PerfectDisk System File Defragmenter, Boot Screen Increased

Apr 5, 2009

I just reformated and noticed that it took Vista an average of 12 seconds for the boot screen to finish loading (I didn't count before or after that, just from when I see the green bar to when it finishes). After installing PerfectDisk 10 and doing an entire disk defragmentation, the time stayed about the same. But when I did a boot time defragment of my system files, the loading time for the boot screen actually increased to 40 seconds! I've rebooted about 5 times to measure the times and I've gotten up to 60 seconds as well!Has anyone else who uses PerfectDisk had similar experience? Did the boot time get better over time or did it stay the same? Also, in the program settings, it asks me whether I want PerfectDisk to manage my layout.ini file or if I want Windows to handle them; does anyone know which is preferred?

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Increased RAM: Bios Setup System Dialog

Apr 21, 2009

I increased the RAM on my Compaq Presario SR2002X from 512M to 2G (both old and new are the same speed, PC2-4200). Both the BIOS Setup and the System dialog in the Control Panel show that they are using the new memory. As expected, a variety of things run faster now. In particular, all those security dialogs that come up and dim the desktop whenever you start some system maintenance process. They used to be slow to appear, but now they pop up almost immediately. Some programs start faster now -- the MSDN library displays almost immediately now, and it used to take about 30 seconds to initialize.

The surprise is that some things run slower. One thing that is particularly noticeable often occurs when entering text into a web page input area. With each keystroke, I can see the caret moving across the white background, but no characters appear. Sometimes I'll type in five or six keystrokes before it gets around to painting the characters behind the cursor. Another occurs with crossword puzzles displayed in Flash objects, such as the one in the daily L.A. Times. For these crossword puzzles, first you have to poke a puzzle-selection button; then it pops up a dialog with a choice of "regular" or "master" skill level. The pop-up used to display instantly; now there's a delay of about three seconds. Why would some things run slower after an increase in RAM??

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System Restore Failed Not Able To Boot Up - Blue Screen

Sep 29, 2009

I have my laptop(Vista Home premium 32 bit) fine and running from past 1 and half year.
Suddenly from 5 days I am facing 'Display driver nvlddmkm failed and restore successfully'. Don't know when and why this happens.So I thought of restoring my system to 5 days back.I selected System restore back up point to 23rd of September,09.During this process something got messed up and when restarted it is showing 'blue screen' . Nothing else is visible.I'm able to login through safe mode.but don't know what to do with this. I also tried to do system repair. But no use.Ended up with same.
Tried to do system restore again. Even if I want to reinstall Vista, manufacturer has not provided any backup cd with my laptop.

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Increased Size Of C Drive

Apr 9, 2008

I have a 500 Gig Hard Drive on my Vista Home Premium system. The computer is only 2 weeks old. When I right click the C Drive and select Properties, it says 103 Gig Used. But when I look at the sizes of the folders on it, there is only about 22 Gig of stuff in the folders.

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Longer Boot Up Computer As The Boot/bcd File Is Miising Or Corrupt

Apr 7, 2008

i can no longer boot up my computer as the boot/bcd file is miising or corrupt i found a windows artical on how to fix it and it didnt work ive also tryedd googleing the problem and got many results but none that seem to fit the problem or are helpful what can i do to solve this

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Increased Memory Now Slower & Application Performance

Mar 23, 2008

Installed new 4GB DDR SDRAM DIMM (Corsair XMS Twin2048-3200c2) on MSI 865PE/GNeo2 Motherboard with a Pentium 4 3.0GHz CPU. Checked all installation issues and recommemded Bios setting. Vista performance and app responses are slower than before the upgrade and unstisfactory. Must I do reinstall Vista and if so can I do a clean install with Vista Home Premium Ugrade as I have done with Windows XP Upgrade.

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Boot 32bit: Black Screen With 'Windows Boot Manager'

Oct 8, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop and every now and then it won't boot up. I get a black screen with 'Windows Boot Manager' ," Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause."

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attemping to read the boot config data.

When I boot the PC with the Installation disc, it repairs it and it works until the next time. When I click on the details to see what is to be repaired, this come up:.......

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Fix Boot Logo, BOOT Screen No Works

Apr 16, 2008

This is the best install I have ever done (or was)…I did a fresh install and followed a tweak which was to very enlightening, to say the least. From there I have been to a few other sites and moved on to fully customizing my desktop/login and……well…this is where I stuffed up…My BOOT screen no longer works properly, even with the original “winload.exe.mui” file replaced.

I downloaded and used “Vista Boot Logo Generator” I loved the results on my last install…It worked well. Upon deciding to do a fresh install with Tweaking in mind, I simply coppied over a Boot logo I made previously after allowing permissions and all that as well as changing the NO GUI in msconfig…ect….BUT......

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Boot Up: System Takes Too Long To Boot

Jul 29, 2009

i am new to this forum but i have problem with my system bootup. my system takes too long to boot and it started 3days ago. it takes about 120secs at bootscreen alone. i believe it is not my start up programs as it takes about 3 secs to start up from login page. i donot use any third party bootscreen. normally, my system boots in 30 secs but now i am facing a lot of problem which i do not understand. i have tried all the tutorials in this forum relating to bootup problems but found no luck.

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Boot: Screen Hangs On A Black Screen

Nov 13, 2007

i went into my HDD and scheduled an error checking..well windows loaded as normal, but no error checking occurred i after the green bar is done, the screen hangs on a black screen.

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System Fat16 File System Recovery Won't Work

Jun 4, 2008

I have a system that has FAT16 file system on it. I have that file system on that for some reason so I dont need to upgrade on that.but recently I had some files deleted and now I need to get them back. They are important for my official use and hold great importance. I know that there is software for recovery but since I have a FAT16 file system I guess that all wont work on that.

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Black Screen: System Crash And Rebooted System

Mar 30, 2008

I have a problem currently with Windows Vista Ultimate(Integrale), this occurred last Friday evening. I was finishing off a word document when suddenly all went black. As an end user I assumed this was a system crash and so rebooted my system, then ran registry repair, then checked for viruses etc with Live OneCare, eventually reloaded Vista all to no avail. Each time I rebooted I was greeted by a black screen after logging in.

I called my tech support who could not help but I did manage to gain access to the internet and after a short while found an item entitled Black Screen Death. This reported that all my problems where due to Microsoft thinking I had a non genuine copy of Vista it went on to explain how you could circum-navigate the problem (this I did and even though I have to repeat this process each time I log on I can use Windows normally). I purchased my copy of Vista Ulitimate from a large chain store at the not give away price of over 400 Euros and registered the same online on the day of installation and have been running for sometime with other Microsoft products including Live OneCare. Why then am I suddenly crippled for an entire weekend by Microsoft security and how can I rectify the situation perminently

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Change System File 'hosts', "Cannot Save File, Check Path.."

Apr 1, 2008

I really need to change a system file called 'hosts'. I've changed it many times before, but today I'm not allowed. I access the file, make a very small change, then try to save it just by leaving the path as is. Then I get a message that says "Cannot save file, check path.." But I haven't changed the path.

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Jul 29, 2009

Windows Vista Defragmenter is about the worst that I have ever seen. It
does not show you any progression status and it takes forever.

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The Disk Defragmenter

Jun 18, 2008

i am writing after i have just installed the new service pack 2 for windows vista and am just trying to suggest that with the disk defragmenter, as there isnt a lot that has been changed like the only things that have been changed are that you can now select volums to defrag. one thing that may help with this is to put a small graph (or GUI) similar to the windows xp one on it and maybe a timer if possible so that people know how long it is going to roughly be until it finishes, and a report message say as again in the previous version telling what amount of fragmentation there is and what files are fragmented. also another thing that i have noticed with vista is that it takes up a lot of memory and if possible would there be any chance of trying to make sure that vista uses less memory so that it can be more responsive. These sugestions are from over the internet that people would like to see

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Disk Defragmenter, Nothing Happens

Mar 23, 2008

For some strange reason my disk defragmenter has stopped working! I run it as usual from the start menu, it requests permission to continue, which I give, and then nothing happens! I've done a search and several others seem to have this problem as well, but no one's provided a sollution!

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Defragmenter Is Missing

May 22, 2008

Vista's defragmenter has been on my computer since Vista was installed, but recently I tried to defragment my drive, and got a message saying the program wasn't installed. I think the first time I noticed its absence was right after I replaced my hard drive. The instructions for installing it don't make any sense, looking more like XP instructions than Vista. how I can find and reinstall the Vista defragmenter?

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Where Is Disc Defragmenter

Mar 23, 2008

Where is disc defrag? Can I find it with window explorer? Can I see, like I did with XP, a graph, what it's gonna do and see how the progress is going? or do I just have to watch the little ring going around and hope all is well with no idea if it will "take from a few minutes or a few hours"?

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Doing File Check Every Boot

Apr 7, 2008

This Acer desktop wants to do a file check every time it is booted, even though it is always shut down correctly.

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SP1 Big Improvement In Disk Defragmenter!

Mar 26, 2008

One of my disappointments in Vista was lack of control over the defragmenting of individual disks/volumes and Microsoft must have been listening to someone! The Disk Defragmenter after SP1 now has a button to "Select Volumes" which can be used to select individual volumes for defragmenting or to remove disks from the automatic defragmenting schedule! I am very happy with that change. It probably was working fine before but I like having the control of my computer to deselect massive hard drives that contain media files transferred from other drives after recording and to only have my (C: system) and (G: recording drive) defragmented automatically.

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Mar 23, 2008

disk defragmenter not running has been told it actually is running in the background, well mine isn't! I open disk defragmenter from the options menu and get the screen and it tells me that performance could be improved by defragmenting, so I click the defragment now button, select the drive I want defragmented and then okay. The screen says defragmenting for about 3 seconds (with the spinning wheel going) and then the prompt returns to what it originally said. I've looked in the system monitor and defrag is not running! What can I do to get disk defragmenter to run? I know I can install a third party defragmenter but that is only a way around the problem, not a solution for the problem.

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Defragmenter: Ran Cleared Up A Ton Of Space

May 25, 2009

I ran a defragmenting session last night to clear up some space, and for some reason my C drive has dropped from 33.1 GB to 29.1. This has happened to me once before, but the other two recent defragments I've ran cleared up a ton of space. I honestly have no idea where the other three GBs have gone and I have not downloaded anything. I run a disk cleanup every night.

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Disk Defragmenter Is Not Used Or Not Up To Date

Feb 18, 2009

Can anyone tell me the consequences if the disk defragmenter is not used or not up to date?

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Extra Disk In Defragmenter, HP.

Mar 26, 2008

I opened Select Volumes in Defragmenter as I only want it to run on my C:
drive and I found an extra "disk" listed.

I have, from the top,

(Select all disks)
Vista (C
Removable Disc (D

and then this, \?volume{bd14d1e-25b2-11dc-bf36-806e6f6e6963}

Can anyone tell me why I have this entry and what it means? Also, if it is a
"disk" where can I find it and see what it contains?

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GUI Defragmenter .why Doesnt Work

Aug 24, 2009

Last week I bought a new Acer Aspire 6350 w/ Vista - My 1st Vista machine. After uninstalling all the Acer bloatware, I open the GUI defragger, it analyzes C: for 2 secs (doesn't even mention analyzing the other 2 partitions) then it says "your file system performance can be improved". I defrag it the C:, it takes 45 mins or so and done. I go to my wife's Dell Vista laptop and go to the GUI defragger. It analyzes all 3 of her partitions. Weird, mine only analyzed C: for 2 secs. I then go back to my new Acer and run the GUI degragmenter again. After a 2 sec C: analysis it says "your file system......." again. Then when I go the command line defrag, run "defrag c: -a" it says I don't need to defrag. Bottom line is the GUI defragmenter doesn't work on this new laptop. It doesn't scan all partitions, when started it runs for a bit, then it just stops and it goes back to saying " your file system performance can be improved".

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Options For Disk Defragmenter?

Mar 23, 2008

Disk defragmenter seems to only show options for *when* to defragment. How can I access options of *which* disks I can choose to defragment, and see information as to how fragmented they are initially, so as to determine whether I want to defragment them in the first place?

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Disk Defragmenter Not Working?

May 26, 2008

I am new to this forum, but need some advice on the disk defragmenter. I tried to defragment the disk last night and left it on all night. In the morning, the disk defragmenter 'still' says... this may take a few minutes to a few hours. The disk defragmenter is ususally on a schedule which is every wednesday, but I am beginning to think it has never been defragmented. How do I defragement the disk in this situation... and hopefully rectify the automatic scheduled defragementation.

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System Would Not Boot Up

Mar 10, 2009

I'm using Vista Home Premium. I have a spare 250GB SATA drive, so I thought I'd install XP on that, then dual boot with my original Vista drive (AMD Athlon dual-core at 3 GHz, 4GB RAM, 64 bit Vista Home Premium...when it boots). The XP install seemed to go fine, in that the drive would boot up alone (with the Vista drive disabled). But when I plugged my main Vista drive in, the system would not boot up at all. I would get a Drive Read error. I don't get it. Both drives boot up fine by themselves, but when both are running, neither will boot. Do I need to set one drive's jumpers or something? I don't know SATA drive jumper settings, or if that's even the issue.

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System Not Boot Up

Jul 2, 2008

I am having some problems regarding booting up my Advent laptop, it came pre - installed with Vista home premium. it just wont boot up anymore all i can do is access the bios screen, the handbook it came with gives me information to press F8 to enter system recovery but sadly this does nothing, but make a beep each time i press the key. The laptop is just out of its 12 month guarantee so could be costly to repair. I wonder if any one can shed some light on what i can do to solve this problem.

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System Won't Boot Cd

Aug 15, 2009

I installed Vista Home Premium and got a nasty hard drive failure error. So I was going to boot from the install CD and get into the Recovery Options in order to run chkdsk on the drive. The system won't boot from CD. It actaully starts booting from the CD but after the loading files step it just boots into the installed Vista environment.

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System Won't Boot

Feb 6, 2009

I have recently purchased Vista Business and it has been running OK for about a week with some assistance from Microsoft support. This morning I woke up and the system won't boot. I put the Vista disc into the PC and I get a page that comes up called "Install Windows" with 3 selections:Language to Install Time and currency format Keyboard or input method However my mouse and keyboard do not allow me to make the appropriate selectios or click the "next" button to continue.

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