No Privacy Between User Accounts

Mar 28, 2008

My wife and I have two seperate accounts, however I get her email, and she also can receive my email. Is there any way to change that like "Outlook Express" ? Or do I just tell the wife we need to trust each other with our e-mail?

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User Accounts Gone

Oct 21, 2009

I restarted my computer yesterday and when it came back on only guest account was available. My user account and my sons account were gone. I tried starting in safe mode and got "windows could not connect to the sens service. contact admin". I tried restoring my system to two different points 10/17 and 10/19 and neither worked. So now I am on my computer as a guest. I go to C: users and can see my username and my sons but can't open them b/c I am not an admin.

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Set Up User Windows Accounts

Apr 21, 2008

I'm trying to use the account function where you supposedly can set up your home account and then your work account in Windows Mail. Having done away with identities, you have to use tools->accounts to set them up. I have two accounts set up, one is me, the other is support, but I can't seem to find out how to switch between them. When I set them to be the default account, each in its turn it merged all the messages in my inbox view.

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User Accounts Not Starting

Apr 7, 2008

Restarting a PC (DELL Inspiron 530 running Vista Home Premium) after check-disk run on start-up starts Windows to the 'Welcome' screen. However, logging into any of the user accounts initially produces the next 'Welcome' screen and the little 'wait' circle but then it goes black and only the white cursor is displayed, nothing else happens. In safe mode, the user account loads normally.

Prehistory: The PC had started to do odd things a while ago: take very very long to shut down, more or less freeze on some of the limited user accounts (the boys'), not shut down at all, and similar. Today, as a further attempt to right things, I ran the MS Disk Cleanup (normally I use CCleaner) and Check Disk option on start-up. That reported quite a lot of problems and fixes and took a long time.

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Creating New User Accounts

Mar 23, 2008

When creating new user accounts, does each account need to have its own security software?, ie. anti-virus, anti-this and that? or does the security from the Admin account take care of all other accounts as well?.

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Add Or Remove User Accounts

Feb 28, 2009

Don't if this is posted in the right place. on control panel/welcome center/add new users/add or remove user accounts. nothing happens. Vista for Dummies said this is the way to add users.

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How Can All Programs Available To Other User Accounts

Mar 23, 2008

just created a new user on my laptop and I can't access some programs from the other users accounts.

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Transfer Settings To User Accounts

Mar 4, 2009

I've been using an administrator account for all my daily computing needs. I understand that this is a bad idea so I created another account, standard account, to use. Is there a way to transfer all my settings and program shortcuts etc to this new account or does everything have to be done individually. If this is the case then it's way too much fooling around for my liking and I'll stick with the administrator account.

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User Accounts On Disk Partitions

Feb 2, 2010

OS is Vista 64 Home Premium

My problem is this, i have 4 partitions on my hard-drive; on Drive C are all the user accounts which have their own security settings, but when I try to move my Documents folder to drive E (or any of the Drives) using the 'Move' tab on folder properties, although it still shows as a sub-directory of my user name anyone can access it on the other drive (but they can't on Drive C)

If that all makes sense, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Quick User Accounts Question

Jan 4, 2008

I am a gamer, and I want to create a user account that loads the minimal resources. I browsed the tutorials and didnt find a thing. I obviously will have antivirus etc on my normal account, and I want to know how to create a account that loads the bare minimum.

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User Accounts, Downloaded Software

Mar 20, 2009

I'm trying to set up a new Vista PC and am confused about Admin. account and user acct.s, as far as for example, I downloaded Google Chrome while in Admin.account. It works and the short cuts are there but I cannot figure out how to get the shortcuts to the other user accounts, I did search and find the chrome.exe in, "C:Master AccountAppDataLocalGoogleApplicationChrome.exe."

I then went into 'share' and made this location shared and redid them as co-owner, I still cannot find the chrome.exe in the individual user accounts in order to open it up.

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Recommended User Accounts Setup?

Sep 11, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 32bit on my laptop and currently am using the admin account that was created during Vista setup. I was wondering if it would be more secure to use a standard account for everyday use then the admin account created during setup? I am the only one who uses the laptop for the most part. Is it true that the normal admin account is the same as a standard account except UAC asks for permission to perform admin tasks?

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Sharing Folders Between User Accounts

Feb 10, 2009

i've created multiple user accounts for my kids, but now i need to share the music folder from my administrator account to all of theirs.

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Controlling Permissions For User Accounts

Aug 7, 2009

I want to create isolated zones for users in my computer. I use Vista Home Premium 32 bit, what I really want to do is to create a user account that neither the user of the account nor the other users can interfere with each other business (like viewing other users documents, using programs). I'm not asking for exact steps for this issue, I would be very happy if you can just give me a detailed guide's web page link.

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Deleting And Renaming User Accounts

Jan 24, 2009

I have recently created a new user account on my Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit OS because I had problems with my CPU Usage firing up to 100. Anyways, I made this new account and kept some of the files from my old account. My problem is that the old account is still showing up in the Computer>OS(C:)>Users folder, and when I try to delete it it says I need permission. I tried the "Taking Ownership" tutorial and that didn't help because it still said I needed permission to delete it. I also tried to go to Properties>Security and give myself (the only admin on my computer) complete rights to delete/rename/etc. No such luck there either. So I guess my two questions are:

1) Can I delete my old user account files and how?
2) Can I rename this new account so that it doesn't show up as OldName_2 in the file directory?

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Separate User Accounts And Settings

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows vista premium and there are 2 users on our computer. Whenever I load any software on my side, it also goes on to the other side and visa versa.When we had xp, this was not a problem as our settings were saved after each session. So my question is, how do I keep our settings separate in vista?

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Saving Files To Other User Accounts?

Mar 23, 2008

I recently purchased a new HP Media Center PC with Vista Home Premium installed. I promptly went in and created two admin accounts (password-protected) one for me, one for the wife, which may or may not be advisable, I know), and separate accounts for four of our children (these were set-up as standard, password-protected accounts). I was logged into my account (admin) and helping my son with a Word document for one of his class projects. I tried saving the document to the Documents folder in his account, and got a message saying I wasn't authorized. If I'm logged in to an account with admin rights, I didn't think that would be a problem. At least that's how it worked with XP. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone suggest a fix? Is this a matter of
tweaking a setting?

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Can Multiple User Accounts Affect Performance?

Nov 16, 2008

I just wondered if creating multiple user accounts on Windows Vista Home Premium could affect the performance? ie. slow it down? At the moment i only have one user account, but was going to create another.

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User Accounts Use Single Mail Account

Mar 23, 2008

Is it possible for two Vista user accounts to use the same WMail account, including contacts and all mail folders?

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User Accounts: Accessing Printer Share Fails

Jun 5, 2008

I have a Windows Vista SP1 system trying to access a printer share on a XP Pro SP3 system. The admin accounts on Vista are able to get to the printer share with no problems. However, the User accounts are having problems with accessing the printer share. I had read an article on using a local port for accessing the share instead of using network share printer access. When the User accounts try to print, a print error is displayed on the job list and the print does not occur. I have opened up the printer share on the XP box to include everyone and guests to have full access and I still have the problem. Is it a problem with XP or Vista?

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User Accounts Do Not Fully Start Up Blue Screen

Mar 26, 2008

All new accounts I create on Vista home premium do not login properly. When a user logs in the explorer.exe process does not start (the user just sees blank blue screen). It is possible to launch the task manager and start processes by hand. I found a suggestion on another post that said there was an incorrect "Shell" registry entry that could be the cause of the problem, but that was not the case here. The Shell key is correctly set to "explorer.exe". If the users log in under safe mode, the desktop loads correctly.

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User Accounts Do Not Fully Start Up - Blue Screen

Mar 23, 2008

All new accounts I create on Vista home premium do not login properly. When a user logs in the explorer.exe process does not start (the user just sees blank blue screen). It is possible to launch the task manager and start processes by hand. I found a suggestion on another post that said there was an incorrect "Shell" registry entry that could be the cause of the problem, but that was not the case here. The Shell key is correctly set to "explorer.exe". If the users log in under safe mode, the desktop loads correctly.

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User Accounts Won't Click Mange Account Type

Nov 25, 2009

I cannot change the date or time on my computer. Everytime I try it says that I have to be an administrator to do it, even though I am the administrator, in fact I am the only user on the system! I have tried going into the user accounts but it won't let me click on manage another account type, change account type, or even change account name. As a side issue which might also be related, I cannot install windows updates and it won't let me click on 'ok' when I try to change the setting to allow all users to install updates.

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How To Install Shortcuts, Start Menu Items, Etc For All User Accounts?

Jun 6, 2008

I am setting up a Vista Home Premium laptop for a friend. I created a standard user account for him, but I am using the administrator account myself while installing software and configuring everything. I disabled User Account Control for the admin account, because I was overwhelmed by warnings and prompts when doing all the installs and configs.

When logged in as administrator, I installed various apps including Start menu shortcuts and Quick Launch icons. However, when the standard user logs in, he doesn't see any of those shortcuts. Likewise, I want to place some folders on the desktop that will give him tips on how to use his new laptop and shortcuts to maintenance tasks. But, when I place them on "my" desktop, they are not available to him when he logs in as his standard user.

Is there some method that administrators use when setting up a new Vista system, so they can place Start menu shortcuts, Quick Launch icons, documents on desktop, etc. that will then be available in all user accounts (or even in specified user accounts)? Is there some way to do what I want, or am I asking the wrong questions?

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Deleted User Accounts And Files But Still See Files

Feb 24, 2009

When I go to C:Users I see "mine", public, and the other I deleted named "test" ....I'm positive that deleted the account and all files but I could be mistaken. Is there a fix for this? I want it deleted.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: When Access "Network And Sharing Center" /"User Accounts"

Oct 17, 2008

The control panel opens fine. I can access all items in the control panel except "Network and sharing center" and the "User accounts" (I can't access this sections via the taskbar either). What happens when I open one of the two items is I get a popup saying the following; WINDOWS EXPLORER HAS STOPPED WORKING. I used to be able to access these items. And one day, I just coulodn't anymore... I'm using Vista Ultimate x64

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Internet Explorer 7 Privacy Tip

Aug 23, 2005

Windows Internet Explorer 7 has included a easy new way to protect your privacy by erasing your browsing history and temporary files. This feature will clear your browsing history, delete all of your cookies, delete saved web form data and passwords as well as erase all temporary Internet files. Before you had to complete a series of steps to clear all of theses items or download privacy software, now you can clear all in just one click of a button....

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Privacy With Recently Opened Files

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Privacy problem with Vista???s list of recently opened files. I have already unchecked the box to Store and display a list of recently opened files in Start Menu, and Windows has stopped showing these files on my desktop. However, my sensitive filenames still exist in the Vista search folders, here-> Users/myname/Searches/Recent....).

So I deleted all of the (Recent....) folders in the Searches folder. That seemed to fix part of the problem. However, my sensitive filenames still exist in the specific Vista search folder named Indexed Locations?. I tried rebuilding the search index but these filenames still persist, even in the newly rebuilt index. The actual files exist on a disk that is NOT INCLUDED in indexing. They seem to be included because they are recent, and not because they are being indexed........

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Deleted Your Cookies :privacy Policies

Aug 12, 2009

More than half of the internet’s top websites use a little known capability of Adobe’s Flash plugin to track users and store information about them, but only four of them mention the so-called Flash Cookies in their privacy policies, UC Berkeley researchers reported Monday. Unlike traditional browser cookies, Flash cookies are relatively unknown to web users, and they are not controlled through the cookie privacy controls in a browser. That means even if a user thinks they have cleared their computer of tracking objects, they most likely have not. What’s even sneakier? You Deleted Your Cookies? Think Again.

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Start Menu Privacy Tweaks

Aug 1, 2005

Every time you open up a document or launch a program Windows Vista keeps track of this information to build the list of application for recently run applications and recent documents list.  This can be a convenience or it can be a privacy problems if you use a shared computer.  If that is the case, then anyone that uses the computer after you can see what applications you like to run and also see the name of the documents or photos that you looked at.

In Windows Vista Microsoft has provided a easy way to tweak this setting.  Follow the steps below to protect your privacy:

Right click on the taskbar and select Properties....

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Adobe Flash: The Silent Privacy Killer

Dec 29, 2008

there are hundreds of applications out there from spyware cleaners to built-in browser features that eliminate cookies on the spot, and even let you set cookie policies on your computer regarding what can be stored in your machine, and for how long. i’m assuming that if you’re here reading this post, you already know all of the dangers of cookies on your computer. in all honesty, i don’t seriously believe that they’re the most dangerous form of movement or web tracking, but they can definitely be used to monitor more movements than a person should feel comfortable with.

what if there was a type of cookie that could:

stay on your computer for an unlimited amount of time store 100 kb of data by default, with an unlimited max couldn’t be deleted by your browser send previous visit information and history, by default, without your permission okay… that’s a pretty scary cookie. as it is right now, the cookies we’re so deadly afraid of can store a maximum of 4 kb of information, are manage by your browser, and by default have reasonable defaults and restrictions.
this type of cookie exists on 98% of global computers, across all operating systems. it’s the adobe flash player.

the adobe flash player maintains proprietary cookies called local shared objects or lso’s. lso’s are capable of storing 100 kb’s of information for an indefinite amount of time by default. when you clear your browser history in internet explorer, firefox or opera on windows, linux, or os x lso’s are not cleared from adobe’s local repository.

in fact, all the information in those cookies will remain indefinitely until they’re removed by the issuing website, or by you via a cumbersome and ridiculous process.
unfortunately, i haven’t even explained the worst of it.

there’s no easy way to tell what sites are using flash cookies to track your movements. there’s no list, and there doesn’t have to be a flash gui or visible application for flash cookies to be present. in fact, most websites using flash for user tracking don’t create gui’s, toolbars, or applications that you can actually see in your browser while browsing the site.

many times a tiny flash module, 2 kb in size or less is loaded into your browser on every page visit in the same way a gif, jpg or other image is. the whole purpose of this tiny, invisible flash module might be to simply record the page request, and your username or other session variables.

alright, so now you’re sufficiently convinced that this is creepy stuff. let’s talk about how to get rid of it?

lame as it might be, the flash player has no ability to delete cookies. and as i’ve already said, your browser can’t help you out. it doesn’t even know these cookies exist! most of the privacy settings for adobe flash have be accessed via a flash application on adobe’s website called the adobe flash player settings manager.

if you want to access the settings manager, you can do so here. in fact, open it up now and let’s take a look.

if you’ve clicked the link above, then you’re looking at the flash player settings manager, and a list of all the sites currently storing information on the cookies stored on your computer.

looking at my list, i see over 100 websites that have been accessing the same cookie for the last year (the last time i formatted my computer). some of them are storing only 1kb of information, some are storing the full 100 kb’s. on my own computer, i see that my bank is storing flash information despite the fact that there isn’t a single flash application visible when i log in to check my balance. i see Internet, cnn, microsoft, rotten tomatoes and a ton more!

to delete all the flash cookies currently being stored on your machine:

go to the settings manager (website storage settings) go to the far-right tab click

“delete all sites” to prevent websites from storing any more information on your

go to settings manager click the second tab from the left (global storage settings) set the storage settings slider to none uncheck “allow third party flash content to store data on your computer there are several other “privacy” settings on the other tabs, but don’t be persuaded. most of those privacy settings have to do with whether or not websites can access your microphone and webcam. there isn’t a single cookie option on any of the privacy tabs on the settings manager.

adobe, as a global leader in browser technology (a 98% computer market share), has a responsibility to make privacy options easily accessible from within the player application itself. they also have a responsibility to set reasonble default limitations. it’s ridiculous that they would enable websites to store cookies indefinitely, and in such large sizes.

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