Logon Process Has Failed To Create The Security Options Dialog

Jul 8, 2009

I was running a malwarebytes scan in the backround and all of the sudden ie locked up. I tried to open task manager and got a black screen. Then I got an error message that said- logon process has failed to create the security options dialog. Then I got out of the black and there malware bytes was running fine again. what does all this mean- does t mean malware bytes was scanning the file for so long and was trying to verify it but malwarebytes couldent get the security dialog fo rit so it moved on?

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'logon Process Has Failed To Create The Security Options Dialog

Mar 23, 2008

following on from the bug i had (ive pasted the details below again) Ive scanned the drive with the maxtor/seagate tools and no problems. It seems to be something to do with the harddrive as if is start a checkdisk it almost instantly causes problems, you can move the mouse but nothign responds. If you try and go into ctrl-alt-delete you get a message saying a 'logon process has failed to create the security options dialog'. It seemed to start when i put an old harddrive onto the system to copy data across, until this point everything was fine.

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Failure - Security Options Logon Process Has Failed To Create Dial

Mar 23, 2008

my computer slows to a crawl. Control Atl delete yields, after a long black screen,?failure - security options?logon process has failed to create the security options dialog.?Have run complete checkdisk and hard drive tests and everything comes up okay. No events shown in event viewer. I see postings of this problem all over the internet but no solutions.

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Logon Process Failure, Failure - Security Options

Sep 20, 2009

i was on Internet earlier today when i noticed that the videos were already completed buferring, but the videos were lagging; and firefox was performing kind of slow. i decided to re-start my computer. after re-starting the computer the logon process took extremely long, then an error message appeared: logon process has failed to create the security options dialog. failure - security options. i waited for the desktop to appear, then re-started again. but the perofrmance of the logon is still extremely slow. any suggestions?

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Installation: Logon Process Failed

Apr 10, 2008

I have been having a problem with my Windows Vista Home Premium installation for the past week or so, with the problem getting more frequent day by day. I usually notice this happen after a period of inactivity, but the duration of the inactivity is seemingly random. Basically, I will come back to the computer to see that Firefox or whatever windows I might have open have stopped responding. I attempt to close with the X to no avail, then try to close using the Task Bar. When this fails, I try to open the Task Manager to close the program manually, only to lock up the computer for 45-60 seconds on a black screen, and then receive the message "Logon process has failed to create the security options dialog. Failure - Security Options". Clicking OK on this dialog takes me back to my now totally unresponsive computer. No windows can be closed by any means, and the computer must be turned off manually, which I hate doing.

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Text Cut Off In Options Windows / Dialog Boxes

Feb 10, 2009

recently I've just been noticing a lot of text being cutt off at the end, or even cutt of vertically when it goes to a second line. I've posted about this on a couple other forums but had no success fixing it and my google searches aint produced much either. I thought this was just winamp messing up at first but then i noticed it in itunes as well and now i keep seeing it everywhere, in some webpages and a few other apps. Heres a few examples. A while back i had some problems with a load of fonts being deleted somehow so that vista started using some other ones instead. in the end i fixed this by copying all the missing fonts from my vista laptop over to my desktop. Dunno if this is what has caused my current prob but might have something to do with it.

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Logon Dialog Requesting User Name And Password Keeps Me From Accessing My Mail.

Feb 20, 2010

I'm using Vista 64 bit and have been using WinMail (Outlook Express replacement) since I upgraded. Now, all of the sudden I'm getting the logon dialog popping up anytime I try to access my mail. Even though I did not set it up to require a logon and password when I set it up, I tried every ID and Password I've ever used and I keep getting the error msg I'm inputting the wrong ID and./or Password in.

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System Freeze During The Logon Script:what Process Is Svchost.exe Associated

May 6, 2009

In my network, sometimes my user's laptops freeze during the logon script. Well the computers don't actually freeze, they just don't move beyond the logon script. When I go into task mamager, cpu is running at 100% (2 gb ram and very new processors) and the process taking up the most memory (48,748k)is svchost.exe I think it's associated with the windows search indexing but I'm not completely sure. On the Microsoft support site I saw that I could use the command tasklist /svc to see what is running in svchost. But I haven't figured out yet how to determine exactly what this svchost process is assoicated with so I can prevent it from running all the time.

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Create An Account Without A Logon Icon

Feb 19, 2009

I want to create a "system account" in vista 64 bit Ultimate. It's just a user account, it will have a profile but 99% of the time no one will log in interactively with this account, more often with just the RunAs option.

Once I created this account though, I have another icon for it on the logon screen! How can I get rid of this icon? I don't want other people who use this PC to log on like that.

It's a normal local account, non domain environment. I was hoping to find a "Do not display a logon icon" checkbox where you change the icon pic or something simple.

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Severe Freezes Giving A Security Error Dialog Box

Jan 2, 2009

Vista keeps crashing. It has given some excuses including memory reference errors and when I click ctrl + alt + delete on one of the less severe freezes it gives a security error dialog box. Now it has decided to crash before it even loads (well, during loading, logon, and post logon loading). I am typing this post from within safe mode, in which it works perfectly. I have suspicions about a mouse driver, but I'm not clear on how to access mouse drivers. Although I'm not sure because of the crashing before loading thing. And if nothing else works, would it be a good idea to re-install vista?

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How To Disable Open File - Security Warning Dialog Box In Windows?

May 24, 2008

Every time I want to open a .url file using the customized Links menu on the deskbar (channel bar), I get a dialog box with a security warning message "Do you want to open this file?" How do I disable this security warning dialog box from popping up? I am confident my Avast! virus definitions will detect and intercept any virus or spyware attached to any url before the file is opened, so I really don't need this feature, it is annoying.

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Windows Security, Logon To POP.EAST.COX.NET

Mar 27, 2008

Bought a Toshiba laptop 10 months ago and everything worked fine. With MS updates (only downloaded defender and Vista related items) things started to happen. Have worked through every problem except can not recieve emails. (Can send with no problem.) Have Cox internet and they determined I can recieve emails through their website so it is Vista interference. Spent two hours yesterday with Toshiba tech service trying to isolate and repair problem. Was not successful.

The problem is this: When Windows mail comes up, or when I hit send and receive, I get a box that says "Windows Security, Logon to POP.EAST.COX.NET" and the appropraite places to put in my Username and Password. When this is done, It just comes back with the same Windows Security box. The Toshiba Rep tried numerous things with accounts and the usual settings, changing passwords, setting up a new account and trying to use that and all resulted in the same "Windows Security" box. He feels that there is something in Windows Security that is out of whack and said to try to delete that program but could not find it to delete it. (I have router so no firewall is not a problem and AVG antivirus.)

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Failure - Security Options

Mar 29, 2010

My PC is about 2 years old now, I love it! Its a 300Gb Acer Aspire running windows vista home premium 32bit. 2 days ago, I was watching some videos online when all of a sudden my internet disconnects, this is normal for my dlink to do that every once in a while, I think its. overheating or something, anyways, usealy when it does that it disables all the usb ports, so this was normal for me, so I restart my pc to get my internet back, but the only difference is this time, I get Bluescreen before the log on screen, it was so fast I couldn't read the error. Anyways it restarted itself and I ran a startup repair, and after that it was fine and I could get back to my desktop, but.....

Everything was going fine, but all of a sudden when I open chrome, my PC froze, I tried clicking everything, nothing..l..I tried Ctrl-Alt-delete....and then the screen went black, and I get a error saying "Failure - Security Options" once I clicked OK, it remained frozen. I rebooted via Power button.........

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Send Emails And Windows Security Logon

Nov 1, 2009

I recently activated Windows email and imported my emails from Tiscali. I have checked 'my server requires authentication', and received the following error message: An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'test', Account: 'pop.tiscali.co.uk', Server: 'smtp.tiscali.co.uk', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '554 Sorry, your non-local IP address **** is not allowed to send email via me.', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC6F

I then changed the outgoing server as my ISP is currently BT and this is what theeir website says. When I try to send emails then, I get the windows security logon. When I enter my username and password, it just keeps reappearing as if I have entered it incorrectly. I have rechecked the details in properties and I am entering them correctly. When I cancel the logon screen, I get a blank error.

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User Profile Failed To Logon

May 15, 2010

I am trying to logon to my laptop, VIsta XP, and i keep getting this error message
The user profile service service failed the logon, user profile cannot be loaded, i have 2 profiles and everytime i click on either one it gives me this error, i cannot even get into my windows. Recently my wireless connection has been running really slow or booting me out. I ran spybot and it came up with a Banker Trojan? any ideas what that is, i cannot remove it because i cannot get into my pc at all.

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Kerberos Logon To IP Address Failed

Feb 6, 2009

as I investigated the Kerberos implementation in Vista, Vista is NOT willing to use Kerberos against an IP address. I was not able to make Vista uses Kerberos against IP address not even by creating SPN for the IP address. Although windows XP actually try to generate a ticket even for IP addresses, and if an appropriate SPN is available, they receive the ticket, Vista doesn't seam to do it under any circumstances, right? Vista just doesn't ask for a ticket for an IP address at all.

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Windows Security Pop-Up Requires Logon For WinMail Retrieval

Mar 16, 2009

WinMail was working fine after logging off last night. Starting today e-mail does not arrive in my Inbox, cannot send mail either. When I click the Send/Receive button, a Windows Security pop-up appears and requires me to logon to my account. This has never happend before. Any info I put into the username and password do not log me on to my own mail. What gives? I have owned this machine for just over one year.

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User Profile Service Failed The Logon

Jan 5, 2010

I have had a Lenovo 3000 n100 laptop with what I think is Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit (does that sound right?) for a few years. Within the first year I had it my hard drive crashed, I managed to save it but I lost all my files. Today I tried to log onto my administrator account for the first time in a few weeks and I recieved the error "User Profile Service Failed the Logon". I searched for a solution and this is what I found..

Quote: 1. I closed down.

2. Turned computer on and immediately pressed F8 repeatedly until I got "Advanced Boot Options".

3. used the down arrow to select "Safe Mode" and pressed enter.

4. computer then opened eventually in the funny look of safe mode, with

a "Help" window.

5. In the help window there is an underlined "What is System Restore?" Clicking on that gave me the answer and "Click to open System Restore"

6. I clicked on that and a new window came up recommending restoring to a previous state before windows update which I had done before the fault occurred.............

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The User Profile Service Failed Logon

Sep 11, 2009

I recently installed an automatic upgrade and now I'm getting "The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded" when I turn on the computer. My only option is to click on an OK key. The computer then gives one logon key and when I click on it give me the USER PROFILE CANNOT BE LOADED message again. Only options given with logon key are improve use of screen and restart, sleep, hibernate, and shut down key. It will not let me start in safe mode and will not give me access to the START button. I've tried every option available to me; even tried ctrl/alt/delete with no success. PLEASE HELP!

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The User Profile Service Failed The Logon

Mar 24, 2008

Dell Inspiron, Microsoft Vista Home Premium, 1918 MB RAM, 2.8 Windows Experience Index, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor TK-55, 1.80 GHz, updates current as of March 24, 2008. Attempting to log on to my main user account produces the following screen. The User Profile service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded. OK Microsoft Vista Home Premium.

I cannot get into the account, even after logging in as Administrator and resetting the password for the account. Anyone know what has happened and how to fix it? I have copied all the user documents including AppData to another account, but it is still a pain and I would like to know how to prevent it.

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User Profile Service Failed Logon

Jun 25, 2008

I'm still with WinXP, but been to help friend with adding extra RAM to his Vista Basic 512mb Ram. I took out the 512 mb and replaced it with 2 x 1gb RAM bought from Crucial UK for his PC. There has only ever been 1 account, and at bootup the password for this account was asked for. We entered the KNOWN password (it's never been changed from new, approx 11 months) and we got ;- "User profile service failed the logon, user profile cannot be loaded", which slowed us down a bit :-) We took an option to "reset password - put disc in drive with password on" (or something similar), but he has never created such a disc. To repeat - the password entered 'was' correct.......

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Group Policy Client Failed Logon

Oct 20, 2009

When I attempt to logon I get the following message: "The Group Policy Client Failed The Logon." (The only way I can logon is to hit the F8 key and go to "Last Known Good Configuration.". Every solution I search for seems to believe this is ONLY a problem for systems with multiple USER ACCOUNTS. I have this problem and I have only one User Account on my computer. The Guest Account is OFF. There has never been a Guest Account set up. I am the Administrator. I even tried turning the User Account Control to OFF but it didn't make any difference.

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User Profile Service Failed The Logon?

Mar 29, 2009

When logging on this morning, received "User profile Failed the Logon, User Profile Cannot be Loaded" message. Any support I read instructs "Click Start" then proceeds with additional instructions. Problem...There is no access to "start" on the logon screen. Does anyone know how to get past this or to resolve.

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Vista Logon Profile Service Failed

May 13, 2010

I am trying to logon to my computer and am getting The User Profile Service failed the logon message for both my Lucy and Lucy Administrator profiles. I have looked on here to find a solution and have tried to do a system restore but it tells me that there are no settings to restore to ?? Most other messages just dont make sense as Im not great at dealing with computers when they go wrong! I would be really grateful if anyone knows how I can sort this out. The only thing I can do is log into Safe Mode and I have no idea where to go from here!

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The Group Policy Client Service Failed The Logon

Feb 28, 2010

I stupidly deleted C:UsersMyName tuser.dat. Now when I try to log on to my account, I get the message "The Group Policy Client service failed the logon." I am now logged on to my Administrator account to post this message. All of my files that I use daily are in the MyName account. I deperately need to be able to access the MyName account. How can I restore the ntuser.dat file?

After posting this, I checked C:UsersMyName tuser.dat and saw that it is now listed after I rebooted the computer, but I still cannot login to my account.

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Group Policy Failed Logon Access Denied

Apr 20, 2009

I only have one account on my computer and its my administrative account. When i try to log on this message pops up and it: Group Policy Client Service Failed the logon Access Denied and then it logs me out i cant even enter my computer if someone could tell me how to fix it without having to send in my computer for repair and paying 200 something dollars.

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Windows Didn't Logon: Security Settings Changed To Default For File

Aug 14, 2008

My windows didn't logon after the following: checkdisk for inconsistency, followed by the message: "the security settings changed to default for file ___(counting)" <cannot remember exactly the words>. all this in blank screen, win vista logo.
battery emptied so the operation could not be copleted.

After restart, the computer entered the win vista logo, green brick running, then blank screen with mouse pointer, HDD working for 20-30 seconds, then NOTHING. I have tried, restore (from the installation disk) and Last good known configuration. I tried safe Mode, but still nothing.

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Windows Search 4 Update Profile Service Has Failed The Logon

Apr 2, 2009

A few days ago, Windows Update Automatic updates installed an update on my computer called:

Windows Search 4.0 for Windows Vista (KB940157)

When I restarted my computer after this update I tried to log on and got this message:

The user profile service has failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.

I fixed this by booting into the F8 restore options on my Dell Laptop and used system restore to repair the problem

Today Windows Update Installed that same update again and the same problem arose which I again fixed with system restore.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this, like why should this update be causing my User Profile not to load?

Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit

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User Profile Was Not Loaded Correctly, Service Failed The Logon

Sep 13, 2009

Ive been having endless problems with my vista. Firstly, I had the error message "Your user profile was not loaded correctly! You have been logged on with a temporary profile." for a good month or so, I was in the middle of exams and didn't want to risk trying to fix it myself, I was advised the best option would be just to reinstall vista, but I wasn't sure the best way to go about that either. Now on my laptops first birthday, I stopped getting this error message, and started enjoying usual computing again, until I started getting this message instead.

"The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded."

If I complete a system restore a few times I can access my account again, but after a day or so I start getting the error message again. All my old files (from before the error messages started appearing) are under my old user folder which I can access in users. I renamed it at some point during the time of the first error message. I thought that because of this I could delete my main account, and make my secondary account an administrator instead. (not sure if thats the right way to go about things, as the first option the thread for this error provided was not working) and now I cannot access my control panel, or windows updates, to tamper with user accounts.

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Server Execution Failed, Cant Change Options Or Anything

Mar 23, 2008

The networking aspect of vista on my notebook has crapped out again. I can still connect, but i cant change options or anything. This is the second time this happened. I am going to reinstall vista anyways, because it needs a fresh install, but does anybody have a fix for this problem? Or should I just call tech support and have them deal with it?

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User Profile Service Failed The Logon - Multiple Tuturials Tried, None Worked!

Mar 6, 2008

Well, I have the following, known, error: "The service User Profile-Service failed the logon. The User Profile could not been loaded" (note I've got the Dutch version, so my error messages may be a bit confusing ^^) I've already tried multiple tuturials to fix this, containing tut's of your Administrator Brink. None worked. Now, what happens to be:

After creating the profile through the User Aaccount Management console, I choose for the option "Logon to other user", and try to login to my newly created account. After typing the pass the above error message appears. I only have my (first) admin account that works, but I want to have more accounts on my notebook............

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