Reset Default Location For Documents Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I cannot connect to the PC where I had my Documents folder - so I need to reset the documents folder back to its original location on my PC - but becuase I can no longer access the current location for the Documents folder I can't access that folder in order to change its location - i.e. how can I restore the default location for the Documents folder when I can no longer access that folder?

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Save File Dialog Default Folder Location

Jun 13, 2008

Save File dialog default folder location, Anyone cracked this one yet?

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Default Location For Save Picture As Location In IE7 / Vista

Mar 6, 2009

Is there a registry setting to change the default right click 'save picture as' location in IE7 / Vista. Would like to change from (my pictures) to (Desktop)

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Default Open Location

Nov 10, 2009

I'm browsing for a new picture to put on msn and when I press "Browse" images, it goes to My Users.

Can you guys teach me how to change the default location to my Desktop when I press Browse? So I don't have to click 5 more times just to go onto Desktop.

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How To Reset Delay Choosing Default

Aug 23, 2009

Have Vista 64 Home Premium on a Toshiba A505 S6960. Need to know how to reset the time delay -currently about 4 seconds- that Vista pauses before choosing default from menu choices. Sometimes can't get there with this built in mouse in that time period. Can't find any setting for it in the Mouse in Control Panel or in the Toshiba settings.

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Default Icon Images Storage Location?

Dec 3, 2008

Where does Vista HP x64 hide the default icon images (ie. the little images for CDs and Hard Drives you see on the "My Computer" window. I got a new HD which has a custom image icon, which I'd like to change to the standard default HD icon, but don't know it's location!

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Way To Change Default Location For Saved Attachments?

May 12, 2009

Is there a way to change the default location for saved attachments? I would prefer to save them to the Desktop, rather than to the Documents folder.

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Change The Default Path (My Documents)

May 12, 2008

I would like to change the default path (My Documents) always use by default to save the files i received in the Email's attachments. Is it possible?

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Dialog Folder No Location Tab

Oct 9, 2008

in the properties dialog of a folder, there's no location tab. what can i do? and what's wrong?

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Documents Folder Has Changed To Pictures Folder Format

Jun 23, 2008

This has happened to me before - somehow the folder formats change themselves, eg the documents folder has options along the top like 'organise' 'view''slideshow' and 'burn' ie like in the pictures folder. I found the answer once before in one of the forums, but can't remember where it was. And why does this happen? Also, when I go to 'Help & support" in the Start button, it defaults to Lenovo (my hardware mfg) instead of Microsoft Windows.

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Moved Documents Folder To User Profile Folder

May 18, 2010

I've accidentally moved my Documents Folder into my user profile folder by mistake and now i have a mess. basically I now have a folder that goes something like this: c:usersdocuments and it contains a duplicate of everything that was already in the desktopusernamedocuments folder except now I can't rename or delete my user profile I don't have a restore point to go back to what can I do?

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Folder Los, The File Location Cannot Be Found

Feb 6, 2009

this happened around one year ago before i discovered this site.. one day i clicked on start and on the music tab.. then an error occurred.. it says that the file location cannot be found. then i browsed 'my computer' there i saw that there are two files separated, a file location with the icon of the music folder, and one with simply a folder icon.. after five days, same thing happened with the my documents folder.. the separate file with the folder icon contains every single file of the "REAL" icon. while the other one has nothing in it.. same with the music icon..

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Cant Find Location Of Programs Folder

Dec 12, 2008

Had a couple of transferred programs that needed to have *.exe shortcut icons in my 'Start > Programs' list. Guess what? I can't find it...I can't even find 'Documents & Settings'. Where is this folder officially located in Vista (as I'm very used to XP Pro, only recently having converted over) I can drag&drop the executable?

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EZSticky Notes Folder In Documents Folder Getting Old

Aug 5, 2009

how i can get this darn EZStickyNotes folder to stop returning t oMyDocuments folder every month after i delete it!Also,i found last month an EZListings.BSA that may or may not be related in c:/administrator/appdata/local/temp. This is getting old and i want to know how to get rid of these items permanently. I understand from barman58 in a seperate thread from awhile back, EZStickyNotes folder appears out of nowhere in Documents folder! that the ezstickynotes folder has something to do with a shareware program he gave a link to. How it got there is a mystery to me since i didn't install it, but some program installed it,apparently,and didn't leave any way for me to uninstall it if i didn't want it. I searched my computer for the easy sticky note program, but it isn't on my computer. I always do a scan of my computer with avast,malwarebytes, superantispyware,and windows defender after finding the ezstickynotes folder for viruses, etc and it always comes up clean.

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Documents Folder Displayed In Computer Folder

Apr 15, 2009

The contents of My documents folder is displayed in my computer folder, some icons are double and a whole lot of other white icons "empy" files, see screenshot 1. Screenshot 2:

- Right clicking, double clicking on the white files does nothing
- Cannot select them and delete
- Opening a folder takes me to that folder (If i open "Pictures" it takes me to C:UsersNotandiPictures)
- Deleting a folder there deletes it from My Documents too

EDIT: These direcotries are also displayed in the SEND TO: menu, exactly the same as in my computer, but no the empty white files. See screenshot 2

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Moving Document Folder Modiying Location

May 24, 2009

I know I can easily Move the Documents/Pictures folders by modifying the location form in the folder's properties, but how do I move my Josh (user) folder? I set up a seperate partition where I want this folder to go, where I'll store all my movies, pictures etc. Oh btw I've just done a full format so the user files are empty, I'm just going to move it to a new location and then move my backed up files over.

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Recreating Music Folder Doesn't Location

Nov 1, 2008

I am moving my Documents , Pictures, and Music folders associated with the start menu on the right side of start menu (under the user pix) to a seperate partition on the hard drive so that it will be easier to back up these files monthly, and also allow me to create an image disk of the os without all the data files being included. Going very smoothly except that I stupidly deleted the music folder after I had moved the files, and now when I click the music tab on the start menu, it no longer directs to where the music files have been moved. The Pictures and Documents tabs work correctly...that is, when I click those tabs on the start menu, I am taken to their new location just fine.

My question is, is there some way to re-create that original Music folder which , when I right-click properties, has the tab for LOCATION which will then allow me to change its location settings so that the Music tab on the start menu can find it ? Seems to be a special type of folder, and if I just create a new one, it does not include the Location tab under properties. I should add that I can create a shortcut and pin it to the start menu, but if possible, I'd like to use the original Music tab on the right side of start menu.

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Documents Folder Gone

Feb 1, 2010

i discovered vista had somehow made TWO documents folders, one was the one i used all the time and had all my documents in, the other just had junk in i deleted it, thinking since they had different contents they werent linked, well turns out they WERE linked.oh now my documents folder is GONE all the contents were just erased and none are in my recycle bin.

i tried REcuva, some file recovery program and i found SOME of my old files but the majority are still missing. i also tried a system restore. it failed as well. i downloaded a ebook before i read somewhere NOT to download anything for it could overwrite where my files are/were. right now for some reason i have 4 documents folders. i didnt create any of them. they just keep appearing

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Move Documents Folder

Jun 26, 2008

I tried to move the "My Documents" folder in my Widows Vista Ultimate and clicked wrongly. After cacelling the move of files, something went wrong. I have made a folder named Docs to hold all my documents. But when I right click on the documents folder, which now is pointing at C:USERS, there is no location tab.

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Cant Open Documents Folder

Jul 7, 2008

Since a few days I'm having a weird problem with Vista. Whenever I try to open my documents folder through the start menu (or anywhere else for that matter) the window closes. Also, some links in the start menu seem to be broken. I can go to the documents folder through browsing c:/users/my name but not directly if you know what I mean. This is quite annoying since I can no longer use 'save' in most of the programs I use (photoshop, premiere). When I choose 'save' it is targeted towards going to the documents folder first but it fails and the window closes again.

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Saved Folder In My Documents Gone

Apr 13, 2008

I have a vista home prenium on my advent 8315. On 13th april and turned on my laptop and began doing some homework. As there was a update on my widows update i finished my work and set it to update itself and i moved on to hand written work. As i use my laptop every day at "school" i have nearly a whole year of work saved on my laptop for my A levels. I saved all my work in a folder in my documents which i find now to be gone. I have tried using tune up utiliys "undelete" and "disc explorer" to find it yet it not there. One of the updates was for my office 2007 "sevice pack 1".

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Documents Folder Missing

Jun 21, 2008

When I used XP I kept the My Documents file on my D: drive. Apart from anything else this made backing-up a cinch. After upgrading to Vista, I played around and managed to get the D: drive to appear on my start menu. It also appears under my Username folder on the start menu. However, it is grey rather than green and in both places is is called DATA (D rather than documents (or possibly Documents).

My Music and Pictures folders are stored as sub-folders in this drive/folder in the right place, but the other default folders such as Links, Saved Games, Searches, Downloads and Favourites are not, for some reason they still sit on the C: drive. My Videos folder is on my E: drive where I would like to keep it.

Ideally I'd like all these folders to sit on D: with a green Documents folder and all the sub-folders (except Videos). I've seen plenty of online tips about moving folders, sometimes they involve tinkering with the registry, but not much about fixing wrongly configured folders. This isn't just petty nonsense, I really need everything in one place so I can organise simple and reliable back-ups

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Documents Folder And All The Files Are MIA

Dec 3, 2008

I'm not sure exactly what happened but as of right now I can not located the Documents folder...It used to be there but now its not. If I try to open a document, say from word or something like that, it'll tell me the file is not there bla bla bla. If I try to click on the link off of the "start" menu it asks me what software I want to use to open it...*blink* I poked around and located a File that is called "Documents" with 0 there someway that I turned a Folder into a File? Any ideas of what I can try to restore the documents/file? I did try doing a system restore from a few days ago but it keeps encountering errors...I'm not having much luck on the computer front this week.

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Documents Folder Hidden

Dec 3, 2008

I tried to move my personal folders to another drive & got things screwed up. By following some of the advice here I was able to get things back to the default. I only have one problem. Under C:UsersCarrie I can't see the Documents folder. I can see all the other personal folders, but not the Documents folder. At the top of the tree, under my name, Carrie, I can see the Documents folder. If I unhide files & System files I can see the Documents folder under C:UsersCarrie.

I have compared the Documents folder properties with the other personal folder properties to see if I could see a difference. The only difference is on the Document folder the hidden attribute has a check by it but it is grayed out. You can't change it. I thing this might be the problem, but I don't know how to fix it.

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Doubled Documents Folder

May 5, 2009

How can I fix my doubled Documents folder? If i delete 1 of them, it deletes automatically both of them.

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Not Index Documents Folder?

Nov 22, 2008

I've been surfing the web for ages and tried many fixes I've been reading, including this one, to address my specific problem. Yours is a GREAT tutorial, by the way. But it does not work for me. My problem is that the Vista search box won't find ANY file under my Documents folder. I have selected "index this folder" under the properties of the folder but it won't work. If I go to control panel the only folder that is included is "Users", but does this mean "c:users" or not? I have no clue! if I try to manually add a folder from this control panel / indexing window I can not navigate to "c:usersmy_user_namedocuments" folder because it does not show up as you can see on this screen capture! what the hell is going on? I am already thinking of reinstalling the whole system but I'd like to know how I went into this situation or else I risk doing the same again.

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Empty Documents Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I have a strange problem. My documents folder doesnt show the content, although a lot of content exists. When typing a subfolders name in the addressbar, I can see the contents of this subfolder. Also in the command shell the "dir" command doesnt show me any content of the documents-folder. But I can access subdirectories via "cd subdirectory". The content of the subdirectory can be listed via "dir".

When I select "properties" after right-clicking the documents folder vista shows me the size of the folder and the number of files found. I have already tried the chkdsk...Everything worked fine until today. Has anybody got an idea what could be the reason for this strange behaviour?

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Documents Folder For The Shiela User Gone

Aug 29, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP1. HP Laptop with one account. Wife's digital scrapbooking grew to large for the C drive, so I right clicked the Documents folder, selected the Location tab, clicked the move button and selected the D (Data) drive which had more space. Confirmation message appeared asking if I wanted to move all of the files (as opposed to just some of them I guess); I was warned if I didn't I would see two Documents folders for the Shiela user. Clicked 'Yes' move all the files. I expected the folder 'Documents' to be put on the root of the D drive.Well, it removed all the files from Documents and scattered them across the root of the D drive. Now I don't know what was there before the move and what was moved there. Ran a full search of all drives for 'Documents' and it returned nothing, so I guess the Documents folder evaporated. I'd be happy just to get back to where I started with the docs folder and its contents intact on the C drive. Is that possible?

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Duplicate My Documents Folder Self Created

Apr 4, 2008

When I go to save a document in Office specificially it auto saves in Documents>>Documents. A double folder that is empty but show up under my Main profile. Even if I delete this folder, as it is still recreates itself when I go to save a document. How do I make it stop?

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IE8: Favorites Folder Has Disappeared From My Documents

May 18, 2009

just downloaded IE8, and now, seemingly randomly, I can't access my Favorites from the altC or altA bar whatsoever. even more odd, the Favorites folder has disappeared from My Documents (i reassiged the location to a backup drive previously, but that is still there). when I try to bookmark something (ctrlD, or click add to favorites) absolutely nothing happens.. no popup, no nothing.

i've tried several things already from changing downloading the fix_fav_il prompt, to resetting folder properties, etc. and i tried uninstalling/reinstalling IE8 already, which didn't help anything nothing seems to work. I feel like if the Favorites folder would reappear in MyDocuments, I might be able to figure something out, but it just won't come back!

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Want To Move My Documents Folder To Another Partition

Mar 23, 2008

As a very new Vista user (about 5 hours!) I want to move my Documents folder to another partition. In XP I just right-clicked on My Documents and in the Properties window there was a "move" option. Can't see anything like that in Vista Home
Premium. Is there?

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