Users On "C" Drive: Click On Documents Or Pictures And Find Them

Apr 9, 2008

I'm having a problem with files on my new computer, Vista 64 Ultimate. I have my OS and Apps on C drive, and all my data on a separate physical drive which I call F. Today I sent documents and some pictures from the F drive to my Users file under Document and Pictures. But when I checked my C drive I found Users there, and the docs and pictures I moved. I'd like to have my data so I can click on Documents or Pictures and find them, but not in C drive. I want them in F. Don't want anything in C, but the OS and Apps. Can't figure it out.

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Moving Documents Between Users?

Sep 22, 2009

How do you move documents between users on the same computer using vista home premium?

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Can Not Understand Documents & Settings/ All Users

Mar 23, 2008

i am at a loss to understand " Documents & Settings/ all users/ " i seem to have "/application Data " files some 20 + directories deep. whilst there are only 2 users on my PC myself as administrator and my wife as a separate loggin. What have i done wrong and how can i correct it. Stupid as it might seem i was contemplating deleting Documents & Settings/ all users/application Data/application Data/application Data at the 5th Directory.Can any one advise me what to do and what to correct so that it dose not happen again.

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Documents & Settings Vs. Users Folders

Dec 15, 2009

OS: Vista Business; upgraded from Win XP Pro SP3. Joined to a WinSer 2003 domain. I just noticed that I have (near) identical files and folders in my C:Documents and Settings folder and the C:Users folder. Is this because it was an upgrade? Is there a way to eliminate one of them to free up some
HD space?

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Pictures In Documents

Mar 23, 2008

I am having the hardest time trying to catagorize & rename my pictures. Everytime I go to a picture file in my document files, I highlight the pictures that I want to rename. Then when I click rename & type the name of the pics that I want labeled, it scrambles the pictures in a different order & the numbers of the pics are pic 1, pic 1, pic 2, pic 2, etc, etc.

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Documents Files No Avail Access Old Users/ Accounts Folder

Oct 15, 2009

Yesterday my (Vista 32) system crashed so hard that it took some system files with it, necessitating a complete re-install with all the headaches and thoughtless wreckage it does to one's file system. I'm desperately in need of many of my old "My Documents" files, etc. and have searched around for them, to no avail. I've been trying to access the old Users/Account folder I used in my previous installation (where I presume most of these files are located). I need to grand admin permissions to do this, and I do, but then a new window opens up and it's literally nothing but a *black* (not blank) empty space. I get no further explanation or access.

a) Where are my old files? Have they been deleted?? b) How do I access this folder? I've seen in other forums things that tell me this users/account folder may just be a sort of 'pointer' used for legacy purposes. What's going on?

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Unable To Access My Documents, My Pictures, In My Own Profile

Dec 21, 2009

I can't access any thing uder my user profile such as My Documents and My Pictures, it's a ADM profile with all rights.Do I need to access it with main PC Adm Profile and reset the rights?


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Full System Backup Of Documents, Pictures

Mar 23, 2008

I had previously begun a full system backup and several of those disks were damaged. I would like to now just backup documents, pictures, music and e-mails. The backup utility will only give me two choices. 1) a full system backup or 2) a backup of the files mentioned above since the previous backup. How do I just get a complete backup of my documents, pictures, etc?

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Customizing: 'pictures, Music, Documents, Personal, Etc..'

Mar 26, 2009

You know when you make a standard account, it creates a load of folders on the C: drive. I have more than a tera byte because of the volume of files on the drive. Way too many to even consider using C: for anything more than the absolute minimum required OS.

I think back to my C=3D 64/128 and the GEOS OS. Even though it was all on the same drive, it was arranged more like an office, than any windows OS I've ever seen or used. Is there a way to take the 'pictures, music, documents, personal, etc..' and convert those folders to shortcuts to my actual pictures, documents, music, etc. that ALL programs can see and access?

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Access Documents Or Pictures: Message Pops Up

Jun 29, 2008

Whenever i access my documents or pictures a message pops up saying system error! Attention, Dylan! Some dangerous trogan horses detected in your system. Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium files corrupted. This may lead to the destruction of important files in C:Windows. Download protection software now!

Click OK to download the antispyware. (Recommended)

| Yes | | No |...................................

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Newsgroups: Unable To Find A Way To Find Them I Clicked On "Help" And The Advice Includes "Click The Tools Menu

Jun 15, 2009

I'm using Vista Home Premium - I generally use Outlook 2007 for my e-mail and organising but recently went to Windows Mail to find a Newsgroup (unavailable in Outlook). However, no Newgroups were visible. Unable to find a way to find them I clicked on "Help" and the advice includes "Click the Tools menu, and then click Newsgroups." However, there is no "Newsgroups" option in the Tools menu that displays. The Windows Mail I have is version 6.0.6000....

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My Docs On E Drive, Not C Drive: How I Go About Changing That So The Default Is My Documents On The E Drive

Jan 2, 2010

I'm running Vista on a PC that has a hd that has been formated into 3 discrete drives.Vista is loaded onto the C drive, programmes are loaded onto the d drive while i have my data stored on my E drive. By default any documents I save are directed towards My Documents on the C drive - how I go about changing that so the default is my Documents on the E drive?

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Find And Click The HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopWindowMetrics Value

Feb 19, 2009

I wish I had thought of this. I'm passing it on. I think I got it from ZD Net. I'm not sure. Go figure. :o) I've been using it for a while, and it just gets better. "Speaking of "iconizing," Windows 7 uses nothing but icons on the taskbar, even for programs that are currently running. If you like the idea of doing away with the text that traditionally accompanies taskbar program icons, a simple Registry tweak will make it happen.

1. Click Start, type regedit, and press Enter.
2. Find and click the HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopWindowMetrics value.
3. In the right pane, right-click in an open space and choose New, String Value.
4. Name the new string MinWidth, and then set the value to -255.
5. Exit the Registry Editor, and restart your system.

Presto! Now you'll have only icons in your taskbar. If you don't like the look after all, return to the Registry and delete the newly created entry."

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Opening JPEGS, Send Pictures, Windows Can Not Find

May 13, 2009

I'm not sure why but all of a sudden when people try to send me pictures, they wont open. I get this message...Windows can not find "so and so" jpeg. Make sure you spelled it correctly and try again. Why is this happening all of a sudden? I can save the attachements and then open them on my desktop but it's a pain in the ass.

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Documents Folder Has Changed To Pictures Folder Format

Jun 23, 2008

This has happened to me before - somehow the folder formats change themselves, eg the documents folder has options along the top like 'organise' 'view''slideshow' and 'burn' ie like in the pictures folder. I found the answer once before in one of the forums, but can't remember where it was. And why does this happen? Also, when I go to 'Help & support" in the Start button, it defaults to Lenovo (my hardware mfg) instead of Microsoft Windows.

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Task Manager: Click On The "Show Processes From All Users" Button From The Processes Tab, Nothing Happens

Apr 14, 2009

Running Vista Business with SP1. When I click on the "Show processes from all users" button from the Processes tab, nothing happens. I expect to see a window asking for elevation credentials. However ... nothing. Nor is there anything (that I could find) in the Event Viewer logs.

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Denied Access To All Users By Mistake For C: Drive

Dec 16, 2008

A tiny bit of background story here. My sister is visiting and she has a habit of toying around with and messing my mothers laptop up. Now for what we thought we should do: We created my sister her own account, and I was under the impression that my mums login was an "Administrator". Now I made the mistake of deny access for "all users" to the C: thinking that her login would still have access. So now, I've tried booting in safe mode, opening the cmd prompt as the administrator, type net user administrator /active:yes. I logged in as the new Administrator login, but still cannot make any changes to the permissions on her C:. I can't change the owner either. I cannot create another user even. I'm lost and we can't even do a system restore. Getting which apparently has to do with permissions (gee, what a surprise).

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New Drive: Pictures/folders Not Stay

Jul 29, 2009

I like to put pictures on all my folders for videos and music. I just got an external hard drive because I need more space, so I moved the videos onto the new drive. The pictures did not stay on the folders when moved them to the new drive, and no matter how many times I try, I can't get them to show up on the folders. I tried saving a picture I want to use as "folder.jpg" within one of the folders, but that doesn't work.

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Backing Up Documents Folder, Not Enough Room On Drive

Apr 26, 2008

My mother's Documents Folder is about 350MB. Her flash drive is 512 MB. I backed up her Document Folder to her empty flash drive. I then tried to show her how to do the same thing, this time it said that there wasn't enough room on the drive. I don't understand why Vista did not give an option to overwrite the Folder. I then formatted her flash drive and tried backing up again and it worked fine. But then, when I tried to back up again (now that the flash drive had the 350MB folder on it), it again told me that there wasn't enough room and did not give me the option to just overwrite.

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Right Click Menu On Drive Open Option Is Not Default

Jun 27, 2009

When I right click a drive on my shows explore as the default option and is highlighted than the open....I check for trojans and viru but none were found.

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Windows 7 Provides No Real Benefits: Vista / Windows 7 Are Mostly Transparent To Normal Users - Even Monster Power Users

Oct 9, 2009

I calculated that to migrate to Vista or Windows 7 will cost close to =A32000. not including my time - It will take around 100 hours. This is because many of my existing software / tools / utilities does not work on Vista and the vendors expect me to buy a new license because it is a "new product" even though it does exactly what it did before - just on a different OS. Even the products that do work have problems and glitches that have to be worked around. All this takes time MY VALUABLE time. In other words I am suffering because Microsoft want money. In the past some versions of windows were worth migrating to Windows 2000 and Windows XP were great

But most of the improvements to Vista / Windows 7 are mostly transparent to normal users - even monster power users like me. I believe Microsoft have a serious attitude problem. just wait until they take full advantage of TPM to screw even more money out of us. If I am wrong please point out a real tangible benefit that Vista or Windows 7 brings to a large percentage of users or to me. I also I can no longer buy a laptop because they only come with Vista GPU drivers (some come with buggy unsupported XP GPU drivers - great)

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Microsoft Wireless Keyboard: Don't Work Until I Go Into Properties And Click On Them And Then Click Ok

Apr 18, 2008

I have a microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse which work really well but when I reboot, the keyboard shortcuts that I have programmed don't work until I go into properties and click on them and then click ok. The keys then work ok until I reboot again.Is there any way that I can programme the changes so they are the default programmes whenever I reboot. The software loaded fine and I clicked on apply and save when I originally set the keys.....I have a HP Pavilion DV6700 Laptop with windows visa home premium which is about one month old.

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IE 8: Right-click On The Sidebar Icon In The Notification Area And Click Exit

Mar 20, 2009

It seems that I'm not the only one who had the Windows Sidebar no longer working after installing the new release of Internet Explorer. After spending a lot of time trying to find a solution, here is the way I have solve the problem. Now the sidebar is just working fine. This behavior is observed if the XML registration is missing in the system. To fix the problem, use the following steps:

* Close Windows Sidebar. To do so, right-click on the Sidebar icon in the Notification area and click Exit

* Open an elevated Command Prompt window. To do so, click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.

* In the Command Prompt window, type the following and press ENTER:

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Cant Find Cd/dvd Drive

Feb 26, 2010

I have a Toshiba Satellite A215 laptop with FUJITSU MHY2250BH ATA device disc drive. When I go to 'My computer' the drive is there, as soon as I enter a game or a cd of any kind into the drive there is no auto play and the disc drive disappears completely from 'My Computer' I went to device manager and it is there, said its working properly. I tried to update drivers and it all up to date.

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Cannot Find C Drive

Jun 1, 2008

I have a new computer with windows vista. I need to create a folder in the c drive but cannot find the c drive and do not know how to create a folder

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Find Which Drive Contains Boot?

Sep 27, 2009

I have 3 Different Windows operating systems on one computer that are across 2 separate hard drives. My PROBLEM:

I need guidance as to how to find which drive contains the boot info as well as how to change AND move the Master Boot Record.

Tools currently at my disposal:
1) 2 blank 640gig HD's that I can install if anything needs to be shuffled around.
2) Acronis True Image 2009 that can add or clone disk as well as pretty flexible backup options.
3) System Mechanic 8 which I believe can boot from CD and be used to configure HD's
4) Nero 8 if I need to burn any .ISO boot disks.
5) I only have the Vista 64 bit disk available - the other disks were puppy food.

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Canot Find Hard Drive

Apr 15, 2009

My System Spec:-

1) AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600
3) 4GB Memory DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1066 (PC2 8500)
4) Western Digital Caviar SE WD3200AAJS 320GB Hard Drive
5) Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 64-bit for System
Builders - OEM

I have Update Bios

Bios detect the Hard Drive but when I install the OS and I reach this

?Where do you want to Install Windows? "

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CD/DVD Drive Can Not Find Graphics Card

Jul 3, 2009

I had gotten my new graphics card in the mail today and I was eager to install my new GTX 260 into my computer It is a very big card indeed well I got everything in order and I did not even go near my CD drive at all, But when I was finished I went to plug it back in it started up everything was fine, Now the automatic updates kicked in and I restarted my pc then I had my installation disk in the cd drive and nothing happened so I took it out and put in another disk and it was flashing green but then it stopped nothing is happening I went to my computer and it is not displayed there anymore, My friend said it had to do with some Bios default lockout for how many devices can be installed

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Can Not Find Ext Hard Drive Errors

Feb 21, 2009

I thought I saw a post from someone who was having this same issue but couldn't find it. I am trying to check an ext hard drive for errors and when I try to "safely remove it" and keep getting the message that it is still in use when there is nothing using it, the light is steady. This happens for both my drives often. What gives?

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Computer Couldn't Find Dvd Drive

Jul 29, 2008

On first start up the comp couldnt find my dvd drive. Then after a few restarts it magicly found it. So Vista boots from disk, does all it should, then says to complete it needs to restart. there is only one restart in this whole precess. The drive im installing to have been formated, so its clean. So it restarts and pops up the screen to start the vista install all over again. Its not telling me to remove the disk while it does this, removed the disk when it restarted and all it said was boot error insert disk and press enter, or something to that effect. Now im noticeing after the many times its done this it takes a retarded amount of time to boot up and list my hard drives.

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Start Menu> Documents> Documents Missing

May 22, 2009

I looked but couldn't find this issue elsewhere. I noticed that when I opened my files, there were extra MY DOCUMENTS folders. Other people who used this computer apparently messed around and copied MY DOCUMENTS folders. I tried to remedy the mess, but did so when I was tired, and seem to have made matters worse. Now, when I go to the Start Menu> Documents the documents are not there. I am at a loss as to how to fix this.

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