VISTA Very Slow On Shut Down

Jul 29, 2009

Had a mouse and keyboard problem, that seems to be fine now. I also went into msconfig or whatever they call it in vista and disabled some startup programs. aol, msn, yahoo msg. and a few others that don't need to start right up. When vista shuts down seems the shutdown screen takes several minutes to shut down,

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Slow Shut Down

Feb 6, 2009

I have two fairly new (14 months and 10 months) Dell Inspiron 530 desktops. Both run Vista Home Premium 32-bit. Not networked. The only hardware differences between the two is in the processor and ram - one is a core 2 duo with 2 GB ram; the other is a core 2 quad with 4 GB ram. The quad, right from the start, has always been quick to shut down - about 12 seconds after the Shutting Down screen appears. The duo, on the other hand, has always been slow to shut down - about 120 seconds. Is there some diagnostic information I can pull from each system to compare? It seems I'm in a good position to troubleshoot the slow shutdown with this arrangement, but I can't quite figure out how to pull it all together.

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Slow Shut Down

Apr 27, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium 32 bit on a very good spec laptop that is less than a year old. Originally it would shut down in about 30 seconds but now is taking anything up to 90 seconds. Are there some obvious things I can check out or do to try and reduce the time it takes to shut down. My computer "housekeeping" is excellent so it regularly gets a scan disc / defrag / anti virus etc / registry clean up / cookies cleared etc etc.If I only load up and connect to the net but dont open or run any programmes then it will shut down in under 30 seconds but not if I have been running my usual items - explorer / firefox / Poker / and a couple of office documents.

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Windows Slow Shut Down

Apr 4, 2009

I have an HP530 notebook with standard features and 2GB RAM. The system comes with a bulit in Windows Vista Home edition. For past few months the system has a painfully slow shutdown, in which has taken from 30 minutes to 9 hours to shutdown after i pressed the shutdown button on the start menu. But lately, since last few weeks, upon pressing shutdown, the system gets in to the logging off mode and never shuts down. I have left it for around 12hours one day and it did not finish logging of. I now have to manually give it a hard reboot by pushing down the power button. Is this a known problem or is there any knows solution to this problem.

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FW Shut Off, Basic Running Really Slow

May 8, 2010

I've got a 6 year Compaq old laptop running Vista Basic, 1.5 GB of RAM, most WU's are current, MBAM, SAS, CA Security Suite with the FW shut off. Windows Firewall, Windows Defender. The system is very slow for file/program commands (Open, close, shutdowns, etc.). For instance, if I right click on Start and select `Explore' it takes 4-6 seconds for Explore to open up, and when it does open up a green status indication running across the path window just creeps along to the right very slowly. Is this some sort of an indexing problem?

Same thing with Task Manager. Internet browsing is ok speedwise, although when I run Brighthouse network's Road Runner Speed test, the results are poor (3500 kbps downloading). If I do this test on my Acer Desktop or laptop, the speed is over 9000 kbps). Running Firefox (but it's chewing up about 150 MB of process space)...........

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Startup Speed And Shut Down Are Extremely Slow

May 31, 2009

I've recently "clean install" Vista SP1 Home Premium to replace XP on my Dell Desktop; it's working but start up and shut down are extremely slow. I have a new laptop with same Vista SP1 version but it's much faster on power up and down. By the way, I have CA virus program on the Desktop, but McAfee on the laptop. One major difference between two computers is that I do have MSOffice Bussiness 2007 with Outlook and using the outlook on the desktop but I am using Windows Mail on the Laptop

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Can't Make Vista Shut Down Completely

Sep 1, 2008

So I have been testing Vista Ultimate 32bit SP1 for a week now to see if Vista is ready for primetime. I almost ironed out all bugs that was holding me back from switching from winxp. All except one. I can't make Vista shut down completely. It seems to turn off, but all fans keep spinning. No matter how long I wait. I'm not a novice computer user so please don't tell me I might have mistaken sleep, hibernate with SHUT DOWN.

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Vista Has Too Long Shut Down Time

Nov 8, 2009

A short time ago I solved following error: "Error 49: Volmgr. Conf page file for crash dump failed". Thanks to a guru here in this forum, he told me to enter into System/Advanced/Performance Settings/.../Virtual Memory Change, and check the “Automatically manage paging file size”. The error reporting stopped, everything OK so far. However, after that moment my Vista uses extremely long time to shut down, up to 2 minutes. No error reports, nothing wrong as far as I can see, my Vista works perfectly well, and has a very quick start up.

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Updating Vista: Blue Screen On Shut Down Then Restarts

Apr 14, 2009

This never happened for a couple of days but as I started updating Vista, the Blue Screen Error has been occurring. the Problems Center in Vista advised me to update to SP1 because it said that this issue has been resolved in the latest service pack. After updating, the problem is still here. When i boot Vista up its normal, and operates perfectly. But when the issue of putting my computer on sleep or shutting down/restarting, the Blue Screen appears and restarts my computer so i
have to resort to turning it off manually.

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Running Vista Operating System Didn't Automatically Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased a dell laptop last year and have had numerous issues form the start. It is running the Vista Business operating system. I realize I should have sent the thing back to the factory right away, but I didn't. I would like to reinstall the operating system and start fresh to see if the same issues occur: automatically shuting down, blue / black screen, clock consistantly loosing time, printers not working, yadda, yadda, yadda. I have all the restore disks that came with the computer. What do I need to consider before attempting to take it back to square one?

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Crash Or Slow Down Vista It Usually Gets Documented In Vista's Error Logs

Jun 13, 2008

The often heard recurring theme spread by no nothing trolls and fanboys is if Vista isn't working right, it must be something you did rather than owning up to how badly Vista is designed once you start poking around and SEE how badly implemented it is. Much of the frustration with Vista comes from it's applets crashing or acting up for no apparent reason. Since these applets are INTERNAL and built-in as part of Vista's core the often heard excuse it's some third party driver, a hardware problem or other software you installed is proven to be bogus.

When something happens to either crash or slow down Vista it usually gets documented in Vista's Error Logs. However like most everything else Microsoft does, the logs are of little actual value other than pointing to how poorly designed and broken Vista really is.

To illustrate how broken Vista is, here's my experience this morning. As usual I started my day going to Google (my default home page) and clicking on News to see what the headlines were. Microsoft's browser hung. Waiting for it to respond, after 90 seconds I gave up and sure enough was treated to the usual BS asking if you want to wait longer or shut it down. I shut IE7 down. Next I went to Event Viewer......

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Slow Performance Within Vista

Nov 8, 2007

I've finally decided to jump on the Vista boat ( or off the XP boat as it may be ), so I've installed Vista64 on my secondary hard drive and have been trying to get it in shape to use all week.

Unfortunately it hasn't been going smoothly. I've had no crashes or lockups to speak of, but my performance within Vista is just abysmal. The windows chug as they scroll around, and launching Internet Explorer is an exercise in frusteration. In particular, any page with a Flash ad running at the top absolutely cripples me.

I'd have to guess that something is amiss with my graphical setup. I'm using an EVGA GeForce 8800 GTS as my display adapter, which is currently rated 2.9 in Windows Aero, and 5.9 for Gaming Graphics. Everything else is right around 5.0. The Gaming score seems on par with what I've heard elsewhere, but 2.9 seems pretty low for Aero. Does this sound funny to anyone else?

I've installed every update available, with the exception of Extras and Language packs. I've gotten the latest Forceware driver for Vista64 ( 169.04 ), as well as all the Windows Update hotfixes that Nvidia reccomends.

Does anyone have any further suggestions that I should try? Or does anyone have similar hardware with much better performance?

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Why Does Vista Load So Slow ?

Apr 16, 2008

why does vista load so slow for me? here is my pc. my pc is less then 2wks old i did all the installing myself and what not. and on start up all that is loading for me is the gargets, and steam and my logitech stuff (for my g15 keyboard and g5 mouse) this computer has no shortage of power and what not so why does it take on average 5plus minutes to load??? all of my programs load blistering fast expect loading og vista~ everything all the parts are purchased from ncix and is brand new! and all most top of the line pc and why must i wait longer for vista then i ever did for xp?

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Very Slow Internet After Installing Vista

May 7, 2007

my router is zyxel 660 connected through etherrnet on netgear adapter (i also have a realtek onboard one)

im having really slow down and up speed and i dont know y

the problem remains in both cards (netgear have some beta drivers that didnt hel,realtek has no available ones ,only the microsoft's ones)

my other pc on xp with the same router has no problems

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Slow Boot Vista Ultimate

Dec 30, 2008

I've tried all the common fixes posted around the net. I get a two minute boot in safe mode and in reg mode with nothing in the startup. I feel that after looking at the bootlog file that it has something to do with drivers that don't load during the boot. According to the log I have dozens and dozens of drivers that apparently don't load. Here is a sample of the log. I don't enclose the whole log because it is very large. I will if necessary:

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSsnapman.sys
Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32Driversmup.sys
Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32driversecache.sys
Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSfvevol.sys
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversdisk.sys
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversCLASSPNP.SYS
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverscrcdisk.sys
Did not load driver @nettun.inf,%isatap.displayname%;Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
Did not load driver @nettun.inf,%isatap.displayname%;Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
Did not load driver @nettun.inf,%isatap.displayname%;Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
Did not load driver @nettun.inf,%tunmp.displayname%;Microsoft Tun Miniport Adapter
Did not load driver @hal.inf,%acpiapic.devicedesc%;ACPI x86-based PC.......................

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ATI Vista 64 Drivers: Machine Slow Down

Sep 10, 2007

My friend and I have been going back and forth about his computer for a while. When Vista is installed it runs fine. Its not until we add the ATI vista 64 drivers does the machine slow down to a crawl. Originally this was with an x1600xt so we upgraded to the hd2600xt. Same issue. Now comes the weird part. So we got our hands on a single core amd 64 3200+ cpu and put it in. Now the machine runs fine. Why would using a dual core processor slow the machine down significantly. He has set up a dual boot with xp 64 and it runs fine with the x2 processor.

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Vista Slow Want To Change Back To XP

May 27, 2008

I unfortunatly have Vista Ultimate installed - it is slow, cumbersome and memory intensive. I want to change back to XP - how can I do this ??

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Vista Terribly Slow To Copy Files?

Mar 1, 2009

Vista SP1. It took over THIRTY FIVE minutes to copy 2.4 GB of files to a
pen drive.
Copying the same 2.4 GB of files from the pen drive to my Linux Netbook
took less than FIVE minutes.
Why is Vista so appallingly slow at copying?

Asking a question?

Tell the version of the application you are asking about,
your OS, Service Pack level and the FULL contents of any error message(s).

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Repair: Reintall Vista Computer Slow

Jul 19, 2009

I would like to re-install my version of Windows Vista Home Premuim, and i have the installation disc and everything, because my computer is so slow. I am making a back-up disc of everything i would want on the computer, including program files, Can i still install over my computer and the drivers for my modem and everything would be on the disc, or not?

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Vista Update Slow Play Videos

Mar 23, 2008

i just bought a dell and it has vista is a home basic do i have to install updates from microsoft website or it already should have everything installed? it seems to be slow and when i play my videos in wmp they see like in slow motion. what should it be?

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Vista Software Pretty Slow Running

Mar 23, 2008

Vista is good looking software, but pretty slow. Altough my computer has no problems running it, because there's WAY enough power to do that. BUT, some serious issues have come up. And the most worst and annoying thing is the lag in games, internet etc. There's this lagspike that comes every 10 to 60 seconds. When youre playing a game that needs connection to internet example Guild Wars, it's annoying. There's no way you can play the game properly. First this lag wasn't so bad, but it has come to a point where the whole game disconnects from the server because lag is too long. This problem is experienced by many people and they are as annoyid as I am. More specificly the problem is experienced with wlan connections. I hope Microsoft quickly fixes this major problem.

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Diagnose A Slow Vista Home Basic Machine?

Feb 25, 2009

A friend found out that I have a Vista computer so he brought me his wife's computer to find out why it is so slow. I have no problems with mine but this Vista Home Basic PC is ungodly slow. Just to open an Explorer window takes over 90 seconds. I scheduled a checkdisk and ran it on the next reboot. I defragged and ran the disk cleanup wizard. I downloaded and reinstalled the ATI video drivers after seeing an eror message about ATI. It is slightly faster but not enough to make any difference to the user. Where do I find the diagnostics, or logs or something that can tell me what is slowing it down so that I can fix it? I couldn't find a diagnostic on the eMachine site. My last option will be to reformat and start over but I'd rather not do that if there is a way to fix it instead. It's an eMachine with only 512 MB RAM, but it did run much faster when new. Intel Pentium 3.0 GHz, 160 GB HDD. Also the wireless card is very slow, but the wired connection is pretty fast for downloading.

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Search: Vista Doesn't Find And Extremely Slow?

Apr 13, 2008

I just cant' seem to get search to work worth a damn in Vista. Files that I know I have Vista doesn't find and it is extremely slow. I'm not a computer expert by any stretch, but I never had trouble with using search in XP.

I do like much about Vista, just need a search feature that doesn't search for stuff like my kids would. Anyone point me to a program that works with Vista and is safe to use?

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Vista 64 Home Premium Running Slow, Volmgrx.sys Corrupt

Mar 10, 2009

Vista 64 home premium is suddenly very slow, too slow to the point of programs not even launching. When trying to start in safe mode with networking, got a "repair" notice and then it tried to do a repair, saying that the volmgrx.sys was corrupt. However, the repair reported that it failed. I tried a system restore, and after seeing the "system restore is initializing" for over 12 minutes, I hit the power switch. It will start up in normal mode, but the disk activity light almost never goes out and is on almost solidly. I tried to copy the volmgrx.sys from a sister machine (two were ordered at the same time from HP), and then found that even in safe mode with command prompt, the file was protected. Is there a another way to copy over that file, or is that a "custom-made" file during the first turn-on of Vista?

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Shut Window, "WINDOW Is Not Properly Shut Down"

Apr 3, 2008

About 40% of the time when I either choose HIBERNATE or the standard SHUT DOWN, the computer just keeps on running. Although it seems WINDOW has shut down, the "ON" light is still on and I can hear the fan running. When this happens I am left with no other option but to use the "emergency shut down" method - pressing the ON button for more than 4 seconds (ASUS laptop, using Vista Home Premium). Presumably this method would damage the computer in some ways in the long run?

I assume WINDOW is shut down because the next time when I turn on the computer it doesn't say the "WINDOW is not properly shut down". So can any kind souls please help me with this annoying problem of turning off the computer completely?

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Shut Down

Apr 20, 2008

Recently after I go through the Shut Down procedures, I have been noting
that after the disappearance of the windows interface, the computer would
still be on and I would have to shut down by pressing the power switch for a
few seconds.

When I do not prerss this switch, windows restarts after about ten minutes;
after I receive a brief report (which I never manage to read in full)
informing me that a software may not have been properly installed or that I
need a windows update.

This problem appeared long after I installed all the software that I use,
and I have checked whether I'm fully updated (I am).

Is there a way in which I can ensure this problem does not occur when I go
through the normal shut down procedures?

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PC Shut Down Itself

Mar 23, 2008

Not sure if this is a hardware problem or a Vista problem. I am however leaning toward ahrdware because this can happen sometimes during post.

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Won't Shut Down

Sep 4, 2008

I mean, I've seen Windows take a long time to shut down, but mine just won't shut down. I'll go to start, click "Shut Down" and Windows will close everything running like usual and go to that screen where it says "Windows is shutting down." Well, last night, instead of just forcing a power-down, I decided to see if it would shut down or not if left alone for a while, so I left it at that screen, and went to bed. I woke up in the morning and Windows was still at that point, and the circle was still spinning, which means the system hadn't frozen. Also, the num lock button still worked. I'm guessing something has Windows going for a loop when closing down processes.

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Often Shut Down

May 6, 2008

I have a Vista edition. I use my laptop in a public room where there is WiFi connection, but my computer OFTEN SHUT DOWN...after it's written that I can restart with a normal way or in another for a problem with Data.....ect. I don't know if my problem is for the configuration of "AVG free edition"(anti virus), a software problem or for my laptop (Dell M1330)...By the way this problem started with the connection on internet.

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Will Not Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium. When I ask the comuter to shut down, the shut down screen with the spinning circle stays on maybe 20 minutes, then automatically restarts. My message seems lengthy, but I have tried to include as much info as I can right from the beginning. Once the computer restarts, then after logging in, a window appears with the message that "windows has recovered from an unexpected shut down. Search for solutions by clicking here..." An option is also on this same window for details. Here is a copy of the details givenroblem Event Name:BlueScreen , OS Version:6.0.6000., Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode:9f,BCP1:00000003,BCP2:85644B98,BCP3:B3DF81E8,BCP4:882535B8,S ,Version:6_0_6000, Service Pack:0_0, Product:768_1Files that help describe the problem:WindowsMinidumpMini021308-01.dmp, C:UsersJacobsAppDataLocalTempWER-77797-0.sysdata.xml, C:UsersJacobsAppDataLocalTempWER7953.tmp.version.txt

When I click on "find the solution", this is the message I get: Download and install the driver for Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapter This problem was caused by Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapter, which was created by Intel Corporation. A solution is available that will solve this problem. Technical Information Intel PRO/1000 Network Connectivity Network Adapter Driver for Microsoft Windows Vista* (32-bit) I have installed this driver successfully, but the computer still will not shut down and I continue to get the same message that I need to install this driver. I have the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool running once a month. I use TrendMicro Internet Security 2008. Under "network connections", I have both LAN local area connection Intel 82562V 10/100 network connection and Wireless network connection using compact wireless - G USB network adapter with speed booster.

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Automatic Shut Down

Oct 10, 2009

How can I prevent Vista from automatically shutting down after a given period of time? I like to listen to online audio all day, but not necessarity while working on the computer.

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