User Accounts Do Not Fully Start Up - Blue Screen

Mar 23, 2008

All new accounts I create on Vista home premium do not login properly. When a user logs in the explorer.exe process does not start (the user just sees blank blue screen). It is possible to launch the task manager and start processes by hand. I found a suggestion on another post that said there was an incorrect "Shell" registry entry that could be the cause of the problem, but that was not the case here. The Shell key is correctly set to "explorer.exe". If the users log in under safe mode, the desktop loads correctly.

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User Accounts Do Not Fully Start Up Blue Screen

Mar 26, 2008

All new accounts I create on Vista home premium do not login properly. When a user logs in the explorer.exe process does not start (the user just sees blank blue screen). It is possible to launch the task manager and start processes by hand. I found a suggestion on another post that said there was an incorrect "Shell" registry entry that could be the cause of the problem, but that was not the case here. The Shell key is correctly set to "explorer.exe". If the users log in under safe mode, the desktop loads correctly.

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How To Install Shortcuts, Start Menu Items, Etc For All User Accounts?

Jun 6, 2008

I am setting up a Vista Home Premium laptop for a friend. I created a standard user account for him, but I am using the administrator account myself while installing software and configuring everything. I disabled User Account Control for the admin account, because I was overwhelmed by warnings and prompts when doing all the installs and configs.

When logged in as administrator, I installed various apps including Start menu shortcuts and Quick Launch icons. However, when the standard user logs in, he doesn't see any of those shortcuts. Likewise, I want to place some folders on the desktop that will give him tips on how to use his new laptop and shortcuts to maintenance tasks. But, when I place them on "my" desktop, they are not available to him when he logs in as his standard user.

Is there some method that administrators use when setting up a new Vista system, so they can place Start menu shortcuts, Quick Launch icons, documents on desktop, etc. that will then be available in all user accounts (or even in specified user accounts)? Is there some way to do what I want, or am I asking the wrong questions?

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Start Up Screen With Blue Load Bar

Oct 16, 2009

Dell Inspiron 1525, running Vista Home Premium. When turned on shows DELL start up screen with blue load bar. Load bar gets about 3/4 way and freezes for about 5 mins then goes to black screen, with no mouse cursor. Put vista recovery DVD in DVD Rom = same Tried F2, F8, F12, and ctrl alt del at start up before it freezes = same

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Blue Screen, Unable To Start

Sep 30, 2008

Had some issues with my mouse (USB device not recognized), and had an occasional time where computer would not respond after going into sleep mode and I'd have to hit the power button. Seemed to become more frequent, and then this. Only recent event was installing SP1 for Vista, but problem was already appearing prior to that.

I'm not able to boot the computer, getting the "carpet texture" on my screen and it freezes up, not able to finish booting. Ran dell diagnostics, indicated no hardware issue and no new hardware installed. I do have a blue tooth phone now, but have not syncd them up. Ran memory diagnostic tool, no memory issues..............

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Can't Log Into User Account Fully

Jun 15, 2009

My pc recently died whilst running a backup, so now i have no backup. Anyway, upon restarting after this issue, I can't log into my user account fully. I can get to a plain black desktop and I get this message in a bubble "Your user profile was not loaded correctly. You have been logged on with the default profile for the system. Please see the event log for details or contact your system administrator" I can't access my files of programs

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User Accounts Gone

Oct 21, 2009

I restarted my computer yesterday and when it came back on only guest account was available. My user account and my sons account were gone. I tried starting in safe mode and got "windows could not connect to the sens service. contact admin". I tried restoring my system to two different points 10/17 and 10/19 and neither worked. So now I am on my computer as a guest. I go to C: users and can see my username and my sons but can't open them b/c I am not an admin.

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Analyze Blue Screen: No Consistency Of Circumstances, A Blue Screen Will Appear!

Jun 30, 2008

Business with SP1
Sony laptop, fast core2duo, 4GB
Working beautifully for many months, and then a few
weeks ago this began happening:

Perhaps 2-3 times a week, and with no consistency of circumstances, a blue screen will appear. It might happen while working or when returning from hibernate. There's a countdown as memory is stored, and then a freeze. The only way to recover is to do a hard OFF (5 seconds on the power switch) and restart. When it first happened, I had not installed or changed anything, so I was comfortable doing a restore. It happened again.

It's confusing because the stated cause is inconsistent. I've checked to ensure that all drivers are updated and nothing that's contraVistarian is installed. What analytical steps can I undertake to discover what's causing this, and then to help me make the necessary changes?

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Set Up User Windows Accounts

Apr 21, 2008

I'm trying to use the account function where you supposedly can set up your home account and then your work account in Windows Mail. Having done away with identities, you have to use tools->accounts to set them up. I have two accounts set up, one is me, the other is support, but I can't seem to find out how to switch between them. When I set them to be the default account, each in its turn it merged all the messages in my inbox view.

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No Privacy Between User Accounts

Mar 28, 2008

My wife and I have two seperate accounts, however I get her email, and she also can receive my email. Is there any way to change that like "Outlook Express" ? Or do I just tell the wife we need to trust each other with our e-mail?

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User Accounts Not Starting

Apr 7, 2008

Restarting a PC (DELL Inspiron 530 running Vista Home Premium) after check-disk run on start-up starts Windows to the 'Welcome' screen. However, logging into any of the user accounts initially produces the next 'Welcome' screen and the little 'wait' circle but then it goes black and only the white cursor is displayed, nothing else happens. In safe mode, the user account loads normally.

Prehistory: The PC had started to do odd things a while ago: take very very long to shut down, more or less freeze on some of the limited user accounts (the boys'), not shut down at all, and similar. Today, as a further attempt to right things, I ran the MS Disk Cleanup (normally I use CCleaner) and Check Disk option on start-up. That reported quite a lot of problems and fixes and took a long time.

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Creating New User Accounts

Mar 23, 2008

When creating new user accounts, does each account need to have its own security software?, ie. anti-virus, anti-this and that? or does the security from the Admin account take care of all other accounts as well?.

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Add Or Remove User Accounts

Feb 28, 2009

Don't if this is posted in the right place. on control panel/welcome center/add new users/add or remove user accounts. nothing happens. Vista for Dummies said this is the way to add users.

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How Can All Programs Available To Other User Accounts

Mar 23, 2008

just created a new user on my laptop and I can't access some programs from the other users accounts.

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Transfer Settings To User Accounts

Mar 4, 2009

I've been using an administrator account for all my daily computing needs. I understand that this is a bad idea so I created another account, standard account, to use. Is there a way to transfer all my settings and program shortcuts etc to this new account or does everything have to be done individually. If this is the case then it's way too much fooling around for my liking and I'll stick with the administrator account.

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User Accounts On Disk Partitions

Feb 2, 2010

OS is Vista 64 Home Premium

My problem is this, i have 4 partitions on my hard-drive; on Drive C are all the user accounts which have their own security settings, but when I try to move my Documents folder to drive E (or any of the Drives) using the 'Move' tab on folder properties, although it still shows as a sub-directory of my user name anyone can access it on the other drive (but they can't on Drive C)

If that all makes sense, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Quick User Accounts Question

Jan 4, 2008

I am a gamer, and I want to create a user account that loads the minimal resources. I browsed the tutorials and didnt find a thing. I obviously will have antivirus etc on my normal account, and I want to know how to create a account that loads the bare minimum.

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User Accounts, Downloaded Software

Mar 20, 2009

I'm trying to set up a new Vista PC and am confused about Admin. account and user acct.s, as far as for example, I downloaded Google Chrome while in Admin.account. It works and the short cuts are there but I cannot figure out how to get the shortcuts to the other user accounts, I did search and find the chrome.exe in, "C:Master AccountAppDataLocalGoogleApplicationChrome.exe."

I then went into 'share' and made this location shared and redid them as co-owner, I still cannot find the chrome.exe in the individual user accounts in order to open it up.

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Recommended User Accounts Setup?

Sep 11, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 32bit on my laptop and currently am using the admin account that was created during Vista setup. I was wondering if it would be more secure to use a standard account for everyday use then the admin account created during setup? I am the only one who uses the laptop for the most part. Is it true that the normal admin account is the same as a standard account except UAC asks for permission to perform admin tasks?

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Sharing Folders Between User Accounts

Feb 10, 2009

i've created multiple user accounts for my kids, but now i need to share the music folder from my administrator account to all of theirs.

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Controlling Permissions For User Accounts

Aug 7, 2009

I want to create isolated zones for users in my computer. I use Vista Home Premium 32 bit, what I really want to do is to create a user account that neither the user of the account nor the other users can interfere with each other business (like viewing other users documents, using programs). I'm not asking for exact steps for this issue, I would be very happy if you can just give me a detailed guide's web page link.

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Deleting And Renaming User Accounts

Jan 24, 2009

I have recently created a new user account on my Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit OS because I had problems with my CPU Usage firing up to 100. Anyways, I made this new account and kept some of the files from my old account. My problem is that the old account is still showing up in the Computer>OS(C:)>Users folder, and when I try to delete it it says I need permission. I tried the "Taking Ownership" tutorial and that didn't help because it still said I needed permission to delete it. I also tried to go to Properties>Security and give myself (the only admin on my computer) complete rights to delete/rename/etc. No such luck there either. So I guess my two questions are:

1) Can I delete my old user account files and how?
2) Can I rename this new account so that it doesn't show up as OldName_2 in the file directory?

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Separate User Accounts And Settings

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows vista premium and there are 2 users on our computer. Whenever I load any software on my side, it also goes on to the other side and visa versa.When we had xp, this was not a problem as our settings were saved after each session. So my question is, how do I keep our settings separate in vista?

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Saving Files To Other User Accounts?

Mar 23, 2008

I recently purchased a new HP Media Center PC with Vista Home Premium installed. I promptly went in and created two admin accounts (password-protected) one for me, one for the wife, which may or may not be advisable, I know), and separate accounts for four of our children (these were set-up as standard, password-protected accounts). I was logged into my account (admin) and helping my son with a Word document for one of his class projects. I tried saving the document to the Documents folder in his account, and got a message saying I wasn't authorized. If I'm logged in to an account with admin rights, I didn't think that would be a problem. At least that's how it worked with XP. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone suggest a fix? Is this a matter of
tweaking a setting?

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Can Multiple User Accounts Affect Performance?

Nov 16, 2008

I just wondered if creating multiple user accounts on Windows Vista Home Premium could affect the performance? ie. slow it down? At the moment i only have one user account, but was going to create another.

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User Accounts Use Single Mail Account

Mar 23, 2008

Is it possible for two Vista user accounts to use the same WMail account, including contacts and all mail folders?

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User Accounts: Accessing Printer Share Fails

Jun 5, 2008

I have a Windows Vista SP1 system trying to access a printer share on a XP Pro SP3 system. The admin accounts on Vista are able to get to the printer share with no problems. However, the User accounts are having problems with accessing the printer share. I had read an article on using a local port for accessing the share instead of using network share printer access. When the User accounts try to print, a print error is displayed on the job list and the print does not occur. I have opened up the printer share on the XP box to include everyone and guests to have full access and I still have the problem. Is it a problem with XP or Vista?

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User Accounts Won't Click Mange Account Type

Nov 25, 2009

I cannot change the date or time on my computer. Everytime I try it says that I have to be an administrator to do it, even though I am the administrator, in fact I am the only user on the system! I have tried going into the user accounts but it won't let me click on manage another account type, change account type, or even change account name. As a side issue which might also be related, I cannot install windows updates and it won't let me click on 'ok' when I try to change the setting to allow all users to install updates.

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Different Blue Screens:Look Like Blue Screen Appears When To Much Action Is Going On Like Opening Of IE And Outlook

Feb 13, 2009

Problem Blue Screen. No new hardware or software installed recently, last Windows vista update was on 01/15. When I start first, PC passes user registration (boots fine) and
does the normal stuff like loading software and starting the wireless internet connection via Netgear, opening some windows/programms I will close. All normal, but than comes a Blue Screen and very fast shut down of system with restart. Hardly can read the message...Look like Blue Screen appears when to much action is going on like opening of IE and Outlook... or open to many windows... or some bad programm/hardware is booting. But when I restart, restart gives a different blue screens and trouble is much earlier or directly after registering to the system.

But all starting or booting turn slower, real slow now. Start in --safe mode with net working-- the PC works, but the PC can't handle heavy workloads, is really slow in action. I cannot open --My pictures-- to see all picture files displyed on screen (2.7 GB) (the process trying to access the files in safe mode is real slow) and when I attempt to transfer the file to a USB stick, the computer is stopping in middle of action (after 50% transfer)..........

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Blue Screen Of Death, Random Blue Screens

Jun 5, 2008

I've been doing a clean install of Vista x64 for about a week and have been getting many random blue screens of deaths yesterday I did another clean install and only had about 4 drivers or so installed and I got a BSOD but no dump file was created for some reason so I kept installing more drivers and it work for about 4 hours till it crahsed again this time it gave me a dump file so here are the results.......

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Screen Freeze Or Blue Screen Needing Reboot

Feb 1, 2009

I've had voltage issues causing my computer to freeze or reboot during games and dvds. Fixed that and the computer was fine after memtest showing no problems. That was late Dec.

A few days ago, the computer would go to a blue screen saying it's dumping physical memory and then automatically reboots. Thinking my harddisk might be collapsing on me (I have a seagate barracuda 7200.11 500Gb HD with the SD15 firmware, the infamous crash friendly HD), I flash the HD with the SD1A firmware from seagate, then it was fine. 2days later, Catalyst started to cause problems by not responding, so I formated the drive and reinstalled vista ultimate, along with Catalyst, drivers from Mobo manufacturer ASUS, plus a couple of other softwares. That was yesterday, and now I'm getting the same blue screen back, or the computer just freezes.

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