Severe Under Performance AMD Phenom 9600

Jan 27, 2009

I have very poor AMD Phenom 9600 benchmarks:

WinRAR = 454 w/TLB fix diabled Avg scores for my system 1,100
Call Juarez = 30 FPS Avg score = 45

Dont know whats wrong. Could it be a dead core? How can I check?

1) My WinRAR score with the TLB fix enabled is a sickening 80!!! vs 454 disabled. So I am certain that the fix was disabled at my score of 454.

2)Regarding number of active cores:

a) When I run task manager I see only ONE window for CPU in performance.

b) Running CPU-Z V1.49 shows ONE Processor ONE Core

c) CrystalCUPID V 4.15 shows only ONE of One cores (Code name Agena?) I should see 1/FOUR

d) In Vista Sidebar using mCPU Gadget: Shows Four cores HOWEVER
only ONE ever displays activity. I tested it by really loading up applications and Never saw activity of the other three cores!!!

I think I have a REAL Problem here. help

My Setup:

OS : Windows Vista Home Premium X-64 SP1
CPU Name : AMD Phenom X4 (Agena)9600 Quad-Core
Platform : Socket AM2/AM2+ Physical Core : 4
Clock : 2300.00 MHz

L1 I-Cache : 64 KB
L1 D-Cache : 64 KB
L2 Cache : 512 KB [Full:2300.14 MHz]
L3 Cache : 2048 KB
Memory : 3327 MB

North Bridge : 780G South Bridge : SB700
Video Chip :ATI Radeon HD 3870

BIOS Vendor : American Megatrends Inc.
BIOS Version : GATEWA - 20080218
BIOS Date : 02/18/2008
SM BIOS Caption : 7B3G1P04
SM BIOS Version : 2.5
Mother Vendor : Gateway
Mother Product : Foxconn
Mother Version : Piece of Junk
System Vendor : Gateway
System Model : GT5676
BIOS ROM Size : 1024 KB
Mother Vendor : Gateway

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Phenom 9600 And Vista 64 Bit Do Not Work

Mar 26, 2008

I have been reading that the amd phenom 9600 and vista 64 bit do not work very well together.I want to go to vista ultimate but if it is just a waste of money I am not going to do it with a broken 64 bit system.My mainboard is a phoenix technologies with a nvidia mcp61 rev a3 chipset and will there be a bio's update in the future to correct some of the problems and this is a gateway 7020

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Severe Mental Disorders?

May 21, 2008

I visit this group once in every four months or so. Mostly for the laugh. And it's still highly amusing. The same trolls are still here! Remarkable. Although I don't want to disrupt the group.. (it's too much fun) I am just too curious: What is driving you guys? (Alias, Albright etc.)

I noticed: You don't like Vista. Granted. But, posting about something you don't like in a newsgroup that is dedicated about the very same topic you don't like, over and over and over.. for well over a year now! That is madness! Seriously, are you people just mad, to cheap to pay for a professional dominatrix or is it some form of anger-therapy?

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Severe Freezes Giving A Security Error Dialog Box

Jan 2, 2009

Vista keeps crashing. It has given some excuses including memory reference errors and when I click ctrl + alt + delete on one of the less severe freezes it gives a security error dialog box. Now it has decided to crash before it even loads (well, during loading, logon, and post logon loading). I am typing this post from within safe mode, in which it works perfectly. I have suspicions about a mouse driver, but I'm not clear on how to access mouse drivers. Although I'm not sure because of the crashing before loading thing. And if nothing else works, would it be a good idea to re-install vista?

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Whats The Average Temperature For A Geforce 9600 Gt?

Dec 28, 2008

What is the average temprature?? the reason for asking i was thinking of over clocking it a bit with Rivatuner but i dont have much fans only the PSU one case fan holes thats in the case alot a CPU Fan and of course the fan thats on the card right now according to speed fan it always runs at 43c-45c most of the time idk how to check whiles playing games but yeah

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How Phenom II Works With Vista X64

Feb 16, 2009

how a Phenom II works with Vista x64, is there any issue that I should know, I am thinking about upgrading my AMD x2 to a Phenom II

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NVidia 8700/8800/9600/9800 Chips Are Failing Across The Board

Aug 17, 2008

Nvidia losing money over defective GPUs. by Justin Mann on August 13, 2008, 12:00 PM Nvidia’s recent struggles with GPU manufacturing are definitely taking its toll on the company. As a result of manufacturing defects and the inevitable fallout from it, it seems that Nvidia has gone from enjoying a few beautiful years on top to actually losing money recently. In particular, Nvidia saw a decrease in revenue for the second quarter of this year, resulting in a financial loss for the company.

In total, they lost over $120 million, and recent cuts in sales haven’t helped them out either. They outright admitted that they underestimated AMD, but nobody can really blame them for that. Yesterday, it was speculated that there were manufacturing defects in the G92 and G94 chipsets, on top of the already known bad parts in the G84 and G86 series. Nvidia may have tried to avoid blame here and there, but ultimately it is coming down on them and they have been stuck with warranty replacements galore. Even if the newer chipsets are fine, it doesn't do anything to remedy the mass amounts of defective ones already sold..........

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AMD Phenom II Hits 5GHz Stable

Nov 25, 2008

See what a little nitrogen cooluing will do!

"A sneak peek given to the press by AMD, showcased their upcoming line of processors known as the "Phenom II".

The Phenom II are AMD's answer to Intel's newest chipset, the Core i7. Hoping to compete in the market with the Core i7 the Phenom II line of quad-core processors will be AM2+ compatible. The first two models to be released will have a clock speed that starts at 2.8GHz. However, one of the key bragging areas for AMD's line of Phenom processors is its overclockability.

AMD claims a 30-40% reduction in power consumption under full load thanks to their transition to a 45nm fab process. AMD has also stated that in addition to the 30-40% power consumption reduction that consumers can expect, they should also expect a 30-40% increase in performance over previous Phenom models.

In a demonstration, AMD displayed the overclocking power of the Phenom II X4, showing it hit 4GHz stable at 1.55v on air cooling with a temperature of 32?C. With water-cooling the CPU broke the 4GHz barrier with a 39?C temperature. For kicks and giggles the Phenom II was shown running stable at speeds higher than 5GHz on nitrogen cooling and even booted at speeds that were higher than 6GHz.

It's too early to say whether or not the Phenom II's can match the power of the i7's as we'll have to wait until benchmarks are released to do so, but the competition seems anything but idle. "

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AMD Phenom II X3 710 & GF8200A MOBO Overclock?

Jun 20, 2009

how can i overclock my cpu (AMD Phenom II X3 710 & Ecs Gf8200a Phenom-2 X4 Quad Core Mboard)? I do have Frequency / Voltage control in the bios. But i have never overclocked before so not sure how to do it correctly.

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Phenom And Triple Channel Memory

Jun 13, 2009

I just read on another thread that my Phenom may not support triple channel. Does this mean we can't have 3 2GB sticks in the slots and we should get one more to even things up? (we had originally bought a 3 pack and I don't know if we can buy a single stick of that type here). I then read that having 4 sticks of DDR3 in can cause problems too - now I don't know what to believe

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Performance Drop

Jan 20, 2010

I've suddenly got a steep proformance drop that makes playing all my games pretty much impossible.

It usually states when I'm playing MW2. I turn on the game and have no performance issues. I enter a game and no performance issues. The game starts and no performance issues. It's only until around 5-10 minutes in that I experience the performance drop. When that happens, I can't do anything except to hope that the performance goes back up again. Reducing the resolution does not help. Changing my graphics card from quality based to proformance based does not help. Increasing my performance vs power saving does not help. I'm not running any other programs that are using up all the space (How would I? you can't even tab out of MW2 while you're playing it). Restarting the computer also does not help.

Worse still, this performance drop also affects everything else randomly as well.
I really don't know what I can do.

This has happened before, but not for this long.

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Performance Indicators And % ?

May 15, 2010

I have just set up my two Vista systems and would like to know what the rest of you get as far as your CPU and RAM% are concerned.

On my small Benq joybook it hovers at 55%cpu and 50%ram.

On my Dragon it hovers at 2%cpu and 55% ram at idle.

Any help and info would be great. Ide like to try and reduce the cpu on the Benq obviously as well as the ram on both machines.

Both machine are quite fresh, not really loaded with software. Running N360 on both machines.

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SP1 Performance Still AWFUL!

Apr 10, 2008

Full backup across my network:

Started 4/10/2008 1:37:55 AM
Scanning 'C:'
Completed 4/10/2008 1:08:27 PM
Folders Compared: 17445; Files Compared: 0; Folders Created: 17445; Files
Copied: 145057 (26576807906 bytes)

Just short of 12 hours. Dreadful...just dreadful!

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Very Slow Performance With 32

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FZ11S, with Vista Home 32. The laptop has a Core 2 Duo T7100 @1.8GHz and 2Gb RAM. I run Office 2007, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Corel, etc... Sometimes the machine becomes so slow I almost fall asleep (literally!) while waiting for it do perform a simple task such as opening IE or showing a menu or opening an email message. I should add that my PST has 5.6 Gb. I'd like to reduce its size, although I don't think it is the cause of the slow running, but I need to keep many emails... I have talked with Sony and they simply refuse to let their customers downgrade to Xp. So, besides tweaking (which I don't know how to), what can I do to my laptop to avoid these episodes of EXTREMELY slow running?

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Sluggish Performance In 64

Mar 4, 2009

I have been battling a problem with my new build for almost 3 months. My rig:

Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
Core2Quad Q6600
G.Skill DDR2-800 2x2GB
Geforce 6800 GT
PC&P Silencer 500W
WD Black 1 TB
Vista Home Premium 64-bit

My performance is terrible! This is my first experience with vista. My pc runs sluggishly, sims 2 game crashes at startup, my other 2 games (half life 2, left 4 dead) are very choppy and unplayable. Browsing playlist in iTunes with cover art displayed is choppy and slow (unusable, i have to turn the cover art off).

If I take out 1 of my sticks of RAM it seems fine. If i load XP, it seems fine, even with both sticks.

I have ran memtest on my ram, tried my ram in all the slots, ran prime 95 for hours with no errors, ran diagnostics on my hdds, rma'd my motherboard (they returned it saying nothing was wrong with it), purchased a new motherboard (asus p5q), tried 2 other kinds of RAM, updated all of my drivers, reinstalled vista a billion times, and NOTHING has worked.

The only thing left to replace is my cpu and before I go through that hassle, I just want to exhaust the last avenue, since the problem is only evident in vista with all my memory sticks installed.

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Performance Tuning

Aug 1, 2008

I have a 2 FX-74 2 core 64 bit 3Ghz CPUs and 8 GB of ram.
I run Excel 2007 but can only get about 55% CPU utilization.
The main task at hand is to run a spreadsheet over and over again with different data. Each pass is taking 6 min.

I have never seen the system CPU 100% busy. Is there a way to extend the time slices so the threads run longer and do not have to start and stop as much? (cut down the context switching?)

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SP1 Gaming Performance

Mar 23, 2008

Just wondering if anyone has had any issues and/or problems since SP1 was released today.I know it may be too early to tell what with the manufacturers rushing to create drivers that will actually take advantage of the over 550 hotfixes incorperated into SP1, but so far for me at least I have seen at least a 20% increase in overall gaming performance and system response. One main thing I've seen that has not improved is any source games. It seems the source engine is either not a fan of vista, or the 8800 series cards. But as for games such as World of Warcraft and Unreal Tournament III, all seem to have an increase in FPS and load times.If anyone has a positive or negative comments for SP1, please let me know; very curious to see what Microsoft has accomplished/screwed up.

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IncreasE CPU Performance?

Mar 23, 2008

I'm really interested in a possibility of increasing my CPU performance on my Vista Ultimate 32-bit PC. Cooler Master Gemin II processor cooler (non-stock) Note: Windows Experience Index is 3.0 because of Processor, all other ratings are 4.5 and higher! Note 2: I have all newest motherboard (and other) drivers! Question: Should I try overclocking, and if yes, by how much, and how?

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HDMI Performance?

Aug 27, 2009

I just got a new LCD monitor for my PC that has a HDMI port. I have a couple of newb questions about HDMI on the PC.

1. Will the image quality be any better?

2. I mainly play games on my PC. Will using the HDMI be better or worse?

3. I have a HT Omega Claro + audio card. Will using HDMI effect this audio card?

My video card is a Sapphire 4870 card. I virtually know nothing about HDMI on PC's.

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Poor Performance With X64

Apr 8, 2009

I'm new to a x64 OS, I did have Home Premium (32bit) on my PC but upgraded yesterday. Since upgrading (clean install) I've notice that the boot times are longer and the shut down times have increased significantly. One of the reasons I moved to x64 was because of the faster boot and shut down times. A few other programs are taking longer to load/respond but I'm not sure if that's because they are 32bit programs running in a x64 environment....

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Performance Aero 2.7 Now 2.0

May 1, 2008

My performance rating for Aero was 2.7 and is now 2.0. How can I improve my performance rating?

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Vista SP1 Performance Still AWFUL!

Apr 11, 2008

Full backup across my network:

Started 4/10/2008 1:37:55 AM
Scanning 'C:'
Completed 4/10/2008 1:08:27 PM
Folders Compared: 17445; Files Compared: 0; Folders Created: 17445; Files
Copied: 145057 (26576807906 bytes)

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Slow Performance Within Vista

Nov 8, 2007

I've finally decided to jump on the Vista boat ( or off the XP boat as it may be ), so I've installed Vista64 on my secondary hard drive and have been trying to get it in shape to use all week.

Unfortunately it hasn't been going smoothly. I've had no crashes or lockups to speak of, but my performance within Vista is just abysmal. The windows chug as they scroll around, and launching Internet Explorer is an exercise in frusteration. In particular, any page with a Flash ad running at the top absolutely cripples me.

I'd have to guess that something is amiss with my graphical setup. I'm using an EVGA GeForce 8800 GTS as my display adapter, which is currently rated 2.9 in Windows Aero, and 5.9 for Gaming Graphics. Everything else is right around 5.0. The Gaming score seems on par with what I've heard elsewhere, but 2.9 seems pretty low for Aero. Does this sound funny to anyone else?

I've installed every update available, with the exception of Extras and Language packs. I've gotten the latest Forceware driver for Vista64 ( 169.04 ), as well as all the Windows Update hotfixes that Nvidia reccomends.

Does anyone have any further suggestions that I should try? Or does anyone have similar hardware with much better performance?

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Vista SP2 Big Performance Increase?

Mar 11, 2009

Does someone know it the nex version og Windows vista will introduce performance increase?

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Fix Slow Firewire Performance?

Jun 1, 2008

I have vista64 and service pack one. I have tried several hotfixes but they "do not apply to my system." I have also disabled Remote Differential Compression. My Firewire transfer speeds slow and eventually hang. The drive is fine, I have tested it on other computers. How do i fix Vista64 to properly copy files to and from my firewire drive?

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Upgrades In RAM But Not Improving Performance

Mar 23, 2008

I've upgraded to 6 gb of ram from an original of 3gb. Regardless if Vista (32) bit will display this on the OS properties page or not does this improve my systems performance ? Is my system using this additional RAM or is it just idle? I did that systems check for optimal performance and the score was 5.0. No I am not computer savy that I'm sure that is obvious. Is there a fix to work around where the OS will display the actual memory available?

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Experience Performance Decrease

Jan 18, 2009

I've installed Vista recently on my old hdd and after few days I started to notice strange things, during some time whille vista is running (like 20 hours), when I download anything (even at 200 KBs), music starts to stuck every 20 secs or so, when loading video and playing at same time, this happens even more often.

I thought it's my HDD so bought Caviar Black and after installing Vista, few days it was running fine, then again, today I start to experience the same thing.

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Performance Options Disapeared

Mar 14, 2009

I have an issue with Vista Ultimate x64 running on an AMD Athlon Duel core 4200+ system This is a brand new fresh install (2nd time). When I install and start the windows experience index calculates as per normal, but as none of the graphics drivers are loaded the score is very low. So I install all the correct drivers and try and update the score - nothing the option to refresh the score has gone. I get a screen that says "Rate and improve your computer's performance" but nothing else. I have flushed the stats folder and reset everything.

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Can Improve Vista Performance?

Apr 16, 2008

i am about to tell you about what happend to vista on monday and a few other things. on monday windows vista ultimate was working fine i had to shut my computer down because i went to the gym then when i got back i turned on my pc then it went through its usual loading then right about when vista was about to startup after the cursor appeared then i waited and it did not boot up and it stayed at a black screen so i tried using last know good configuration on my pc booted up good then i logged in and just as the log on screen faded out then it locked up then i tried it again then the windows vista splash thing came on then i hear one note of the tune reapeating and the only thing i could do is restore from my backup so i did that and now my computer is back at last backup i did.

then i was using it yesterday my computer was working fine on vista and window vista starts getting choppy with me like its not being smooth and im trying to figure out why im not getting smooth performance plus vista did lock up when i shutted it down vista did not lock up on me on before the booting up issue occured
is there anyway i can improve vista performance?

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Performance/progress On Defrag

Jan 1, 2010

I located an old hard drive stored on a shelf the other day and connected it to my Vista machine with a USB dongle. I decided to defrag it (350Gb). Now, I already know that Vista's defrag provides NO indication of progress other than that pretty lame statement that "this may take a few minutes to a few hours". I've seen mention of other defraggers here in this NG and am wondering if any of them provide visual progress indications. Previous OS's used either marching colored blocks, or slowly moving vertical bands in a window. Vista's, on the other hand, simply does nothing to indicate progress. Do any of the others provide any performance boost (i.e. faster) as well as any indication of progress?

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Performance Check During Install

Jun 9, 2008

It would be really nice to avoid the whole performance check during Vista's installation since the result isn't really useful until updated drivers have been installed. More importantly, for the love of Dancing Steve Balmer, ask me questions at the start of the install, and at the end. If you insist on doing the performance check, fine, but do it before prompting me for information. I spent the better part of the last two days rebuilding some Vista test lab images, and have waited for the performance thing at least three dozen times. Is there a trivial way to avoid/skip this step without learning how to build unattended installations (yes, that's on the todo list too, but I'm not there yet)

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