Print Jobs: Giving Couple Of Lines Of PCL Commands

Sep 19, 2009

This may actually be a Linksys problem, but I hope there's a workaround in Vista. Linksys wireless print server; network of computers (mostly Vista 32, some XP, one Vista 64, one Linux) that print through it to an HP LaserJet 1200 printer using HP PCL 5 drivers. All print jobs are OK, but many of them (somewhat unpredictably) are preceded by a junk page containing a couple of lines of PCL commands ("PJL COMMENT" and the like).

It is not clear whether the junk page is the beginning of the job or the tail end of the previous job -- thus I'm not even sure which computers are generating it. I think the former. That is, I think it is a set of PCL comments sent at the beginning of the job. Linksys drivers are not on the PCs. Instead I print through LPR or RAW protocol (both give the same results) on a TCP/IP port as recommended by Linksys.

I have tried the WinPrint print processor and 2 versions of the HP print rocessor. This seems to slightly change what's on the junk pages but not eliminate them. Printing several jobs in succession from the same computer, I usually don't get junk pages in front of them. But the actual conditions are hard to pin down. Trying to run around and try all the combinations is very tedious

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Scheduled Tasks / Cron Jobs Under

Nov 12, 2009

In Unix there are services called cron jobs which basically are nothing more than processes scheduled to run routinely every so often. I think these are called
scheduled tasks. So how do I set up a scheduled task under Windows Vista Home Premium so that for instance every day around 11:30 PM my laptop powers off whenever I have left it switched on (so that it does not wake up anybody in the middle of the night which has been happening to me).

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Cannont Delete Printers - No Jobs Pending!

May 27, 2009

I was trying to set up a print server to my HP 4000. I created several printers with various different IP address (the print server is going thru my router). When all that failed, I called tech support for the print server. We ended up changing the IP address to match the router -- this was the problem and now I can print. However, when I try to delete those other won't let me. Just gives me an error to make sure its connected to the network. If I double click on the printer that says "deleting.....offline" I get an error message 0x00000709. I've made sure there are no print jobs spooling. What else can I do?? Furthermore...when I go to regedit and look under print/printers....only the correct ones are there. I'm at a loss...

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Couple Of Questions

Jul 10, 2008

1. I looked for a aswser for this and I know there are several Post and don't have time to read all of them tell I find answer.
I am getting a Red X on some web page where images are suppose to be.
Not sure what I need to set under tool internet Security.

2. I have a forum I go to and it does not show the tool bar for links, pics, and ect like this one. It use too? is this a vista issue?

ok 3rd Question I go to {url} I get a bunch of Debug error messages.
Example 1 A RunTime Error has ocurred. Do you wish to debug? Line:275 Error: 'Menu' is undefined
Example 2 A RunTime Error has ocurred. Do you wish to debug? Line 3 Error: Syntax error
Example 3 A RunTime Error has ocurred. Do you wish to debug? Line 525 Error:Object expected

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A Couple Of Home Networking

Feb 18, 2009

1) How many computers can I have in a peer to peer network at home? I seem to remember that the number is either 5 or 10.

2) What's the maximum storage limit of Vista and do mapped drives count against that limit?

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Dx 10 Grapic Found Couple Can Not Working

Oct 14, 2007

as of today i got a new computer with vista x64 and dx 10 grapic o found a couple of old nostalgic games a want to play. the problem is they just say i need x86 architecture and im not really want to run a x86 os to play them is there another way? i heard of wow64 it could run x86 applications can i use that in some way?

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Crashing Out Of A Couple Of Programs System Goes To The Blue Screen And Restarts.

Sep 1, 2008

I just built my first computer, I am a relative noob to all of this. I am having some issues that I am not even sure if is caused by Vista or not. I am crashing out of a couple of programs and I am crashing out of windows- as in the system goes to the blue screen and restarts.

What info do I need to tell you in order to have you help me figure this out?

Nothing is oced.
System is all brand new:
Vista 64 bit
Cpu - Q6600
MEM 2Gx2 MUSHKIN 996629 DDR3
HD Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb
PSU is 1000w PC Power and Cooling
PU temp is 35c to 45c ish

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Microsoft Intellipoint Mouse Commands

Apr 11, 2009

I have a Comfort Optical MS mouse, PC details in Rig Specs...

anyway, before installing intellipoint software, pressing the wheel button down, while browsing websites, enabled a circle on the pointer, where you could move the mouse up or down to scroll the site... now intellipoint has changed it to the 3D Flip... what is the previous action called? and how do i get it back if the option is not listed in the intellipoint drop down for available commands?

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Directory Giving Error

Jul 10, 2008

I have an application trying to write to the folder - C:DocumentumcontentXfersend the app is trying to create some new folders and files in that directory. But i keep getting an error that say Content transfer: Could not create the directory for sending content: C:DocumentumcontentXfersend121570333633526426059

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List Of Star Trek ( Or Engineering ) Commands?

May 1, 2009

I am working on a voice interpreter system in Visual Studio for a client's machine. They love Star Trek even more than I do and are wanting to use a huge host of verbal commands. I was wondering if anyone here has a good list or knows of a good place or two on the web I can go to geta list of commands that someone would state verbally toa computer on Star Trek? Or maybe a good computer engineering/windows-operations list of commands?


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Send / Receive Commands Stop Working

Feb 17, 2010

I am starting a new thread since I have some additional information on this problem. After I open Windows Mail, the Send and Receive functions will work correctly until the following condition occurs: When I reply to or forward an email message in my Inbox, it goes into the Outbox. If I then store the original email into another folder before I press Send/Receive, neither Send nor Receive will work. The only solution after this happens is to shut down Windows Mail and restart it again.

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Send/Receive Commands Stop Working

Feb 13, 2010

Ofter, after opening Windows Mail and sending and receiving emails for a period of time, the Send and Receive commands will stop working. The only way I have found to solve this problem is to shut down Windows Mail and then enter it again. What could be going wrong here and how might I fix this annoyance?

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Dungeon Keeper 2 And Giving Me Trouble

Sep 29, 2009

here is my situation i am runnin vista home premium 32 bit

I bought dungeon keeper 2
I installed the game and the 1.7v patch
I followed the directions to put it into compatiblity mode for windows 2000
The game will start get through the intros and to the main menu

Here is when i run into the problem when i click new campaign it will load the hand and the x in the box at the bottom right but you cannot see the map on the screen just black you can here the sounds of when you scroll over where the map should be but no picture i can select the mission and then when it goes in to the game the interface will load but the game is still black no video animations no game nothing also when i try to go to options or pet dungeon from the main screen all it does it lock up in the animation between menus.

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Giving Me A Real Hard Time

Oct 15, 2008

i've installed vista ultimate 64 on my computer. and ever since it either blue screens driver error which i have updated my graphics card. still blue screens

and some time it just randomly freezes the hard drive light flashes but the mouse or keyboard or nothing on screen works at all.

i really like vista but with this problem its forcing me to go back to xp and i dont want to

My Spec:
amd 64 x2 3.00ghz
4gb ram
nvidia px 7950 gx2 graphics card
2 x 500gb sata hd

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Boot Performance: Giving Warning

May 15, 2010

My machine (an H-P Notebook Pavilion running Vista Home Premium 64 SP2 with 4 gigs of onboard RAM plus 4gigs of ReadyBoost and 4gigs of PageFile) is generally running fine but I do install a lot of sofware apps to check them out and often uninstall them if I discover they are useless to me. I used to be an engineer before I became terminnally-ill so I really like utilities. Also, I tweak it frequently closely following the instructions from you really bright guys on the respected forums. Anyway, I periodically check the event viewer logs notwithstanding that health check finds my machine to be generally healthy. I haven't experienced any boot problems other than on rare occasion it will be nearly loaded and automatically return itself to the boot screen with the H-P logo and boot up fine then.

This evening I noticed several critical events under Diagnostics-Performance Operational. I'm pasting a copy of these into this missive because I am wondering if this is anything serious. Naturally, I don't have an original installation disk for the machine thank you H-P but I do have a set of disks that H-P provided me one time when they couldn't get my machine to burn disks from the Recovery partition that came in the first machine I purchased prior to them having to replace it when it crashed during a BIOS upgrade. I also have a raw version of my operating system I purchased but can't use because it voids my warranty.

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Get Rid Of Blue Lines?

Nov 14, 2009

I like to clean up any e-mail I send, but I cannot seem to get rid of the blue line on the left of the message screen.

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Severe Freezes Giving A Security Error Dialog Box

Jan 2, 2009

Vista keeps crashing. It has given some excuses including memory reference errors and when I click ctrl + alt + delete on one of the less severe freezes it gives a security error dialog box. Now it has decided to crash before it even loads (well, during loading, logon, and post logon loading). I am typing this post from within safe mode, in which it works perfectly. I have suspicions about a mouse driver, but I'm not clear on how to access mouse drivers. Although I'm not sure because of the crashing before loading thing. And if nothing else works, would it be a good idea to re-install vista?

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Keyboard Not Giving Proper Charactors: US International Setting.

May 5, 2008

Lately, whenever I'm using MSN, something happens to my US International keyboard setting. My keyboard setting is usually at NL - United states International. Whenever I type a " followed by an e for example, it writes: ë. The problem: Now my best guess is that it's something MSN does, but after chatting for a bit, My keyboard setting sometimes messes up. Instead of typing "it's" for example, it types: ""it''s""' It really messes up. "e results in ""e

I have tried setting the keyboard to a different setting and back, but it doesn't work. If I switch to US -United states International for example, it works again, but switching back to NL messes is up again. so far, the only solution I have found to get NL - united states international to work again is reboot my computer.

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Print Spooler Not Running: Failed To Load Print Provider Localspl.dll

Mar 23, 2008

In my 64-bit installation, the print spooler server suddenly stopped running (and will not restart). I've tried cleaning out registry keys (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlPrint), deleting the files out of Windows (C:WindowsSystem32spool) to no avail. The system log contains many of these:Error Service Control Manager Eventlog Provider7034None The application log contains these:WarningSpoolerSpoolss1035NoneThe print spooler failed to load print provider localspl.dll. This can occur because of system instability or a lack of system resources.ErrorSpoolerSpoolss1027None The system failed to initialize the local print provider: Error 0. This can occur because of system instability or a lack of system resources.

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Computer Has Horizontal Lines After 13 Minutes

Feb 20, 2009

I was listening to the 911 call about the chimp attacking the woman in Conn. when all at once my computer screen had these horizontal lines running all across the screen!!I wasn't watching the video ,just listeneing to the audio,after about 12 0r 13 minutes is when this happened,it was in full screen mode with a picture of the chimp on it. It was just a picture, no moving or anything. This has happened before,(just the lines are a new development) it never shut off it,this time, just stopped responding. what could have caused this?? When it happened before, it just shut off

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Windows Mail Cannot Read The End Of The Lines

May 7, 2010

some of the messages I get are too big to fit in the window, therefore I cannot read the end of the lines.Only half the message is readable

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Email: Verticle Blue Lines

Feb 9, 2010

many emails I receive have been reforwarded several times and often contain verticle blue lines, from top to bottom and varying lengths, and seem to correspond with each of the times the email has been forwarded. This is annoying. How do I stop the verticle blue lines?

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Invisible Lines Going From Left To Right On Display

Apr 6, 2010

i have a laptop with ati radeon x2300 graphics card 164mb of memory. When im playing games and running my benchmark system i get invisible lines going from left to right on my display. i can see the lines whenever my player moves. i have also seen a decrease in frames per second. its a sony vaio laptop. the drivers are the most updated and changing stuff in the 3D section of the control center DOeSNT.

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Small Horizontal Lines Flashing

Feb 26, 2009

I sometimes get my main monitor blurry (I have 2). It looks like the resolution decreased and it even has these small horizontal lines flashing you can notice when you look real close to it. It resembles ?static?. To fix it, I can go to the nVidia control panel and switch the monitor configuration and then hit ?No? when it asks me if I want to keep the setting But then it will come back again later at random it seems.

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Explorer TreeView Lines Appearing

Mar 23, 2008

I have somewhat of an annoying UI problem with Explorer. For some reason, the TreeView in explorer is adding lines illustrated below: Is there any way to get rid of the lines? This began happening when I set my "Folder Options" to view hidden files. I deleted a lot of extra junk that explorer was hiding on my desktop, and that's when this problem started happening.

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IE7:website Declined To Show The Page Giving Error (HTTP 403 Forbidden)

Apr 25, 2008

Just recently (possibly since SP1) a number of web sites that I frequently visit have become inaccessible via my Vista Hoe Premium/IE7 PC. I can access them OK using WinXP/IE7 on my laptop so have no idea what the problem can be. The error message states "The website declined to show the page....This error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage". With the exception of one site, none of the other four sites require any kind of log-in. I use Norton Internet Security but have disabled web protection to see if that helps - nothing, I've also binned my temp internet files - nothing!

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Cannot Print From IE Nor Print Preview Unless Turn UAC Off In Control

Mar 23, 2008

running vista 64 SP1 RTM cannot print from IE nor print preview unless I turn UAC off in control panel. Cannot print even if opening IE as admin. (some sort of error message about C:/users/username/appdata/local/temp/low/ and some files therein.) Note, on a different machine with vista 32 SP1 beta2 refresh (never got around to installing SP1 RTM on this box) - UAC enabled and no print problem at all

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Excel 2003: Print Dialog Not Appear, No Print

Feb 6, 2009

We have recently got new hardware and upgraded to Vista. We have also just changed to fully networked printing. We are having some printing funnies, but mainly when printing from Excel - no idea why. Here is a selection of the printing problems we have had:

File-Print: Print dialog does not appear
File-Print/Print: Does not print, no printing message
File-Print/Print: Looks like it prints to printer (see printing message), but nothing prints out...........................................................................

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Memory, Can't Right CLick, Missing Menubar, Missing Menu Commands

Mar 23, 2008

A lot of times, I just can NOT right-click, or do many other things, etc. Like...

Can't Right CLick
Missing Menubar
Missing Menu Commands
Thing won't open
History Dropdown list in IE Messed up!

I think it's Memory/resource BUG, am I right? What's the cause? How do I fix it?

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Search The Office 2007 Ribbon With Search Commands

Dec 10, 2009

The new interface in Office 2007 has a great new look but finding your favorite feature can be a little difficult at first. Microsoft Office Labs offers a helpful utility called Search Commands that brings search to the ribbon. Can’t find a specific feature? Just search for it! ....

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Editing "business" And Click/delete Redundant Line Breaks As Often As There're Lines In A Document

Jun 10, 2009

When I type a long article in Notepad & paste into WindowsMail line breaks become messed up, forcing me to go back to editing "business" and click/delete redundant line breaks as often as there're lines in a document, if it's 1000 lines, go ahead and spend time clicking for an hour! This make plain text editor unworkable In Vista +WindowsMail environment, due to weird linebreaks handling. Why do I claim it to be weird? BECAUSE IT WAS PERFECT IN WindowsXP. I could create a simple ad/artcile in Notepad, copy/paste into OutloookExpress --> Newsgroup posting or Email, and no linebreaks stupidity. Another hemorrhoid in Vista, sometimes I have a forbidden thought: If WinXP could live for another 10 years albeit with security updates & new hardware drivers that would be nice. When I hear "Vista" it causes heartburn.

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