pretty infrequent at first, and if I pressed ctrl+alt+delete and opened up the Task Manager it would often fix the problem and brighten the problem monitor up.

Well, I updated the video card drivers. This seemed to fix the problem, I hadn't noticed either one dim for quite some time. The problem took a turn for the worse though. Now, every time I boot it up, it automatically dims monitor #1 (hooked up via VGA, #2 is on DVI-D). I can't get it to undim the monitor except for randomly when it boots up occasionally it won't be dimmed. I thought maybe it was some type of power saving mode, but after turning all power saving settings that I know of, off, I have started to think that isn't the problem.....

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New O/s New Install, Freezes?

Apr 13, 2008

I have built a new system for the first time, specs are in my sig, and have made the decision to use 64bit Vista as this is my gaming pc and wanted to use all available ram. Now for my problem! I have installed the O/s and downloaded all available updates. However, when i go to install some programs my windows freezes, i can't even bring up the task manager and end up having to do a hard re-start. I tried to solve this problem by downloading the latest drivers for my hardware but the same problem occurs, halfway through my system freezes. This was the case for installing my mobo drivers. As i have managed to instal some games and can play them fine i would really like to get to the bottom of my problem so i can get it in good running order.

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Screen Freezes, Needs Reboot

Jan 4, 2009

I've had some trouble with my computer and I'm not sure if it's ram problems or graphics or anything. I've had the following problems: Vertical very thin pixel lines that show up random places nvlddmkm has stopped responding and recovered. And within the last 2 days it's done it 3 times, I'm having my screen go blank with random colors. Green, White, and then the last is black that goes away and comes back like the monitor is trying to reset itself. Always black tho. I have to restart in order to get it to reboot. So I'm thinking I have bad ram, my monitor is a Westinghouse 17" Flat panel I got in 2005. My graphics card (8800GT) is about 11 months old.

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Install Some Programs, Freezes Everytime

Jul 12, 2008

i just bought vista x64, home premium sp1, and it's been nothign but hassle. i have been working with / repairing xp systems for 6 years now, there is not much that gets me on xp systems... vista however is different. i setup the system about 2 weeks ago, with new parts. the video card was backordered, so i used a 7600gt i had laying around instead. everything installed fine. i hadn't really used it, so yesterday when i recieved the other card, i thought i knew what to do. the new card is an ati hd2600, so i uninstalled the drivers for nvidia, changed out the cards, and it would freeze as soon as i could see the desktop everytime windows started. so i reformated. easy, as i had nothing on the system anyways. installed the ati card, worked fine. all the drivers back in, worked fine. now i am trying to install some programs, freezes everytime. one is nero 8, one is powerpoint viewer 2007. is there anything that works properly with x64? what benefits does x64 have? i haven't seen ANY yet.

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X64 Wont Install, Computer Freezes

Nov 30, 2007

Purchased a copy of windows vista ultimate and installed the 32 bit bit version and everything runs perfect, however when i try to install the 64 bit version my computer freezes either during the installation or right after the install is complete.

Ive tried everything. Installed on different hard drive, used different memory, different power supply, different CD rom drive, absolutely nothing will get the installation to not freeze. The windows event viewer is useless. I even tried 3 different install cd's. It's not overheating as far as i can tell either. Like i said vista 32 runs perfect so i cant understand whats going on? Should I RMA my motherboard? Ever heard of a cpu being defective in this way

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Photoshop Cs4 Install Computer Freezes

Jan 11, 2009

i have a problem with my photoshop Cs4 installer. everytime i go to install, a window comes up and says "checking system profile" it gets to about 90% then Freezes. Is this common

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Windows Freezes On Screen Saver

Sep 14, 2009

Can anyone explain why Windows periodically freezes when the screen saver is running? At first I thought it was due to the Windows Live Photo Gallery. After running for several hours (overnight, for e.g.), it would freeze on one picture. Usually moving the mouse would eventually close the screen saver and I'd return to the desktop.

I then changed to a regular screen saver, Mystify. Usually this isn't a problem, but today when I moved the mouse, the screen saver froze. I couldn't soft boot, actually had to shut down manually. This is the second time this has happened.

I've checked whether I'm using the latest video driver using device manager, and it says everything is up to date. I'm using NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430, driver version Could there be a device conflict? How would I be able to tell?

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Installing Ultimate 64 Bit, Screen Freezes

Jun 30, 2008

I recently built a computer with a SATA hdd and a IDE disk drive. I had also bought vista ultimate 64 bit. I cannot install vista. the screen just freezes, about 20-50% through the expanding files part. when I boot the hdd up, I get the missing bootmgr thing, several times. I tried the tip by lifehacker to use the repair settings thing. I cannot seem to install vista. I even tried to make a copy of the dvd from the comp I am typing with now.

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System Freezes Up And Screen Goes Black

Feb 6, 2009

I'm having a problem watching videos. About an hour into a movie, I lose the video. My laptop freezes up and my screen goes black, although I still have audio. I have to power it down and then restart Windows normally. I have NVIDIA GeForce GO 7150 graphics w. 1071 mb shared video. It is set to "Let 3D Application Decide". Can anyone tell me what I need to do to stop these abnormal shutdowns?

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Freezes At Select User Screen

May 15, 2010

vista freezes at select user screen. but safe mode works fine. mouse works fine in safe mode. how do i fix this, please?

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Locks Up After About 30 Minutes, The Screen Becomes A Bit Distorted And The PC Freezes

Apr 20, 2010

I have a windows vista that boots OK, but after about 30 minutes the screen becomes a bit distorted and the PC freezes. I cannot move mouse/keyboard nor can I ping it. In safe mode it doesnt lock up.Trying to find where to look. I have disbaled most startup apps and it still locks up in normal mode.

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Blue Screen Crashes - Computer Freezes.

Jan 28, 2010

I am having problems with my computer randomly crashing. Didnt have a clue what was causing it. So I decided to: update all my drivers that I could think to update (used device manager to do so). I cleaned my computers inside. Updates my virus scanner - am protected. (Avast) cleaned my registery (I used a downloaded registry cleaner from a computer magazine website, they reviewed it, and i tried it) Disk Defrag used. Finally found some info when my computer crashed. Went online to find information and got some software that helped me get more info about my problems. (see attachments)....

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Operating System: Freezes Before Welcome Screen Appears

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to boot into my Windows Vista Operating System, and it seems to freeze before the Welcome screen appears, is there a way that I can fix, this, the problem started straight after I had uploaded some pics from my Digital camera, I had already scanned the hard drive and I only found trojan horse virus in it, which is only one virus, can there be any other way to fix this?

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Half-Life 2: Freezes, Black Screen

Dec 28, 2009

I recently received The Orange Box, and wish to play Half-Life 2. I am running a Vista Home Premium x64 machine updated to SP1. However, whenever I run Half-Life 2, either from within Steam or from a shortcut, Half-Life 2 starts, adjusts the screen resolution, and freezes on a black screen with a frozen Taskbar at the bottom of the screen. I have added "-32bit" to the shortcut line and have set the program to run in Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode. This fix has made Portal run fine, so I don't know why it won't work for Half-Life 2.

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Graphic Screen Black System Freezes

Feb 26, 2009

Windows Vista freezes I have geforce 8600 graphics card. System works perfectly with 2 gb, but if I try to use 4 gb or 6 gb, i get graphic glithces and screen goes black / system freezes. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? It's driving me nuts

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Freezes After Factory Reinstall And Removal Of Win7 Install

May 15, 2010

I own a Gateway NV52 that I purchased almost a year ago. Last month, I installed Windows 7 64-bit on it since I missed having Best Buy do the free upgrade. After the install, I re-downloaded and re-installed my old programs and somewhere during the process, the laptop keep freezing - just a black screen. It tended to happen when I plugged in my wireless mouse.

After trying to fix the issue for Win7, I gave up and re-installed Vista 64 from the Gateway recovery disks. After this fresh install, my USB mouse still seemed to be the issue, so I stopped using it. It seems to not be the problem, however, since it freezes randomly while in the middle of working in programs or idle and nowhere near transitioning to screen saver.

I've run antivirus and antispyware software and come up empty. I'm unsure what to do next, since Gateway tech support seems to be stumped as well. Are there any options I should check before breaking down and shipping this out?

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Cs Source, Monitor Freezes And Crashes To Blue Screen

Dec 26, 2008

whenever i enter a game in Cs : Source it lets me stay in for about 1 min then my monitor freezes and crashes to blue screen (error nvlddmkm.sys) or comp stays frozen.. i have to restart the hard way.

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Ultimate 64bit: Watch Dvds Screen Freezes

Jan 5, 2009

1. when I play games (quake4) and watch dvds, every now and again (more often with games, sometimes with dvds) the screen freezes and I have to reboot by reset button (nothing else work). As my PC is new, I don't know whether it's a hardware or software problem.

2. I have MS Office 2003 loaded, and again the Word would stop responding every so often and sometimes it restarts, sometimes it doesn't.

3. Finally, a few programs, especially catalyst, would stop working as soon as boot up is completed, but again, this happens only at times. To top it off, sometimes vista will reboot itself automatically, as if I pressed the reset button.

I've checked Bios updates from Asus, and while there are newer updates, they don't seem to be for the problems I'm having, and my realtek driver is the latest version (I've compared my version to what's on Asus' site)

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Windows Memory Diagnostics: Freezes On Blank Screen

Apr 27, 2008

Every time I run a Windows Vista Memory Diagnostics and it completes and gets ready to boot back into Windows it freezes on the blank screen with the progress bar running? While Windows Memory Diagnostics was testing it didn't report any errors and memtest64 also didn't report any errors.

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Screen Freezes With A Yellow And White Checkard Effect

Jun 1, 2008

I have new computer, but about two week after purchase this problem started. The screen freezes with a Yellow and white checkard effect, then goes black. The computer is still running but not the screen. The only thing to do it hold the on off button on the tower and reboot. This happened a few times, and I was going to contact my supplier. Then it stopped for about two weeks. But it has just happened again?

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Unstable Freezes Blue Screen Data Dump

Apr 15, 2008

I recently used a VISTA compatible utility (TWEAK VI) to sort and clean my registry. I then added several new applications, including Office 2007. My system has now become very unstable and often freezes, does a blue screen data dump, or just shuts down with no explanation. I am to far removed from the registry clean to reach a restore point for it, so I am hoping there is a repair option on the VISTA install disk, like the XP disk has. So far the only option I find is to reinstall the whole program.

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Install :: Oading Files Screen And Then Screen In Getting Black

Mar 24, 2008

I am building a new system and have a new copy of Vista Home Premium 32bit.

I got it all put together and tried to load Vista. It got to the Windows is loading files screen and then screen in getting black video. Keyboad and mouse stopped working at times. So I updated the board BIO's per intel through iso image and same thing. So I tried installing XP and got to the F8 screen to accept lic. and it just reboots everytime.

Any ideas why Vista would stop? Added the info about the XP install so it may help.


Intel D975XBX2 mobo
Corsair 2048MB PC6400 DDR2 800MHz DHX
BFG GeForce 8800 GTX OC 768MB PCIe
Intel Quad Core Kentsfield 2.4Ghz Q6600 CPU
SoundBlaster xFi XtremeMusic
500GB SATA/300 Baracuda
Siteck Eclipse keyboard
Logitech G5 laser mouse
Viewsonic VX924 LCD
Lite-ON 20X DVDRW SATA LH-20A1S-12 Super-Multi Int
Masscool 8WA741 CPU FAN w/Heat Pipes 775

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Freezes At Green Start Up Bar/freezes For A Few Seconds On Desktop

Sep 3, 2009

I've an Asus f5sl laptop with Vista Home Premium (32bit) but it's been freezing on me lately. When I boot up, it gets to the black screen with the green bar but after a few seconds, the green bar freezes and I can't log in. Occasionally it boots up after around half an hour but then Vista periodically freezes for a few seconds before resuming (which is annoying when trying to write out something etc)

I don't see any problems in Safe Mode so is possibly a driver? I've updated all my drivers, completely updated using WIndows Update, ran antispyware, used System Restore etc. Only problem is; I've moved to a new country, and like a fool, I left my Vista start up disk back home. Which I would otherwise have tried.

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Cannot Install , Stuck On Please Wait Screen

Oct 9, 2009

Booting from DVD "Windows is loading files... (white progress bar) (takes ~1 minute) Blue/green vista background (HDD and DVD drives are active) (takes 20 minutes for the next screen) I get to select languages, then click on "install now" Next I get a "please wait..." screen (HDD and DVD drives are active) (takes 40 minutes for the next screen) If I'm "lucky" I get this next - "A required cd/dvd drive device driver is missing" pop-up and that's as far as I was able to go The same happens with Windows 7, the screens differ a little, and I think the waiting times between these screens a even longer, but it's the same deal
Windows XP installs fast and without an errors

Updated BIOS Tried different settings in BIOS Tried different RAM Switched DVD drive to slave/master Bunch of other desperate stuff Updated the DVD drive firmware to the most recent Checked with Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor (no issues found) My specs are in my profile

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Blank Screen After Install 8800 Gts

Jan 2, 2008

i installed my 8800 gts with the cd that came with it...rebooted, but all the monitor shows is a black screen (yes the monitor plug thingy is connected to the new gfx card). since the black screen came up, i switched the input back to the integrated gfx card. how do i disable the onboard (integrated) gfx card so that my comp will detect the 8800gts on startup cuz right now it detects nvidia geforce 6150 se (on board gfx card) even if i uninstall it.

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After Fresh Install Screen Gone Blank

May 13, 2009

Got a dell inspron 1525, Vista had a fit so reformated and started fresh now screen gone blank? what the ....what to do?, does anyone know!

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Re-install Upgrade Can Blue Screen

Mar 23, 2008

So my HP started acting up, it's dual boot XP/Vista. I used the boot recovery dvd's from HP to attempt to re-install XP. It caused a blue screen, and messed up the boot sector so I can't now get to Vista either. So after a few hours I finally gave up trying to save the data and went for a full recovery (reformat-install XP clean) that toolead to a blue screen So I finally get Vista to install fresh (wouldn't allow me to install w/my code, said I had to be in windows to use the code.) So I install Visa w/o a code, go to activate and says this had to be an upgrade! technally it still is! So I go to try to find an e-mail or ph for MS and they say $59 to talk to someone! That is BS! If I could get the boot recovery to work I'd go back to XP and never look at vista again! Is there anyway I'm going to be able to save this machine? I'm going to try to contact HP, but have little faith as it's over a year old now, but I'm sure they'd gladly sell me a boot dvd! I relize the first message was in the wrong group.

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Install 2gb Goes Blue Crash Screen

Dec 26, 2008

I am new to this forum so I hope you'll be patient with me. I have a MSI MS-163C laptop with 2GB of RAM and a Intel Dual Core Processor. I have received a copy of Vista Ultimate 64 Bit addition as part of my MAPS subscription and thought that would give it a go, my current version is 32 bit. I have researched and found that 3 to 4GB of RAM is recommended for 64 bit so I purchased 2 x 2GB sticks from FutureShop [Buffalo DDR II / 667mhz PC2 5300 However, anytime that I install any more than the 2GB already in the computer the computer goes to a "Blue" crash screen and I can't go any further. I checked the ram that is in the computer and they are 1GB sticks 667mhz, pretty much the same. If I take both of them out and install just one of the 2GB sticks the computer seems OK, but even if I install a 1GB with it to make it 3GB it crashes again. I am trying to determine for myself it this might be a BIOS problem or what,

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Re-install Upgrade: Blue Screen

Mar 26, 2008

So my HP started acting up, it's dual boot XP/Vista. I used the boot recovery dvd's from HP to attempt to re-install XP. It caused a blue screen, and messed up the boot sector so I can't now get to Vista either. So after a few hours I finally gave up trying to save the data and went for a full recovery (reformat-install XP clean) that too lead to a blue screen So I finally get Vista to install fresh (wouldn't allow me to install w/my code, said I had to be in windows to use the code.) So I install Visa w/o a code, go to activate and says this had to be an upgrade! technally it still is! So I go to try to find an e-mail or ph for MS and they say $59 to talk to someone! That is BS! If I could get the boot recovery to work I'd go back to XP and never look at vista again!

Is there anyway I'm going to be able to save this machine? I'm going to try to contact HP, but have little faith as it's over a year old now, but I'm sure they'd gladly sell me a boot dvd!

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