Moving Document Folder Modiying Location

May 24, 2009

I know I can easily Move the Documents/Pictures folders by modifying the location form in the folder's properties, but how do I move my Josh (user) folder? I set up a seperate partition where I want this folder to go, where I'll store all my movies, pictures etc. Oh btw I've just done a full format so the user files are empty, I'm just going to move it to a new location and then move my backed up files over.

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Moving To The Next Folder Above

Oct 8, 2009

Is there a way to move up a folder like there was in XP? In XP there was this icon Clicking it moved you to the folder above. Is there such a feature in Vista? I've been unable to find one. To be certain we are talking about the same thing. Double click and enter a folder on your Desktop. Once there, how do you move to the folder above that folder?

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My Document Folder Disappeared

Jul 8, 2009

My Documents folder(My Document) juzt disapeared. who can help me restore or recover it in any possible way. I´m runing a Vista home basic laptop but i´m sure i didnt delete these neither maybe someone did but i dont know how these culd suddenly disappear. I´m having AVG dailly auto update and scan so i hafly ruled out the virus inffection. I tried almost everything, to restore, regedit, undelete, but nothing help but through these i only happen to get the folder itsself but but the files in it still at large...The othe thing is when i got the folder but it suddenly duplicate and name the other folder Document145.. Now what does that mean again?

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Dialog Folder No Location Tab

Oct 9, 2008

in the properties dialog of a folder, there's no location tab. what can i do? and what's wrong?

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Folder Los, The File Location Cannot Be Found

Feb 6, 2009

this happened around one year ago before i discovered this site.. one day i clicked on start and on the music tab.. then an error occurred.. it says that the file location cannot be found. then i browsed 'my computer' there i saw that there are two files separated, a file location with the icon of the music folder, and one with simply a folder icon.. after five days, same thing happened with the my documents folder.. the separate file with the folder icon contains every single file of the "REAL" icon. while the other one has nothing in it.. same with the music icon..

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Don't Deposit Files In The Document Folder

Mar 10, 2009

How do I stop email attachments, Excel, Word, files, etc from parking in the Document Folder. I always choose my own folders to store things I am keeping and likewise deleting them. Having to go into the Doc.

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Access Denied On Document Folder From Xp Pro

Mar 10, 2010

I have a similar problem as that of Duke of URL. I have the same workgroup name for my vista desktop and my xp laptop and when I try to share my vista Documents folder to the xp, I get an access denied error message when trying to open the vista folder from the xp pro. it will not allow me to add a username from the xp pro to share when selecting Share options, only users on the vista. It does not recognize any users from the xp pro. I have all the network sharing features on except for password protected sharing and media files, but cannot add a user from the xp pro laptop to the Documents folder.

The permissions are wide open and still I cannot access the files on the vista, but I don't have any problem accessing the xp pro files from the vista home premium. I don't want to use a public folder as I want to be able to view all of the files and then access the files for read or edit in my Documents folder on the vista from my xp pro............

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Cant Find Location Of Programs Folder

Dec 12, 2008

Had a couple of transferred programs that needed to have *.exe shortcut icons in my 'Start > Programs' list. Guess what? I can't find it...I can't even find 'Documents & Settings'. Where is this folder officially located in Vista (as I'm very used to XP Pro, only recently having converted over) I can drag&drop the executable?

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How Create New Text Document In Folder?

Jun 10, 2009

Can only insert a new text document from the Desktop other folders only have 2 options New file and New Folder

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Moving The Photo Wrong Folder

Jul 4, 2008

If I put a photo in the wrong folder, how do I go about moving it to the correct one.

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Hoe Recover Invisible Document Folder?

Sep 5, 2009

I am knowledgeable about XP and have used VISTA ultimate for months now but I have found a problem I cant figure out involving the "Document" folder and files under the "Owner" user. Up to to a few weeks ago I did have the document folder under the user "OWNER" encrypted using Vista encryption option and as expected it would show up as blue file names and could be open and saved under "owner". Now when ever I open up any of the edit programs ( Word, Notepad ) it doesn't show that there is a document folder. If I save a file it goes some were never to be found again. When I look for the document folder ( C: userowner ) All the folders are there Except the document folder. I check under the DOS prompt and it cant see it there. When I try and create a document folder it says that it already exist.

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Lost Windows Document Folder

Sep 12, 2009

I have an ACER laptop with a dual hardrive, so I decided I'd relocate my music folder so that it wouldn't clog up my main drive and allow me to store instead on the second. I accidentally did it to my Documents folder instead, and then after my Music folder. All is well but I now seem to have 2 Music folders to the D drive and no more Documents folder. Here is what I mean:

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Reset Default Location For Documents Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I cannot connect to the PC where I had my Documents folder - so I need to reset the documents folder back to its original location on my PC - but becuase I can no longer access the current location for the Documents folder I can't access that folder in order to change its location - i.e. how can I restore the default location for the Documents folder when I can no longer access that folder?

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Recreating Music Folder Doesn't Location

Nov 1, 2008

I am moving my Documents , Pictures, and Music folders associated with the start menu on the right side of start menu (under the user pix) to a seperate partition on the hard drive so that it will be easier to back up these files monthly, and also allow me to create an image disk of the os without all the data files being included. Going very smoothly except that I stupidly deleted the music folder after I had moved the files, and now when I click the music tab on the start menu, it no longer directs to where the music files have been moved. The Pictures and Documents tabs work correctly...that is, when I click those tabs on the start menu, I am taken to their new location just fine.

My question is, is there some way to re-create that original Music folder which , when I right-click properties, has the tab for LOCATION which will then allow me to change its location settings so that the Music tab on the start menu can find it ? Seems to be a special type of folder, and if I just create a new one, it does not include the Location tab under properties. I should add that I can create a shortcut and pin it to the start menu, but if possible, I'd like to use the original Music tab on the right side of start menu.

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Games Missing From Game Explorer After Moving Folder

Apr 13, 2008

I am moving a lot of my games out of the Program Files folder into C:Games so that UAC doesn't ask permission to play most of my games anymore. The problem is that, after I move the game folder, even though the game plays perfectly, it disappears from the Game Explorer and I can't seem to get it added back. The specific game i'm trying with is Lord of the Rings Online. (I moved World of Warcraft and it fixed itself instantly). Everquest 1 also disappeared and no matter what I do I can't seem to get it back in the game explorer other than dragging in the exectuable. Is there a way to get the official Game Explorer icon back for Lord of the Rings Online with the full game rating and ESRB rating and all after moving the folder?

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Your Thoughts: Moving User Data Folder To A Different Partition

Apr 20, 2009

I have purchased a new desktop (a 64 bit Dell XPS 430)that will come with a Vista Home Premium. The desktop will have one user.

I plan to partition its HD using a tool like pmagic. Partition C will have the OS. The new partition D will be for user data.

I would like to move the /user folder that contains users files (e.g., documents, audio, video, downloads, etc) to the new partition D. (This is how I maintained my many XP systems: alluser data, except settings, were on partition D).

What is the most optimal approach? I have read Microsoft article73760 entitled "Managing Roaming User Data Deployment Guide."

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Save File Dialog Default Folder Location

Jun 13, 2008

Save File dialog default folder location, Anyone cracked this one yet?

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Document Folder Files Are Dispayed Right Hand Pane

Oct 15, 2009

I tried moving My Documents folder to my D: drive and now have big problems! The whole folder disappeared. After searching the net for answers I altered some Registry settings (which was stupid I know) but was able to get My Documents folder back under Desktop. Now I don't have a User profile under C:Users, just a Public folder. Here's the good part, if I right-click on My Documents folder in the Start Menu it says that my Location is C:UsersmyUserName which clearly doesn't exist.

Then if I click on myUserName in Windows Explorer it has every folder in the right hand pane except for the "Documents" folder but if I expand the tree of the username on the left hand side of Windows Explorer it has a Documents folder and all my files are dispayed in the right hand pane. Also my NTUSER.dat file is in myUserName folder under Desktop not under C:Users**** where it's supposed to be. Have tried System Restore several times but it makes no difference. Does any of this make any sense? How restore my "Personal" folder under C:Users and the proper registry settings that I should have?

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Excel Document: Margins Incorrect, Document Prints 6 Pages

Mar 23, 2008

I am having issues with Excel - when I create a spreadsheet, it prints fine on any computer running Vista, but when I send the file to anyone not using Vista, the margins are incorrect and the document prints on 6 pages instead of one - no matter how I have it formatted.

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Default Location For Save Picture As Location In IE7 / Vista

Mar 6, 2009

Is there a registry setting to change the default right click 'save picture as' location in IE7 / Vista. Would like to change from (my pictures) to (Desktop)

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Moving A Few Files Around And Organising My Folders When I Lost A Few Files From A Folder

Sep 16, 2009

I was working on my laptop earlier this evening moving a few files around and organising my folders when I lost a few files from a folder. I don't know exactly what happened, I probably mashed the touch pad. Anyway, now I can't find the files anymore. I've tried running a search but it has come to no avail. How do I find my files? If it makes any difference the files were on a memory stick.

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XPS Document

Mar 30, 2009

Whenever I try to print something from the web, I get a 'Save file as' window that shows 'File name *xps' and File type 'XPS Document'. I cannot delete them and I am unable to print because of it.

Can anyone help me?

I have tried Search for xps and get no answer, i.e. it is not shown as being in the computer. I am completely baffled on how to get rid of it.

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Location Is Not Available?

Feb 2, 2010

system specs

Windows Vista Ultimate, 64 bit, SP2

I was playing around with the permissions for one of my secondary drives that holds data e.g videos, mp3s so that my pal couldnt get into them and mess around with it and know it gives me this message everytime i try and access the drive.

Location is not available (this appears in the title bar of the error message)
I: is not accessible (this appears in the main part of the error message)
Access is denied (this appears under the above message in the error message)
And there is only an OK button i can press.

So here is how this all came about.

I right clicked on the drive,
selected properties,

Clicked on the security tab,
clicked on the "users" option under the "Group or user names" section,
Clicked on "edit",
clicked on the "users" option under the "Group or user names" section,
selected "deny" for every box under the "permissions for users" section,
clicked apply,
an clicked "ok" until the windows were all closed.

The drive name was then changed to "Access Denied" after i had done this with no letter assigned to the drive.

I went into computer management and assigned a drive letter but still no good.
I now right click the drive and select properties and the security tab is no longer there, so i cannot reverse the permissions.
I am logged in as an administrator.
I have tried to turn off UAC with no luck.
I have attempted to create another administrator account and change the permissions from there but no good.

So does anyone out there know of how i can get this drive accessible so i can access my files?

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Apr 28, 2009

I was working on my 39th page of a txt document opened by wordpad when
by accident I deleted most text and hit save, I tried recovery didnt do
anything. I am using windows vista premium edition how can I get my work

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Location Is Not Available..?

May 22, 2009

I am having Windows Vista Home premium. when i access the My Computer i am getting this Message The location is not available c:windowssystem32configsystemprofiledesktop refers to a location that is unavailable. it could be on a hard drive on this computer.or on a network. check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that you are connected to the internet or your network and then try again.

if it still cannot be located the information might have been moved to a different location. in afternoon session working fine i dont know suddenly this is the message is showing .. i dont know wat happend to this.

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Lost Document?

Mar 23, 2008

Yesterday, I opened a document (Office Student 2007) from my e-mail account on the web (not Outlook)

I clicked "Save" repeatedly throughout the day and was never prompted to select "Save As" and when I X'd out, it did not say "Are you sure you want to close without saving?" so, I assumed all was well. However,when I went back to open it, it wasn't there. I searched all the folders, hidden folders, temp internet files, etc. but cannot find it!

I was clicking "Save" so it has to be saved somewhere, right?

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SEARCH For The Document Name

Jun 9, 2009

I have two documents in the same folder - one an odt document created with Open office and one a doc document also created with Open office but saved as a .doc format. Both were edited and saved today. If I go into the folder using Windows Explorer both show a modified date of today, 9th June. If however I do a SEARCH for the document name (both have the same name), then the .doc document shows a Modified date of today, but the ODT document does not. It shows the Modified Date as the date of creation.Now why should that be?

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GUI Boot: No Moving Bar

May 31, 2009

I wanted to see what kinda the other vista boot screen would be if you untick the "No GUI boot" thing from msconfig. However, when I booted Vista loads that picture (there is no moving bar or anything) and suddenly gives me this error code: 0xc0000225: NLS data is missing or corrupt, vista cannot boot, contact system administrator, blah blah blah.

is Vista really this kinda OS? You disable GUI boot and you need to reinstall the whole OS? I really need to know how I can fix this. I also have ubuntu on this same pc and I can fully access vista files with it. Safe mode also gives that error.

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Copying And Moving : 2mb Per Second?

Jun 8, 2008

However, I now cannot backup my email. Before I would copy the dbx files and it would take about 10 minutes to do 5gb. Now however - I have 400,000 eml files (I have a lot of email from my web businesses). These eml files are all small. So my problem is that windows first of all takes approx. 2 hours just to calculate the damn size. Then when it eventually starts to copy the files from one location to another (Either on the same RAIDed sata drives, or to another) it estimates days of transfer time left. And I know the calculations are never right, so I left my PC on for 9 hours one night and it wasn't even half way through! It was transferring at 2mb per second! I can upload the data to the internet and back faster than that!

I mean - what the hell? If 98 can do it, me, 2000, xp... what's gone wrong with Vista? So far it's been a pile of junk and it's driving me mad! I'm really trying to like it and make it work, but it's about to be sent back to the shop. So folks - can you tell me why this nonsense? How do i get around it? How can I backup these thousands of tiny files without leaving my PC on for days (I want to do a 10 min backup each day to another sata drive, simple task).

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I.E. Does Not 'look' In The Correct Location

Mar 23, 2008

My Internet Explorer does not 'find' the Favorites. My Favorites fie folder has not moved and contains files but the I.E. does not 'look' in the correct location. How do I tell IE where the folder is. (The error message says it is trying to open a non-existent folder)

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Moving ANY From One Machine To Another.

Apr 20, 2008

I had my own motherboard start playing up on a machine I use with Vista Business on it.I upgraded it from XP Pro Feb 2007. When it started playing up I changed the motherboard and CPU and thought that I would have to do a repair install, then install motherboard drivers and possibly have to activate all over again the same as you do with XP in this situation.Nope.I could NOT do a repair install on it and in fact had to lose the whole thing and install fresh!I have my own image backup using True Image 10 Home version so can get data back from there but it isnt the ideal setup.What happens, in the future, when a business with Vista has the motherboard go bang? They have to lose everything the way I did and start again? Talk about a BIG problem for Microsoft if so.So, after I quietened down I thought - no it must just be my mistake. I looked around and I cannot prove I was wrong.If there is a way to repair install so you can move everything to a new machine the same as you could for XP.

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