Customizing: 'pictures, Music, Documents, Personal, Etc..'

Mar 26, 2009

You know when you make a standard account, it creates a load of folders on the C: drive. I have more than a tera byte because of the volume of files on the drive. Way too many to even consider using C: for anything more than the absolute minimum required OS.

I think back to my C=3D 64/128 and the GEOS OS. Even though it was all on the same drive, it was arranged more like an office, than any windows OS I've ever seen or used. Is there a way to take the 'pictures, music, documents, personal, etc..' and convert those folders to shortcuts to my actual pictures, documents, music, etc. that ALL programs can see and access?

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Remove Personal Information From Office Documents

Nov 18, 2008

Microsoft Office and other Windows Applications store all sorts of personal information when you save a file. Your name, computer name, company, date and time last edited are all examples of data included in a simple Word document file.

If you are concerned about your privacy there is an easy way to strip this information from a file....

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Access Denied: My Documents Or My Music Folders

Oct 31, 2007

When I try to access the My Documents or My Music folders in my user account folder, it says Access Denied. Also, when I tried to disable indexing for my hard drive, I was denied access as well. Do I need to be on the root admin account to have access to these things? How do I get rid of all these annoying restrictions so I can use them on my regular account? I have UAC disabled.

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Pictures In Documents

Mar 23, 2008

I am having the hardest time trying to catagorize & rename my pictures. Everytime I go to a picture file in my document files, I highlight the pictures that I want to rename. Then when I click rename & type the name of the pics that I want labeled, it scrambles the pictures in a different order & the numbers of the pics are pic 1, pic 1, pic 2, pic 2, etc, etc.

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Dont Move Documents, Music, Photos, And Videos

May 2, 2008

Don't you just hate it when you have an operating system that WON'T let you move all of your Documents, Music, Photos, and Videos from Partition C to Partition D in one single click? I mean, this Windows Vista is the easiest to use right? WRONG! I should be able to tell the OPERATING SYSTEM that I WANT ALL MY STUFF ON D, and that when I GO TO MY FOLDER AND CREATE A NEW ONE, IT SHOULD BE CREATED ON D, NOT C! We need an update for this... There is now way around it, I mean, I DID MOVE ALL THE FOLDERS INDIViDUALLY, to find out that I STILL WRITE AT C:Usersusertest WHEN I WANT TO WRITE AT D:usertest! We had this at XP, but not on Vista? So, Microsoft is actually downgrading their operating systems now?

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System Restore Lost My Music, Photos, And Documents.

Apr 1, 2009

I just restored my computer to a previous date only to find that during the course of it, the action lost or deleted my belongings. All of my music, photos, and documents are all gone.

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Unable To Access My Documents, My Pictures, In My Own Profile

Dec 21, 2009

I can't access any thing uder my user profile such as My Documents and My Pictures, it's a ADM profile with all rights.Do I need to access it with main PC Adm Profile and reset the rights?


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Full System Backup Of Documents, Pictures

Mar 23, 2008

I had previously begun a full system backup and several of those disks were damaged. I would like to now just backup documents, pictures, music and e-mails. The backup utility will only give me two choices. 1) a full system backup or 2) a backup of the files mentioned above since the previous backup. How do I just get a complete backup of my documents, pictures, etc?

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Access Documents Or Pictures: Message Pops Up

Jun 29, 2008

Whenever i access my documents or pictures a message pops up saying system error! Attention, Dylan! Some dangerous trogan horses detected in your system. Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium files corrupted. This may lead to the destruction of important files in C:Windows. Download protection software now!

Click OK to download the antispyware. (Recommended)

| Yes | | No |...................................

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Users On "C" Drive: Click On Documents Or Pictures And Find Them

Apr 9, 2008

I'm having a problem with files on my new computer, Vista 64 Ultimate. I have my OS and Apps on C drive, and all my data on a separate physical drive which I call F. Today I sent documents and some pictures from the F drive to my Users file under Document and Pictures. But when I checked my C drive I found Users there, and the docs and pictures I moved. I'd like to have my data so I can click on Documents or Pictures and find them, but not in C drive. I want them in F. Don't want anything in C, but the OS and Apps. Can't figure it out.

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Documents Folder Has Changed To Pictures Folder Format

Jun 23, 2008

This has happened to me before - somehow the folder formats change themselves, eg the documents folder has options along the top like 'organise' 'view''slideshow' and 'burn' ie like in the pictures folder. I found the answer once before in one of the forums, but can't remember where it was. And why does this happen? Also, when I go to 'Help & support" in the Start button, it defaults to Lenovo (my hardware mfg) instead of Microsoft Windows.

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Sound: Loading Music Is Severely Distorted, Cannot Listen To Any Music On Myspace Or Watch Any Videos

Apr 23, 2008

i am having problems with the sound on vista. music plays fine until i open anything else. if anything is loading music is severely distorted. i have updated eveything there is. i cannot listen to any music on myspace or watch any videos on Internet.

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Customizing Right Pane In Start Menu.

Apr 15, 2008

I'm looking to put shortcuts to each of my primary hard drives in the circled pane.
I'm pretty sure it's possible and all I have to do is modify a system file or some ****, but where would I go about doing such a thing?

Above picture isn't mine, due to my print screen not working, but I have near all of the right panes contents off (via Start Menu Properties), thus why I'm wanting to put my own custom shortcuts there.

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Customizing Windows Speech Recognition

Mar 8, 2009

I must say I'm very impressed with speech recognition. I'm proud to be one of the stubborn first users to insist to use speech recognition even though I've made my computer use extremely comfortable using either the mouse or the keyboard (hopefully soon I can add or speech recognition).

Am I the only using speech recognition? I'm interested to know if there others using speech recognition, and how they're using it. The entire writing of this post, including opening Firefox, opening my password manager, logging in to and navigating through Vista forums, setting cookie options, editing and posting this thread was done solely using Windows speech recognition without mouse or keyboard (in a record breaking 40 minutes!).

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MSN Music To Delete DRM Keys - Say Goodbye To Your Music

May 1, 2008

MSN Music To Delete DRM Keys - Say Goodbye To Your Music "Customers who have purchased music from Microsoft's now-defunct MSN Music store are now facing a decision they never anticipated making: commit to which computers (and OS) they want to authorize forever, or give up access to the music they paid for. Why? Because Microsoft has decided that it's done supporting the service and will be turning off the MSN Music license servers by the end of this summer." just another "screw you" from Microsoft

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Mysterious Music: (innocuous Dance Music, Which Is Not From My HD Thats For Sure)

Sep 30, 2009

Have I got a trojan? My laptop is taken over by some weird software and keeps playing this music (innocuous dance music, which is not from my HD thats for sure). I dont know where it came from. My CD tray is empty. AVG search founds nothing wrong. What is this? I can turn the volume down.. but nohting else.

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MP3 Cd To A Music CD: Convert These MP3 Songs To A Music CD Format

Mar 17, 2009

I have a CD that has all the songs on it in MP3 format. I would like to convert these MP3 songs to a music CD format that will play on my cars CD player. The CD that has MP3 songs will not play on the cars player. What do I need to do to get these MP3's to copy to a normal CD so I can play them.

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Music But No Voices Within Music Files, Wierd

Mar 23, 2008

My vista home premium seems to have a problem with its music media replay. When I open a song file, the music id fine but the vocals sound distant, inaudible and a large amount of echo. I did download an mp3 player called morpher or something very similar but deleted after playing two songs, has this damaged my music files or my computer? I am unsure if the mp3 player is the culprit but all was fine beforehand.

I have updated the realtek driver but has made no difference to the vocal reproduction. I have also tried a system restore to a date well before the mp3 player was put onto the computer, it still made no difference.

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Customizing Start Menu Doesn't Show Up Folders

Feb 23, 2009

I've recently helped a friend set up his laptop with 64-bit Vista Home Premium. Since the Programs menu (classic start menu setup) looks like an overflowing junk room after everything gets installed, I made it tidier by getting rid of some shortcuts that weren't needed and organizing others in easy to manage category folders. I was able to create all the folders I needed in ...All Users...Start MenuPrograms, but a folder named "Programs" doesn't show up among the other folders when I go to Start > Programs. Since I've never had any problems before with a sub folder by the same name as the folder above it in hierarchy, I'm thinking this might be a bug. When I check with Windows Explorer, the ...All Users...Start MenuProgramsPrograms folder is there along with all the shortcuts that have been put in it, but it's just not showing up on the Start menu. All the other folders I created such as Utilities, Graphics, Multimedia and Internet do show in Start > Programs along with all the shortcuts I put in them.

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Start Menu> Documents> Documents Missing

May 22, 2009

I looked but couldn't find this issue elsewhere. I noticed that when I opened my files, there were extra MY DOCUMENTS folders. Other people who used this computer apparently messed around and copied MY DOCUMENTS folders. I tried to remedy the mess, but did so when I was tired, and seem to have made matters worse. Now, when I go to the Start Menu> Documents the documents are not there. I am at a loss as to how to fix this.

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Pictures Not Coming From MY PICTURES Folder

May 15, 2010

I have recently had strange pixilated images mixed in with our photos when playing music and selecting slide show, our photos appear along with random images, they are not coming from MY PICTURES folder as i have right clicked when the odd pic appears and they are coming from random folders that i can't find.

I thought the strange graphics were coming from itunes or Tom Tom so i have uninstalled them both...but the images keep coming. How do i stop media center looking and producing these annoying images

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Pictures Disappeared From Pictures Folder!

Aug 26, 2009

All the pictures in my Pictures folder have disappeared, leaving behind a bunch of empty folders. I did not delete them, and I have no viruses according to AVG. It appears that this happened to a few others on this forum, but no solutions were presented. I noticed that the Read Only button was checked on the main folder, so I unchecked it, and I watched the status window un-apply "read only" protection from all my actual pictures files, so it seems to me that they're still there but invisible.

I performed a system restore, and Recova is in the process of performing a "Deep Scan" for my pictures (the quicker scan did not find the files). Has anyone solved the problem of the disappearing pictures? Is this a Vista problem, or perhaps a problem with an update?

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Customizing "All Programs" Not Organized

Jun 8, 2008

While installing programs on Vista Home Premium, I note that several programs are similar in function, but when listed alphabetically, they are not organized the way I would like them. How do I move Program Folders D, L, Q and R into the Program A folder? Say, one at a time for starters.

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How Do I Restore My Personal Folder

Apr 3, 2008

I accidentally deleted couple folders in my "personal folder"... can't find them in Recycle Bin... so how do i get those special folders under Personal Folder back?!

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Lost Personal Folders

Mar 23, 2008

Don't recall doing anything unique. Exited Windows Mail normally. Next time i accessed my personal folders, excepting one, were gone. Is there anyway to recover?

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Personal File Crashing

May 1, 2010

When ever i try to open my personal file (the one that contains my pictures and Videos and stuff) it crashes restarts and i get this:

Quote: Troubleshoot a problem with CyberLink Demultiplexer
CyberLink Demultiplexer has stopped working properly.
CyberLink Demultiplexer is a codec. The file name of this codec is

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How To Remove McAfee Personal Firewall

Jul 18, 2009

When go into security center on Vista, it says I have 2 firewalls enabled. Windows Firewall and McAfee Personal Firewall. I cannot find MPF anywhere! I want to delete/disable it. Anyone got any ideas on how to?

Note: I'm not using McAfee. It came with my computer and I stopped using it after the 30-day trial.

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Moving Personal Files To D Drive

Mar 10, 2009

I have all of my personal folders on the D drive. Following a reinstall of Vista64 I again pointed the location of my personal folders back to the D drive (where the folders remained). I was able to take care of all of them except the Downloads folder which does not have a location tab. I am sure it was there on previous installs. What can I do?

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Fingerprint/Digital Personal Installation

Mar 23, 2008

I am unable to get the program to install correctly in Vista 32. Have tried both version 2.0 and 2.01. Keep getting the error message "User Properties Error Invalid String Class. Suspect Installation Issue". Anyone know how to fix this issue?

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Can Not Uninstall Avira AntiVir Personal

May 15, 2010

I ran the uninstall for Avira AntiVir Personal but all the folders are still in C:programs. When I check Add/Remove programs again, I can't find it.

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Personal Folder Not Closing Properly

Feb 28, 2009

I'm running Microsoft Office 2003 Standard Edition under Windows Vista Home Premium SP1. Recently I've been getting the following message when opening Outlook: "The data file 'Personal Folders' was not closed properly. This file is being checked for problems" I then have to wait several minutes while the file is checked before I can start using Outlook. It doesn't happen everytime I start Outlook, but often enough to be irritating. I have tried closing Outlook using the "Exit" option on the "File" menu and also the "X" option, but it doesn't seem to matter which method I use. The "not closed properly" message seems to appear at random. I'm using MS Office Outlook 2003 SP3 and running Windows Vista Home Premium.

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