Doing File Check Every Boot

Apr 7, 2008

This Acer desktop wants to do a file check every time it is booted, even though it is always shut down correctly.

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Ultimate Crash: Failed Check The File System Integrity Check

Mar 26, 2008

Vista started giving a blue screen a couple of days ago. Mentioned something about a bad device, but no new devices have been added. Went through the typical steps, tried to boot in safe mode and got the following errors:

AtBroker.exe The application failed to initialize properly. Click OK.
Explorer.exe The application failed to initialize properly. Blue Screen

Then booted to my install dvd, tried to fix errors. Came back with a failed check at the file system integrity check. Ran the check a second time and no errors are found. Can't boot in safe mode, and when i try to repair errors I get no errors found.

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Boot Slow, Check Disk At Boot

Jun 3, 2008

Vista used to boot up very quickly. Now it spends ages on the page with the "loading" bar. Is it performing some sort of CHKDSK during this time? I only have sidebar and rocket dock starting up, and it's fast again when it gets to the desktop, it's just that loading bit takes quite an ages, and it didn't used to. Virus/spyware/malware free. How do i find out if it's doing some sort of chkdsk at boot?

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Check Disk At Boot

May 2, 2008

laptop runs vista but my desktop runs XP. I know this is a Visya community but can anyone tell me why all of a sudden everytime i am booting up on my XP desktop it says "a disk check has been scheduled, windows will now check disk" This process takes hours. how do I get my desktop to boot normally?

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Change System File 'hosts', "Cannot Save File, Check Path.."

Apr 1, 2008

I really need to change a system file called 'hosts'. I've changed it many times before, but today I'm not allowed. I access the file, make a very small change, then try to save it just by leaving the path as is. Then I get a message that says "Cannot save file, check path.." But I haven't changed the path.

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Goes Off The Screen After Disk Check At Boot

May 6, 2008

Disk check at boot : Is there a way to stop that darn thing from going off the screen after it is done ? Maybe there is nothing to report, but I'd like to see what
is on that black/white screen at the end. You know, just one time?

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Batch Script That Will Check To See If A File Exists And Then Delete It

Feb 23, 2009

I'm trying to write a batch script that will check to see if a file exists and then delete it if it does, otherwise display a message...

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Longer Boot Up Computer As The Boot/bcd File Is Miising Or Corrupt

Apr 7, 2008

i can no longer boot up my computer as the boot/bcd file is miising or corrupt i found a windows artical on how to fix it and it didnt work ive also tryedd googleing the problem and got many results but none that seem to fit the problem or are helpful what can i do to solve this

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Concistency Check: "replace Invalid Security Id With Default Security Id For File

Jun 29, 2009

My computer is running the concistency check. It's at stage 3 and when it's almost complete it's starts to "replace invalid security Id with default security id for file ******" it's been doing this for a while now and I was wondering what I can do to speed it up. It's currently at 170000, and if I try to restart the computer the login screen will not load if I skip the disk check.

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My Boot Critical File Is Corrupt

Dec 14, 2008

Hi my inspiron 1525 dell laptop keeps on shutting down . When restart repairs scans it comes up with the following errors

Root cause

Bugcheck C000021A

Boot Critical file is corrupt

Repair action :file repair

Result Failed error code=0x2

My Norton security is now not working due to the error.

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Removing A Boot File From A Partition That Is NOT Being Used

Aug 24, 2009

I was having problems with VistaHP and thought that I could kill 2 birds with one stone by adding a new Hard Drive and reinstalling Windows VistaHP. For information purposes, the original HD was Partitioned into "C" (OS), "D" data files, "E" (Photos) and "F" Extra storage (for future use). In any event, I did not have the proper cables available so I REMOVED the original HD and placed the new HD in my system and installed VistaHP and Partitioned the new HD in to 4 Partitions also and installed all my software programs, data files, apps, ...... on the new HD.

Everything appeared to be fine and a couple of weeks later, I placed the orginal HD back in the system with the intentions of Re-Formatting the drive for additional stirage (and using the new HD as the Primary Drive). This went "semi-OK", I was able to reform and re-label most of the Partitions on the original HD except for the Partition that contained Vista and at the moment, when I go to My Computer I have Local Disk "C" (39.8GB free of 82.7GB), Old C Drive "D" (13.4MB free of 125MB), "G" Data Files (29.8GB free of 36.8GB), "H" Photos (181GB free of 194GB), "I" BU (82.5GB of 151GB), "P" Extra Space (352GB free of 352GB) and "Q" More Extra Space (45.4GB free of 95.3GB).

My objective / what I would like to do, is DELETE and / or Re-Format the "D" (Old C Drive) which I was able to get down to 125MB but as best as I can tell, the Drive contains the following file 125.5MB with 107.8MB Used and 17.7MB Free and the following folders:

$RECYCLE.BIN, BOOT, System Volume.

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Discovered That VISTA Has No Boot.ini File

Mar 26, 2008

I have been dual booting XP PRO for some time, with my main operating system on drive 1 (Primary Master) and my gaming system on drive 2 (Primary Slave). I control which system to boot up by the simple modification of boot.ini thus:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP
Professional DISK 1" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP
Professional DISK 2"=optin /fastdetect

And it has worked flawlessly. Now I have bought VISTA Ultimate, removed my two XP drives, and have a beginning VISTA system up and running on a separate drive1 by itself (Primary Master). My plan now is to do a similar dual boot scenario, mixing my XP gaming drive as drive 1 with my new VISTA drive as drive 2. I figured I had to choose this order because I discovered that VISTA has no boot.ini file (?or does it?), and so will have to choose system selection from the XP drive's boot.ini file. When I tried it, booting from the XP drive worked fine. However, when I tried to boot from the VISTA drive, the bootup hung with a blank, black screen. So I figure I can't do what I am trying to do.

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Boot Loader, Missing /ntldr File

Apr 30, 2009

installed Windows 7 Build 7100. eh... works great and looks wonderful but i have a few issues here. i can't seem to boot into Windows 7 without setting my Windows 7 Install Files Partition to Active in the Disk Management within Vista. when i restart the Boot Manager comes up and i am able to boot into Windows 7. now if i wanted to boot back into Vista i would have to active the Partition within Windows 7 and restart. all i'm wanting is to be able to boot from Vista and Windows 7 from the Boot Manager without having any errors with Windows 7 while accepting to Boot. i get a missing /ntldr File...

i have downloaded easyBCD and VistaBootPRO. i find both programs are way similar and do the same jobs. with vistaBootPRO it show Windows 7 and the Windows 7 Install Files Partitions have no direct path to any boot file thus here's the problem/issue of not it letting me boot. what do i have config'ed wrong? Image of the entry for Windows 7 and Windows 7 Install Partition under VistaBootPRO i have added both the Windows 7 and Windows 7 Install Files Entries. Here's the Disk Management screen shot in Vista

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Command To Remove Entry In Dual Boot File?

Jul 3, 2008

Can anyone tell me the command to remove an entry in the dual boot file. I think it use BCDedit /remove someway but I'm not sure?

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File BootBCD : Error Occured Read The Boot

Apr 9, 2008

I ran windows update and the updates failed, I have sorted that out by stopping one update but now the computer wont boot without the vista disc being there. On start up everything is ok, it gets to verifying DMI datapool and I get a message something like File BootBCD - an error occured while attempting to read the boot config data ox000000f. I have run windows start up repair & this says it cant find a problem. I have used bootrec /scan and it returned 0 windows installs, /rebuild & Fixboot did nothing, I havent tried FixMbr cos I dont understand what that does and I dont want to make the problem worse - so long as I have the cd in I can ignore when it says press any key to boot from cd & it starts but why do I have to have the cd in? I tried one system restore but that made no difference, it seemed to say boot info wasnt part of the restore & I cant see anywhere to say I want that included but thats another question!

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Windows Failed To Start: Boot Critical File

Feb 13, 2009

I lost power to my home and my battery backup gave out before I got home to safely shutdown (I don’t normally lose power long enough to wipe out my backup). When power came back on I rebooted Vista 32Bit and was able to login but there were errors (which I did not record). Vista informed me there were errors and suggested I reboot and run CHKDSK. I tried to run chkdsk next time windows load but after my bios loaded I had nothing but a Black screen. I waited for 8 hours and still black screen. So I booted from my Factory Dell CD and Vista was unable to repair automatically.

Boot critical file C:Windowssystem32driversWdf0100.sys is corrupt
Boot critical file C:WDFLDR.SYS is corrupt.

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PerfectDisk System File Defragmenter, Boot Screen Increased

Apr 5, 2009

I just reformated and noticed that it took Vista an average of 12 seconds for the boot screen to finish loading (I didn't count before or after that, just from when I see the green bar to when it finishes). After installing PerfectDisk 10 and doing an entire disk defragmentation, the time stayed about the same. But when I did a boot time defragment of my system files, the loading time for the boot screen actually increased to 40 seconds! I've rebooted about 5 times to measure the times and I've gotten up to 60 seconds as well!Has anyone else who uses PerfectDisk had similar experience? Did the boot time get better over time or did it stay the same? Also, in the program settings, it asks me whether I want PerfectDisk to manage my layout.ini file or if I want Windows to handle them; does anyone know which is preferred?

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Spell Check: Getting Message "This Language Is No Longer Available For Spell Check"

Mar 23, 2008

I'm unable to use spell check. I keep getting the following message "This language is no longer available for spell check". What do I need to do to activate spell check?

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Booting Up: Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device And Press A Key

Jan 1, 2009

I went to turn it on this morning, I just had a black screen showing the following words;

Press F2 to run
Press F11 to boot menu
Auto detecting PRI Master Atapai CDROM.

It then went to reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key. I went into the BIOS to change the boot order and inserted my Vista home premium 32bit. I then got windows is loading in files. After a short while I got the black start up screen with Microsoft Corporation but after a few seconds it just froze. Moments later it went to a blue screen with white writing part of which said the following; A PROBLEM HAS BEEN DETECTED AND WINDOWS HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN TO PREVENT DAMAGE TI YOUR COMPUTER.

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Boot 32bit: Black Screen With 'Windows Boot Manager'

Oct 8, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop and every now and then it won't boot up. I get a black screen with 'Windows Boot Manager' ," Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause."

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attemping to read the boot config data.

When I boot the PC with the Installation disc, it repairs it and it works until the next time. When I click on the details to see what is to be repaired, this come up:.......

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Dual Boot And XP:stuck With The Windows Vista Boot Loader

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows xp installed right now and I dual booted with vista by re-partitioning my hard drive. After encountering problems with vista I delted the vista partition and resized the xp partition back to it's original size. I am now stuck with the windows vista boot loader which persistantly telling me that the windows vista files are not present etc. etc. Is there any way that I can delted the vista bootloader and go back to using the xp bootloader?

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Can't Spell Check

Mar 23, 2008

Whats up with Spell Check? Can't seem to get to work.

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Where Is Check-disk In

Feb 9, 2009

How do I run check-disk in Vista? No "RUN" command please as that doesn't work anymore. Where is it located so I can run it?

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Check Disk

Dec 5, 2008

My sister bring me a lap top Acer Extensa 4420, the problem is that every time you boot, Vista checks the C: drive looking for problems and the reset, after the reset Vista checks again the disk and reset again, doing this in a infinite way...

Before the chkdisk program start you have the option to skip it, if you do so you get a screen saying "Vista is Configuring the update 3/3" and then restart again...

The lap top have a rescue partition, with an auto-fix option, but it didin't worked, it was on running it all the night

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Spell Check

Apr 23, 2008

When using the Spell Check, I inadvertantly clicked on the "Add" button, which put a word I misspelled into my Spell Check list. I would like to remove this unwanted word, but I cannot figure out to get rid of it, since there isn't a "Remove" button in the Spell Check window. Does anyone know if this word can be taken out of Spell Check?

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How To Run Check Disk?

Apr 15, 2008

My hard drive appears to have some bad sectors and I would like to run chkdsk with /f to fix the problem but don't know how to do this as I need to run this program in elevated mode. If I try to run the program in Command prompt or Run?chkdsk /f I am told I do not have the previlidges to run it.

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Cannot Get Check Disk To Run

Jan 6, 2009

I 'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this,but,I'm beside myself. I'm not very experienced on computers,but I can't get the disc check to run. I've tried to go to computer,properties,then tools the the check box, then to schedule a check upon restart,but the UAC box for permission never comes up,nor does it start when I restart the computer,what in the world it going on here it driving me nuts!! I am not good enough to go into the command prompt to do it,I don't know really how and not brave enough to try it. I just don't know about it. Could someone please let me know what is wrong? I have an Inspiron 531with Home Basic. Just the Basic computer.

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Check For Updates

Mar 22, 2009

I am using windows vista ultimate. Recently I needed to re-format. Now when I check for windows update.. via control panel, security, check for updates... After checking it says windows cannot check for updates, with error code 800736cc?

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Check Disk Not Working

May 5, 2008

Check disk will not run at startup. Runs in read only mode without a problem. Have tried sfc /scannow. Have replaced autochk file. Have tried from elevated prompt, drive c: properties, as well as in safe mode. Tried Vista tutorial methods.

Lenovo R61
T8300 duo processor
2 gb ram
100 gb, 7200 rpm hard drive
4gb readyboost
Windows Vista Business
SP 1 not installed.

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Spell Check For IE It Says 0 Results

May 11, 2009

When I ask IE8 help about spell checking it says 0 results and to check my spelling. Where is spell check for IE?

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Spell Check English

Mar 25, 2008

Why does this not say American and why is English not available. 70% of words Highlighted have the correct spelling and mail simply wants to use the American corruptions. In virtually every other Microsoft product we have both English (American) and English (True or UK as normally quoted). Why not in this product after all Americans only make up some 4 or 5% of the world population?

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