Increased RAM: Bios Setup System Dialog

Apr 21, 2009

I increased the RAM on my Compaq Presario SR2002X from 512M to 2G (both old and new are the same speed, PC2-4200). Both the BIOS Setup and the System dialog in the Control Panel show that they are using the new memory. As expected, a variety of things run faster now. In particular, all those security dialogs that come up and dim the desktop whenever you start some system maintenance process. They used to be slow to appear, but now they pop up almost immediately. Some programs start faster now -- the MSDN library displays almost immediately now, and it used to take about 30 seconds to initialize.

The surprise is that some things run slower. One thing that is particularly noticeable often occurs when entering text into a web page input area. With each keystroke, I can see the caret moving across the white background, but no characters appear. Sometimes I'll type in five or six keystrokes before it gets around to painting the characters behind the cursor. Another occurs with crossword puzzles displayed in Flash objects, such as the one in the daily L.A. Times. For these crossword puzzles, first you have to poke a puzzle-selection button; then it pops up a dialog with a choice of "regular" or "master" skill level. The pop-up used to display instantly; now there's a delay of about three seconds. Why would some things run slower after an increase in RAM??

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Location Of Dialog Box Mail Setup

Sep 6, 2009

On Aug 28 I installed live messenger on Vista Home edition laptop.

I find I have to change my ISP.

How to access the dialog box to make changes to my pop3

and smtp?

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PerfectDisk System File Defragmenter, Boot Screen Increased

Apr 5, 2009

I just reformated and noticed that it took Vista an average of 12 seconds for the boot screen to finish loading (I didn't count before or after that, just from when I see the green bar to when it finishes). After installing PerfectDisk 10 and doing an entire disk defragmentation, the time stayed about the same. But when I did a boot time defragment of my system files, the loading time for the boot screen actually increased to 40 seconds! I've rebooted about 5 times to measure the times and I've gotten up to 60 seconds as well!Has anyone else who uses PerfectDisk had similar experience? Did the boot time get better over time or did it stay the same? Also, in the program settings, it asks me whether I want PerfectDisk to manage my layout.ini file or if I want Windows to handle them; does anyone know which is preferred?

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How To Get Bios Setup UTILITY

Apr 5, 2010

Since I upgrading my BIOS (Phoenix technologies) V1.7 to V1.8, I can no = longer access the BIOS SETUP UTILITY MENU. NOTE: the notebook is working fine, I can access the F2 boot and F8 = advance boot menu. When I press F10 I get the following;

Edit windows boot options for: Microsoft Windows Vista
Path:windowssystem32win load.exe
Hard Disk: 5c9d3909
MODEL: ACER ASPIRE 5735-4774. Vista. HP. 32. SP2

I don=E2=80=99t have a backup, how to I get the SETUP UTILITY,=20. I want to upgrade to ultimate this is holding my back.

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Hdd Was Not Setup Rights Bios

Sep 6, 2009

I've had this problem for 3 days now and googled all I can! I have come across people who have also had the same problem but found no conclusion to it! I have a Asrock MOBO, amd quadcore processor, 6gig ram....Basically when installing vista x64 it does everything perfect untill it gets too expanding files and it just stays there at 0%, first time I tryed it, it got to 22% and just stayed there... My HDD is IDE not SATA/SATAll does that make any difference? Or am I on the wrong tracks? I thought maybe my HDD wasnt set up right in the BIOs and tryed every setting and have the same effect.. I've build the PC myself

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Setup Doesnt See Drive BIOS Does O_O

Oct 7, 2009

Ive come to a bit of a problem on my sister's Acer M1640. it had Vista home premium on it 32bit. she had a key logger hack one of her game accounts not sure which but anyhow, the pc didn't come with and CD's so im wanting to put Ultimate 32bit on with a new Product key. As she wants to start fresh.

basically the original CD DVD/RW drive was 1st coming up with "your CD doesn't have the correct drivers" i was thinking well hows that work when its in device manager and u can boot this CD to get to this stage o_O...............

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BIOS Setup Resetting To Factory Installation

Apr 9, 2009

I recently had a problem with my Dell Inspiron 1525 (System Event Notification Service error) and I had to use the function to return the system to its factory settings. I believe this involves using an OS image that's installed on a separate partition on the laptops hard drive. I followed the steps in the manual which involves using the F8 setup screen and selecting "repair your computer" and "system recovery options" and selecting restore factory settings or something to that effect. I selected this and after about 10 minutes a message appeared stating that the return to factory settings was successful. Per the instructions, I hit enter but after I did the computer went into a continuous loop of showing the bios screen and what sounded like trying to boot up and then back to the bios screen. It would continue doing this unless I hit the power button or pressed the F2 key or the F12 key. I hit F2 and noticed that the boot sequence had been changed to diskette drive as first and hard drive as second....

I guess I have the other option of reinstalling the operating system from the OS disk Dell provided but I'm wondering if that is the same as the restore to factory settings option? For example, are all the necessary drivers and other applications that were on the machine when it left the factory copied during installation? The manual says the OS image file on the hard drive has all the drivers and applications so I'd really like to go that route if I can but I do need some advice on how to fix this problem with the Bios looping.

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Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R V2.0 Quad Core Bios Setup From Scratch

Apr 2, 2010

Can anyone provide me with screen shots of how i should set up my bios for 64 bit as i have had issues and had to remove the cmos battery.

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Bios Upgrade, Missing Operating System

Sep 29, 2009

I upgraded my Vista Ultimate x64 pc bios using Gigabyte's @ Bios, but apparently I forgot to uncheck the box that removes my raid profiles. I have a mirrored pair of raptors (Raid1) and a striped set of 3 HDs (Raid0) for storage. Also I have 1 veloci-rapter OS drive (no Raid) that is not showing up at all? [a dual boot with 2 Vista volumes]. Below is the configuration utility:

What I've tried:...............

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Increased Size Of C Drive

Apr 9, 2008

I have a 500 Gig Hard Drive on my Vista Home Premium system. The computer is only 2 weeks old. When I right click the C Drive and select Properties, it says 103 Gig Used. But when I look at the sizes of the folders on it, there is only about 22 Gig of stuff in the folders.

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All Monochrome System Setup?

Feb 14, 2010

I'm pretty colorblind, so a 32-Million color palette is, well... it's silly. I want to set up Vista to run all black monochrome. I imagine this would also save compute cycles for my graphics card and, thus, electricity. So, has anyone run across a black-and-white system palette anywhere?

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Need To Create System Startup Disk To Upgrade Bios Software

Apr 28, 2008

I need to create a system startup disk to upgrade my system bios. How do I do this?

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Increased Memory Now Slower & Application Performance

Mar 23, 2008

Installed new 4GB DDR SDRAM DIMM (Corsair XMS Twin2048-3200c2) on MSI 865PE/GNeo2 Motherboard with a Pentium 4 3.0GHz CPU. Checked all installation issues and recommemded Bios setting. Vista performance and app responses are slower than before the upgrade and unstisfactory. Must I do reinstall Vista and if so can I do a clean install with Vista Home Premium Ugrade as I have done with Windows XP Upgrade.

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Disable Bios To Work: Do Update Bios

Mar 12, 2009

I have been building computers for a while now and have not had any problems so far that I could not solve. Now I don't know where to start. I have purchased the following items:......Now when I try to install the vista 64 bit I get the famous BSOD! Mostly with the error message I stated in the title. I dont know what to do. Does anyone have any information for me?? ....65N Rast to disable the TBL patch in the BIOS in order for this to work. I do not know where to diable this patch on my mainboard. Do I need to update my BIOS? With what version??

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BIOS Opinion, BIOS Is Out Of Date

Feb 25, 2009

Sometimes when I install drivers I get the message that my BIOS is out of date (including updates from AMD) if I go to the Phoenix site it says go to the motherboard manufacturer or run Biosagent if you use this you pay for the update but you do get this info so is it worth e-mail gateway support, using the boisagent or just leave well alone.

Info from biosagent
BIOS Type: Phoenix-Award
BIOS Date: August 18th 2006
BIOS ID: 08/18/2006-C51PVGM-GB-6A61HE1BC-00-None
BIOS OEM: C51PVGM-GB V1.0 081806 - 6.00 PG.............

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BIOS: Press Delete And Then It Says "loading Bios" But It Freezes

Jun 1, 2008

My brother has just built a computer and can't get it working. The problem is that when he starts it he gets to the screen where he can choose to enter BIOS. 9/10 times he can't do anything from there but 1/10 times he can press delete and then it says "loading bios" but it freezes there (he waited 30 mins nothing happened). Does anyone know what the problem mihht be?

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Bios And Revert Would Not Bios

Sep 19, 2008

I've been messing around in my BIOS. Installing some faster RAM and trying a slight overclock (2.4 t0 2.7Ghz on a Q6600) and seem to have caused myself several problems. Firstly I tried to push it a bit further on the FSB- from 1200 to 1300-the system wouldn't boot and wouldn't let me into the BIOS. I eventually got round this by removing the mobo battery. I was able to get back into the BIOS and revert to my original oc. However when I booted I got a re register Windows this is not a genuine version notice. I had to 'phone microsoft and get a new activation ID. I'm now back in windows (Vista HP 64 bit) but seem to have a few left over issues. My clock was set back to 2006 and that meant I couldn't activate Gmail etc. I went back into the BIOS and reset the date but could not change the day. So it's 3.19PM on Monday the 22nd of September, 2008. I've tried everything I can think of but cannot find a way to make it Friday, which it is.

Also I have Kaspersky Internet Security 2009. This keeps reporting that my computer is at risk and I need to update. I've updated over a dozen times but it doesn't seem to change and is still telling me it needs to update. These are ther first problems I have noticed. I hope I don't find more. Does anyone have any advice as to how to get my day and date correct and how to convince Kaspersky it's up to date?

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How To Remove The Dialog Box

Apr 25, 2010

how to remove the dialog box. i mean ignore the error so every time the error occurs no more warning signs like that will appear it will automatically closes

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All Text Cannot Be Seen In Dialog Boxes

Feb 16, 2009

My monitor is set at 1152 X 720 pixels. The default is 1440 x 900, but that makes everything so super tiny that I can't see text too well. Text size is set at default or standard. The Windows dialog boxes are all cut off so that at least one third of them cannot be seen. From using old Windows OS systems in the past, I can guess at what is unseen and just use the tab key to select "Ok, Cancel, and Apply".

But some boxes, for example, the "Sound Theme" dialog box has a whole section below of selecting sounds for events and I cannot see any of it.

Here's the clincher. Just to adjust my sound theme, I set my monitor to the microscopic 1440 x 900 setting and still cannot see the dialog boxes. The text size set on default.

What settings are these boxes viewable?

I should point out that my Sister and a couple of friends have
the exact same problem.

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Disable UAC: Warning Dialog?

May 15, 2008

I have disabled UAC on a Vista machine so that I can connect to it from a remote location and change its configuration. However, every time the Vista machine is restarted a window opens above the tray telling the user that UAC is off and that they should "click here" to turn it on. From ignorance or carelessness the user frequently clicks the window and re-enables UAC. How can I prevent this message from appearing? I want UAC off on this machine and I want it to stay off!

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Dialog Folder No Location Tab

Oct 9, 2008

in the properties dialog of a folder, there's no location tab. what can i do? and what's wrong?

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Interactive Services Dialog Detection

Jul 30, 2008

A program can't display a message on your desktop

this comes up when i click on: show me the message:

Runtime error

This program has requested the runtime to end in an unusal way.


how can I get this annoying persistent nuisance to stop coming up?

I was dragged kicking and screaming into Vista and truthfully am almost liking it (or not hating it as much as I thought I would).

HOWEVER, this is the kinda crap that will make me regret it.

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Junk E Mail Dialog Box Get It Back

Feb 15, 2009

When checkin g my junk e-mail I use to get a box that pop up and said I had junk mail. It doesn't anymore is there a way to get it back?

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Shortcut For Screen Saver Dialog Box

Jan 18, 2010

Looking to create a single click shortcut for accessing Vista's screen saver dialog box, turn on off. Instead of going through Control Panel, then Personalization, then screen saver.

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Freeze Button Of Dialog Boxes

Mar 23, 2008

I run Vista Business 64-bit ("clean" install a week ago) and am having troubles with some of the built-in games..... I can't click on buttons in dialog-boxes within these games. I can dismiss the dialog by clicking the X, but not when it's asking if I want to save the game. In this case i need to use the keyboard to focus and click on a button. * Menu flickers rapidly. When clicking on one menu, all menus shows and flicker. I see mouse hovering effects on the wrong spots. I.e. the card next to the one I have my cursor over.

In minesweeper I can't click on any of the buttons in the first column. All other buttons work just fine. I see the "button down-effect" but nothing happens. What is the common denominator of the mentioned games and how can I fix it? My drivers are up-to-date and I have not experienced any other kinds of input/graphics issues with any other apps/games.

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Windows Vista Support Dialog Box

Feb 20, 2010

I have what amounts to a minor problem with my Help and support, but I would like to find out the cause of the problem (was it something I did) and fix it. The problem is best illustrated, so I have attached a screen capture of a typical Help and support dialog box. As illustrated, each discussion point has a red X on the selection button (sorry, do not know the proper term for this). works fine but the image or icon on each button is gone and only a red X remains.

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Windows No Disk Dialog Hex Numbers

Apr 9, 2008

just for future reference. I got the 'Windows - No Disk' dialog with hex numbers yesterday. It happened with CodeBlocks whenever I would open a project. I cleared my 'recent items' list and that fixed it. There was a file in the list that was on a memory card. The memory card was removed. I guess that was the problem... weirdness

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Keyboard The Program Hangs, Not Responding Dialog Box

Nov 15, 2007

I am running x64 vista business on my brand new machine using a q6600 (g0), asus maximus formula, 2gb kingston hyperx RAM, and a 160gb SATA boot disk and a 500 gb IDE drive. Also, a 8800 gt. I am able to run programs such as internet explorer or whatever, but any time i am in a program (including the search bar) as soon as i press any key on the keyboard the program hangs (with the serch bar it says Windows Explorer is not responding" on the Not Responding dialog box. I cannot use my computer until this is fixed, and i am in desperate need of help. i can't find anything about it online, can anyone help me?

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64-bit Closes File Dialog Windows Randomly

Apr 22, 2009

I just bought my dad a brand-new laptop computer with Vista 64-bit Home Premium pre-installed. Almost immediately, we started noticing a rather strange problem with this computer. Seemingly at random, the operating system decides that it doesn't want us to select a file in a file dialog window (if I select Open... within an application and then browse to select a document to open, for example), and so it closes the browse dialog a few seconds after it opens, whether or not a file has been selected, and when it does this, the entire application closes as well. For some reason, this dialog seems to make its application crash. I've never seen anything quite like it before.

Sometimes this browse dialog works without any problem. But once it starts happening during a given login session, it will happen every time that dialog appears. Does anyone out there have any clue why this might be happening? The computer is brand-new and has very little software of any kind installed on it other than the crap that comes pre-installed.

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Text Cut Off In Options Windows / Dialog Boxes

Feb 10, 2009

recently I've just been noticing a lot of text being cutt off at the end, or even cutt of vertically when it goes to a second line. I've posted about this on a couple other forums but had no success fixing it and my google searches aint produced much either. I thought this was just winamp messing up at first but then i noticed it in itunes as well and now i keep seeing it everywhere, in some webpages and a few other apps. Heres a few examples. A while back i had some problems with a load of fonts being deleted somehow so that vista started using some other ones instead. in the end i fixed this by copying all the missing fonts from my vista laptop over to my desktop. Dunno if this is what has caused my current prob but might have something to do with it.

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Dialup Dialog Prevents Sending Email

Mar 23, 2008

I have a broadband connection but when I try to send a message (I am receiving with no trouble) it goes to the Outbox. When I press SEND, a dialup connection dialog box opens and tries to find a dialup connection. I have tried some fixes, such as Tools/Accounts/Connection/Properties, and the Never Dial a Connection radio box is marked but all is greyed out, so I cannot apply it. Also, if I try to open anything else from the Properties box, such as General or Advanced, the procedure goes grey and I get a "Not responding" message.

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