Severe Freezes Giving A Security Error Dialog Box

Jan 2, 2009

Vista keeps crashing. It has given some excuses including memory reference errors and when I click ctrl + alt + delete on one of the less severe freezes it gives a security error dialog box. Now it has decided to crash before it even loads (well, during loading, logon, and post logon loading). I am typing this post from within safe mode, in which it works perfectly. I have suspicions about a mouse driver, but I'm not clear on how to access mouse drivers. Although I'm not sure because of the crashing before loading thing. And if nothing else works, would it be a good idea to re-install vista?

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Directory Giving Error

Jul 10, 2008

I have an application trying to write to the folder - C:DocumentumcontentXfersend the app is trying to create some new folders and files in that directory. But i keep getting an error that say Content transfer: Could not create the directory for sending content: C:DocumentumcontentXfersend121570333633526426059

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IE7:website Declined To Show The Page Giving Error (HTTP 403 Forbidden)

Apr 25, 2008

Just recently (possibly since SP1) a number of web sites that I frequently visit have become inaccessible via my Vista Hoe Premium/IE7 PC. I can access them OK using WinXP/IE7 on my laptop so have no idea what the problem can be. The error message states "The website declined to show the page....This error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage". With the exception of one site, none of the other four sites require any kind of log-in. I use Norton Internet Security but have disabled web protection to see if that helps - nothing, I've also binned my temp internet files - nothing!

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How To Disable Open File - Security Warning Dialog Box In Windows?

May 24, 2008

Every time I want to open a .url file using the customized Links menu on the deskbar (channel bar), I get a dialog box with a security warning message "Do you want to open this file?" How do I disable this security warning dialog box from popping up? I am confident my Avast! virus definitions will detect and intercept any virus or spyware attached to any url before the file is opened, so I really don't need this feature, it is annoying.

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Logon Process Has Failed To Create The Security Options Dialog

Jul 8, 2009

I was running a malwarebytes scan in the backround and all of the sudden ie locked up. I tried to open task manager and got a black screen. Then I got an error message that said- logon process has failed to create the security options dialog. Then I got out of the black and there malware bytes was running fine again. what does all this mean- does t mean malware bytes was scanning the file for so long and was trying to verify it but malwarebytes couldent get the security dialog fo rit so it moved on?

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'logon Process Has Failed To Create The Security Options Dialog

Mar 23, 2008

following on from the bug i had (ive pasted the details below again) Ive scanned the drive with the maxtor/seagate tools and no problems. It seems to be something to do with the harddrive as if is start a checkdisk it almost instantly causes problems, you can move the mouse but nothign responds. If you try and go into ctrl-alt-delete you get a message saying a 'logon process has failed to create the security options dialog'. It seemed to start when i put an old harddrive onto the system to copy data across, until this point everything was fine.

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Severe Mental Disorders?

May 21, 2008

I visit this group once in every four months or so. Mostly for the laugh. And it's still highly amusing. The same trolls are still here! Remarkable. Although I don't want to disrupt the group.. (it's too much fun) I am just too curious: What is driving you guys? (Alias, Albright etc.)

I noticed: You don't like Vista. Granted. But, posting about something you don't like in a newsgroup that is dedicated about the very same topic you don't like, over and over and over.. for well over a year now! That is madness! Seriously, are you people just mad, to cheap to pay for a professional dominatrix or is it some form of anger-therapy?

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Severe Under Performance AMD Phenom 9600

Jan 27, 2009

I have very poor AMD Phenom 9600 benchmarks:

WinRAR = 454 w/TLB fix diabled Avg scores for my system 1,100
Call Juarez = 30 FPS Avg score = 45

Dont know whats wrong. Could it be a dead core? How can I check?

1) My WinRAR score with the TLB fix enabled is a sickening 80!!! vs 454 disabled. So I am certain that the fix was disabled at my score of 454.

2)Regarding number of active cores:

a) When I run task manager I see only ONE window for CPU in performance.

b) Running CPU-Z V1.49 shows ONE Processor ONE Core

c) CrystalCUPID V 4.15 shows only ONE of One cores (Code name Agena?) I should see 1/FOUR

d) In Vista Sidebar using mCPU Gadget: Shows Four cores HOWEVER
only ONE ever displays activity. I tested it by really loading up applications and Never saw activity of the other three cores!!!

I think I have a REAL Problem here. help

My Setup:

OS : Windows Vista Home Premium X-64 SP1
CPU Name : AMD Phenom X4 (Agena)9600 Quad-Core
Platform : Socket AM2/AM2+ Physical Core : 4
Clock : 2300.00 MHz

L1 I-Cache : 64 KB
L1 D-Cache : 64 KB
L2 Cache : 512 KB [Full:2300.14 MHz]
L3 Cache : 2048 KB
Memory : 3327 MB

North Bridge : 780G South Bridge : SB700
Video Chip :ATI Radeon HD 3870

BIOS Vendor : American Megatrends Inc.
BIOS Version : GATEWA - 20080218
BIOS Date : 02/18/2008
SM BIOS Caption : 7B3G1P04
SM BIOS Version : 2.5
Mother Vendor : Gateway
Mother Product : Foxconn
Mother Version : Piece of Junk
System Vendor : Gateway
System Model : GT5676
BIOS ROM Size : 1024 KB
Mother Vendor : Gateway

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Firewall Security: HTTP Forbidden Error 403

May 1, 2008

Message: I was having issues with the firewalls and security, and conflicts with my norton security I disabled the Vista and ended up with everything disabled, I could not get on the internet or my email, I had my server here, thinking it was a issue with the address being diabled and the dsl modem reset, They are not too fimilar with Vista and unable to connect, We continually get the HTTP 403 forbidden error, I was able to get the email to work, the comupter is connected to the interent and no problems when I ran diagnosis on it, so my email works ,

I went into the admin. tools , services and almost all where disabled, so i went in clicked them to automatic, enabling them, its to click on something to allow inbound/outbound security, but, I dont know what ones to run start, stop etc. I need information as to what to click or unclick, what to allow or not allow to access the internet, So what I am saying is the internet connection is up and working, I am able to go into my email and send and recieve, but, when I go to my internet browser, click to go, it says HTTP forbidden error 403, you are connected to the internet but unable to view this page

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Internet Connection Is Lost, Security Center Is Off, Error Code: 0x6D9

Jan 1, 2010

1.Internet connection is lost.

2. Security center is off.

3. The Windows Firewall service is not running. When try to turn on get prompt: "Windows Firewall settings cannot be displayed because the associated service is not Running. When try to restart Windows Firewall sevice: "Wimdows cannot starts the Windows Firewall service. Same in the Safe mode and from Adnministrative Tools. Also failed to load Windows Firewall with Advanced Security snap-in. Error code: 0x6D9. When try to use systen restore: "System Restore does not appear to be functioning correctly on this system. The volume Shadow copy service used by Systen Restore is not working."

4. When I tried to shrimk files for Vista reinstallation, in Computer Managenemt / Storage: "Unable to connect to Virtual Disk Service" and this all happend at once, after i was trying IObit Security Scanning option "Network security" Is anything possible and what and in what order I have to try to do?

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Error KB890830, Security Policy Doesn't Allow For All Actions MSRT May Require

May 12, 2009

I downloaded the Criticdal Updates to my Vista for KB890830 and when I looked in the log I saw a new sentence, which was: "WARNING: Security policy doesn't allow for all actions MSRT may require." What does this mean exactly? Is there something wrong with my computer?

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Dungeon Keeper 2 And Giving Me Trouble

Sep 29, 2009

here is my situation i am runnin vista home premium 32 bit

I bought dungeon keeper 2
I installed the game and the 1.7v patch
I followed the directions to put it into compatiblity mode for windows 2000
The game will start get through the intros and to the main menu

Here is when i run into the problem when i click new campaign it will load the hand and the x in the box at the bottom right but you cannot see the map on the screen just black you can here the sounds of when you scroll over where the map should be but no picture i can select the mission and then when it goes in to the game the interface will load but the game is still black no video animations no game nothing also when i try to go to options or pet dungeon from the main screen all it does it lock up in the animation between menus.

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Giving Me A Real Hard Time

Oct 15, 2008

i've installed vista ultimate 64 on my computer. and ever since it either blue screens driver error which i have updated my graphics card. still blue screens

and some time it just randomly freezes the hard drive light flashes but the mouse or keyboard or nothing on screen works at all.

i really like vista but with this problem its forcing me to go back to xp and i dont want to

My Spec:
amd 64 x2 3.00ghz
4gb ram
nvidia px 7950 gx2 graphics card
2 x 500gb sata hd

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Boot Performance: Giving Warning

May 15, 2010

My machine (an H-P Notebook Pavilion running Vista Home Premium 64 SP2 with 4 gigs of onboard RAM plus 4gigs of ReadyBoost and 4gigs of PageFile) is generally running fine but I do install a lot of sofware apps to check them out and often uninstall them if I discover they are useless to me. I used to be an engineer before I became terminnally-ill so I really like utilities. Also, I tweak it frequently closely following the instructions from you really bright guys on the respected forums. Anyway, I periodically check the event viewer logs notwithstanding that health check finds my machine to be generally healthy. I haven't experienced any boot problems other than on rare occasion it will be nearly loaded and automatically return itself to the boot screen with the H-P logo and boot up fine then.

This evening I noticed several critical events under Diagnostics-Performance Operational. I'm pasting a copy of these into this missive because I am wondering if this is anything serious. Naturally, I don't have an original installation disk for the machine thank you H-P but I do have a set of disks that H-P provided me one time when they couldn't get my machine to burn disks from the Recovery partition that came in the first machine I purchased prior to them having to replace it when it crashed during a BIOS upgrade. I also have a raw version of my operating system I purchased but can't use because it voids my warranty.

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Keyboard Not Giving Proper Charactors: US International Setting.

May 5, 2008

Lately, whenever I'm using MSN, something happens to my US International keyboard setting. My keyboard setting is usually at NL - United states International. Whenever I type a " followed by an e for example, it writes: ë. The problem: Now my best guess is that it's something MSN does, but after chatting for a bit, My keyboard setting sometimes messes up. Instead of typing "it's" for example, it types: ""it''s""' It really messes up. "e results in ""e

I have tried setting the keyboard to a different setting and back, but it doesn't work. If I switch to US -United states International for example, it works again, but switching back to NL messes is up again. so far, the only solution I have found to get NL - united states international to work again is reboot my computer.

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Print Jobs: Giving Couple Of Lines Of PCL Commands

Sep 19, 2009

This may actually be a Linksys problem, but I hope there's a workaround in Vista. Linksys wireless print server; network of computers (mostly Vista 32, some XP, one Vista 64, one Linux) that print through it to an HP LaserJet 1200 printer using HP PCL 5 drivers. All print jobs are OK, but many of them (somewhat unpredictably) are preceded by a junk page containing a couple of lines of PCL commands ("PJL COMMENT" and the like).

It is not clear whether the junk page is the beginning of the job or the tail end of the previous job -- thus I'm not even sure which computers are generating it. I think the former. That is, I think it is a set of PCL comments sent at the beginning of the job. Linksys drivers are not on the PCs. Instead I print through LPR or RAW protocol (both give the same results) on a TCP/IP port as recommended by Linksys.

I have tried the WinPrint print processor and 2 versions of the HP print rocessor. This seems to slightly change what's on the junk pages but not eliminate them. Printing several jobs in succession from the same computer, I usually don't get junk pages in front of them. But the actual conditions are hard to pin down. Trying to run around and try all the combinations is very tedious

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Freezes At Green Start Up Bar/freezes For A Few Seconds On Desktop

Sep 3, 2009

I've an Asus f5sl laptop with Vista Home Premium (32bit) but it's been freezing on me lately. When I boot up, it gets to the black screen with the green bar but after a few seconds, the green bar freezes and I can't log in. Occasionally it boots up after around half an hour but then Vista periodically freezes for a few seconds before resuming (which is annoying when trying to write out something etc)

I don't see any problems in Safe Mode so is possibly a driver? I've updated all my drivers, completely updated using WIndows Update, ran antispyware, used System Restore etc. Only problem is; I've moved to a new country, and like a fool, I left my Vista start up disk back home. Which I would otherwise have tried.

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Concistency Check: "replace Invalid Security Id With Default Security Id For File

Jun 29, 2009

My computer is running the concistency check. It's at stage 3 and when it's almost complete it's starts to "replace invalid security Id with default security id for file ******" it's been doing this for a while now and I was wondering what I can do to speed it up. It's currently at 170000, and if I try to restart the computer the login screen will not load if I skip the disk check.

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Using Kaspersky As My Internet Security And In Past I Have Used Norton Security Suite

Dec 2, 2008

I got Vista 32 bit installed on my laptop. I work from Internet And need a good firewall and security suite which can protect my computer from trojen and malewars and hackers. Currently i am using kaspersky as my internet security and in past i have used Norton Security suite, In Both I have noticed getting too much of hacking attempts 3/hr.

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How To Remove The Dialog Box

Apr 25, 2010

how to remove the dialog box. i mean ignore the error so every time the error occurs no more warning signs like that will appear it will automatically closes

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All Text Cannot Be Seen In Dialog Boxes

Feb 16, 2009

My monitor is set at 1152 X 720 pixels. The default is 1440 x 900, but that makes everything so super tiny that I can't see text too well. Text size is set at default or standard. The Windows dialog boxes are all cut off so that at least one third of them cannot be seen. From using old Windows OS systems in the past, I can guess at what is unseen and just use the tab key to select "Ok, Cancel, and Apply".

But some boxes, for example, the "Sound Theme" dialog box has a whole section below of selecting sounds for events and I cannot see any of it.

Here's the clincher. Just to adjust my sound theme, I set my monitor to the microscopic 1440 x 900 setting and still cannot see the dialog boxes. The text size set on default.

What settings are these boxes viewable?

I should point out that my Sister and a couple of friends have
the exact same problem.

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Disable UAC: Warning Dialog?

May 15, 2008

I have disabled UAC on a Vista machine so that I can connect to it from a remote location and change its configuration. However, every time the Vista machine is restarted a window opens above the tray telling the user that UAC is off and that they should "click here" to turn it on. From ignorance or carelessness the user frequently clicks the window and re-enables UAC. How can I prevent this message from appearing? I want UAC off on this machine and I want it to stay off!

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Dialog Folder No Location Tab

Oct 9, 2008

in the properties dialog of a folder, there's no location tab. what can i do? and what's wrong?

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Location Of Dialog Box Mail Setup

Sep 6, 2009

On Aug 28 I installed live messenger on Vista Home edition laptop.

I find I have to change my ISP.

How to access the dialog box to make changes to my pop3

and smtp?

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Interactive Services Dialog Detection

Jul 30, 2008

A program can't display a message on your desktop

this comes up when i click on: show me the message:

Runtime error

This program has requested the runtime to end in an unusal way.


how can I get this annoying persistent nuisance to stop coming up?

I was dragged kicking and screaming into Vista and truthfully am almost liking it (or not hating it as much as I thought I would).

HOWEVER, this is the kinda crap that will make me regret it.

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Junk E Mail Dialog Box Get It Back

Feb 15, 2009

When checkin g my junk e-mail I use to get a box that pop up and said I had junk mail. It doesn't anymore is there a way to get it back?

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Shortcut For Screen Saver Dialog Box

Jan 18, 2010

Looking to create a single click shortcut for accessing Vista's screen saver dialog box, turn on off. Instead of going through Control Panel, then Personalization, then screen saver.

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Freeze Button Of Dialog Boxes

Mar 23, 2008

I run Vista Business 64-bit ("clean" install a week ago) and am having troubles with some of the built-in games..... I can't click on buttons in dialog-boxes within these games. I can dismiss the dialog by clicking the X, but not when it's asking if I want to save the game. In this case i need to use the keyboard to focus and click on a button. * Menu flickers rapidly. When clicking on one menu, all menus shows and flicker. I see mouse hovering effects on the wrong spots. I.e. the card next to the one I have my cursor over.

In minesweeper I can't click on any of the buttons in the first column. All other buttons work just fine. I see the "button down-effect" but nothing happens. What is the common denominator of the mentioned games and how can I fix it? My drivers are up-to-date and I have not experienced any other kinds of input/graphics issues with any other apps/games.

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Windows Vista Support Dialog Box

Feb 20, 2010

I have what amounts to a minor problem with my Help and support, but I would like to find out the cause of the problem (was it something I did) and fix it. The problem is best illustrated, so I have attached a screen capture of a typical Help and support dialog box. As illustrated, each discussion point has a red X on the selection button (sorry, do not know the proper term for this). works fine but the image or icon on each button is gone and only a red X remains.

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Windows No Disk Dialog Hex Numbers

Apr 9, 2008

just for future reference. I got the 'Windows - No Disk' dialog with hex numbers yesterday. It happened with CodeBlocks whenever I would open a project. I cleared my 'recent items' list and that fixed it. There was a file in the list that was on a memory card. The memory card was removed. I guess that was the problem... weirdness

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Keyboard The Program Hangs, Not Responding Dialog Box

Nov 15, 2007

I am running x64 vista business on my brand new machine using a q6600 (g0), asus maximus formula, 2gb kingston hyperx RAM, and a 160gb SATA boot disk and a 500 gb IDE drive. Also, a 8800 gt. I am able to run programs such as internet explorer or whatever, but any time i am in a program (including the search bar) as soon as i press any key on the keyboard the program hangs (with the serch bar it says Windows Explorer is not responding" on the Not Responding dialog box. I cannot use my computer until this is fixed, and i am in desperate need of help. i can't find anything about it online, can anyone help me?

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