Load A Controler Profile And Unable To Move

Jun 23, 2008

I have tried to load a controler profile for the game but i failed and i have given up. Now when i play the game the character is stuck in the up position aiming up and i am unable to move at all. Is there action I can take?

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Unable To Access User Profile

Mar 23, 2008

my husband and I each have a user profile on our computer. Lately whenever he tries to access his profile to get to his files, favorites, etc. he gets this message: "The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded." So he is unable to get to any of his files or music in the Media Center. He uses my user profile to get to his Yahoo browser to get his email but cannot get any of his bookmarks which is becoming very irritating to him. I can't blame him. We have a new computer with Windows Vista.

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Unable Profile Folder App Data

Oct 1, 2009

I think I've found why my hdd inexplicably has 20gb less hd space available than it should... it's in the AppData folder of my older user profile that corrupted and has since been replaced. And now I can't the profile folder or the AppData within it, and i really do need that 20gb as i'm on my last .7, and certain programs have decided they don't want to work under such paltry conditions. It stopped showing up in the UA window in the control panel when in corrupted, but it's still there in c:/windows/users, so I can't remove it the 'right' way. i've tried unchecking the read-only box, but progress stopped about halfway through. (An error occoured applying attributes to the file: xxxx. Access is denied. Ignore?) Also, is it normal for AppData to be ~20gb on a non-corrupted profile? I'm running Vista 32 home basic

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Unable To Access My Documents, My Pictures, In My Own Profile

Dec 21, 2009

I can't access any thing uder my user profile such as My Documents and My Pictures, it's a ADM profile with all rights.Do I need to access it with main PC Adm Profile and reset the rights?


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Recover Guest Profile, Unable To Login

Aug 14, 2009

how I got my system in this condition. I have been attempting to enable the Guest account on but when I do turn it on, I can't logon as Guest. I have looked at “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionProfileList” and I don't see the Guest account at all (SID missing). I don't know what the value should be nor how I can recover it. When I try to logon as Guest the system comes back with: Unable to Login due to "User Profile Service" failure. "The User Profile Service service failed the login. User Profile cannot be loaded." It seems that there should be a way to recover these predefined or standard logins. I don't want to do a system restoral as I have my system the way I want it (except for this problem with Guest) that I want to avoid any possibility of mistakes.

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Unable To Move Folder ? Even I Am Administrator

Feb 17, 2009

my machine says I need to permission to move a folder to another? It first says "I'll need to provide admin permission to move this folder", then I see a file operation window, then another You need permission window with a try again and cancel button. Whats going on here? This UAC is proving to be more anoying then good. I'm pretty sure it's why I could not connect to a FTP server through a game to download an update.

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Unable To Move Contacts To Groups...

Jan 14, 2010

I'm trying to organize and condense my Contacts by moving everyone into Groups. However, unlike OE, WM doesn't seem to allow me to move my individual contacts into groups; it only copies them, leaving me with more clutter than before. Is there any way I can do this in WM or, failing that, any third-party utility to help?

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Unable To Load DLL - Zlib X86.dll

Mar 27, 2010

I loaded a program called GO Contact Sync. It is freeware and it is supposed to sync Outlook contacts with gmail contacts. It fails to sync and I get an error message; Error: Unable to load DLL 'zlib x86.dll' The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

I did leave a message for the developers, but I thought I would try this forum also. The zlib x86.dll seems to be related to file compression. I have verified that no zlib DLL is anywhere on my computer. I can find zlib.dll files on the web, but I can't find any reference as to what to do with them.

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Unable To Delete/rename/move Folder

May 19, 2009

I have recently changed a folder name to an alt code which shows up as a blank space.It shows up as this without parenthesis.() Now that I've done that I can't move the file to anywhere, rename it, and I can't delete too. I right click it and hit delete but no confirmation comes up asking if I want to or not. No message saying it's in use or anything. If I try to rename it it reverts back to the invisible characters. I also can't move the file to anywhere else from my desktop. I've been trying for awhile now can't do anything with it

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Unable To Load And To Prepare The Installer In GUI Mode

Apr 17, 2009

I am having a really crappy time trying to install this one program onto my comptuer. I dont understand this error i keep getting. (The error says " Installer user interface mode not supported. Unable to load and to prepare the installer in GUI mode") I am getting really upset and i do need this program installed very badly.

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"Unable To Load On Stream"

Mar 25, 2008

I am trying to download one of my older games, Close Combat 4: The Battle of The Bulge, but even when trying to use older versions of Windows doesn't work. I always get error messages, and one of them is, "Unable to load on Stream" Or something like that.

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Every Game I Play Crashes, Or Fails To Load At All, Or Gets Into The Game And Crashes During Map Load

Jan 4, 2009

I finally decided to upgrade to Vista, and since I have 4GB ram I thought I'd give 64bit a shot. Every game I play crashes, or fails to load at all, or gets into the game and crashes during map load. I have Vista Ultimate 64 installed. I have installed and re-installed the OS multiple times to no effect. I've downloaded all of the windows updates. During one of my first installs of vista, I was able to get in to games of codwaw, but then it would crash after about 5 secs.......

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Unable To Send Email :: Unable To Connect To SMTP Server

May 5, 2008

I am unable to send email. Using Vista. Have emptied outbox as suggested in other posts. Outbox was emptied without difficulty, sent to drafts, then deleted. Created new email - tried to send - still couldn't. Error message - unable to connect to smpt server. Have gone to tols - accounts - servers - re-entered info.

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Duplicate Folders In Profile

Apr 30, 2010

After a windows update I now have duplicated folders (not contents) in my profile folder. If I view c:/users/profile then the duplicates are not there. If I just click the Profile link then they are. - 2 Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Favourites, Music, Pictures, Videos. Interestingly enough there is not a duplicate Links , Contacts or Saved Games, AppData or Searches.

The original content is still intact in the original folders but my profile is accessing the new ones so all of my program settings, browser profiles etc are inaccessible using the normal methods.

Also if I navigate to desktop then it shows links that don't show if I view my desktop.

A few weeks ago after an update Vista did a similar thing but started using a temporary profile even when I logged in fine so I couldn't access thigns, I created a new profile and copied stuff across. Now this! Arghhh, I hate windows, you never get this crap with *nix stuff.

Anyway, rant over, anyone any idea? I'm tearing my hair out and google hasn't helped. I'm not a tech noob but I don't have any real insight into how Vista does these things, I do web development not windows.

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Low Profile Case Transfer

Apr 12, 2009

so I want to get a good mid to high range card. I have a slim/low profile case.
Is it possible for me to move my mATX mobo to a regular midtower atx case? This is the case I want: Newegg.com - COOLER MASTER Storm Sniper SGC-6000-KKN1-GP Black ABS Bezel, SECC Body ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - Computer Cases and if I wanted to put a good psu in would it be fine? like a 600 watt. Would that be too much for my mobo? or could i put more case fans in? thanks. and if you dont mind, please dont suggest building a whole new computer. before i actually do that im gonna stick with this one until i get my new parts.

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User Profile Cannot Be Loaded ..

Nov 14, 2008

I have recently been having many with my computer. Firstly, i was having problems with the SID where it says user profile cannot be loaded. After many hours i managed to fix this problem but i've recently got a new problem.

I Installed a new wireless network card into a pci slot and started the computer and it worked. As i hadn't had my computer working for a while i decided to update the video card driver and decided to check for updates for windows. I installed both the video card driver and windows updates and rebooted. But when the computer tried to start up all the fans started and the power light goes on but nothing happens.

I don't know whether the problem is with the new hardware, the driver update or the windows updates. The computer won't start at all and i have some important work on it.

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Logon: 'Profile Cannot Be Loaded'

Jun 30, 2008

Ive been having problems with my laptop just recently, it was sudden! I had no problem whatsoever with it before, its an acer aspire 5630, ive never had major problems with it and its almost two years old! This is my first major problem, When i try to logon it says 'Profile cannot be loaded' Ive read everything possible on the internet from my desktop to try and find out what to do, most mentioned safe mode, this is another problem, my safe mode Does not work!

I can get into safe mode but as soon as i do it comes up with a black screen that says safe mode in every corner! Ive tried repairing my computer from one of the options listed with safe mode and it tells me it cant repair itself! this happened two days ago and i still have no idea on what to do, i use my laptop for school, it is very important that i get it fixed, im not sure if its something wrong with my laptop or windows, I have windows vista home premium.

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Monitor ICC Profile Not Loaded

Feb 21, 2009

Like many serious photographers my workflow is colour profiled so what I see on screen is printed, using separate ICC colour profiles for monitor and printer. I have done this for years. I now have a problem with Vista32 Ultimate SP1 where the monitor ICC file (correctly located in ...spool/color) and with the monitor color options showing my ICC and with "use my profile" checked -- it doesn't. The monitor profiling to generate the profile file runs fine and the result on monitor is great until I sleep/resume or reboot -- at that point my profile is briefly loaded and then "kicked out" as it reverts to native. I need to find a way to stop Vista doing this

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Add Picture On Contact Profile?

Mar 11, 2009

Is it posable to add a picture to a contacts profile in my contact list on windows mail in vista home prem. Or does the cantact themselves have to do that ?

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User Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Sep 24, 2008

I can't get by the login screen, message is "user profile cannot be loaded", seems all of a sudden it doesn't recognize my password. All I can do is shut the darn thing down and try again to no avail. Since I can't access anything how do I fix it.

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How Can I Transfer My System Information To My Profile

May 15, 2010

I want to transfer my System Information from my Hardware Diagnostics page to this Forum under MY Profile. There is no Copy and Paste button to do this. ( only save and print and the print button does not work either. !) I saved it to MY Documents . Will C and P work from the Documents program?

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Orphaned Owner Profile - Want To Recover

Aug 9, 2008

I accidently orphaned the Owner profile. I have no way of accessing the account. I do have another Admin logon that I am using. Is there a way to assign a new user to the orphaned Owner profile, or do I need to create a new user and set up everything again?

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Visible Profile Folders To A Server

Mar 26, 2009

I want to redirect all my (visible) profile folders to a server. I have done this for all them except Desktop. I do this by right-clicking the folder's icon, clicking Properties, clicking on the Location tab, entering a location of \servershareusernameFolder, and clicking OK. It asks if I want to move everything in the current folder to the new folder, and I click Yes. Easy, and it works perfectly.

When I do this for the Desktop, it works just fine. But the next time I log in (whether after a reboot or not), the desktop folder has reverted back to C:UsersusernameDesktop. Nothing I do will make it stick to the server. The other redirected folders stay where I put them and they continue to work normally.

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Can't Log Into My Profile On My Laptop And Its The Administators Account

Jan 25, 2010

i can't log into my profile on my laptop and its the administators account. I keep getting the message "the user profile service service failed the logon" user profile cannot be loaded"

I do have the password for the admin account and also a guest account on that laptop..........but i have read some stuff about how to delete it BUT i dont want to delete the profile as there is lots on it that YES i haven't backed up!

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User Profile Failed To Logon

May 15, 2010

I am trying to logon to my laptop, VIsta XP, and i keep getting this error message
The user profile service service failed the logon, user profile cannot be loaded, i have 2 profiles and everytime i click on either one it gives me this error, i cannot even get into my windows. Recently my wireless connection has been running really slow or booting me out. I ran spybot and it came up with a Banker Trojan? any ideas what that is, i cannot remove it because i cannot get into my pc at all.

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Temporary User Profile ALWAYS Loads!!

Apr 15, 2010

The problem started when I decided to do a reboot after installing some programs. Since then whenever I log on it takes ages displaying the "welcome" message, then comes up with the dreaded "preparing your desktop" message. It then loads a "temporary user profile" and says that any changes made while logged on to this profile will be lost afterwards, and to check the event log or contact the network administrator.

I've read heaps about this problem happening to people with vista and windows 7 (I have vista home ed). It's supposed to be due to a corrupted profile, and so if you delete the profile in the "regedit" thing it's supposed to fix itself. Others have also suggested creating a new account and transferring everything. I have tried countless restarts, restoring the system, deleting the user profile (all my stuff is now fully backed up) and creating new accounts. None of it works - a temporary profile still loads from a newly created account, the same happens even in safe mode and from the built in administrator account. I'm at a total loss as to what to do!! I use my computer every day for work so you can hopefully imagine how frustrating this is!

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Network User Profile Not Saving

Mar 23, 2008

I have added my first Windows Vista Business to our Windows 2003 network domain. User home directories are redirected to a network share via a logon script (batch file). Note: as far as I know no group policy controlling the redirection, no roaming is being used.

Issue: Whenever the user logs off the profile doesn???t get saved and the next logon appears like it???s the first time logging in to the account. For example: the folders created are userName (for the first login) the next login creates userName.001 (for the next login) and so on. how to resolve the issue? Is it something to do with the new account structure and I have to modify the logon script?

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Profile Page, Blackscreen And Password Again

Jan 24, 2009

at the user profile page, i type in my password and it says welcome, followed by a blackscreen and i was brought back to the user profile page again and i am required to type in my password again. this goes around in a loop.

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Data Recovery From Corrupted Profile

Jun 16, 2009

My user profile was corrupted. Basically, windows ran an update whilst i was backing up and that corrupted my user account. I have tried the methods on this forum to restore the account and have tried a system restore with no success. I wan't to keep the files from my user account but how can I access or recover them?

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Sharing Public Profile By Default

Feb 6, 2009

Which are the public folders that are shared by default in Vista? I want to reset the sharing of the public folders to default. I know these are shared:


Is the desktop folder shared?

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Copy User Profile With VBS Script

Aug 12, 2008

I tried to copy a profile to another folder by vbscript, but folder Documents not copy complete. Why? I now this forum not write or speak language vbscript but i search google, etc..etc and not have solution for this problem.

My code Vbscript.vbs

dim wshell, strusername, filesys
Const OverwriteExisting = TRUE
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshEnv = WshShell.Environment("SYSTEM").............

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