XP Death Watch, Windows XP Remains The Most-used Version Of Windows

Jun 13, 2008

Even though it has had its own problems of late, Windows XP remains the most-used version of Windows. The newest data from Web metrics vendor Net Applications, for example, pegs XP as driving 73 percent of the personal computers that went online last month, five times the nearest competitor, Microsoft's own Windows Vista. Which is why an impending deadline five weeks from today is important. According to Microsoft, June 30 is the last day it will permit retailers and OEMs to sell the nearly seven-year-old operating system......

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Blue Screen Of Death "OS Version:6.0.6001. Locale ID:2057"

May 1, 2009

when i used the the first time the internet it crashed and showed me this error-message:

Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BlueScreen OS Version:6.0.6001. Locale ID:2057
Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_0_6001
Service Pack:1_0

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Windows Loading Bar Blue Screen Of Death

Nov 17, 2009

The next time it started, the graphics were all screwed up and when it gets to thebit after the Windows Loading Bar it goes to a Blue Screen of Death. The computer then restarts and the same thing keeps happening. I tried running the computer in Safe Mode but it doesnt work either :/ neither do any of the other Advanced Options.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Windows Updates

Jan 8, 2010

every thing was fine up untill 2 weeks ago when i got my 1st blue screen, i ran start up repair an returned laptop back to it original factory state. yesterday i was installing new windows updates an i got a new blue screen crash i get the option of launching start up repair or starting windows normally. start in windows normally results in a blue crash screen

this time around launching start up repair is different, i still get the white bar saying windows it loading files,but when the bar is filled it trys too boot up windows normally again resulting in a blue screen again the error message i get is

stop: 0x0000007E (0XC0000005,0X8471E0AE,OX8514FBA0,0X8514F89C) volsnap.sys - address 847270AE BASE AT 84722000, DATE STAMP 47918F92

I still have the option of pressing f2 or f8 when u turn it on Everything on the safe mode option screen results in the same error. is there another way i can launch start up repair or any other ideas of fixing this?

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Blue Screen Of Death Except Now It's White, Windows Could Not Restart

Apr 27, 2009

I bought an Asus G50-VT with Vista pre-installed. There was some sort of glitch while I was overnighting the download of a long file. Anyway I wound up at what I can only say was the blue screen of death except now it's white. It told me that Windows could not restart and I should insert my installation disk to repair a busted file which it also named. Looked and I had no installation disk, indeed I did not have any Windows disks at all included with the machine. I called Asus Tech Support. They told me that Microsoft no longer lets OEMs ship the windows disks. Although there were two disks called "recovery disks" the TS person said my only option was to hold down f9 to rebootr and WIPE THE DISK AND REINSTALL WINDOWS! So I lost all my data and have spent all morning recovering.

Was Asus right? You do not get install disks anymore even though a system message tells you to insert it? I only have a few days in which I could return this computer. Do other manufacturers like Sony or Hewlett Packard supply Windows Vista installtion disks with their machines? Or is Asus right? If it is just Asus that does not do this I feel I need to return this right away.

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Portuguese Version Of Windows

Sep 26, 2009

Where in the US can I buy a Brazilian Portuguese version of Windows?

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DOS Versions: Which Version Does Vista & Windows 7 Contain

May 25, 2009

Can some one tell me about history of DOS versions? and which version does vista & windows 7 contain?? and why windows "7" ??? where does this come from??

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32 Bit Windows Explorer In 64 Bit Version Does Not Work

Apr 17, 2009

I'm trying to see 'thumbnail' previews of graphic files (Microsoft Photodraw ..mix extension, adobe illustrator .ai, photoshop .psd, etc.) which ALL worked in Windows XP but now they do not work in Vista. I had a prior thread on there than said to do the following, but that does not work. Any idea on how to use the 32 bit windows explorer on a 64 bit vista o/s to show thumbnail previews of graphic files?..........

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Windows Mail Version, Difference

Aug 4, 2009

From the Help Menu of Windows Mail in Vista Premium SP2 I see that the version is 6.0.6000.16386. When I send a message I see in the headers that the version is 6.0.6002.18005. Why this difference?

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Missing Items In Windows Mail Version

Dec 30, 2009

There are some strange missing items in the windows mail version I got with my PC. Where do I look to find out what my version is? And where if possible can I get it updated? Microsoft is incessantly updating my PC but never seems to query my version of windows mail although it is obviously flawed.

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Overclock, Compatibility Between This Version Of Windows And A Chipset

Mar 21, 2009

I recently overclocked my cpu from the stock 2.67 to 3.8
Bclk 194
cpu volt 1.4
Dram bus volt 1.50
Qpi/dram core volt 1.375
Temperature was fine

Which ran fine gave it a few tests (prime95) which was all good, but there was a problem with the sleep function if i did it a second time vista would not boot, i would just get a black screen, and twice when i turned the computer on it gave me a overclock failed message, if i restarted it all was good but i was unsure so now im running it stock.

i have been getting a few errors with various programs (java, call of duty 5, crysis) they have been crashing from time to time, the solution centre found a problem and gave me this message "This problem was caused by a compatibility issue between this version of Windows and a chipset in your computer. The chipset was created by Intel Corporation. The model name of the chipset that caused this problem is Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub."...............

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Upgrade To The Latest Retail Version Of Windows Vista

Apr 12, 2008

I have received a message in Problems and Reports in the Control Panel telling me I am using a Beta version of Vista, which I am not.

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Cant Update Microsoft Windows Standard VGA Adapter Version

May 15, 2010

im having a problem on my Vista...my display adapters on DEvice manager has a (!) sign...i cant update my Microsoft Windows Standard VGA Adapter version 6.0.6000.16383 6/21/2006. please teach me were can i download the driver...i hope someone teach me to resolve this.

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Windows Internet Explorer 8 X32 BIT, Unable To Use The X32 Bit Version Of IE As My Default Browser

Apr 10, 2010

I had to re-formal my hard drive due to some difficulties I have been having. When I restored my original OS I found that I had 2 Internet Explorer icons. I would like to be able to use the X32 bit version of IE as my default browser. How can I accomplish this? I have one game provider that runs only on X32 bit, and I would like to be able to download their games. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium Edition X64 bit SP2.

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Installation Unsuccessful But Reverting Back To Your Previous Version Of Windows

Aug 13, 2009

When I insert the DVD, I click on 'Install Now' and the whole installation process works fine. But, right at the very end, it says 'Completing Installation'. Then, it says 'The installation was unsuccessful so the computer is reverting back to your previous version of windows'. Then my computer restarts back as Windows XP. I have made sure I have all the system requirements and have downloaded and run the upgrade advisor. I have installed the vista home premium on my laptop first and it works fine. It just doesn't seem to want to install on my desktop computer.

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Connector Software Does Not Match The Version Of Windows Home Server

Mar 23, 2008

Getting the following error on 2 computers. Tried the suggestion below but connector is still not installing. The version of the Connector software does not match the version of Windows Home Server. Make sure you are installing the correct version of the Connector software.

On your home computer, delete the %ProgramFiles%Windows Home Server folder if it exists. Then install the Connector software from the Software shared folder on your home server, rather than from the CD. (Perhaps you have an old CD.) Connect to YourServerNameSoftware Home Server Connector Software, and then run Setup.exe.

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Norton And McAffee And Perhaps The Latest Version Of Trend Do Not Work With Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

Since Norton and McAffee and perhaps the latest version of Trend do not work with Windows Mail (based on informative response provided by Frank Saunders

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Beta Version Of Windows Vista No Longer Supported By Microsoft Corporation.

Mar 29, 2008

I get this message in the Problem Reports and Solutions window: The problem was caused by Windows Vista, which was created by Microsoft Corporation. You are running a beta version of Windows Vista, which is no longer supported by Microsoft Corporation. I've clicked on the website to upgrade which is what it tells me to do but it just takes me to a page to buy an upgrade - is this right?

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Blue Screen Of Death: Death Postings On The Net

May 23, 2009

there are many ndis.sys Blue Screen of Death postings on the net, but none of them seem to suggest that it is solved. Can it be solved? Or can someone point to a solution? the blue screen shows DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and I am using an onboard LAN card by Intel, with IRQ -3 (minus 3), the model is 82562-V2 10/100 It is on Vista SP1, with every possible upgrade installed.

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Sleep Mode Is Not Remains

Apr 11, 2008

When my computer goes to sleep mode it doesnt remain in sleep mode it comes out after a short time (say 20 mins). Is there a way to make it remain in sleep mode

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MailTo Link Remains Displayed In Browser (Firefox)

Mar 15, 2009

In windows XP clicking this link activates mail client new message window (Outlook in my case), allowing user to fill in the email message and send it (address automatically filled in convieniently). The webpage containing the MailTo link remains displayed in browser (Firefox).

In Vista, clicking this link also activates mail client (Windows Mail) but just the mail client no new message window to actually type message into. However, it also loads MailTo:someone@xxxxxx into an IE7 browser address window, then generates message in browser window "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". Of course it shouldn't even be trying to display a MailTo: as a webpage. This is seriously messing with my mind and i need to resolve it so i can happily click away on MailTo links to my hearts content without having to find then copy and paste the MailTo address every time

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Xp Install: Cannot Choose A Drive Or Partition As Box Remains Empty And Nothing Shows

Mar 29, 2009

Am trying to install xp on a new laptop that already has vista. Have made another partition using vista disc management. I boot to xp disc and go to install but cannot choose a drive or partition as box remains empty and nothing shows.

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Upgrade Install From Ultimate:Task Manager Remains Invisible.

Jun 30, 2008

I am using Vista Ultimate x64 Build 6001 SP1.1 year old Some of the symptoms are: When I click on System Restore the process starts (visible in Process Explorer) but the UI it is not visible. I used System Restore from Vista Repair to restore to a moment before the start of these symptoms. The symptoms persist. Task Manager also remains invisible. However I can use Process Explorer (Sysinternals) When I click on? Turn Windows features on and off? Windows Features? box is displayed with?

When trying to uninstall a program or to install an msi file, Windows Installer displays "Preparing to install." and remains so forever. Click Cancel, after 10 min or so?Install server is not responding, or, Could not find Install Server? When I shut down the computer Logging off is displayed until I use one of the hardware buttons. Chkdsk found nothing wrong.Sfc /scannow doesn? start.In Safe Mode it is impossible to start any program. Otherwise, most programs work fine although they go frequently in Not responding mode. I used all AV, Spyware and rootkit scanners for x64 I could find. Same result: No infection! I see only one explanation: one or more Vista System files are corrupted or missing. How can I repair Vista without having to reinstall al programs and settings? Is it possible to trick Vista to make an Upgrade Install (which I understand
keeps the programs and settings) from Ultimate to Ultimate? When I try a message tells me that I can upgrade only to a newer version.

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Windows Vista AND Office 2000: "The Expected Version Of The Product Was Not Found On Your System."

Mar 27, 2008

I've heard conflicting reports as to whether Office 2000 will run successfully under Vista. In the hope that they are compatible, I installed Office 2000 and then installed (from the Microsoft site) updates SR-1a and SP-2. Then I downloaded SP3, but when I attempted to install it, I got the message "The expected version of the product was not found on your system." Is there some reason for this, or should I just try again? I looked for, but could not find, a newsgroup that deals with Office 2000 -- is there an alternative newsgroup that would be better for these questions?

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Can Watch TV And Record Shows

Mar 25, 2008

I have a Sony Vaio CR Series Notebook and was wounder how I can watch TV and record shows. I've looked and can't seem to find the right answer.

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Record/Watch Is System

Mar 23, 2009

This may be a question that gets asked a lot but I can't seem to find the answer. Is it possible to record one show while watching something else entirely? I have looked at dual tuners n such but they don't specify if this is possible. I started thinking maybe its a Media Center thing... If this is possible, can anyone reccomend a PCI tuner card that would give me this ability?

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Running Windows Vista 32 Bit And 64 Bit Version Of Vista

Mar 29, 2009

My computer is coming close to need reinstalling. At the moment I am running windows vista 32 bit. I have a retail boxed version of vista, which includes the 64 bit version of vista. I have a HP computer, which has a quad core processor and has 4 gigs of ram. I wondered what the pros and cons are when having the 64 bit version of windows vista?

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To OEM Version Or Not To OEM Version: Restriction In The License Means It Cannot Be Transferred To Another Computer

Jun 4, 2008

If I get the OEM version, I know that a restriction in the license means it cannot be transferred to another computer. I need to get clarification on the following:

1) What happens if my computer crashes and I am told I have to reformat the hard drive and re-install Windows? Am I forced to buy a new license?

2) What if I want to have a backup hard drive, or upgrade my existing hard drive to a bigger one? If it's the same computer and only the hard drive is upgraded or a second one added, does that mandate a new license?

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Can't Play Game And Watch Movie

May 4, 2010

I can't play Game and can't watch Movie in my Vista machine, it happens to all kind of games requiring to initialize the graphic, for example I play game like Plants vs Zombies, a screen with black screen will appear, and any windows moving about this game window, will leave a trace on the game window :

I have tried running the game as Administrator, to set compatibility mode to Windows XP SP 2. and it still not working, I even downloaded DirectX 10 and re-install it, but it still not working

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Dual Screen Cannot Watch Streaming Off

Sep 2, 2009

if this has been answered but i cannot get the search function to work, anyway, when i connect my dell inspiron 1525 laptop (via hdmi)to my lcd tv, its a pain enough just getting it to dual screen with the sound coming from the telly but whenever i watch a video on the tv at full screen its fine until i touch anything on the keyboad and the video returns to a minimised window, this means i cannot watch anything streaming off the net on the telly whilst browsing facebook etc..... can anything be done? and does anyone know if windows 7 handles dual screen any better than vista?

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0x00000124, When Watch Videos And Playing Games!

Jul 9, 2009

I have a problem with my computer every time I watch videos or play games BSOD shows up showing 0x00000124 other times it can happen randomly!

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