Unable To Access My Documents, My Pictures, In My Own Profile

Dec 21, 2009

I can't access any thing uder my user profile such as My Documents and My Pictures, it's a ADM profile with all rights.Do I need to access it with main PC Adm Profile and reset the rights?


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Access Documents Or Pictures: Message Pops Up

Jun 29, 2008

Whenever i access my documents or pictures a message pops up saying system error! Attention, Dylan! Some dangerous trogan horses detected in your system. Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium files corrupted. This may lead to the destruction of important files in C:Windows. Download protection software now!

Click OK to download the antispyware. (Recommended)

| Yes | | No |...................................

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Unable To Access User Profile

Mar 23, 2008

my husband and I each have a user profile on our computer. Lately whenever he tries to access his profile to get to his files, favorites, etc. he gets this message: "The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded." So he is unable to get to any of his files or music in the Media Center. He uses my user profile to get to his Yahoo browser to get his email but cannot get any of his bookmarks which is becoming very irritating to him. I can't blame him. We have a new computer with Windows Vista.

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Pictures In Documents

Mar 23, 2008

I am having the hardest time trying to catagorize & rename my pictures. Everytime I go to a picture file in my document files, I highlight the pictures that I want to rename. Then when I click rename & type the name of the pics that I want labeled, it scrambles the pictures in a different order & the numbers of the pics are pic 1, pic 1, pic 2, pic 2, etc, etc.

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Full System Backup Of Documents, Pictures

Mar 23, 2008

I had previously begun a full system backup and several of those disks were damaged. I would like to now just backup documents, pictures, music and e-mails. The backup utility will only give me two choices. 1) a full system backup or 2) a backup of the files mentioned above since the previous backup. How do I just get a complete backup of my documents, pictures, etc?

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Customizing: 'pictures, Music, Documents, Personal, Etc..'

Mar 26, 2009

You know when you make a standard account, it creates a load of folders on the C: drive. I have more than a tera byte because of the volume of files on the drive. Way too many to even consider using C: for anything more than the absolute minimum required OS.

I think back to my C=3D 64/128 and the GEOS OS. Even though it was all on the same drive, it was arranged more like an office, than any windows OS I've ever seen or used. Is there a way to take the 'pictures, music, documents, personal, etc..' and convert those folders to shortcuts to my actual pictures, documents, music, etc. that ALL programs can see and access?

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Access Documents And Settings But Am Getting ACCESS DENIED

Mar 20, 2009

i have recently tried to access Documents and Settings but am getting ACCESS DENIED for some reason yet i have done NOTHING to change my admin rights yet there seems to be an option for EVERYONE to access it but admin is not allowed to and it wont let me configure it that way. i have deleted EVERYONE from the properties and tried to revert to normal ADMIN user rights but it wont let me view docs and setts folder at all

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Unable Profile Folder App Data

Oct 1, 2009

I think I've found why my hdd inexplicably has 20gb less hd space available than it should... it's in the AppData folder of my older user profile that corrupted and has since been replaced. And now I can't the profile folder or the AppData within it, and i really do need that 20gb as i'm on my last .7, and certain programs have decided they don't want to work under such paltry conditions. It stopped showing up in the UA window in the control panel when in corrupted, but it's still there in c:/windows/users, so I can't remove it the 'right' way. i've tried unchecking the read-only box, but progress stopped about halfway through. (An error occoured applying attributes to the file: xxxx. Access is denied. Ignore?) Also, is it normal for AppData to be ~20gb on a non-corrupted profile? I'm running Vista 32 home basic

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Can Access Videos From Another User Profile?

Aug 18, 2009

My computer was infected by an virus a few weeks ago and I was able to get rid of the virus. Now all my user profiles are BLACKED out except the Administrator profile. However, I can't access the videos saved under different user profiles? I'm getting a msg now saying this

Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file. For additional assistance, click Web Help. You've encountered error message C00D11B1 while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue. how to fix? Do i have to take ownership? If so, how do I go about it?

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Load A Controler Profile And Unable To Move

Jun 23, 2008

I have tried to load a controler profile for the game but i failed and i have given up. Now when i play the game the character is stuck in the up position aiming up and i am unable to move at all. Is there action I can take?

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Recover Guest Profile, Unable To Login

Aug 14, 2009

how I got my system in this condition. I have been attempting to enable the Guest account on but when I do turn it on, I can't logon as Guest. I have looked at “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionProfileList” and I don't see the Guest account at all (SID missing). I don't know what the value should be nor how I can recover it. When I try to logon as Guest the system comes back with: Unable to Login due to "User Profile Service" failure. "The User Profile Service service failed the login. User Profile cannot be loaded." It seems that there should be a way to recover these predefined or standard logins. I don't want to do a system restoral as I have my system the way I want it (except for this problem with Guest) that I want to avoid any possibility of mistakes.

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Moved Documents Folder To User Profile Folder

May 18, 2010

I've accidentally moved my Documents Folder into my user profile folder by mistake and now i have a mess. basically I now have a folder that goes something like this: c:usersdocuments and it contains a duplicate of everything that was already in the desktopusernamedocuments folder except now I can't rename or delete my user profile folders...ad I don't have a restore point to go back to what can I do?

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Unable To Save Edited Pictures

May 15, 2010

When editing a picture, I keep getting this message: "changes to this picture can't be saved because Photo Gallery has experienced a problem." I've tried various things I've found online (as apparently others have experienced this too). Here's the thing, it's worked for years until now. Last week I played around with my services, disabling some to speed up my computer and also played with my start-up menu.

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Cannot Access My Documents With 64

Sep 14, 2009

I got Vista 64 a few weeks ago and all seemed OK and was (IthinK) But since yesterday I cannot open the file or folder rather, that contains my Documents. Location (C: drive) is not available. Access denied. I could before a few days ago always get to My Documents. What to do???? _ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 4425 (20090914) _ The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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Can Access All Of The Documents In The

Sep 23, 2009

Using vista home premium, I copied documents from an old user to a CD. I copied the CD to "documents" in the new user. I can access all of the documents in the "documents" file but I have to have the CD in inorder to access documents while I am using MS Works 9. Documents only show up in Works History when the CD is in the CD drive. How can I permanently move or copy documents to MS Works from "documents"?

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Users On "C" Drive: Click On Documents Or Pictures And Find Them

Apr 9, 2008

I'm having a problem with files on my new computer, Vista 64 Ultimate. I have my OS and Apps on C drive, and all my data on a separate physical drive which I call F. Today I sent documents and some pictures from the F drive to my Users file under Document and Pictures. But when I checked my C drive I found Users there, and the docs and pictures I moved. I'd like to have my data so I can click on Documents or Pictures and find them, but not in C drive. I want them in F. Don't want anything in C, but the OS and Apps. Can't figure it out.

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Unable To View Word Documents

Jan 24, 2008

I have vista home premium when i try and open word docs from the internet or outlook they show as notepad. When i right click to open in a different format i do not get word as an option. does anyone know how to solve this?

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Documents Folder Has Changed To Pictures Folder Format

Jun 23, 2008

This has happened to me before - somehow the folder formats change themselves, eg the documents folder has options along the top like 'organise' 'view''slideshow' and 'burn' ie like in the pictures folder. I found the answer once before in one of the forums, but can't remember where it was. And why does this happen? Also, when I go to 'Help & support" in the Start button, it defaults to Lenovo (my hardware mfg) instead of Microsoft Windows.

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Access To Y Documents And Settings Folder

Mar 9, 2009

I have Ultimate SP1. I need to access the folder at C:Documents and SettingsmynameApplication DataMicrosoftTemplates but get an error message "access denied". I am the only user and have, as far as I know, full admin rights. How do i get acces to the folder.

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Access Denied Documents Folder?

May 4, 2009

Vista won't allow me access to my own documents folder outside of Word07, and won't allow me to save documents to any other folder. So I can't attach documets to emails, etc. or even open them with another program. What has happened? I don't recall having set any premissions that would exclude myself from my own user folders. I'm logged in as an administrator, by the way. Has some security update reset my permissions, and if so how do I get them back to something reasonable?

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Windows Fax And Scan Cannot Run As It Cannot Access Your Documents Folder

May 23, 2008

When trying to launch win fax & scan I get an error: "Windows Fax and Scan cannot run as it cannot access your documents folder ..."

The MyDocuments folder is in my F: drive partition. I'd like to keep it there since that where I store my data files for back-up, but I'm willing to create another Documents folder where fax & scan can access it.

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Access Denied: My Documents Or My Music Folders

Oct 31, 2007

When I try to access the My Documents or My Music folders in my user account folder, it says Access Denied. Also, when I tried to disable indexing for my hard drive, I was denied access as well. Do I need to be on the root admin account to have access to these things? How do I get rid of all these annoying restrictions so I can use them on my regular account? I have UAC disabled.

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Can't Access My Documents And Settings Folder In Windows 7

Aug 13, 2009

I can't access My Documents and Settings Folder in Windows 7 even though I'm the administrator. I want to rearrange and add some folders to the Start-All Programs. What am I not doing right?

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Documents Files No Avail Access Old Users/ Accounts Folder

Oct 15, 2009

Yesterday my (Vista 32) system crashed so hard that it took some system files with it, necessitating a complete re-install with all the headaches and thoughtless wreckage it does to one's file system. I'm desperately in need of many of my old "My Documents" files, etc. and have searched around for them, to no avail. I've been trying to access the old Users/Account folder I used in my previous installation (where I presume most of these files are located). I need to grand admin permissions to do this, and I do, but then a new window opens up and it's literally nothing but a *black* (not blank) empty space. I get no further explanation or access.

a) Where are my old files? Have they been deleted?? b) How do I access this folder? I've seen in other forums things that tell me this users/account folder may just be a sort of 'pointer' used for legacy purposes. What's going on?

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Login: "User Profile Service Failed Logon. Access Denied" Message

Jul 23, 2009

My administrator account is my only account on my Dell XPS M1530 laptop. When I try to login I get the "User Profile Service Failed Logon. Access Denied" message. I have attempted to logon in safe mode and it still won't let me logon. Boot the computer in Safe Mode by restarting and repeatedly pressing the F8 key Log in to the built-in Administrator account. If you do not have this account enabled, try logging in to your corrupt account in Safe Mode…it worked for me. Instead of continuing on while logged in to this account, please take the time to enable the built-in Administrator account. To do this, click the Start button in the bottom left corner, type ‘cmd’ in the search area, right-click on the command prompt, and select “Run as administrator”. In the command prompt, type ‘net user administrator /active:yes’ and press enter. Now log off and log back in as Administrator. Once this is done, follow the directions under “Option One: Fix the User Account Profile” at the following link: The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.

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Unable To Access NBC.com

Mar 23, 2008

I have found over the past few days, via 'Yahoo answers' that more and more people are unable to access NBC.com. It also appears to be just affecting IE. I have ensured my OneCare anti-virus is up to date, downloaded installed and updated ad-aware, flushed dns, tried different dns servers, cleared all third party addons, tried IE in safe mode (or no addons mode), checked host file, ran system restore.. Going to the IP address for nbc.com ( comes up with a page that simply says "It works!" Adding nbc.com to trusted sites makes browser cycle through a site via nbc.starcut.us before 'page can't be displayed'. Starcut.us ( goes to an Apache test page. Firefox works fine.. will edit later if I come up with anything else

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Unable To Access A Website

May 12, 2008

I am not sure if this is a Microsoft issue or laptop issue but i play an online game & there is a program that i can use which enables me to play it automatically, however in order to use this program it needs to connect to its webpage. This has been working fine til saturday & then it stopped working. The website that i am not able to connect to (either on FireFox or IE7)

I have uninstalled AVG & disabled Windows Firewall & still not able to connect to the website or use the program. I re-installed AVG but had to install the 8.0 version & as i am sure you know already when you google something AVG will use its Resident Shield & Linkscanner & let you know if the links are safe; well, with the link for this website it says that it cannot scan it & that may be due to the webpage being removed or there is an issue with it. I know the webpage is there & that there is nothing wrong as i can use my girlfriends laptop on the same connection & it works perfectly fine.

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Unable To Access Registry

Apr 30, 2010

I click start, go to search box and no matter what I type in...cmd, run, whatever. I can't get the appropriate dialog box. Can anyone help. This problem only arose today for some reason.

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Unable To Access Email

May 15, 2010

Whenever I try to access my e-mail(windows mail), I get a window which tells me that there is no copnnection available to the internet. I am then asked if I want to go online, in which case I have to click the button that says try again. This also happened with Internet Explorer, but Talktalk managed to fix that by removing a tick in the box for working offline. They are unable to fix the email error. I would like to be able to go directly to the email inbox whenever I start the computer. What do I have to do?

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Unable To Access Browser

Oct 15, 2009

I have a virus it seems to be a pretty bad one at that. I am unable to access my Google chrome browser but Luckily am able to use IE but If I try installing let's say AVG when I restart nothing works except MSN I can still chat to people. This all started when my Norton 360 ran out and I had to switch for a new antivirus.

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Unable To Access Outbox

Jun 30, 2008

I can not get to my outbox

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