Documents & Settings Vs. Users Folders

Dec 15, 2009

OS: Vista Business; upgraded from Win XP Pro SP3. Joined to a WinSer 2003 domain. I just noticed that I have (near) identical files and folders in my C:Documents and Settings folder and the C:Users folder. Is this because it was an upgrade? Is there a way to eliminate one of them to free up some
HD space?

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Can Not Understand Documents & Settings/ All Users

Mar 23, 2008

i am at a loss to understand " Documents & Settings/ all users/ " i seem to have "/application Data " files some 20 + directories deep. whilst there are only 2 users on my PC myself as administrator and my wife as a separate loggin. What have i done wrong and how can i correct it. Stupid as it might seem i was contemplating deleting Documents & Settings/ all users/application Data/application Data/application Data at the 5th Directory.Can any one advise me what to do and what to correct so that it dose not happen again.

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Moving Documents Between Users?

Sep 22, 2009

How do you move documents between users on the same computer using vista home premium?

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Documents Files No Avail Access Old Users/ Accounts Folder

Oct 15, 2009

Yesterday my (Vista 32) system crashed so hard that it took some system files with it, necessitating a complete re-install with all the headaches and thoughtless wreckage it does to one's file system. I'm desperately in need of many of my old "My Documents" files, etc. and have searched around for them, to no avail. I've been trying to access the old Users/Account folder I used in my previous installation (where I presume most of these files are located). I need to grand admin permissions to do this, and I do, but then a new window opens up and it's literally nothing but a *black* (not blank) empty space. I get no further explanation or access.

a) Where are my old files? Have they been deleted?? b) How do I access this folder? I've seen in other forums things that tell me this users/account folder may just be a sort of 'pointer' used for legacy purposes. What's going on?

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C:Documents And Settings Is Not Accessible

Apr 4, 2008

When i try to go in windows explorer, to C:Documents and Settings, i get the message "C:Documents and Settings is not accessible. Access is Denied". When i try to go to c:usersmaddie, i can go to most of the folders, but not all. the folders i cannot access are:

Application Data
Local Settings
My Documents
Start Menu

maddie is an admin account. when i create another user (which is also an admin) and go to maddie's folder, most of these folders don't even exist. except for My Documents. and
this other user CAN access maddie's 'My Documents'

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Documents And Settings Is Not Accessible

Apr 29, 2008

I'm trying to look into my "Documents and Settings" subdirectory to find some configurtion files that Adobe apparently insists on storing there. Then I try to look there with the normal file Explorer I get an error message: "C:Documents and Settings is not accessible. Accessis denied" Now, I'm doing this from the main Admin control account. If the sys admin can't access the directory, who can? How do I get Vista to play nice?

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Documents And Settings Permissions

Jun 8, 2008

I can't open this folder. Permission needed? I am the only established user of this computer. How do I change the permissions for this folder(s)?

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Access To Y Documents And Settings Folder

Mar 9, 2009

I have Ultimate SP1. I need to access the folder at C:Documents and SettingsmynameApplication DataMicrosoftTemplates but get an error message "access denied". I am the only user and have, as far as I know, full admin rights. How do i get acces to the folder.

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Documents & Settings, Explorer Can't I Open

Nov 13, 2008

little by little I am learning about the differences in XP and Vista. Well, one of them is that Vista no longer uses Documents & Settingsfolder, but a Users folders. If this is true, why do I have a D&S folder under my Vista boot when I do a explore and why can't I open it if I am the administrator?

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Documents & Settings Not Existed On C Root

Dec 3, 2008

Vista 64-bit, New to vista (from xp). Been working with vista for about a week trying to get things going after transferring files from xp. Up until just moments ago, I could have sworn that documents & settings existed on the c root. Here's what happened. I needed to find some files and worked in Folder Options to unselect hide extensions and hide protected operating system files. I got an alert that this may cause a problem, but ignored it (as this operation was recommended by a trusted source). So, after do all this, I noted that D/S and several other folders were now shortcuts. When clicking on these short cuts, I got access denied. I then did a restore to an earlier date and when I went back to the c root, d/s and the other noted short cuts had disappeared. BTW, I ahve undone what I did in Folder Options, but to no avail. Also, I have seen post that say one doesn't need D/S. I find all this very confusing as I had these folders and now I don't.

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Documents And Settings, File Doesn't Show Up?

Mar 23, 2008

I have a clean verson of vista home. I just ran my mcafee virus scan and it is finding 1,000's of virus's in the folder c:/documents and settings. Anytime I open my c: drive this file doesn't show up. How do I access this folder? It keeps making more viruses as fast as it is deleting them.

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Can't Access My Documents And Settings Folder In Windows 7

Aug 13, 2009

I can't access My Documents and Settings Folder in Windows 7 even though I'm the administrator. I want to rearrange and add some folders to the Start-All Programs. What am I not doing right?

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Documents And Settings In The Root Directory Is Denied (I Have Administrator Credentials)

Jul 29, 2009

Access to Documents and Settings in the root directory is denied to me (I have administrator credentials). Why is this so? Also, I want to back up my entire drive and all folders and files. If I don't have access

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Users On "C" Drive: Click On Documents Or Pictures And Find Them

Apr 9, 2008

I'm having a problem with files on my new computer, Vista 64 Ultimate. I have my OS and Apps on C drive, and all my data on a separate physical drive which I call F. Today I sent documents and some pictures from the F drive to my Users file under Document and Pictures. But when I checked my C drive I found Users there, and the docs and pictures I moved. I'd like to have my data so I can click on Documents or Pictures and find them, but not in C drive. I want them in F. Don't want anything in C, but the OS and Apps. Can't figure it out.

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Multiple DOCUMENTS Folders

Nov 23, 2009

I built a new computer and installed clean Vista Ultimate 64bit. I had backed up all my documents to an external drive. After installing Office 2007 on the newly rebuilt machine I opened the Documents folder and copied all of my documents back. However, now I have 2 Documents folders, one with only the Desktop.ini in it and the other with ANOTHER Documents folder with all of my documents (basically a DOCUMENTS folder under a top level DOCUMENTS folder). Why is this happening? How do I fix it so that I only have ONE Documents folder?

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Documents Folders Come Into View

Aug 10, 2008

I apologize if this is a duplicate question- I have searched this forum and not found this topic. In WinXP, when selecting View Folders, I would see a closed folder, with 4 small images of the folder contents. I liked this as I instantly knew what images were in my folder. I am drilling down as follows: Documents, then the folders come into view. These are the folders I am discussing here. Windows Explorer gives the same results.

In Vista, I get a partially open folder, with the contents partially visible, but cascaded so as to obscure the contents under the first view. I've tried all the possible options I can find withing Vista, including Large Icons, etc. I have searched online for how to make the folders give me the preview pane as in XP, to no avail. I have tried numerous fixes found online, but they do not work. I may be using the wrong terminology, but I have spent two months trying to get the folders to display as in XP. Would someone here know a fix for this?

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Access Denied: My Documents Or My Music Folders

Oct 31, 2007

When I try to access the My Documents or My Music folders in my user account folder, it says Access Denied. Also, when I tried to disable indexing for my hard drive, I was denied access as well. Do I need to be on the root admin account to have access to these things? How do I get rid of all these annoying restrictions so I can use them on my regular account? I have UAC disabled.

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Documents Folder Hidden In Public Folders, But Cannot Unhide

May 17, 2008

I have what appears to be an odd issue, and I can't find reference to it on the web anywhere. Under the Public folder on my Vista machine, I can see the folders Public Downloads, Public Music etc. BUT Public Documents is missing.

If I use the cmd shell, I get the same effect:
Directory of C:UsersPublic
11/05/2008 16:54 .
11/05/2008 16:54 ..
13/04/2008 08:37 Downloads
11/05/2008 16:54 3,403,458 Library.xml
11/05/2008 17:13 Music
15/02/2008 18:16 Perl
12/02/2008 19:15 Pictures
26/04/2008 08:25 Recorded TV
05/04/2008 11:11 Videos

HOWEVER the documents folder does exist. I can CD into it and see my files. From within explorer, I can enter C:UsersPublicDocuments explicitly and get to the folder, but is does not show up under C:usersPublic.....

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Access Documents And Settings But Am Getting ACCESS DENIED

Mar 20, 2009

i have recently tried to access Documents and Settings but am getting ACCESS DENIED for some reason yet i have done NOTHING to change my admin rights yet there seems to be an option for EVERYONE to access it but admin is not allowed to and it wont let me configure it that way. i have deleted EVERYONE from the properties and tried to revert to normal ADMIN user rights but it wont let me view docs and setts folder at all

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Windows 7 Provides No Real Benefits: Vista / Windows 7 Are Mostly Transparent To Normal Users - Even Monster Power Users

Oct 9, 2009

I calculated that to migrate to Vista or Windows 7 will cost close to =A32000. not including my time - It will take around 100 hours. This is because many of my existing software / tools / utilities does not work on Vista and the vendors expect me to buy a new license because it is a "new product" even though it does exactly what it did before - just on a different OS. Even the products that do work have problems and glitches that have to be worked around. All this takes time MY VALUABLE time. In other words I am suffering because Microsoft want money. In the past some versions of windows were worth migrating to Windows 2000 and Windows XP were great

But most of the improvements to Vista / Windows 7 are mostly transparent to normal users - even monster power users like me. I believe Microsoft have a serious attitude problem. just wait until they take full advantage of TPM to screw even more money out of us. If I am wrong please point out a real tangible benefit that Vista or Windows 7 brings to a large percentage of users or to me. I also I can no longer buy a laptop because they only come with Vista GPU drivers (some come with buggy unsupported XP GPU drivers - great)

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Start Menu> Documents> Documents Missing

May 22, 2009

I looked but couldn't find this issue elsewhere. I noticed that when I opened my files, there were extra MY DOCUMENTS folders. Other people who used this computer apparently messed around and copied MY DOCUMENTS folders. I tried to remedy the mess, but did so when I was tired, and seem to have made matters worse. Now, when I go to the Start Menu> Documents the documents are not there. I am at a loss as to how to fix this.

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Security Settings In IE7: Reboot My Settings Change And I Have To Restore Them

May 6, 2008

I have a problem with the security settings in IE7. Everytime I reboot my settings change and I have to restore them. I have the settings set in custom level to allow programmatic clipboard access but it disables that and some other settings after a reboot. what I can do to make my settings stick?

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How To Change The Folder Standard Green Folders To New Pink Folders

Aug 19, 2009

Awhile back I was given instructions on how to change the folder standard green folders to new pink folders. Well, my computer crashed out and I had to get a new hard drive. I tried to follow the instructions from the previously solved thread, but I can not find the "desktop.ini". When I go to the users folder inside my choices are Administrator and Public and I can not find the "desktop.ini" file. I have windows vista.

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How To Delete Folders, Stop Renewing Folders

Oct 5, 2007

i have two folders in my startup menue that i want to delete:



i tried to delete them (right click > delete). but when i restart my computer the folders are there again: how can i get vista to stop renewing those damn folders.

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Locking With Several Users

Nov 10, 2008

My 3 boys have a comp with Vista Home- none of their account are password protected- but have parental controls set up. Can I lock the computer from all their use using my admin passwod?

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Looking For A Good Users Manual

Apr 17, 2008

Can anyone recommend a worthwhile users manual for VISTA? I think the HELP facility in VISTA is worthless.

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UAC Into The () Platform Was To Annoy Users

Apr 11, 2008

"The reason we put UAC into the (Vista) platform was to annoy users--I'm serious," said Cross". I've read this article several times and I'm still not sure what Cross means by forcing independent software vendors (ISVs) to make their code more secure. Is he saying by annoying user that we are to put pressure on these vendors?

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IE 7 Users: Stop Looking At Porn Now!

Dec 16, 2008

IE 7 users: stop looking at porn now!Written by Adam O'Donnell @ 10:39 pm 12/15/2008
Source: IE 7 users: stop looking at porn now! | Zero Day | Microsoft has reported sightings of exploitation of the recent vulnerability in IE7 on various porn sites. This isn’t really bad news, since no one looks at such improper things on the Internet, right?

According to an article posted late saturday night on Microsoft’s Threat Research Blog, approximately .2% of all worldwide users have been exposed to exploits against the data processing vulnerability, and the exploit is now appearing on pornography sites. If Microsoft’s numbers are correct, that means millions of systems may have been freshly compromised over the past few weeks. I would be surprised if we don’t see an uptick in the knock-on effects of more compromised systems, including higher levels of spam and credit card fraud. Since there is no patch for the IE problem as of right now, your best bet is to use an alternative browser such as Firefox, Opera, or even the Windows version of Safari. Remember, when you are browsing strange websites, it is important to use protection. You don’t know what kind of diseases they may have.

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Allow To Change C:Users[xxx] Location

Apr 2, 2008

Please, add a feature, in a patch or sevice pack, to allow to change simply the location of C:Users, or C:UsersOneUser folder location. I have done many internet searches, this seems not to be possible simply. And don't tell me that I have to change each folder location (Music, Pictures, and so on). This does not fit my need.

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Can Download A Users Manual?

Dec 17, 2008

I just purchased a lap top with Vista Home Preium already installed. Is there any where that I can download a users manual?

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Move Users Folder?

Mar 31, 2009

Is it possible to move c:Users folder to another drive for backup purposes?

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