Windows Slow Shut Down

Apr 4, 2009

I have an HP530 notebook with standard features and 2GB RAM. The system comes with a bulit in Windows Vista Home edition. For past few months the system has a painfully slow shutdown, in which has taken from 30 minutes to 9 hours to shutdown after i pressed the shutdown button on the start menu. But lately, since last few weeks, upon pressing shutdown, the system gets in to the logging off mode and never shuts down. I have left it for around 12hours one day and it did not finish logging of. I now have to manually give it a hard reboot by pushing down the power button. Is this a known problem or is there any knows solution to this problem.

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Slow Shut Down

Feb 6, 2009

I have two fairly new (14 months and 10 months) Dell Inspiron 530 desktops. Both run Vista Home Premium 32-bit. Not networked. The only hardware differences between the two is in the processor and ram - one is a core 2 duo with 2 GB ram; the other is a core 2 quad with 4 GB ram. The quad, right from the start, has always been quick to shut down - about 12 seconds after the Shutting Down screen appears. The duo, on the other hand, has always been slow to shut down - about 120 seconds. Is there some diagnostic information I can pull from each system to compare? It seems I'm in a good position to troubleshoot the slow shutdown with this arrangement, but I can't quite figure out how to pull it all together.

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Slow Shut Down

Apr 27, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium 32 bit on a very good spec laptop that is less than a year old. Originally it would shut down in about 30 seconds but now is taking anything up to 90 seconds. Are there some obvious things I can check out or do to try and reduce the time it takes to shut down. My computer "housekeeping" is excellent so it regularly gets a scan disc / defrag / anti virus etc / registry clean up / cookies cleared etc etc.If I only load up and connect to the net but dont open or run any programmes then it will shut down in under 30 seconds but not if I have been running my usual items - explorer / firefox / Poker / and a couple of office documents.

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VISTA Very Slow On Shut Down

Jul 29, 2009

Had a mouse and keyboard problem, that seems to be fine now. I also went into msconfig or whatever they call it in vista and disabled some startup programs. aol, msn, yahoo msg. and a few others that don't need to start right up. When vista shuts down seems the shutdown screen takes several minutes to shut down,

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FW Shut Off, Basic Running Really Slow

May 8, 2010

I've got a 6 year Compaq old laptop running Vista Basic, 1.5 GB of RAM, most WU's are current, MBAM, SAS, CA Security Suite with the FW shut off. Windows Firewall, Windows Defender. The system is very slow for file/program commands (Open, close, shutdowns, etc.). For instance, if I right click on Start and select `Explore' it takes 4-6 seconds for Explore to open up, and when it does open up a green status indication running across the path window just creeps along to the right very slowly. Is this some sort of an indexing problem?

Same thing with Task Manager. Internet browsing is ok speedwise, although when I run Brighthouse network's Road Runner Speed test, the results are poor (3500 kbps downloading). If I do this test on my Acer Desktop or laptop, the speed is over 9000 kbps). Running Firefox (but it's chewing up about 150 MB of process space)...........

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Startup Speed And Shut Down Are Extremely Slow

May 31, 2009

I've recently "clean install" Vista SP1 Home Premium to replace XP on my Dell Desktop; it's working but start up and shut down are extremely slow. I have a new laptop with same Vista SP1 version but it's much faster on power up and down. By the way, I have CA virus program on the Desktop, but McAfee on the laptop. One major difference between two computers is that I do have MSOffice Bussiness 2007 with Outlook and using the outlook on the desktop but I am using Windows Mail on the Laptop

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Why Can't Windows Shut Down Promptly?

Mar 29, 2009

Back in the old days when TVs and radios had tubes, it took a couple of minutes for a set to warm up before you could watch or listen. But even then, you could turn it off instantly. That's not true with Windows PCs. Not only does it sometimes take seemingly forever for them to boot, but it can take several minutes for one to shut down. Even worse, if a program stops responding, you may or may not be able to shut it down. And even if it does terminate, it may take awhile.

And by the way, I'm not just talking about Windows XP and Vista. I'm having the same problem with Windows 7 though, to be fair, the new operating system is still in beta so it's possible that Microsoft could amaze and delight me by fixing this in the final version. Why can't Windows shut down promptly? | Larry Magid at Large -CNET News

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Windows COM Surrogate Has Shut Down

Aug 12, 2009

I purchased and installed the latest version of Limewire Pro today. I then proceeded to download a video file and stored it in the same shared folder I have used with every version of Limewire. As per usual, I ran a virus scan on the file prior to attempting to open it with Windows Media Player. I then get a message telling me that Windows COM surrogate has shut down the player to protect my computer. To ensure that my AV program was not missing something, I downloaded the same file from two other listed sources. After getting the same result with three different versions of the same file, I have to assume that all three are nor corrupt. The problem is either with Limewire or Vista.

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Shut Down Windows Firewall

Dec 23, 2008

HP support, Norton support, here, talking to tons of friends in the know and no one said hey dude you might have two firewall running. I had two firewalls running at the same time. DAH!! Windows vista firewall and Norton's 360 firewall. I shut down Windows firewall and wala! New PC is screaming.. I'm so elated you can't realize. So folks if your having some problems you can't figure out just check to see how many firewalls you got going. Oh and a firewall on the router to. But I put a switch in place of that. I figured I would keep Norton's 360 firewall as to keep all my security in the same place. I assume that's a good choice. Anyone with me?

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Error Windows Did Not Shut Down Properly

Dec 15, 2008

I have tried everything possible that is posted here - my issues are:

1) Randomly the laptop restarts by itself
2) When I close the lid, it goes to sleep (as set up under power settings) but when I "wake it up" - it restarts and I get the error that windows did not shut down properly.

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Windows Update Had Error Shut Down

Aug 3, 2009

I recently purchased Windows Vista Premium upgrade for my Computer. I installed it as an upgrade and it worked for a little bit then it needed to downloaded updates. After it downloaded the updates it said it needed to install them and close windows and reopen. So it closed and when Windows reopend it said that the updates had an error and needed to reload and shut down and restart. Then it did it again and again and again. So being disgusted with the whole thing I did a clean install. Now what my problem is, is that when I try to activate windows online it says that my version of Windows is for upgrading not for clean install and it wont give me the option to activate by phone. How do I go about doing it by phone? What would be the phone number to do this?

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Windows Has Been Shut Down To Prevent Damage To Your Computer

Sep 10, 2009

My computer says

“ a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer”



CLFS.sys address 84c2c367 base at 84c2B000 datestamp 4549acbc.

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Sleep Function :: Windows Was Improperly Shut Down

Sep 27, 2008

Occasionally when I use the Sleep function I am unable to open the screen again by hitting a key. I've had to manually shut down and reboot. I then get a message that the Windows was improperly shut down. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Windows Restarts When It Is Suppose To Shut Down/Sleep

Apr 7, 2010

I've read about this problem in several other post but no solutions that have worked for me.

My problem is that whenever I close my lid, allow my computer to go to sleep/hibernate, or even go to start->shut down, my computer restarts.

This past weekend I had my computer reformatted, thinking this would solve the problem, but the problem still persists.

The only way I can make my computer turn off is to hold down the power button for several seconds.

I have minimum computer knowledge, but I have been trying step by step solutions listed on other forums.
I've been through all of the power management steps and have all of my settings on the suggested settings for this problem.
I've deactivated almost all applications from opening on start up.
I've checked USB, LAN settings and I believe those are not the problem.
Still kind of unfamiliar with BIOS

When running the command powercfg -a, this is what comes up
C:Windowssystem32>powercfg -a
The following sleep states are available on this system: Standby ( S3 ) Hibernat
e Hybrid Sleep
The following sleep states are not available on this system:
Standby (S1)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.
Standby (S2)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.

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Automatically Shut Down After Install Windows Updates

Mar 23, 2008

After updating my windows on 11th March 2008, my computer keeps Automatically shut down by itself each time I tried to log in to windows. Before it shuts down, I saw this message on my screen: "Configuring updates: stage 3 of 3. - 0% completed
Do not turn of your computer." After a few minutes, my computer will automatically shuts down, and it continuously do the same thing over and over again. The updates are not completed and will always shows "0% completed".

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Shut Down: Windows Stopped To Protect Data

May 17, 2008

My computer shut down telling me that windows had stopped to protect my data. I then went to restart but on the black screen recovery console I can no longer choose which option I want ie. boot with safe mode, safe mode with networking or command prompt. My keys will not move the selector bar. I also now find that when I insert my Vista Premium 32 bit disc to utilise the repair windows function it keeps just rebooting to the desktop. My 1st boot drive is my dvd. How can I get past this startup problem?

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Shut Down Windows Black Screen And Fans Spinning

Jun 12, 2008

I reinstalled vista recently and now when i press restart ~ from the start bar ~ the pc will do all the operations needed as in quit applications, shut down windows and then it's just black screen and fans spinning. Someone gave me a solution to this but it wasn't temporary. Everytime i was shutting down the pc, it was doing the same thing when i was restarting. Now it happens the same thing even when i shut it down. So everytime i shut down/restart my pc i have to wait till windows shuts down and then press the button on my case.

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Update Windows Failed Finish Computer Shut Down

Dec 12, 2009

After an automatic update from Windows failed to finish and computer shut down... I did a manual update but now the Photo Gallery says my picture files are corrupt. AND my system restore point ONLY shows today... no previous dates to restore to.

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Windows Not Shut Down Properly, Give Safe Mode Option

Mar 26, 2008

i bought a 64 bit version of vista and i have built a new system with an asus p5e mobo 4gb of ram 8800 gt graphics and everything shows to install at the complete installation time it reboots and it then tells me windows did not shut down properly and and give me the safe mode option or boot windows normally when i hit safe mode it says it cannot boot into safe mode and when i hit boot normally it says the computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected problem and cannot proceed. to install press ok to restart and start the whole installation process over again.

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Windows 32: Windows Mail Running Slow And Hangs

Mar 23, 2008

why is windows mail running slow and hangs

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Windows 7 Slow LAN Connectivity

Jun 15, 2010

It's really annoying that when you connect two computers to a WiFi AP and try to copy files between them it takes ages to copy anything and is slow beyond any reason. Even when I connected one of them via wire it's still terribly slow and even freezes from time to time. One of the PCs is XP the other runs 7 Ultimate. I already disabled that thing that checks for connection errors or something but still no joy.

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Windows Extremely Slow?

Nov 9, 2009

My laptop has gotten so slow and I dont know whats causing it and would like to know how to fix it without having to send it away to get fixed (im too skint). I have LOADS of space left, barely anything installed, and ive no idea on what is causing this problem. Ive tried using CCleaner to search for viruses and to clean the laptop up but it said there were none found.

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Windows Mail Very Slow

Dec 29, 2008

Whenever I want compose, reply, or most other commands it takes over 60 seconds to respond. It says Windows Mail "not responding". It eventually does but it slows down my use considerably.

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Windows Slow Startup

Sep 13, 2009

i got a message from my system performance monitor telling me this: "these start up programs are causing windows to start up slowly.

Name: AVG Resident Shield Service
Filename: avgrsa.exe
Publisher: AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o.
Date reported: Wed Sep 2, 2009 9:33AM Time taken: 53.8 seconds

i looked in my startup folder and it is empty can u tell me how i can fix this problem.

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Windows Mail Slow To Start

Sep 17, 2009

If I start Windows Mail right after I boot up my computer and the desk top is
first available, it takes 2-3 minutes for Windows Mail to start. I have
Norton 360 security.

If I wait a few minutes to click on Windows Mail it will start right away.

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Is Windows Media Player(v11) On Slow For Anyone?

Mar 20, 2007

I have vista basic and windows media player(v11) is slow as crap. after the window appears it'll take about 20 seconds to load the media that's available(just to get it to a point where it'll respond. then after I select something it lags for about 10-20 seconds and then a 'media changing...' message appears at the bottom left and it'll be about 20 seconds to play that file. so from start to wmp playing something takes up to a minute. wmp11 on my xp puter(512mb hyperthreaded) blows wmp11 on my vista laptop(gig ram amd 64 x2) out of the water. is there something like some setting or something I can change to make things run faster? I like wmp11 and don't want to dl winamp.

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Windows Mail Is Mental (and Slow)

May 30, 2008

1) Message rules has a mind of its own. I specify certain mail to be moved to certain folders as they come in - some rules work OK, but others the mail is placed in the wrong folder completely. Not sure yet if this is random or if there is a pattern to it.

2) it is very slow when I try to switch from one folder to another to view the new mail. I often go and browse the internet while waiting for the folder I have selected to finally 'appear'.

I'm also having issues with internet browsing, I tried switching to Mozilla (which has helped some) but still getting issues. Basically it will give me a '404 file not found' error on a website, even tho I the website IS there as I can check on my other computer. Other websites (like ebay) I can get the home page but any attempt to log in gives me "404 not found". I've now managed to get ebay working (either by Mozilla or also I added it to the trusted sites zone), but another website (again placed in my trusted zone) I cannot log in to and even tho I can now get the homepage, the page is just plain text links with no graphics or formatting.

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Windows Explorer Slow Start

Jun 25, 2008

i have such a problem: when i unplug the lan cable windows explorer applications take 40-45 sec to start! i have to wait that time to open any kind of file or folder however other external programs are not affect!

it's very strange but when it's already opened a folder or file and is not closed any other folder or file can be opened without taking these 45 sec, i mean they start normally! and that happens every time the lan cable is unplugged.

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Windows Starts Loading Slow

Dec 20, 2007

After powering on the computer, it literally takes 10-15 minutes to start loading windows. Once windows starts loading, everything is fine, and the computer runs beautifully. I'm thinking this has something to do with the bios, but don't know where to start. Once again, the computer stalls before windows even begins to load.

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Windows Started Up Very Slow Working

Apr 23, 2008

I have a big problem with my laptop as when the windows is started up and a speicial icon appeared on the taskbar, the windows is converted to a dummy otherwise its seems good. I have a printed screen for that icon, but i don't know how to post it! at the last time i have installed a 3 antiviruse programs but no result, but some times during the scaning the sysytem was stoped and a blue window (with error message talking about new hardware or software not compatible).

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Windows Update 80070026, Computer Slow

Apr 5, 2009

My CPU will idle around 30%, and my memory will idle around 40%. I have 3.5GB of ram, and a dualcore 2.4GHZ cpu. I was checking windows update, and it says it cannot download any updates, and it's most recent check was on 9/9/2008. I tried manually downloaded the windows vista service pack 1, but it keeps failing and giving me error 80070026. Some people suggested I turn off things like real time protection, so I uninstalled my McAfee virus scan, and downloaded windows defender instead. I then disabled real time protection on the window's defender. Nothing else should have real time protection, so why can't I update?

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