Dialog Folder No Location Tab

Oct 9, 2008

in the properties dialog of a folder, there's no location tab. what can i do? and what's wrong?

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Save File Dialog Default Folder Location

Jun 13, 2008

Save File dialog default folder location, Anyone cracked this one yet?

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Location Of Dialog Box Mail Setup

Sep 6, 2009

On Aug 28 I installed live messenger on Vista Home edition laptop.

I find I have to change my ISP.

How to access the dialog box to make changes to my pop3

and smtp?

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Folder Los, The File Location Cannot Be Found

Feb 6, 2009

this happened around one year ago before i discovered this site.. one day i clicked on start and on the music tab.. then an error occurred.. it says that the file location cannot be found. then i browsed 'my computer' there i saw that there are two files separated, a file location with the icon of the music folder, and one with simply a folder icon.. after five days, same thing happened with the my documents folder.. the separate file with the folder icon contains every single file of the "REAL" icon. while the other one has nothing in it.. same with the music icon..

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Cant Find Location Of Programs Folder

Dec 12, 2008

Had a couple of transferred programs that needed to have *.exe shortcut icons in my 'Start > Programs' list. Guess what? I can't find it...I can't even find 'Documents & Settings'. Where is this folder officially located in Vista (as I'm very used to XP Pro, only recently having converted over)...so I can drag&drop the executable?

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Reset Default Location For Documents Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I cannot connect to the PC where I had my Documents folder - so I need to reset the documents folder back to its original location on my PC - but becuase I can no longer access the current location for the Documents folder I can't access that folder in order to change its location - i.e. how can I restore the default location for the Documents folder when I can no longer access that folder?

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Moving Document Folder Modiying Location

May 24, 2009

I know I can easily Move the Documents/Pictures folders by modifying the location form in the folder's properties, but how do I move my Josh (user) folder? I set up a seperate partition where I want this folder to go, where I'll store all my movies, pictures etc. Oh btw I've just done a full format so the user files are empty, I'm just going to move it to a new location and then move my backed up files over.

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Recreating Music Folder Doesn't Location

Nov 1, 2008

I am moving my Documents , Pictures, and Music folders associated with the start menu on the right side of start menu (under the user pix) to a seperate partition on the hard drive so that it will be easier to back up these files monthly, and also allow me to create an image disk of the os without all the data files being included. Going very smoothly except that I stupidly deleted the music folder after I had moved the files, and now when I click the music tab on the start menu, it no longer directs to where the music files have been moved. The Pictures and Documents tabs work correctly...that is, when I click those tabs on the start menu, I am taken to their new location just fine.

My question is, is there some way to re-create that original Music folder which , when I right-click properties, has the tab for LOCATION which will then allow me to change its location settings so that the Music tab on the start menu can find it ? Seems to be a special type of folder, and if I just create a new one, it does not include the Location tab under properties. I should add that I can create a shortcut and pin it to the start menu, but if possible, I'd like to use the original Music tab on the right side of start menu.

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Default Location For Save Picture As Location In IE7 / Vista

Mar 6, 2009

Is there a registry setting to change the default right click 'save picture as' location in IE7 / Vista. Would like to change from (my pictures) to (Desktop)

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How To Remove The Dialog Box

Apr 25, 2010

how to remove the dialog box. i mean ignore the error so every time the error occurs no more warning signs like that will appear it will automatically closes

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All Text Cannot Be Seen In Dialog Boxes

Feb 16, 2009

My monitor is set at 1152 X 720 pixels. The default is 1440 x 900, but that makes everything so super tiny that I can't see text too well. Text size is set at default or standard. The Windows dialog boxes are all cut off so that at least one third of them cannot be seen. From using old Windows OS systems in the past, I can guess at what is unseen and just use the tab key to select "Ok, Cancel, and Apply".

But some boxes, for example, the "Sound Theme" dialog box has a whole section below of selecting sounds for events and I cannot see any of it.

Here's the clincher. Just to adjust my sound theme, I set my monitor to the microscopic 1440 x 900 setting and still cannot see the dialog boxes. The text size set on default.

What settings are these boxes viewable?

I should point out that my Sister and a couple of friends have
the exact same problem.

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Disable UAC: Warning Dialog?

May 15, 2008

I have disabled UAC on a Vista machine so that I can connect to it from a remote location and change its configuration. However, every time the Vista machine is restarted a window opens above the tray telling the user that UAC is off and that they should "click here" to turn it on. From ignorance or carelessness the user frequently clicks the window and re-enables UAC. How can I prevent this message from appearing? I want UAC off on this machine and I want it to stay off!

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Interactive Services Dialog Detection

Jul 30, 2008

A program can't display a message on your desktop

this comes up when i click on: show me the message:

Runtime error

This program has requested the runtime to end in an unusal way.


how can I get this annoying persistent nuisance to stop coming up?

I was dragged kicking and screaming into Vista and truthfully am almost liking it (or not hating it as much as I thought I would).

HOWEVER, this is the kinda crap that will make me regret it.

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Junk E Mail Dialog Box Get It Back

Feb 15, 2009

When checkin g my junk e-mail I use to get a box that pop up and said I had junk mail. It doesn't anymore is there a way to get it back?

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Shortcut For Screen Saver Dialog Box

Jan 18, 2010

Looking to create a single click shortcut for accessing Vista's screen saver dialog box, turn on off. Instead of going through Control Panel, then Personalization, then screen saver.

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Freeze Button Of Dialog Boxes

Mar 23, 2008

I run Vista Business 64-bit ("clean" install a week ago) and am having troubles with some of the built-in games..... I can't click on buttons in dialog-boxes within these games. I can dismiss the dialog by clicking the X, but not when it's asking if I want to save the game. In this case i need to use the keyboard to focus and click on a button. * Menu flickers rapidly. When clicking on one menu, all menus shows and flicker. I see mouse hovering effects on the wrong spots. I.e. the card next to the one I have my cursor over.

In minesweeper I can't click on any of the buttons in the first column. All other buttons work just fine. I see the "button down-effect" but nothing happens. What is the common denominator of the mentioned games and how can I fix it? My drivers are up-to-date and I have not experienced any other kinds of input/graphics issues with any other apps/games.

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Windows Vista Support Dialog Box

Feb 20, 2010

I have what amounts to a minor problem with my Help and support, but I would like to find out the cause of the problem (was it something I did) and fix it. The problem is best illustrated, so I have attached a screen capture of a typical Help and support dialog box. As illustrated, each discussion point has a red X on the selection button (sorry, do not know the proper term for this). works fine but the image or icon on each button is gone and only a red X remains.

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Windows No Disk Dialog Hex Numbers

Apr 9, 2008

just for future reference. I got the 'Windows - No Disk' dialog with hex numbers yesterday. It happened with CodeBlocks whenever I would open a project. I cleared my 'recent items' list and that fixed it. There was a file in the list that was on a memory card. The memory card was removed. I guess that was the problem... weirdness

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Keyboard The Program Hangs, Not Responding Dialog Box

Nov 15, 2007

I am running x64 vista business on my brand new machine using a q6600 (g0), asus maximus formula, 2gb kingston hyperx RAM, and a 160gb SATA boot disk and a 500 gb IDE drive. Also, a 8800 gt. I am able to run programs such as internet explorer or whatever, but any time i am in a program (including the search bar) as soon as i press any key on the keyboard the program hangs (with the serch bar it says Windows Explorer is not responding" on the Not Responding dialog box. I cannot use my computer until this is fixed, and i am in desperate need of help. i can't find anything about it online, can anyone help me?

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64-bit Closes File Dialog Windows Randomly

Apr 22, 2009

I just bought my dad a brand-new laptop computer with Vista 64-bit Home Premium pre-installed. Almost immediately, we started noticing a rather strange problem with this computer. Seemingly at random, the operating system decides that it doesn't want us to select a file in a file dialog window (if I select Open... within an application and then browse to select a document to open, for example), and so it closes the browse dialog a few seconds after it opens, whether or not a file has been selected, and when it does this, the entire application closes as well. For some reason, this dialog seems to make its application crash. I've never seen anything quite like it before.

Sometimes this browse dialog works without any problem. But once it starts happening during a given login session, it will happen every time that dialog appears. Does anyone out there have any clue why this might be happening? The computer is brand-new and has very little software of any kind installed on it other than the crap that comes pre-installed.

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Text Cut Off In Options Windows / Dialog Boxes

Feb 10, 2009

recently I've just been noticing a lot of text being cutt off at the end, or even cutt of vertically when it goes to a second line. I've posted about this on a couple other forums but had no success fixing it and my google searches aint produced much either. I thought this was just winamp messing up at first but then i noticed it in itunes as well and now i keep seeing it everywhere, in some webpages and a few other apps. Heres a few examples. A while back i had some problems with a load of fonts being deleted somehow so that vista started using some other ones instead. in the end i fixed this by copying all the missing fonts from my vista laptop over to my desktop. Dunno if this is what has caused my current prob but might have something to do with it.

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Dialup Dialog Prevents Sending Email

Mar 23, 2008

I have a broadband connection but when I try to send a message (I am receiving with no trouble) it goes to the Outbox. When I press SEND, a dialup connection dialog box opens and tries to find a dialup connection. I have tried some fixes, such as Tools/Accounts/Connection/Properties, and the Never Dial a Connection radio box is marked but all is greyed out, so I cannot apply it. Also, if I try to open anything else from the Properties box, such as General or Advanced, the procedure goes grey and I get a "Not responding" message.

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Dialog Box ARMY With Properties Restore Button

Jun 12, 2009

when is start my vista, a it opens i get this dialog box which has army written on the title bar and properties, 0 files,o folders and a restore button,wat is this?a type of virus ?

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Increased RAM: Bios Setup System Dialog

Apr 21, 2009

I increased the RAM on my Compaq Presario SR2002X from 512M to 2G (both old and new are the same speed, PC2-4200). Both the BIOS Setup and the System dialog in the Control Panel show that they are using the new memory. As expected, a variety of things run faster now. In particular, all those security dialogs that come up and dim the desktop whenever you start some system maintenance process. They used to be slow to appear, but now they pop up almost immediately. Some programs start faster now -- the MSDN library displays almost immediately now, and it used to take about 30 seconds to initialize.

The surprise is that some things run slower. One thing that is particularly noticeable often occurs when entering text into a web page input area. With each keystroke, I can see the caret moving across the white background, but no characters appear. Sometimes I'll type in five or six keystrokes before it gets around to painting the characters behind the cursor. Another occurs with crossword puzzles displayed in Flash objects, such as the one in the daily L.A. Times. For these crossword puzzles, first you have to poke a puzzle-selection button; then it pops up a dialog with a choice of "regular" or "master" skill level. The pop-up used to display instantly; now there's a delay of about three seconds. Why would some things run slower after an increase in RAM??

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Location Is Not Available?

Feb 2, 2010

system specs

Windows Vista Ultimate, 64 bit, SP2

I was playing around with the permissions for one of my secondary drives that holds data e.g videos, mp3s so that my pal couldnt get into them and mess around with it and know it gives me this message everytime i try and access the drive.

Location is not available (this appears in the title bar of the error message)
I: is not accessible (this appears in the main part of the error message)
Access is denied (this appears under the above message in the error message)
And there is only an OK button i can press.

So here is how this all came about.

I right clicked on the drive,
selected properties,

Clicked on the security tab,
clicked on the "users" option under the "Group or user names" section,
Clicked on "edit",
clicked on the "users" option under the "Group or user names" section,
selected "deny" for every box under the "permissions for users" section,
clicked apply,
an clicked "ok" until the windows were all closed.

The drive name was then changed to "Access Denied" after i had done this with no letter assigned to the drive.

I went into computer management and assigned a drive letter but still no good.
I now right click the drive and select properties and the security tab is no longer there, so i cannot reverse the permissions.
I am logged in as an administrator.
I have tried to turn off UAC with no luck.
I have attempted to create another administrator account and change the permissions from there but no good.

So does anyone out there know of how i can get this drive accessible so i can access my files?

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Location Is Not Available..?

May 22, 2009

I am having Windows Vista Home premium. when i access the My Computer i am getting this Message The location is not available c:windowssystem32configsystemprofiledesktop refers to a location that is unavailable. it could be on a hard drive on this computer.or on a network. check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that you are connected to the internet or your network and then try again.

if it still cannot be located the information might have been moved to a different location. in afternoon session working fine i dont know suddenly this is the message is showing .. i dont know wat happend to this.

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Severe Freezes Giving A Security Error Dialog Box

Jan 2, 2009

Vista keeps crashing. It has given some excuses including memory reference errors and when I click ctrl + alt + delete on one of the less severe freezes it gives a security error dialog box. Now it has decided to crash before it even loads (well, during loading, logon, and post logon loading). I am typing this post from within safe mode, in which it works perfectly. I have suspicions about a mouse driver, but I'm not clear on how to access mouse drivers. Although I'm not sure because of the crashing before loading thing. And if nothing else works, would it be a good idea to re-install vista?

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Print Properties Dialog Not Show Paper Size

Mar 23, 2008

I am using an Epson Lq-300+ dot matrix printer in Windows Vista. I am trying to print bills sized 12in by 6in. I added the custom paper size in the print server and it is saved correctly, however, when I try to print, the print properties dialog does not show the paper size. In fact, there are many paper sizes in the print manager that do not show up in the list of available paper sizes.

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How To Make Progress Dialog Show More Information By Default

Oct 26, 2009

Vista Users and Ex-Users! At Last The Problem is 99.9% Solved. Here is how you can make the Cut-Copy-Delete Dialog a.k.a the Progress Dialog show more information by default and get rid of all the headache about that stupid "More Information" button, as it is no longer there to bother....Log in with an Administrator account, this is important. If your current account is in the Administrators group then ignore this step. Open the properties window for the shell32.dll file (location- C:WINDOWSSystem32), click on Secutiry tab and then <Edit> button and add your user name there in the list with Full Control. If it's already there then click <Edit> and set Full Control for it.Open the shell32.dll file in Resource Hacker. In the left pane go to UIFILE -> 42 -> 1033. Select all the text you see in the right pane and press <Delete>. Download the text file in the attachment and copy all the text from it to that pane. Click on <Compile> and File->Save. If it fails to save then take Ownership over the shell32.dll file and repeat step 3 and step 4. Google "taking ownership of files in vista" if you don't know how to do it. Exit Resource Hacker and restart machine. The Progress Dialog Will Look Like This:

Notice that there is no "More Information" button. Plus the Cancel button is a bit slimmer and the Progress bar has moved a little downwards. This was done to keep the window in "shape" . minor notes:- In the default window the progress dialog shows simple location info and remaining time. Clicking the "More Information" button makes both go away and displays them in a row and column based way, along with remaining items info and data transfer speed; even the location info is devided into two rows. This is streamlined, informative and looks cool. It would be better if the detailed info window opened by default. I aimed for the same but unfortunately the scripting language is unknown to me and with my limited knowledge of html programing the best thing I could do was to make the default window show only remaining time, items and speed in columns and rows. There was no location info there.......

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I.E. Does Not 'look' In The Correct Location

Mar 23, 2008

My Internet Explorer does not 'find' the Favorites. My Favorites fie folder has not moved and contains files but the I.E. does not 'look' in the correct location. How do I tell IE where the folder is. (The error message says it is trying to open a non-existent folder)

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Location Not Accesible

Jun 28, 2008

I have a problem with the file browser and my desktop. Whenever I open a folder I get a message:"Location is not Available F:philipmDesktop refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be on a hard drive etc......" This must be because i accidentally dragged the Desktop onto my portable hard drive and it isn't attached. I also cannot have any desktop Icons. I've tried plugging in the P. Hard Drv. and yet it takes no effect. So my question is, is it possible to redefine where it is looking to access my Desktop information. If so how?

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