Network And How Changes To Allow Internet

Oct 8, 2009

Vista Home Premium (IIRC) and she can't get on the internet. I had a look and it seems that there's a choice of network, ie, Local Only or Local and Internet. Her's is stuck on Local Only and shows a red X between the diagram of a router and the globe. how to change it to allow internet

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Connected To Network But Not Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I just got my HP Pavilion dv2068ca yesterday. I tried to connect through to internet. It was able to connects to my network, but not able to connect to the
internet. It also says my network is "Unidentified Network" It gave me options to diagnose and repair.

My laptop connect through 802.11 b/g WLAN
My wireless router is a D-LINK 802,11g 2.4GH

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Connected To Network, But Not Internet

Apr 22, 2008

I'm having problems with my home network. I find that I will be on the internet wirelessly with no problems, then all of a sudden I lose internet connection, but I still remain connected to the home network. I have tried disconnecting and re-connecting to the network, this usually doesn't help. Occasionally that will help, but then a couple minutes later, I have the same problem. I have tried running the diagnosis within the Network and Sharing Center. Sometimes it will tell me that it doesn't detect a problem and sometimes it will detect a problem. Then I try to reset the wireless adapter "Wireless Network Connection" and it will appear to have fixed it, and when I try to re-load the page it times out and then I lose internet connection again. The only thing that I have found that fixes the problem is to recycle power to the modem. (Pain in the ass!)

The modem is connected to a desktop computer (I don't remember what it's running, but I know it's a version of XP) and there are multiple laptops within the house that connect to it wirelessly and I'm the only one running Vista and the only one having problems. The modem isn't very old, so I'm not thinking that it's the modem, so because I'm the only one having problems, I'm assuming it's a Vista thing.

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Connected To A Network At 100% But No Internet?

Mar 6, 2010

So I am actually posting on this forum for my g/f. She has a Dell Inspiron 1521 running Vista Home Premium x32 on a 64 AMD Athlon processor with 2gb of memory. The issue that we have been encountering is simply this. Her internet just decided it didn't want to work anymore. She was checking her e-mail when the web page said that the internet connection was no longer available. We are currently at school so I told her to take it to "Computing Services" but they said that there was nothing they could do on their end because the computer was connecting to the server just fine. When I look at it I was confused myself. According to windows the internet connection is at an excellent signal strength and the networking map goes all the way green to the glob. So the internet should work. I look over the other forums to see if anyone else had this issue and tried their fixes as well. (i.e. turned off TCP/IPv6 and even got rid of AVG and turned off the firewall) nothing seems to be working. Also to top it off plugging it in hardwire doesn't work either. So does anyone have any suggestions or is it safe to assume that her network card is dead?

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Network/internet Keeps Dropping.

Feb 6, 2009

i have is that since i have updated to SP1, my net connection keeps dropping. the network symbol has a '!' over it and i have to click on diagnose and repair and reset the network adapter. this happens mostly when browsing the internet (on Firefox or IE) but sometimes happens when i first start an online game up (cod or war etc). i use a netgear router and have done for the past 3 years and never had a problem. the net connection its self (on the router) does not drop and therefore it has to be a problem with my computer (tested this while having 2 computers running at same time and the connection only dropped on the problem computer). when the connection drops, i cannot ping my router (no lights on the router change - still states the net is connected).

I've tried updating my Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter. however when attempting to do this through Device Manager, it says its fully up-to-date. even though the driver date is 17/4/07. I've attempted to update this manually, but i either have to pay for it or I'm asked to download device detective and asked to pay for the download... there are no drivers on the windows updates for this... or at least don't appear on the list.

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Connects To Network But No Internet

Aug 24, 2009

My computer connects to my home network through wireless and it says it has excellent connection but when i use programs like firefox or internet explorer it does not work. When i use program like aol instant messenger or a p2p program it works.

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : miiGz-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : domain_not_set.invalid..........

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Internet Connect To Another Network

Jun 21, 2009

My internet has been turning off on me randomly for a good 5 seconds, and it happens daily. I figure it was my internet I set up at home, so I'd connect to another network. Same thing happens. The little internet icon, with the two computers and a picture of the world, the world would randomly disappear which causes my computer to not respond to the internet.

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Cant Connect To Internet Via Mac Network

Jun 21, 2008

where they have wireless set up. It works fine on my gf's mac (all the comps on the network are macs) but my PC cant connect. It connects with the network (after a good couple of mins identifying) but not with the internet.

Now i have unchecked TCP/Ipv6 I have disabled the DHCP Broadcast flag on all 4 subkeys i could find. What country are you located in. - US Name of your ISP (Internet Service Provider). - Its my landlords connection so not sure What is the expected Upstream / Downstream speed for your ISP Connection? - erm.. 54mbps Make and exact model of the broadband modem. - Not sure Make and exact model and hardware version of the router (if a separate unit). -Apple Base Station v5.6 Connection type, wired or wireless. - Wireless Ethernet If wireless, encryption used, (none, WEP, WPA, or WPA2) - WPA2 Make and model of your computer. - Dell Vostro 1500 Version and patch level of Windows on all affected machines, i.e. XP-Home (or XP-Pro), SP1-SP2, Vista, etc. - Vista 34 The Internet Browser in use, IE, Firefox, Opera, etc. - Opera My ipconfig comes up with this.......

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Network & Internet... Extremely Slow

Mar 6, 2009

I am very PC-Challenged when it comes to Networking & Internet and I have 2 problems at the office that you may be able to help me with. We have a small business package from AT&T (used to be bellsouth), one of those lines if a dedicated ADSL broadband, each line has a filter and we also have a Netopia ADSL router (motorola 3347-02-1006L) + linksys Gigabit 8 port switch.

There is 1 server (Windows 2000 Server OS w/SP4) and 3 workstations running XP Pro w/SP3 (2GB's of Ram all up to date with drivers and MS updates... I make sure of that). The server sits very close to my workstation as I have a KVM switch to adjust or make changes on it and to utilize only 1 monitor + kb/mouse. This is the first issue we have: (Gibabit Ethernet adapters on workstations)

One of my partners claims that if my computer is off, the software we use to sell our products runs very fast on his computer but, as soon as I turn on my workstation and I load the software, his speeds show significant downtime (slowness?). Again, not being very knowledgeable at networking I find this to be annoying but illogical at the same time

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Connected To Home Network But No Internet

Sep 18, 2008

umm well for about 6 months now i've had my laptop (with vista premium 32 bit) and i was connected wirelessly to my home network with no problems. Then all of a sudden a few days ago (13th or 14th to be precise) at midnight i no longer had any internet connectivity. I was browsing the internet, watching a video, from a little before midnight till 12:30 and when i was done i noticed the loss of internet connection.

When i try to troubleshoot the problem i get the "cannot communicate with primary DNS server". I CAN access my home network (sent a file to our desktop computer's shared folder and recieved it just fine) but my internet connection is down. When i check in Network and Sharing Center i see the line from my PC to the home network in green but the one from home to internet is Xed. On the other hand, my brother (who also has vista on his laptop) did not get this problem and any other periferal accessing the router (wii, xbox360, DS) can all access the internet.............

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Share Internet Using Wireless Ad-hoc Network

Nov 29, 2008

i have two laptops using vista (home edition), i want to share internet using wireless ad-hoc network, but when i set up this network it doesn't show me Share internet connection. it worked the first time, but since then i can't do it anymore i have the ics enabled

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Network Connected But No Internet Connection

Jun 8, 2009

Vista has been working great for about 6 months, networking and everything, but just 2 days ago my internet connection dropped and never came back. I looked into it and I am now connected to an "Unidentified Network" with "Local Only" access. I have tried to fix it for 3 days now and have gotten no where. I've tried everything I've read, though I may have missed something, I have even reinstalled Vista 64x.

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Internet Connection Being Used For Network Activities

Mar 23, 2008

I notice a big slowdown in my Internet connection speed when I'm using my network connection. For example, while browsing the web I'm listening to some MP3s in iTunes that are stored on my external network hard drive. As soon as I close down iTunes and the music stops my Internet connection speeds up. How can I force the network connection to use just that and not my Internet connection? I'm running Vista Ultimate. I'm connection to a wireless Internet connection that is plugged into another computer.

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Network Sharing, Unable To Connect To The Internet

Apr 6, 2009

I'm running a visa 32 bit laptop and a Windows xp PC on a network and im trying to send files from the laptop to the PC. My laptop is unable to connect to the internet and I think the problem is that I have a virus so I'm just going to reformat the whole thing. I want to send my laptop files to my PC, but when I go to the network and sharing center on the laptop to turn public folder sharing on, the whole window just freezes when I apply the setting. The workgroup names are the same. Is there anything else that I have to do to be able to share the files?

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Network Location And Internet Settings Should Be Public

Apr 22, 2009

Home or Work (Private Network) - Choose one of these locations for home [or work]... Public place (Public Network) - Choose this location for networks in public places (such as coffee shops or airports). This is manifestly wrong, as you should choose Public for Internet Connections, whether they are in a coffee shop, in at your own home or where ever; moreover, you might wish to secure even a Private Network with Public settings. The names are confusing too: Public sounds as if you are opening yourself up to everyone; Private sounds more secure.

Obviously this is the wrong way round... It took me ages (and a lot of hunting around forums like this) to figure it all out. Statements like "If there’s only one computer on your network..." don't help since the statement "network with only one computer" is surely a non-sequetur: there needs to be more than one for a network... The internet is made up of billions of computers, so technically there are billions of computers on "my" network, we just can't see each other. There is no mention at all of general internet connections, in fact. Perhaps MS could find a way to rewrite this section of Help to make it clear to people without home networks (the vast majority, probably) that their Internet settings should be Public?

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Cannot Connect To Internet Via Wireless Secure Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have 3 computers in home: 1 is connected via Ethernet to DSL and D-Link wireless router, and is running Vista Home Premium. I can connect to Internet fine on 1.

2 is on my wireless network running XP. It connects to Internet just fine.

3 runs Vista Home Premium, but I cannot connect to the Internet. You can see the wireless network with a strong signal, but the connection is Local. If I remove WPA and make the network unsecured, I can connect to the Internet. If I plug in an Ethernet cable in this computer and into a port on the router, I can connect to the Internet. I checked ipconfig and it shows for the wireless network that there is no default gateway, and the user ID does not show like it does when I run ipconfig with the network unsecured.

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Network Bridge, Internet Connection Goes From Computer Into The PS3

Dec 1, 2009

does creating a network bridge on my computer allow me to connect another LAN cable into a second device straight from my computer? because i want to connect my LAN cable into my PS3, but the cable is too short to reach the PS3. so i wanted to have it so the internet connection goes from my computer into the PS3. if thats correct, what component would i need to make it happen?

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Multiple Network Adaptors: No Internet Access

Mar 23, 2008

I have recently installed Vista on my desktop PC which seems to be having Internet Connection problems. My Desktop PC has 2 Network Adaptors each connected to separate routers. I have one router (A) with IP on Adaptor A and another router (B) with IP on Adaptor B. The only router with Internet Access is router B. The problem I have is when I open internet explorer it seems to take a very long time to display the home page, and some times it times-out completely. If I open up a command prompt and type tracert, the first line that comes up is - This implies that it is trying to get to google via Router A which has no Internet access. I can only guess then it gives up after some time and tries the second Network Connection.

Is there any way I can set Vista so that it looks for Internet Access on Router B first, and not Router A? I've tried various things such as changing the Network Binding order Under Advanced in Network Connections but this does not help. This did not happen under XP - XP seemed to know which Adaptor had Internet Access without a delay/timeout.

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Cannot Connect To Network Share But Reach Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have a laptop with Vista business edition connected to a domain. I have installed it with no problems. Now when my user got it she cannot reach the shares or connect to the server with \servernameshare I get the message 0x80070035 I logged in with my domain admin user but i have the same problem. We can reach websites and ping the servers works. What can I do to solve the problem. I have bought 4 laptops but only 1 have this problem.

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Windows Networking / Internet, Connect To Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have started to notice a lot of vista systems that are connected direct to cable modems saying not connected to internet or showing unidentified network. You cannot create a new connection, because the create a connection is for PPPoE only, (which is not very smart). And when the browser gives you the option to connect, it asks for name/password for a PPPoE connection.

1. How do I get the Vista networking to recognize the fact is has a direct connection to the Internet?

2. How can you create a new connection without it defaulting to PPPoE?

3. Is there any way to force Vista to simply connect to a network, if the network is available, and has been checked with other computers as working properly, and Network discovery is on, and vista simply says unknown network?........

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Internet Stopped Working, Still Connected To Network

Mar 23, 2008

my firefox & IE have suddenly stopped working (blank page; "website found; waiting for reply" on IE and "waiting for" on firefox). literally. one minute they were working, the next minute they weren't. i didn't do anything special in between. not even a reboot. now, it's only IE and firefox; messenger still works and so does skype and some other internet apps. i can even ping from cmd.

- i've tried rebooting, no help.
- I've tried reinstalling firefox, no help.
- i've tried switching from wired connection to wireless; no help
- i've tried disabling firewall; no help.
- i've run anti-virus (nod32) and anti-malware; no help
- It's not the router or ISP, because my laptop works fine.................

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Internet Not Working: Network Drivers Missing

Jun 22, 2009

i recently updated my window xp to vista and now my internet is not working. i just used to connect my computer straight to the router that is connected to the cable modem and it automatically connects now it doesnt connect at all. i tried connecting it straight to the modem also! but it didnt work at all. vista diagnosed the problem it says network drivers are missing but there are none for cable modems or the router im currently using ( smc7004vbr).

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Wireless Network / Internet : Firewall It Blocking

Mar 23, 2008

I am having trouble with my wireless internet. When i was home over the Christmas break, I attempted to forward my port on my wireless internet at home so my router would allow me to access some of my programs (the router had a firewall on it blocking these programs). Ever since then, the only place i can access wireless internet is only at my house, nowhere ele. When i go other places, I can find connections and connect to them, but i can only connect to the network part of it, not the internet. For example, when I go to the Network and Sharing Center, it will show the connection between my computer and the network working properly, but then the line between the Network and the Internet has a Red X through it and the Internet Globe is grey. When i troubleshoot, it says it cannot contact my server / ISP, and it shows that the ISP is the one from my wireless at home.

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My Internet Drops & Loss Of Home Network In Vista

Mar 23, 2008

loss of Internet Connection in Vista; completely loosing my Home Network; random

Internet Lags and Drops; and it seemed the only solution was to Reboot my

Computer to get an Active Internet connection. I applied many of the

Hotfixes; and used all of the Suggestions but nothing seemed to work. The

one thing that did seem to make sense though was the Tech advice here and

their that would say it was a Hardware Issue with Routers, etc.

So this is what I did; I went out and Bought the D-Link DIR-655 which is

Certified to work with Vista. It arrived last week; hooked it up and since

then I have not had 1 Internet Drop; or have I lost my Home Network. Now my

Computer can stay on; go to sleep; and when it wakes I have an immediate

Internet Connection. On the Upside the speeds are much faster as well

instead of your basic 100mbps; im getting 300mbps. So it was well worth the

Upgrade to me. It actually made sense that to take advantage of some of the

new options with Vista Networking that you would need a New Certified Vista

Router. Im actually very glad I did it; no more headaches and reboots. Hope

this helps anyone who was going thru the same Issues I was.

Oh and by the way just so you know here is what I have going on with my

Network: My New PC; 2 Mac Books; 1 older PC; 1 Xbox; 1 PS3; and 1 Wii; and

the VOIP.

I also used to use the Hawking Booster on my Network to help with VOIP lag

and arranging packets; but I also elminate that now because this new Router

arranges the packets and no Lag on the VOIP.

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Network/internet Connection Works Fine In XP But Not In Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have a fairly new desktop (8 months old) with windows xp. On another partition I installed Vista Business, then updated the chipset drivers for my system. The network adapter was not picked up so I installed it manually with the updated drivers from the manufacturer (integrated adapter) which seemed to work (it made a connection) but when I re-booted there was no network connection and the light on the card is not longer on. In the device manager it says the card is working properly. I tried reinstalling the adapter driver but to no avail. My network/internet connection works fine in XP. I'm suspecting it may be some sort of security issue or possibly something with the drivers although I contacted the manufacturer of the machine (Systemax) and they said they've had no reported problems with the drivers.

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Network Failure: Get Firefox Or Internet Explorer To Work

Dec 13, 2009

Every morning I wake up, I have to re-start my computer in order to get Firefox or Internet explorer to work. Have tried all below with both wired and wireless connection. All other functions, icons and various do-dads work, just connecting. If I happen to pass out and forget to logout of either Mozilla or IE, the screen I was on stays up but when I hit re-fresh(IE) or reload (mozilla) the problem pops up.

1. Wake up and touch mouse, desktop comes up, no problem

2. Check network connection, all seems good. Network icon shows full connection, you see the globe symbol, all good.

3. Try to access either Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox.

4. I.E. says it cannot connect and Mozilla says, well it says nothing at all except for "done" in bottom left corner of screen, but leaves a blank screen.

5. Have checked my power settings, and have made sure that both plugged in and on battery that the computer is not set to sleep. Never sleep............

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Internet: Computer Doesn't Show Wireless Network

Jun 2, 2008

I've just recently encountered a problem connecting to the internet with my notebook and when I check to see what was wrong my computer says I'm not connected to any networks. So when I try to connect my computer doesn't show my wireless network it says a cable is not plugged into the network adapter 'local area connection". However everything is plugged in and my mom's notebook has no problem. Also it says that my computer doesn't have a wireless adapter installed and configured but it does and when I go to the properties it says the device is working properly. I don't know what to do anymore. I've restarted my computer and unplugged and replugged the cable and disabled and enabled the adapter.

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Wireless Broadband: Connect To Internet Lose Network

Jul 5, 2008

I have VIRGIN wireless broadband with a Huwai e220 modem. It is connected to my Windows Vista Ultimate desktop PC via USB. I also have a small network comprising 1 x Linux Mandriva PC, 1 x Linux Mint PC, and an old desktop without g/card, monitor, mouse or k/board that I use to store files. My problem is that whenever I connect to the internet I lose my network. When I try to change the settings in the "network and sharing centre" i can get my network but no internet! I hav etried every possible combination of settings that i can do without being able to have both. The strange ting is that sometimes when I connect it all works for about 3 minutes then it falls over!

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Windows Xp And Network/internet Issue. Manually Setting Of The Ip And Dns Configuration

Apr 20, 2009

We have a network of 5 vista machines, 3 xp machine, 7 voip phone and 1 network printer. The internet of all 3 windows xp machine keeps on dropping once everyday, removing the ethernet cable and putting the cable back doesn't help it, restarting the system doesn't help it, refreshing the ip doesn't, restarting the router either, the only way I found to give them internet again is to manually set the ip and dns configuration daily.

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Internet Not Working After Installing 64 Bit, Unidentified Network, Limited/noconne

Sep 12, 2009

I just installed an OEM windows vista home premium onto my computer so that I could take advantage of my 6GB ram. Unfortunately I don't know too much about building systems and I have an internet problem. After I installed the OS, when I plug my computer into my router, I always recieve "unidentified or no connectivity". I've done everything that the internet company has asked me to do as far as my modem/router is concerned, and Acer wants to charge me a buttload for their help.

Am I missing something simple that I need to do with my 64 bit software? I downloaded the 64 bit drivers for my LAN, audio etc from the acer website but it seems to still do no good. I even downloaded the driver directly from my Lan ethernet controllers brand website. I've been stuck here for days without much help and the wierd thing is that my girlfriend can plug her computer (32 bit vista home premium) right into the router and it connects fine. I'm downloading SP2 now if that makes any difference.

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Internet Connection: "unidentified Network"

Apr 6, 2009

have 64 bit vista eveything was running fine until 2 days ago my internet connection is stuck on "identifiying network" or it connects to a "unidentified network" this prevents me from logging onto internet. my other computer and xbox have no issues connecting to internet. ive tried to reset local connection, unplug/reset router and modem, disable/enable connection but no luck. im using a linksys wireless b router.

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