MSCONFIG: System Freezes

Jun 11, 2010

I went into the advanced boot options to have my processors be listed as two and my max memory be listed as the 4096 I have in my system. Rebooted and fine. I went back into MSCONFIG and noticed that even though the check box was still checked under maximum memory.... the number had been set to zero. I wasn't thinking and actually exited out with a restart. Now when I am booting up, I get to where it says starting windows and my system freezes.

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System Restore, Device Manager Msconfig Can't Opened

Apr 8, 2009

I have a friend who asked me to look at his HPA1737C desktop running Vista Home Premium tonight and most, if not all of his System32 processes, are no longer accessible. System Restore, Device Manager, MSCONFIG. etc cannot be opened and seemingly also anything System32 file related. Even the Volume icon in Taskbar has a Red X on it. I placed computer in SafeMode and selected Restore To Last Known Good Configuration and it had no affect on restoring. I could access the internet with IE7 and he can send email with no problems. Cannot uninstall or install any applications. He did install some Windows Updates KB867812, KB959772, KB960225, and KB958690 a few days back, but I see nothing in the Vista Newsgroup that would make these possibly related to his problem. Has Norton AV with latest definitions and full scan indicates no problems. I have set up a few Vista systems, but my expertise is XP related.

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System Freezes

Apr 5, 2008

I have a laptop that is about 10 months old. The operating system is Windows Vista Home Premium. It worked well for first 8 months,I think. Then it started to freeze. Sometimes it worked perfectly for few hours and then started freezing and sometimes it started freezing from when I turned it on.The freezes usually last from 10 seconds to more minutes. I usually restart the computer if the freeze lasts more than 3 minutes. So for about one month I didn't really think it was something that could mean a serious problem, and I didn't do anything about it.It stopped after two moths, I think.

Few days ago, it started again.I tried System Restore once, but it wasn't successful.I scanned the system for errors (I do that every month), defragmented my computer (I do that every month too), and used the Memory Diagnostics Tool after a recommendation from a friend, and none of these scans showed a problem. I scan my laptop for viruses and spyware every week and all that is found is a tracking cookie. I also didn't install any new hardware or software.

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System Freezes When Using Sli For Games

Mar 15, 2009

I have set up a power plan in Vista Home Premuim 64Bit on my laptop. Is there anyway to have the laptop change to that plan when its plugged into the mains and stay on another one when its on battery? Or do I have to keep changing it?

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System Freezes In Both XP Pro 32-bit And In Ultimate 32-bit

Aug 10, 2009

This entry is going to be long because I am going to tell you everything that I’ve done to try to make my machine work without crashing so solutions won’t be given that I have already tried. The purpose of this thread is to diagnose what my problem actually is, so that I can go and get an exchange for it.) This is the 2nd computer I have ever built. I built my old Pentium 4 from scratch when I was 12, no issues there and now I have built this. There is plenty of ventilation, 7 fans, in my system all up, not incl. the PSU. So my problem starts about 2 months after buying my PC….

Put XP pro 32-bit on it updated it to SP3, working fine. Added my sound card just AFTER this problem first appeared. So my screen Froze, Ctrl Alt Del didn’t work mouse wont move, I try to move my mouse with both my mice and my keyboards (they both have touchpads) still nothing. If audio is playing at the time it loops the last 1/2 second over and over, I NEVER GET A BSOD. (Blue Screen Of Death). I thought this sucks, it is a new PC I’ll hard restart it and then check the event log. Nothing irregular in the event log, so I ignored it.........

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System Hibernation And Freezes

May 17, 2009

A while back, I had a power failure. My machine is on a UPS and when the battery got low, it started to hibernate. I think the UPS must have failed all the way before the hibernation finished. I don't know this for sure because I was away from my computer when this happened. When I got back and powered up the machine, it would start to come out of hibernation and then freeze. I found out how to delete the hibernation data so that the computer would start normally, but ever since then the computer will freeze after it's been running for about 45 minutes or so. It's hard to say for sure because it will run fine as long as it's busy doing something, but if I let it sit idle, it will freeze after awhile. I've looked in the event viewer after restarting, but I don't see anything except routine messages. Is there some specific place I can look to figure out what's happening? I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 on an ASUS A8V Deluxe w/ an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ and 2 GB of memory.

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32 Bit: Intermit System Freezes

Aug 4, 2009

My Sys: 32 bit Dell 8400 Dimension 3.4 ghz, 925 chipset and HT technology. 4gb of ram (3.4 showing), NVIDIA 6800 w/256 ram. SB Audigy Z2 sound card. BIOs is also current and nothing to tweak in there either...Performance is set to "power user." I did a CLEAN install of Vista 32bit Ultimate. All drivers are up to date and all Vista updates done to include SP2. After my final updates I did a defrag, a virus scan using CA Anti-Virus suite and also used CCleaner to fix any errors during the install and clean up any orphans etc.

I went through many Vista tips and tricks sites and diabled all the useless programs/mem-hogs etc. and also went thru the "Services" section and disabled the appropriate programs not required for a home user. Problem: After all the tweaks etc, my system seems to come to a halt (I get the spinning wheel for the cursor) and the system just spins for about a minute or so until something in the background lets go and then the system starts running again. Consistently does just acts like it's running on low memory when there is plenty!!! No noise from the CPU indicating anything running, just quiet and then after a short while...the system just cranks back up like whatever's causing this is done and lets the OS get back to whatever it was tasked with doing before it just went idle...Hybernate is NOT enabled. Task manager does not show anything hogging resources to cause the system to go into a holding pattern! My mem-manager (Windows Vista Service Manager) states I have 69% mem available but the OS is running like I only have 500mb installed!

I've checked eveywhere I can imagine to find out WHY this happens but no luck. I've disabled all kinds of crap (per Vista articles on optimizations) and it makes no difference! I removed Win XP MCE only as I wanted to upgrade to a more current system and had this extra Vista OS available. WinXP MCE ran fine and never lagged on me EVER!!! I'd rather NOT go back to WinXP MCE as I like some of the newer featurs of Vista. This also happened with Win-7 32 bit....tried that OS as well...I can only guess these OSes were only ment for Core 2 Duo systems?

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64 Freezes And System Not Shut Down Properly

Mar 21, 2009

It keeps freezing and has to be re-started using restart switch. There does not seem to be a pattern to the freezing that I can spot. It happens at least once a day, sometimes 4-5 times and the longest without was nearly 2 days (when I thought the problem had gone!). It can happen when browsing using firefox or IE. It can happen when using documents or playing PC games (A Vampyre Story and The Path) Initially after re-boot the system had to be repaired using the Vista CD but now it simply boots to option for safe mode or start windows normally. The perfromance monitor simply shows system not shut down properly,Have removed u-torrent, and peripherals except broadband connection (BTHomeHub 2) and wireless keyboard and mouse but to no avail.

I use McAfee for security and since most recent upgrade have to manually start windows defender using command prompt. BTW by freezing I mean that everything suddenly stops responding and nothing works including any key combos or mouse. Therefore can't access task manager.

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System Occasionally Freezes Momentarily

Dec 2, 2008

I'm running Vista Home Premium on a custom-built computer with a 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 duo, 4 GB RAM 32-bit. Actually, I'm not sure if the freeze is caused by Vista or IE 7. Two or three times a day when I'm performing some task, doesn't matter what, the computer stops responding. The mouse pointer still works and there are no error messages, it just doesn't respond to the mouse or keyboard. After about 5 - 10 seconds it returns to normal. I would classify this as a minor irritant at this point,

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System Freezes Up And Screen Goes Black

Feb 6, 2009

I'm having a problem watching videos. About an hour into a movie, I lose the video. My laptop freezes up and my screen goes black, although I still have audio. I have to power it down and then restart Windows normally. I have NVIDIA GeForce GO 7150 graphics w. 1071 mb shared video. It is set to "Let 3D Application Decide". Can anyone tell me what I need to do to stop these abnormal shutdowns?

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System Lock Up, Random Freezes

Mar 23, 2008

I recently purchased a HP a6200n which works relatively well. The only complaint is that frequently (at least once daily) the system will lock up. When this occurs the only way out is to hold the power button down and reboot. When the system locks, the screen will actually freeze the contents and make it appear somewhat 'snowy'. This happened on a factory system OUT OF THE BOX. So I know this wasn't due to application software I loaded on top and I doubt very much it was a virus the system picked up.

Since this started I have done a full virus scan and also have reviewed the event logs after each fail and nothing in there is obvious. There's an 'unexpected reboot' message there from my forced power down. I've gone to nVidia to download the latest nForce 430 drivers which has not helped. It seems ahead of what MS is pushing as the version I have is dated 12/07 and the auto updates are telling me to pick up a 7/07 version. I've also loaded SP1 and all of the HP/MS updates a person can handle. Has anyone experienced this.

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Hard Boot System Freezes Up

Apr 18, 2008

I was reading the speed up boot time performance tutorial (by a now banned member, no less) and saw that it had an option to improve disk speed by enabling advanced performance for the disk. Is it wise to do this on an installed hard drive? I noticed the optimize disk option was already enabled on my C drive and was wondering if it would be a good idea to enable the advance performance option as well.I just don't want to lose information if I am forced to, say, hard boot the system when if it freezes up.

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Until System Rebooted Freezes Occured

Apr 11, 2008

I bought a new dell vostro about a month ago, pre-installed with windows vista home premium 32bit. All has been going well with it until Wednesday night when for some reason whilst using messenger the program froze, went light grey and a timer came up in place of the pointer.(i have a vague recollection of seeing a pop up regarding the power supply to the computer - not sure what it was) nothing else would work on the comp, ctrl/alt/del did not work so I couldn't force application to quit. Eventually just held power button until system rebooted. Since this first happened the computer continually freezes with no way of closing down programs, have tried a system restore, but even that process stalls and doesn't complete. Have tried uninstalling McAfee in case that was causing it but to no avail. I loaded up windows in safe mode which seemed to work fine, although the system restore was unavailable in safe mode. At the time it was downloading an 80mb vista update, which is yet to finish, again in safe mode the vista update was not running. The freezes occur with random programs, not just one particular one Anyone got any ideas of what the problem is and how to fix it, got a lot of uni work needing done outside of work hours and not having use of this computer is really annoying.

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When Download Music /movies:system Freezes

Jul 28, 2008

I bought a Fujitsu siemans laptop for my son Amilo PI. When i try to download music /movies etc from various sites my laptop crashes or freezes every time .Ive updated vista but to no avail.

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External Drive Trying To Boot:freezes The System

Apr 2, 2010

I'm using HD from my old computer (XP) as an external drive on my Vista laptop. The HD has XP on it. When I power up it looks like the HD is trying to boot XP on top of my Vista and freezes the system. How can I avoid this attempted boot? Where should I place the jumper on the HD.

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Operating System: Freezes Before Welcome Screen Appears

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to boot into my Windows Vista Operating System, and it seems to freeze before the Welcome screen appears, is there a way that I can fix, this, the problem started straight after I had uploaded some pics from my Digital camera, I had already scanned the hard drive and I only found trojan horse virus in it, which is only one virus, can there be any other way to fix this?

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Graphic Screen Black System Freezes

Feb 26, 2009

Windows Vista freezes I have geforce 8600 graphics card. System works perfectly with 2 gb, but if I try to use 4 gb or 6 gb, i get graphic glithces and screen goes black / system freezes. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? It's driving me nuts

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Any Sounds Playing At The Time Would Stutter Like A Broken Cd, System Freezes

May 26, 2008

This is about my fifth build, and it went great: loaded up the OS and updated all drivers (using only 2 GB RAM), started (cautiously) loading up all my software, taking care to only load software that had 64 bit driver support, as far as I could tell. I am a graphic designer and creative director, so I use Adobe CS3 and Office and game a little. Use Skype very frequently. First off, SoundBlaster had no 64 bit support (I have never had much confident in Creative), so I simply took out the card and thought I might wait or scratch it.

More importantly, the system freezes. Hangs. Stalls, what-have-you. Just stops and needs a hard reboot. Any sounds playing at the time would stutter like a broken cd. I tried many things and am not overclocking. Eventually, needing to get work done, I simply figured there wasn't enough 64 bit driver support and yesterday fresh installed the 32 bit Vista using the alternate DVD that came in the package. Unfortunately, the system is behaving in exactly the same way.

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Fresh Installation Of Vista Home Premium Freezes System Randomly

Mar 23, 2008

After a fresh installation of Vista Home Premium, my pc freezes randomly. If i decide to wait it out it magically unfreezes but this is a constant habit. It leaves the pc clock frozen at the time of the freeze. Suprisingly it lets me play full screen games but nothing else. Reinstalled multiple times, downloaded all updates with no change. Perhaps my motherboard isnt compatible? or my graphics card is just dumb?

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Msconfig Is Missing

Feb 19, 2009

msconfig is missing is there any way to get the program back running vista home prem

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Not Able To See Msconfig And Regedit

May 20, 2008

when i open *regedit* or msconfig in run,both opend in notepad with eccrypted format.I am *not* able to see msconfig and *regedit*. and i event cant change folder name

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Rejected By MSCONFIG!

Jul 14, 2008

I am admin on my Vista64 SP1 PC which is connected to a domain. I have one of the few Vista PCs on the network. Any change I make in the Startup tab in MSCONFIG reverts to its pervious state as soon as I click Apply. As far as I know there are no network login Vista Group Policies in force yet. What do I look for to make MSCONFIG pay attention to me?

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MSCONFIG In Start Bar?

Nov 22, 2008

Can anyone tell me if Vista Home Premium x64 has a MSCONFIG in the start bar? Want to turn off a few start up programs that are not needed.

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Cant Acsess Msconfig

Mar 21, 2010

cant acsess msconfig, system restore keep getting not a valid win32 application error message

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Tool To Clean Up MSCONFIG.exe

Sep 22, 2008

I hope this isn't a repeat of an earlier thread. I did a search but couldn't find anything on it. If it's a duplicate, then move/edit as appropriate. Most of us are familiar with programs that install themselves in the MSconfig.exe file to run everytime Windows starts. Most of us go in and uncheck all that crap except for the essential stuff. That's great, but you often end up with an MSconfig looking like this

For those that want to clean up all that unchecked crap, one can either go into the registry and clean manually. But I found this little program which can do it too. It's simple. It's small. And it's free. Pic above says v1.2 but here is the link to the latest version v1.5 MSConfig Cleanup - optimize your Windows startup Great site you have here.

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Msconfig Not Start Programs

May 23, 2009

I have a cpu with vista home premium. I would like to use msconfig to not start some programs. Is there a way to print out the programs in start up so I can take the time to verify I don not want them to run?

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Start Up Option Using Msconfig

Sep 6, 2009

In an effort to speed up my start up time I downloaded instructions from Microsoft's download site. One option used Windows Defender. I tried that. It changed nothing. I then tried an option using msconfig. I unchecked certain programs leaving my Anti Virus and Microsoft Operating programs. After a restart nothing had changed. The desktop still had the same icons. Maybe there is something I don't understand about start up programs. Has anyone any comments on this matter.

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Cant Open Msconfig, Cmd, Or Regedit

Oct 26, 2009

i type something into start/search it keeps taking me to ''search results in indexed locations'' folder. no matter what i search for it just goes to this folder.

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Freezes At Green Start Up Bar/freezes For A Few Seconds On Desktop

Sep 3, 2009

I've an Asus f5sl laptop with Vista Home Premium (32bit) but it's been freezing on me lately. When I boot up, it gets to the black screen with the green bar but after a few seconds, the green bar freezes and I can't log in. Occasionally it boots up after around half an hour but then Vista periodically freezes for a few seconds before resuming (which is annoying when trying to write out something etc)

I don't see any problems in Safe Mode so is possibly a driver? I've updated all my drivers, completely updated using WIndows Update, ran antispyware, used System Restore etc. Only problem is; I've moved to a new country, and like a fool, I left my Vista start up disk back home. Which I would otherwise have tried.

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Block A Program From Starting Up At Start Up, Without Using Msconfig

Feb 12, 2010

How do I block a program from starting up at start up, without using msconfig?

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Msconfig Disabled All Services And All Startup Items?

Jul 3, 2008

Every boot og Vista Home Premium PC asks for c: disk to be checked. In msconfig I disabled all services and all startup items, but 3 reboots called for disk check each time. I let the disk check run each time. However, if I start in Safe mode, the first start takes a long time (I assume it is doing the disk check) then restarts. From then on, r reboots in safe mode did not ask for a disk check. The first normal reboot after safe mode does not ask for the dsik check. What is my next step in debugging/fixing?

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