Increased Size Of C Drive

Apr 9, 2008

I have a 500 Gig Hard Drive on my Vista Home Premium system. The computer is only 2 weeks old. When I right click the C Drive and select Properties, it says 103 Gig Used. But when I look at the sizes of the folders on it, there is only about 22 Gig of stuff in the folders.

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Losing Hard Drive Size

Jun 8, 2008

I noticed something is going wrong with my hard drive. Yesterday I checked my hard drive and it has 577gb free space. Now today I checked and it has only 572gb free space. It seem like every day, it loses 1gb. I haven't install any software when it was losing hard drive. It's like I'm virtually losing hard drive for nothing. Btw, my computer said it came with 750gb hard drive but it only said I have 572gb free of 688 gb hard drive. I think 10gb of them are used for recovery.

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Increased Memory Now Slower & Application Performance

Mar 23, 2008

Installed new 4GB DDR SDRAM DIMM (Corsair XMS Twin2048-3200c2) on MSI 865PE/GNeo2 Motherboard with a Pentium 4 3.0GHz CPU. Checked all installation issues and recommemded Bios setting. Vista performance and app responses are slower than before the upgrade and unstisfactory. Must I do reinstall Vista and if so can I do a clean install with Vista Home Premium Ugrade as I have done with Windows XP Upgrade.

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Increased RAM: Bios Setup System Dialog

Apr 21, 2009

I increased the RAM on my Compaq Presario SR2002X from 512M to 2G (both old and new are the same speed, PC2-4200). Both the BIOS Setup and the System dialog in the Control Panel show that they are using the new memory. As expected, a variety of things run faster now. In particular, all those security dialogs that come up and dim the desktop whenever you start some system maintenance process. They used to be slow to appear, but now they pop up almost immediately. Some programs start faster now -- the MSDN library displays almost immediately now, and it used to take about 30 seconds to initialize.

The surprise is that some things run slower. One thing that is particularly noticeable often occurs when entering text into a web page input area. With each keystroke, I can see the caret moving across the white background, but no characters appear. Sometimes I'll type in five or six keystrokes before it gets around to painting the characters behind the cursor. Another occurs with crossword puzzles displayed in Flash objects, such as the one in the daily L.A. Times. For these crossword puzzles, first you have to poke a puzzle-selection button; then it pops up a dialog with a choice of "regular" or "master" skill level. The pop-up used to display instantly; now there's a delay of about three seconds. Why would some things run slower after an increase in RAM??

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File Size On The Hard Drive Zero In Downloading

Aug 30, 2009

Everytime I download any type of file from the internet using either mozilla or internet explorer, the file size on the hard drive is zero! I've even changed the file save location and still the same. The only thing that works is when I click on download, instead of clicking save, I click open or run.

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Inordinate Size Of Backup Onto External Hard Drive

Apr 11, 2010

I am running Vista Home Premium 32 SP3 and use an HP 500 GB Personal Media Drive (PMD) for backing up the machine. I only have 88 GB of used space on my 325 GB drive C, yet the backup of the files and folders on drive C appears to be *much* larger than 88 GB. For example, when I click on the drive letter, L, of the PMD and click Properties, I find that there is 294 GB of used space and only 171 GB of free space. I.e., over half the space on the PMD has been used up.

Yet when I use Windows Explorer to ascertain the Properties of each folder on the PMD drive, with Show Hidden System Files turned on, the content of all eight folders only adds up to approximately 4 GB of data. What is going on here? Why has so much of the PMD been taken up by what appear to be ghost files or folders? When I use Windows Explorer to check the Properties of the individual backup folders on the PMD, of which there are at least one for every day since I started using the PMD to back up my desktop, every single folder shows 0 bytes for its content. I just don't get it!

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PerfectDisk System File Defragmenter, Boot Screen Increased

Apr 5, 2009

I just reformated and noticed that it took Vista an average of 12 seconds for the boot screen to finish loading (I didn't count before or after that, just from when I see the green bar to when it finishes). After installing PerfectDisk 10 and doing an entire disk defragmentation, the time stayed about the same. But when I did a boot time defragment of my system files, the loading time for the boot screen actually increased to 40 seconds! I've rebooted about 5 times to measure the times and I've gotten up to 60 seconds as well!Has anyone else who uses PerfectDisk had similar experience? Did the boot time get better over time or did it stay the same? Also, in the program settings, it asks me whether I want PerfectDisk to manage my layout.ini file or if I want Windows to handle them; does anyone know which is preferred?

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Norton Ghost Indicated That 25GB Was The Size Of The Entire Contents Of The C: Drive

Oct 16, 2009

I just got a new HP Vista Home Premium computer. My old XP Media Center computer with all my programs and files - I don't have that many pictures and no movies etc. - held about 25GB of stuff (both Defraggler and Norton Ghost indicated that 25GB was the size of the entire contents of the C: drive).

My Vista Home Premium computer, with all my programs and applications transferred over from the XP machine, has drive contents of a whopping 100GB(!) according to Defraggler. However, the Norton Ghost backup file of the C: drive is under 25GB in size. Both the XP and the Vista computer are on NTFS file systems. What can be bloating up this new Vista machine? I've looked around with Power Desk Pro 7 and don't see much. DeCrapifier doesn't identify anything obvious.

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Mail Print Size, Get Size 12

Feb 22, 2009

New to Windows mail. I type and view screen using Ariel size 10 but when I print out mail I get size 12. I can't find a way to change it and it's annoying.

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Folder Size In Size Column

Mar 23, 2008

While browsing files and folders I've noticed something extreemly annoying. You can see the size of individual files in the Size column but you cant see the folder's contents size. This extreemly frustrating and I cant seem to find where I can enable that function. I know you can scroll your mouse over folders one at a time and a window will apear and you can see the size then, but thats just inconveniant for what Im doing. I need to be able to glance at multiple folder sizes constantly.

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Cloning A Drive: Tranfer Entire Drive Incuding All Files And The Operating System From Current IDE HDD To A New SATA Drive

May 2, 2008

I am Using Vista Ultimate 64. I would like to tranfer my entire drive incuding all files and the Operating system From my current IDE HDD to a new SATA Drive of the sames size (500 Gig) I need the IDE Drive for an older computer ( The 40 Gig IBM Deathstar still functions great, but all programs seem more bloated these Days)

Anyway I went to Administrative Tools and Formated the New Drive NFTS with no Drive Letter. But I cannot get it recognized as a transfer device when I go to system backup. Can I use 'C' on the second and soon to be only drive? If I have to use E or F for now can I change it back later. would that affect the file system? I intend to Low level Format the IDE and try cloning the old machine's XP Drive (32 bit) to it in the second place.

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My Docs On E Drive, Not C Drive: How I Go About Changing That So The Default Is My Documents On The E Drive

Jan 2, 2010

I'm running Vista on a PC that has a hd that has been formated into 3 discrete drives.Vista is loaded onto the C drive, programmes are loaded onto the d drive while i have my data stored on my E drive. By default any documents I save are directed towards My Documents on the C drive - how I go about changing that so the default is my Documents on the E drive?

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Windows Size

Feb 6, 2009

In the past few weeks most of the windows will not keep either size and
position in the screen, nor will they keep the way they are suppose to be
viewed, they were keeping it since I installed Vista.

I can no longer use the restore system, since it has been too long since the
problem started, I thought that a simple rebooting as it used to work,
would this time around, but it did not. I even runed a CHKDSK /R on all of
my HDD

How could I fix that

BTW I did not installed any hardware or software around the time that the
problem began, and I rebooted when I installed the lastest Windows Update,
since it required it

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Font Size

Jul 29, 2009

I edited the registry and either modified or deleted a line
regarding font size.

Since then all my html messages use size 12 in Windows Mail, Live Mail, or
Yahoo Mail.

I can specify the use of a different size, but as soon as I type anything,
the size reverts to 12.

I can change any other attribute such as face, bold, etc. and they all

I would like to reinstall Windows Mail but I understand that's not possible
as it's inseparable from Vista.

I've run sfc /scannow and there are no problems.

The only solution that seems possible it to fix or replace that registry
line I screwed up.

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In Box Font Size

Sep 15, 2009

Incoming email is difficult to read because of age and font size. Have checked out ideas on Goggle and Windows "Help and Support". Either I'm too thick or the suggestions are no longer applicable. I'm using Vista, IE 8 and Windows mail.

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Font Size Vs DPI?

Jun 20, 2009

is there's an equivalent to XP's Display Font Size in Vista? In XP Display Properties, Appearance tab we can change Font size to Large or Extra Large. This is useful for people who want high resolution desktops but find it hard to read small text (without sitting really close which is bad for eyes). I know there's a DPI setting in Vista just as there is in XP, but it's not the same as Font size.

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Icon Size Big

Jun 10, 2008

Has anyone else noticed this or have a solution? I have seen this now on 2 different computers I own. After a while, for no apparent reason, the "large" desktop icons setting produces some smaller ones also. Specifically it seems to be web short cuts. Some are large but some are much smaller, ie 2 icons which are identical (both web shortcuts) are randomly different sizes.

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How Can Icon Size

Sep 11, 2006

I am currently running RC1 and i must say i love it. I have not found a single glitch yet. But I dont like the size of the desktop icons, They are massive. Is there something i could use to resize the icons.

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Ready Boost Size

May 31, 2009

I have a laptop with 2Gb, Vista Ultimate, and an SD slot I use for ReadyBoost. I currently have a fast 4Gb SD card, but noticed the price on 16Gb SD cards has gone way down. Would there be any benefit to replacing my 4Gb with a 16Gb, given that I only have 2Gb of RAM? Could ReadyBoost make use of it all? Would I notice any difference?

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Text Size Will Not Change Using IE8

Jan 14, 2010

Windows Vista Home Premium X64, IE 8, dial-up internet

When downloading files I cannot get the text size to change using the

View text size.

My windows updates are up to date.

It used to work, I don't know if I have something set wrong on one of the updates has stopped it from working.

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System Restore Size. HDD

Jun 26, 2009

Vista Home Prem 32bit. Has anyone come up with what is causing System Restore Points on a PC that has been running for almost 2 years where Restore points were Restore Points took 5 to 7 days to equal 1GB, and now suddenly over the past 3 weeks each restore Point is taking up 3 to 4GB of HDD space Daily? I know its System restore using up space, if I turn it off, which deletes all Points, I regain the Space lost....but the process than starts over again. There has to be a file(s) that grew in size in 1 day causing this......

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Saving Window Size

Apr 15, 2008

I use 'Computer' (use to be called Windows Explorer) a lot in Windows Vista Home Premium to manage my hard drive. It's a nuisance that it starts up as a too small window and I have to stretch it each time to see more. Is there a way to force it to memorize the previous state and restore?

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Increase A Partition Size

Jun 17, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium.I have a 320G hard drive that has four partitions and I am running out of space on the C: drive . Can I combine one of my empty drives with the C:

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2 Languages : How To Enlarge The Size Of 1 Of Them

Jul 5, 2008

If I compose an e-mail mostly in English, but one or two words in other language. How or can I enlarge the size of the words of " other language " while the English words remain in default size ?

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How To View The Size Of A Folder

Jun 7, 2008

how can I view the size of folders, without having to r-mouse --> proparties. is it plausible to see this in the 'details-classification' in windows explorer?

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Microsoft Backup Size

May 13, 2008

Vista Ultimate 64. Microsoft Backup is scheduled to run weekly on my PC. My question is, if I delete several GB's of image files, will the next backup size be reduced by that amount? I'm running out of space on my 700GB backup drive, and could do a labor intensive cleanup if it would increase backup space

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Change Partition Size

Mar 26, 2008

I have a Vista Ultimate laptop with drive C: 76GB NTFS basic for programs, drive D: 15GB NTFS basic for my data and 14GB not allocated. C: is full and I would like to expand the size. The 14GB resulted from a reduction of D: I assumed it will be added automatically to C: But all wrong!!How can I proceed to enlarge C:?

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Increasing Window Size?

Dec 23, 2009

When I go from my desktop to my internet homepage (yahoo), I sometimes get a small window , and sometimes get a whole-page size window. I prefer the whole-page size without having to click that middle restore button on the upper right-hand corner of my screen everytime I go to my homepage. First, what are the names that describe the smaller size window, and the larger one? Is that what a thumbnail is? Second, I must presume there's a setting somewhere, where I can toggle the whole-page size preference when I go from my desktop to homepage. Can you tell me if there is, and how do I get to it?

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Tab Size Name Data Modified

Apr 24, 2008

I'm using Windows Vista. Whenever I create a new folder, It has "tabs", like "Name Date Modified Type Size", which are not spread out to the length of my window by default; I need to do it myself each time. I was wondering if I could set the length of each "tab", to be created automatically. I hope I'm getting my point across fine. Please e-mail me with your answers, rather than post them here! or This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane....

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Preview Pane Size

Mar 23, 2008

How do I adjust the overlap from 0" to about 1 text line, when the spacebar is used for the pg/dn function? Its quite annoying having to adjust the pane each time, when only 1/2 a line of text becomes visible at the top end.

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Folder Tags, Name And Size?

Mar 12, 2009

When I open a folder and select Details I always get 'Tags', 'Album', 'Rating', '' etc. I right click the toolbar and remove all of these because all I want is the file name and the size. I then open the same folder again and they're all there again. How I can I permanently set this to just the name and size?

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