Computer Turns Off At Loading Screen

Feb 22, 2009

For about 1-2 years my computer ran fine until recently. Now, whenever I start up my computer it boots all the way to the Vista loading screen, seems as if it loads all the way, then shuts down with no warning. This happens at the same point every time. I tried putting in the Vista DVD and starting that up in an attempt to reinstall or repair Vista, but I get the same results on the same loading screen. The computer is custom built by myself.

AMD 64 X2 4800+ 2.4GHZ
ECS GeFORCE 6100SM-M mobo
BFG Nvidia 8800 GTX
OCZ PC6400 2GB 800MHZ (Dual Channel)
Maxtor 160GB 7200 RPM HDD
Coolmax 600W CXI-600B PSU
(Everything is using stock settings)

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Loading Screen And Does Not Move, Green Loading Bars

Aug 6, 2008

First after doing an ordinary restart, my vista (ultimate) gets stuck for a LONG time at the loading screen and does not move, with the green loading bars. this happens every time i try to restart. i pop in my original vista disk and start the repair says it found something wrong with my startup and it found what was wrong and that it was repaired. after this i get the message NTLDR, which is a whole nother problem. i ran the below to fix the NTLDR...

1. Put the Windows Vista installation disc in the disc drive, and then start the computer.
2. Press a key when you are prompted.
3. Select a language, a time, a currency, a keyboard or an input method, and then click Next.
4. Click Repair your computer............

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Computer Turns Off By Itself In Safe Mode

Nov 25, 2009

Whenever I go into safe mode or run the memory diagnostic, after a few minutes it just turns off by itself. When I go to normal mode it works fine (as in I can have it on for as long as I want and it doesn't turn off). I don't know why it keeps turning off in safe mode.

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Hibernate: Screen Turns Off

Feb 23, 2009

I recently installed SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10.2 and now when I go into Vista and click the hibernate feature, my screen turns off for about a minute, lights stay on, then my log on screen comes, just as it would if I turned my computer on after hibernation. Also, when GRUB boot loader gives me the OS Choices, how can I set "Windows" as default? Right now, SLED is default.

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Getting Igfx Friver Stops Responding, Screen Turns Dark

Nov 18, 2009

So whenever I turn on the system, after I run a few light aplications, like Internet Explorer or PC Wizard for example, the screen turns dark for 2 seconds, and the error message: "igfx display driver has stopped responding and was successfully recovered" pops up. This may happen once every 30 minutes or even around 5 times in 20 Seconds, resulting in a blue screen of death. The latest driver which is currently installed for the Intel chipset is ( which seems to be causing the problems. This driver is also unsigned by microsoft, but is the most current driver to date (pcd5srvc_x64.pkms, igfxcoin_v1908.dll, and igdkmd64.sys comes up as unsigned in sigverif.exe). I uninstall this driver through Hardware Manager, but the current driver then goes down to (6.0.6001.18000). Even though this old driver is stable, my resolution is horrible and websites with picture intensive pages lag and flash like crazy. I've been searching the internet all night with this problem, and this is my last resort for an answer. I don't know what else to do. I can't even find a lower driver version for this chipset on Intel's support page.

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The Screen Turns Black, And After A While A Box Pops Up Reading; 'window Error Recovery'

Mar 23, 2008

I just got a new laptop with vista a few months ago. Everything ran smoothly until recently when I went to turn it on and got an error message that???s repeated ever since. It shows the black 'vista' page, the screen turns black, and after a while a box pops up reading; 'window error recovery' A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. It suggests I launch startup Repair. However when I do so it says "startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically."

I've tried going into system recovery options and using system restore to a date when it was working correctly, but it seemed to have no effect. I haven???t changed any hardware or software recently, and the only thing plugged into it was the power cord. I'm afraid I'm not very tech savvy, but I don't want to give up on a brand
new computer!

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X64 Loading: Restart Computer Not Turn On

Feb 25, 2008

have amd64 dual core motherboard, running vistax64. vista told us to do somthing to improve operation and restart computer. when tried to restart computer it would not even turn on. so removed battery from mother board to reset to factory settings. computer then would turn on, but after first screen telling system, got loading bar. it finished, but didnot beep. got clicking sounds and screen went blank. and would not load freather.

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Computer Automatically Restarts Before Loading Windows

Aug 31, 2009

when I had to open Internet Explorer (I use Mozilla) to access my school email account. Everything went fine and when I was done I reopened Mozilla to browse again. I got one of those annoying spam web popups saying I had a computer infection and clicked out of it. A few minutes later my pc just randomly rebooted. I have had viruses before but it has never shut down randomly before. So I immediately restarted in safemode and ran my spyware tools. I found 3 trojans (I no longer remember their names) and removed them. I rebooted and it starts to load windows but reboots before it reaches the user account screen. I can get into safe mode and I did run my spyware tools again, they didn't find anything at all. I figured I had somehow damaged my system and so I downloaded a windows repair disc and repairedit. It didn't work. I've run startup repair and that didn't work or find anything wrong either.

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Black Screen After Loading Bar

Jan 18, 2010

I was hoping that some of you guys could help me with a problem. As the title says, my screen goes completely black after the loading screen with the green loading bar, but before the usual windows vista circle is supposed to appear. I have also tried to use a vista x64 recovery disk. Here I only get the blue background a mouse I can move around on the screen, meaning I have no options to choose from. Does anyone know what the problem might be? And if so, how to possibly fix it?

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Loading Bar Screen: No Input Available

Feb 7, 2008

List of Parts:G. Skill 4x2gb DDR2 PC2-8000 ram Intel Quad Core 2.4Ghz cpu Gigabyte GA-X38-DS4 motherboard BFG Tech 8800 GTS (G92) gpu thermaltech toughpower 700w psu Western Digital Caviar WD2500 hd Chi Mei 22" LCD Sound Blaster Audigy SE sound card LiteOn optical drive Problems started today when i tried to turn on my computer, im running Vista Home Premium x64. The loading bar screen would show up and then after that it would go black like usual, but then my monitor would show that there was no input available and the computer would hang in this state forever. Any suggestions? I know a new HD would probably fix it all but im not sure i really want to spend all the money, literally just built this baby 2 weeks ago!

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Boots Up To The Loading Screen

Jun 29, 2008

where it boots up to the loading screen is fine, slows down and stops, then it will bring me to blue screen and restart to the point where it has black screen telling me boot up was unsuccessful, and i can go into all 3 safe modes or boot normally, have tried all of them and non of them even boot

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Black Screen After Green Loading Bar

Oct 15, 2009

A few days ago my display settings would not save and each time I restarted my computer they were different. I thought it would not get any worse however now when i start my computer the screen goes black just after the green loading bar. The computer is still on because it makes hard drive noises and my quickplay buttons are blue but the computer does not respond. It starts in safemode but it won't start normally. I have Vista Home Premium 32 Bit with Service Pack 1. Any help would be greatly appreciated to get rid of this black screen.

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Black Screen While Loading Into Window?

May 1, 2010

My computer is freaking out and i cant figure out why. I try to start it normally and it posts and I see the green loading bar for windows at the bottom of the screen and then the screen goes black. I can load into safemode but that is all. I can not restore sucessfully.

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Black Screen Before Loading Windows

Nov 30, 2008

I have a problem with Vista. When I start my computer, it displays a black screen for a couple of minutes before starting to load Vista. I don't really know what to say more, since I'm totally clueless with this one. What I've tried to do, is to update my drivers. I've also updated my BIOS. What should I try next?

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Bootup: F2 Setup Screen Does Several Loading Bar

Apr 14, 2010

It boots on the F2 setup screen does several seconds of the loading bar, then my screen says 'no signal' and it goes back to the F2 setup screen and freezes. Then I have to turn of my computer by holding down the power button and start it again the second time where it boots fine.

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After Loading Bar Gets Black Screen WIth Cursor

Apr 25, 2009

RIght now im on the same computer on my BItdefender 2009/Iceweasel.So after i get a black sceen with a cursor that i can move where i want but it just stays like that.I tryed all the safe modes and they dont work at all.Plus i dont have a VistaDVD to make it worse.(My Original OS was Windows Vista Home Premium x32)I really dont know where the command prompt is on iceweasel but i know how to use it in vista.

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Windows Loading Bar Blue Screen Of Death

Nov 17, 2009

The next time it started, the graphics were all screwed up and when it gets to thebit after the Windows Loading Bar it goes to a Blue Screen of Death. The computer then restarts and the same thing keeps happening. I tried running the computer in Safe Mode but it doesnt work either :/ neither do any of the other Advanced Options.

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Rebooted & Loaded Green Loading Bar, Black Screen

Nov 30, 2009

I've recently got attacked by some sort of virus malware and my AVG instantly asked me to reboot. After I rebooted and loaded the green loading bar, my entire screen turned black without the windows badge.When I clicked on the restart button, I'm able to get inside safe mode, network and command prompt but not start windows normally.. I've also tried chkdsk command but it showed 0 bad file.

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Installing, Loading Files And Then Screen Goes Black Forever

Jun 11, 2006

I reboot the computer, boot from DVD.

I get the screen that says "Windows is loading files", and then I get the screen with the loading bar at the bottom (the one that looks a bit like the standard Windows XP loading bar) and then the screen goes black and nothing happens. I've tried leaving it for a good half hour, still to no avail.

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Boot Fail: Got The Green Loading Bar But Then A Black Screen After About 20 Mins

May 8, 2010

Last night my pc was running fine and just before I went for some shut eye put my pc into sleep mode today I woke my pc only for it not to allow me to log on, mouse movement only nothing was clickable so after a short while I decided to reset upon boot I got the green loading bar but then a black screen after about 20 mins I gave up and tried a restore last good config.... Yeah nice one it bsod on me At 55% chkdsk and now I get a windows boot manager error file: ootcd

I tried Bootrec /RebuildBcd but it brings back an error that it can not create the new file as the file already exists. I'm not having much luck with the recovery disk for repair options as it can't seem to find the OS and brings back errors of can not recover everything seems on a go slow and ubuntu can't find my c drive even tried spin right and that can't recover a bad sector I'm at a loss as to what to do befor the fresh install option I'm on my last option to try use a back up store disk

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FSX Continually Stops Loading And Have To Restart The Loading Process

Jun 8, 2008

New computer. Vista Home Premium. FSX continually stops loading and have to restart the loading process. Six times to get it loaded, but all sytems not functioning. Loaded Accelerator crashed whole system had to do repair of FSX and start over again with continual stoppage. Don't know where to go from here. It worked fine with XP

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Screen Appears Saying "windows Is Loading Files"

Jun 27, 2008

Iv just bought a new PC, I put the vista CD in the drive and power up the computer. A screen appears saying "windows is loading files" and a bar that slowly fills up.Once the bar is full (suggesting all the files have been loaded), a new bar appears with microsoft corporation written underneath it.From looking at online install guides it appears that there should be a moving green block within this new bar however, it is completely empty and nothing happens. I have tried to install several times and left it for 40 mins or so each time, but i keep getting the same problem - i get to that stage and it seems the install freezes.

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Graphic Card: Computer Freeze For 2-5 Second, Next Is Black Screen For 2seconds(as Monitor Is Shuted Down) And Next Is Black Screen While I Don't Stop The Game

Mar 15, 2008

I have a problem with this graphic card, when I run a game with better graphic details. My computer freeze for 2-5 second, next is black screen for 2seconds(as monitor is shuted down) and next is black screen while i don't stop the game. Next I see this-> I hope that you solve my problem(and see that image) BTW: if this problem was solved on this forum sorry, but on system instantForum i was never been and i don't know how it control. Or if this post is in bad category please send message for me when you move it.

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My Computer The Screen Glitches

Feb 24, 2009

Well Window Vista is giving like endless problem to worry about. Since i started using Vista 1 month ago i often encounter a weird glitch. Whenever i going into "My Computer", the screen glitches, i can see messy flashes on the whole screen. The icon is distorted and are all mess up. I cannot click on anything here untill i restart the whole PC/Notebook again. Initially i thought the problem is with my hard disk but it is not. I heard some say its Vista problem. Does updating my pc regularly fix this?

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Defender Turns Off

Jan 26, 2010

I use vista basic, I've recently had my computer took right back to factory settings as I've been havingso many problems with my lap top, then the registry was sorted out, I know I've not got any virus on the lap top, each time my computer is turned on, I'm told that defender is switched off and I've got to turn it on, I've even tried to start scanning, to see if that would stop it, but it still happens ...

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Firewall Turns Itself Off

May 7, 2008

I'm really at the end of my tether with this issue - have a laptop which has windows Vista installed. Whenever I boot up the Windows Firewall is turned on. However, towards the end of the boot process, the Windows Firewall turns itself off, almost as if when a program loads it knocks it out. Is there anyway I can do a walk thru' of the boot up process so I can see if I can capture which program or process is doing it? At my wits end.

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Screensaver Never Turns ON

Sep 25, 2008

I have tried repeatedly to fix my screensaver. It will not even turn on manually by clicking preview. All I get is a black screen for a few seconds and then back to the display options. I have tried different screen savers and none of them work.

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USB, Strange: Computer Got A Blue Screen

May 7, 2010

im having a problem with one of my usb ports. when using none of the ports at all, vista will randomly "find" a usb device and tell me that it can perform faster. even though there is nothing plugged in (spooky) so after much confusion, i tried to plug my external hard drive in to all my ports (1tb buffallo if your woundering) and when i plugged it into the last one, my computer got a blue screen, with writing on it ( not the blue screen of death tg) saying that it has a problem with one of the usb drivers, and that it needs to shut down to save the computer it only does this when i use this port though. otherwise i just get the "this device can perform faster" thing popping up ever 10 mins or so

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Screen Dies Computer Unresponsive

Sep 1, 2008

firstly sorry if this is placed in the wrong area of the forum but i didnt know where to post, secondly ive read other posts which share similar symptoms to my problem but not all the same.

ill start my computer and everything seems fine, then all of a sudden at random moments (whilst playing games, whilst surfing the net, whilst booting up, whilst not doing anything) completly random at any time, my pc will seem to crash, the screen goes blank and says 'no input' the computer is on but the little orange flickering light stops..........

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Computer Stuck At Update Screen

Mar 16, 2010

My computer is stuck at the windows update screen when I boot it up. A week or so ago I had some trouble installing a program. Looking for a solution, eventually I found that my windows hadn't been updating for several months. Trying to update manually didn't work and I got an error message. Googling that error message was what brought me to in the first place, and after reading around a bit I managed to determine that I was missing my Windows Update Module (unsure about the exact name). I followed a tutorial that led me into regedit to delete some keys. Now, to the matter at hand: after deleting these keys and restarting, my windows got stuck at the update screen. It says something like: "Configuring update 3 of 3 - 0% Do not turn off or bla bla bla" for a few minutes, without the percentage changing, then restarts. Problem is, when it restarts it displays the exact same message and does the same thing all over again. So it gets caught in a restart loop. I have tried booting from my Vista DVD and have tried the startup repair thing, but that isn't any help. I don't have any save points to restore from, nor a backup. So - the question is: Is there anything I can do about this without having to format and reinstall Windows?

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Computer Screen At A 90 Degree Angle

Apr 6, 2008

my computer screen at a 90 degree angle what do i do

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