System Freezes Up And Screen Goes Black

Feb 6, 2009

I'm having a problem watching videos. About an hour into a movie, I lose the video. My laptop freezes up and my screen goes black, although I still have audio. I have to power it down and then restart Windows normally. I have NVIDIA GeForce GO 7150 graphics w. 1071 mb shared video. It is set to "Let 3D Application Decide". Can anyone tell me what I need to do to stop these abnormal shutdowns?

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Graphic Screen Black System Freezes

Feb 26, 2009

Windows Vista freezes I have geforce 8600 graphics card. System works perfectly with 2 gb, but if I try to use 4 gb or 6 gb, i get graphic glithces and screen goes black / system freezes. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? It's driving me nuts

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Install Slow, Freezes, Black Screen

Jan 20, 2010

This computer ran Vista x64 fine for over a year. I sold it to brought it back to me the other day stating it started up, but just a black screen. First thought was power supply. Replaced the power supply with a 500 watt Thermaltake. System POST's. Gets to windows screen with the loading bar. Freezes. Decide to re-install thinking maybe there was too many unsucessful boots.

Install is VERY slow. Never have I seen it do this. It takes forever to get into the language screen. Finally once installed, Freezes at the windows screen with the loading bar underneath, yet again. Fooling around, I popped out the CMOS battery and cut all power to the system (Resetting CMOS, yes I know I can do it via Jumpers as well but I dont have the manual handy) and low and behold once I replace the battery and reboot I get into vista. I shutdown, restart to see if everythings all set. Frozen at the windows loading bar screen again...............

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Half-Life 2: Freezes, Black Screen

Dec 28, 2009

I recently received The Orange Box, and wish to play Half-Life 2. I am running a Vista Home Premium x64 machine updated to SP1. However, whenever I run Half-Life 2, either from within Steam or from a shortcut, Half-Life 2 starts, adjusts the screen resolution, and freezes on a black screen with a frozen Taskbar at the bottom of the screen. I have added "-32bit" to the shortcut line and have set the program to run in Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode. This fix has made Portal run fine, so I don't know why it won't work for Half-Life 2.

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Black Screen: System Crash And Rebooted System

Mar 30, 2008

I have a problem currently with Windows Vista Ultimate(Integrale), this occurred last Friday evening. I was finishing off a word document when suddenly all went black. As an end user I assumed this was a system crash and so rebooted my system, then ran registry repair, then checked for viruses etc with Live OneCare, eventually reloaded Vista all to no avail. Each time I rebooted I was greeted by a black screen after logging in.

I called my tech support who could not help but I did manage to gain access to the internet and after a short while found an item entitled Black Screen Death. This reported that all my problems where due to Microsoft thinking I had a non genuine copy of Vista it went on to explain how you could circum-navigate the problem (this I did and even though I have to repeat this process each time I log on I can use Windows normally). I purchased my copy of Vista Ulitimate from a large chain store at the not give away price of over 400 Euros and registered the same online on the day of installation and have been running for sometime with other Microsoft products including Live OneCare. Why then am I suddenly crippled for an entire weekend by Microsoft security and how can I rectify the situation perminently

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Black Screen, Cant System Restore

Mar 3, 2010

I dont know what happened. All of a sudden I cant use my computer. Whenever I start windows normally I get a black screen with this message: 0c0000034 247/99403 (_oooooooooooooooo.cdf-ms). When I try to start safe mode it loads a bunch of files then says please wait. It never goes past please wait. I cant do a system restore. Whenever I try I get some unspecified error message. The "Last Known Good Configuration" option doesent work either. I've tried startup repair several times but that doesent work.

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Operating System: Freezes Before Welcome Screen Appears

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to boot into my Windows Vista Operating System, and it seems to freeze before the Welcome screen appears, is there a way that I can fix, this, the problem started straight after I had uploaded some pics from my Digital camera, I had already scanned the hard drive and I only found trojan horse virus in it, which is only one virus, can there be any other way to fix this?

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Graphic Card: Computer Freeze For 2-5 Second, Next Is Black Screen For 2seconds(as Monitor Is Shuted Down) And Next Is Black Screen While I Don't Stop The Game

Mar 15, 2008

I have a problem with this graphic card, when I run a game with better graphic details. My computer freeze for 2-5 second, next is black screen for 2seconds(as monitor is shuted down) and next is black screen while i don't stop the game. Next I see this-> I hope that you solve my problem(and see that image) BTW: if this problem was solved on this forum sorry, but on system instantForum i was never been and i don't know how it control. Or if this post is in bad category please send message for me when you move it.

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On Start Up :: Computer Freezes, Goes Black, And Tower Unit Beeps

Nov 14, 2009

On start up lately, the computer freezes, goes black, and tower unit beeps.

Unplug it and start up in safe mode, then back to normal start up OK.

First time, all Norton definanitions gone and Vista defender shut off. restored them,
all OK.

Tried to back up files and got i/o device error (Ox8007045D)...

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Install :: Oading Files Screen And Then Screen In Getting Black

Mar 24, 2008

I am building a new system and have a new copy of Vista Home Premium 32bit.

I got it all put together and tried to load Vista. It got to the Windows is loading files screen and then screen in getting black video. Keyboad and mouse stopped working at times. So I updated the board BIO's per intel through iso image and same thing. So I tried installing XP and got to the F8 screen to accept lic. and it just reboots everytime.

Any ideas why Vista would stop? Added the info about the XP install so it may help.


Intel D975XBX2 mobo
Corsair 2048MB PC6400 DDR2 800MHz DHX
BFG GeForce 8800 GTX OC 768MB PCIe
Intel Quad Core Kentsfield 2.4Ghz Q6600 CPU
SoundBlaster xFi XtremeMusic
500GB SATA/300 Baracuda
Siteck Eclipse keyboard
Logitech G5 laser mouse
Viewsonic VX924 LCD
Lite-ON 20X DVDRW SATA LH-20A1S-12 Super-Multi Int
Masscool 8WA741 CPU FAN w/Heat Pipes 775

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Running The Screen Not Centred & Black Bar On Right Of Screen

May 14, 2008

I have recently bought a new PC running Windows Vista Home Premium. I have loaded the above programs for my son and when they a running the screen is not centred and the is a black bar to the right of the screen approx 3 cm wide. I have tried to run the games in compatibility mode and as adminstrator as recommended with other games but with no success.

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Screen Saver To Black Unresponsive Screen

May 2, 2009

I am having a very wierd issue with vista's screen saver. So basically when I leave the comp idle it goes into screen saver then turns off the monitor after 15 mins. Sometimes, more often than not, I come back and move the mouse and hit a few keys on the keyboard and nothing. The monitor wont come out of standby I try turning it off and back on, and nothing. I have the latest drivers for everything in my system and I checked the power management settings and they both are able to wake the computer up. I have a G15 keyboard and I keep the leds on and when this happens the leds are off and the lazer for the mouse is off too.

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Boot: Screen Hangs On A Black Screen

Nov 13, 2007

i went into my HDD and scheduled an error checking..well windows loaded as normal, but no error checking occurred i after the green bar is done, the screen hangs on a black screen.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Screen Going Black

Nov 19, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1000007e
BCP1: C0000005
BCP2: 98DD3A3D
BCP3: 8837B8FC
BCP4: 8837B5F8.......

My one guess is its something to do with the display driver maybe because that has been stuffing up a bit of late, in the way of the screen going black for a couple of seconds then recovering.

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Should Not Black Screen Full Screen Mode

Oct 5, 2009

Why do I get black picture after I have pressed PrtSc button? Of course it shouldn't be black and it happens only when the screen is on full screen mode (for an example videos, games etc.). It also doesn't matters if I am using just PrtSc or Alt + PrtSc - the result is the same. It looks like this ---> (and, no, I didn't painted it black).

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System Freezes

Apr 5, 2008

I have a laptop that is about 10 months old. The operating system is Windows Vista Home Premium. It worked well for first 8 months,I think. Then it started to freeze. Sometimes it worked perfectly for few hours and then started freezing and sometimes it started freezing from when I turned it on.The freezes usually last from 10 seconds to more minutes. I usually restart the computer if the freeze lasts more than 3 minutes. So for about one month I didn't really think it was something that could mean a serious problem, and I didn't do anything about it.It stopped after two moths, I think.

Few days ago, it started again.I tried System Restore once, but it wasn't successful.I scanned the system for errors (I do that every month), defragmented my computer (I do that every month too), and used the Memory Diagnostics Tool after a recommendation from a friend, and none of these scans showed a problem. I scan my laptop for viruses and spyware every week and all that is found is a tracking cookie. I also didn't install any new hardware or software.

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Screen Freezes, Needs Reboot

Jan 4, 2009

I've had some trouble with my computer and I'm not sure if it's ram problems or graphics or anything. I've had the following problems: Vertical very thin pixel lines that show up random places nvlddmkm has stopped responding and recovered. And within the last 2 days it's done it 3 times, I'm having my screen go blank with random colors. Green, White, and then the last is black that goes away and comes back like the monitor is trying to reset itself. Always black tho. I have to restart in order to get it to reboot. So I'm thinking I have bad ram, my monitor is a Westinghouse 17" Flat panel I got in 2005. My graphics card (8800GT) is about 11 months old.

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Cannot Log-on And Black Screen

Jan 30, 2010

windows seems to boot up partially but does not get to the log-on screen and instead goes to a black screen and all you can see is the arrow shaped mouse pointer and thats all. I put the windows cd in to try to repair the installation and booted from that but still the same thing happens

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Screen Is Black

Apr 21, 2009

Alrighty I went off to work with my pc turned on a few days ago, I come back and the screen is black and nothing I do is responsive to the screen. I then reboot the Pc it leading to a blue screen. Some times when I reboot it will blue screen some times it will just be a black screen that is un responsive. I have tried f8 options in advance boot optiotns, Ive tried re installing windows- it claiming my disk is full. Ive tried system restore it also says I have a disk failure. It wont let me check errors in the properties options on my hard drive. I have done a virus scan(no virus's) and I have 300gigs left of space.

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Screen Becomes Black

Jul 21, 2008

is that when he tries to delete some files that he previously stored in the C:"Account Name",he gets a message saying that the file is unavailable in the specified location.However,that is not my main problem now,because when I was trying to help fix this problem I typed "msconfig" into the RUN box to get the startup utility box and I unchecked some of the background programs to prevent them from loading automatically when the system starts,in order to speed up the system;but when I restarted the system I can see the first screen, which is by the manufacturer of the labtop;then when vista starts loading, the screen becomes black and don't display anything,although I am sure that Vista is loading successfully but I cannot see it on the screen.

I am assuming that one of the programs that I have unchecked is responsible for displaying. I have tried to do a repair installation by using a bootable Vista DVD but I couldn't because I cannot see anything on the screen.I tried logging in on safe mode but that did not work either. How can I undo the changes that I have made to startup utility.

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Black Screen After Log In

Jun 12, 2010

I have two users set-up, user K (with Administrator rights I believe and a password) and user N. If I login as user K, after I enter my password my computer will run for a bit (I can see/hear it logging in) but after a few minutes the screen goes black except for my white cursor and nothing else happens. If I then hit ctrl-alt-del I can see the Task Manager and switch users to user N which will start up normally and give me access to my desktop.

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System Freezes When Using Sli For Games

Mar 15, 2009

I have set up a power plan in Vista Home Premuim 64Bit on my laptop. Is there anyway to have the laptop change to that plan when its plugged into the mains and stay on another one when its on battery? Or do I have to keep changing it?

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System Freezes In Both XP Pro 32-bit And In Ultimate 32-bit

Aug 10, 2009

This entry is going to be long because I am going to tell you everything that I’ve done to try to make my machine work without crashing so solutions won’t be given that I have already tried. The purpose of this thread is to diagnose what my problem actually is, so that I can go and get an exchange for it.) This is the 2nd computer I have ever built. I built my old Pentium 4 from scratch when I was 12, no issues there and now I have built this. There is plenty of ventilation, 7 fans, in my system all up, not incl. the PSU. So my problem starts about 2 months after buying my PC….

Put XP pro 32-bit on it updated it to SP3, working fine. Added my sound card just AFTER this problem first appeared. So my screen Froze, Ctrl Alt Del didn’t work mouse wont move, I try to move my mouse with both my mice and my keyboards (they both have touchpads) still nothing. If audio is playing at the time it loops the last 1/2 second over and over, I NEVER GET A BSOD. (Blue Screen Of Death). I thought this sucks, it is a new PC I’ll hard restart it and then check the event log. Nothing irregular in the event log, so I ignored it.........

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MSCONFIG: System Freezes

Jun 11, 2010

I went into the advanced boot options to have my processors be listed as two and my max memory be listed as the 4096 I have in my system. Rebooted and fine. I went back into MSCONFIG and noticed that even though the check box was still checked under maximum memory.... the number had been set to zero. I wasn't thinking and actually exited out with a restart. Now when I am booting up, I get to where it says starting windows and my system freezes.

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System Hibernation And Freezes

May 17, 2009

A while back, I had a power failure. My machine is on a UPS and when the battery got low, it started to hibernate. I think the UPS must have failed all the way before the hibernation finished. I don't know this for sure because I was away from my computer when this happened. When I got back and powered up the machine, it would start to come out of hibernation and then freeze. I found out how to delete the hibernation data so that the computer would start normally, but ever since then the computer will freeze after it's been running for about 45 minutes or so. It's hard to say for sure because it will run fine as long as it's busy doing something, but if I let it sit idle, it will freeze after awhile. I've looked in the event viewer after restarting, but I don't see anything except routine messages. Is there some specific place I can look to figure out what's happening? I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 on an ASUS A8V Deluxe w/ an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ and 2 GB of memory.

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32 Bit: Intermit System Freezes

Aug 4, 2009

My Sys: 32 bit Dell 8400 Dimension 3.4 ghz, 925 chipset and HT technology. 4gb of ram (3.4 showing), NVIDIA 6800 w/256 ram. SB Audigy Z2 sound card. BIOs is also current and nothing to tweak in there either...Performance is set to "power user." I did a CLEAN install of Vista 32bit Ultimate. All drivers are up to date and all Vista updates done to include SP2. After my final updates I did a defrag, a virus scan using CA Anti-Virus suite and also used CCleaner to fix any errors during the install and clean up any orphans etc.

I went through many Vista tips and tricks sites and diabled all the useless programs/mem-hogs etc. and also went thru the "Services" section and disabled the appropriate programs not required for a home user. Problem: After all the tweaks etc, my system seems to come to a halt (I get the spinning wheel for the cursor) and the system just spins for about a minute or so until something in the background lets go and then the system starts running again. Consistently does just acts like it's running on low memory when there is plenty!!! No noise from the CPU indicating anything running, just quiet and then after a short while...the system just cranks back up like whatever's causing this is done and lets the OS get back to whatever it was tasked with doing before it just went idle...Hybernate is NOT enabled. Task manager does not show anything hogging resources to cause the system to go into a holding pattern! My mem-manager (Windows Vista Service Manager) states I have 69% mem available but the OS is running like I only have 500mb installed!

I've checked eveywhere I can imagine to find out WHY this happens but no luck. I've disabled all kinds of crap (per Vista articles on optimizations) and it makes no difference! I removed Win XP MCE only as I wanted to upgrade to a more current system and had this extra Vista OS available. WinXP MCE ran fine and never lagged on me EVER!!! I'd rather NOT go back to WinXP MCE as I like some of the newer featurs of Vista. This also happened with Win-7 32 bit....tried that OS as well...I can only guess these OSes were only ment for Core 2 Duo systems?

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Windows Freezes On Screen Saver

Sep 14, 2009

Can anyone explain why Windows periodically freezes when the screen saver is running? At first I thought it was due to the Windows Live Photo Gallery. After running for several hours (overnight, for e.g.), it would freeze on one picture. Usually moving the mouse would eventually close the screen saver and I'd return to the desktop.

I then changed to a regular screen saver, Mystify. Usually this isn't a problem, but today when I moved the mouse, the screen saver froze. I couldn't soft boot, actually had to shut down manually. This is the second time this has happened.

I've checked whether I'm using the latest video driver using device manager, and it says everything is up to date. I'm using NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430, driver version Could there be a device conflict? How would I be able to tell?

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Installing Ultimate 64 Bit, Screen Freezes

Jun 30, 2008

I recently built a computer with a SATA hdd and a IDE disk drive. I had also bought vista ultimate 64 bit. I cannot install vista. the screen just freezes, about 20-50% through the expanding files part. when I boot the hdd up, I get the missing bootmgr thing, several times. I tried the tip by lifehacker to use the repair settings thing. I cannot seem to install vista. I even tried to make a copy of the dvd from the comp I am typing with now.

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Freezes At Select User Screen

May 15, 2010

vista freezes at select user screen. but safe mode works fine. mouse works fine in safe mode. how do i fix this, please?

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Black Screen With Games

Jun 27, 2009

I have tried installing many different games on my pc, which are quite new and have been released in the last few years. The installation goes fine, and everything is great. When it comes to launching the game, well, i double click the file to run the game, and i get a black screen. Nothing happens afterwards. It just stays black. 'Ctrl + Alt + Delete' does not work, and neither does 'Alt + Tab', or any other keyboard shortcuts. This results in me having to hold in the power button and turn my pc off like that.

Any idea's on what could be wrong? It is extremely frustrating, due to the fact that i've tried running about 3 - 5 games on my computer, and neither of them work, without a black screen coming up after trying to launch any of them. I've tried numerous things like 'Running as Administrator' and changing compatibillity modes and so on and so forth, but none of that works.

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XFX 680i SLI Screen Going Black

Apr 26, 2008

I was having a weird problem with my screen going black at random after installing any version of Vista, and kept having to force a restart because there was no way to get the screen to come back on. I searched all the forums and it seemed to be very common, but as with most of the forums everyone was argueing about how to fix the problem instead of helping the people with the problem. So I'm posting this one in the hope that it may just help one or two people with the same problem.

My remedy was simply to update the BIOS to the latest version P32 I think from the XFX website, and the problem was no more, I also updated the High def audio driver from the same site, now my machine has been running flawlessly for three days now.

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