Network Bridge, Internet Connection Goes From Computer Into The PS3

Dec 1, 2009

does creating a network bridge on my computer allow me to connect another LAN cable into a second device straight from my computer? because i want to connect my LAN cable into my PS3, but the cable is too short to reach the PS3. so i wanted to have it so the internet connection goes from my computer into the PS3. if thats correct, what component would i need to make it happen?

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Bridge Show Always Network Cable Unplugged

Jun 23, 2008

I've bridged my wireless and ethernet connections to connect my xbox360 to the internet. This worked fine before on this laptop but now it don't! I've enabled compatibility mode via netsh but I still get "network cable unplugged" on MAC Bridge Miniport immediately after I create the bridge. The wireless network works just fine when I remove the bridge. I have the latest drivers and SP.

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Sleeping Computer But Still With Network Connection

Nov 2, 2008

I'm sharing my PC internet connection to my Apple Mac Pro now i am starting to use the mac a lot more and was wondering if there was a way to put my PC to sleep but still have the connection alive for my mac pro to stay connected to the internet.

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Network Connected But No Internet Connection

Jun 8, 2009

Vista has been working great for about 6 months, networking and everything, but just 2 days ago my internet connection dropped and never came back. I looked into it and I am now connected to an "Unidentified Network" with "Local Only" access. I have tried to fix it for 3 days now and have gotten no where. I've tried everything I've read, though I may have missed something, I have even reinstalled Vista 64x.

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Internet Connection Being Used For Network Activities

Mar 23, 2008

I notice a big slowdown in my Internet connection speed when I'm using my network connection. For example, while browsing the web I'm listening to some MP3s in iTunes that are stored on my external network hard drive. As soon as I close down iTunes and the music stops my Internet connection speeds up. How can I force the network connection to use just that and not my Internet connection? I'm running Vista Ultimate. I'm connection to a wireless Internet connection that is plugged into another computer.

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Second Computer (which Uses XP) To Be Able To Connect To My Internet Connection

Mar 23, 2008

I want a second computer (which uses XP) to be able to connect to my internet connection. It CAN connect to the wireless network, but cannot see the internet. I have a Netgear wireless Router, and a security enabled wireless network. The other PC can connect to the wireless network with good strength, but cannot see the internet. In Vista's Network Sharing Centrethere is a properties box which deals with Internet Connection Sharing. But when I try to tick the 'Allow other users to connect through this computer's internet connection' box and click OK, I get a messagebox come upo telling me that 'An error occured while internet connection was being enabled'. Should I be trying to enable this? Am I doing this in the right place? if so what else do I need to do to enable the internet on the other machine?

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Cannot Internet Connection Computer Is Sleep

May 20, 2009

whenever i put the computer to sleep, and when i resume it, the ethernet light on my tower goes off and i m no longer able to access the internet. When i restart, it works fine. I followed this tutorial and its not working.

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Network/internet Connection Works Fine In XP But Not In Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have a fairly new desktop (8 months old) with windows xp. On another partition I installed Vista Business, then updated the chipset drivers for my system. The network adapter was not picked up so I installed it manually with the updated drivers from the manufacturer (integrated adapter) which seemed to work (it made a connection) but when I re-booted there was no network connection and the light on the card is not longer on. In the device manager it says the card is working properly. I tried reinstalling the adapter driver but to no avail. My network/internet connection works fine in XP. I'm suspecting it may be some sort of security issue or possibly something with the drivers although I contacted the manufacturer of the machine (Systemax) and they said they've had no reported problems with the drivers.

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Internet: Computer Doesn't Show Wireless Network

Jun 2, 2008

I've just recently encountered a problem connecting to the internet with my notebook and when I check to see what was wrong my computer says I'm not connected to any networks. So when I try to connect my computer doesn't show my wireless network it says a cable is not plugged into the network adapter 'local area connection". However everything is plugged in and my mom's notebook has no problem. Also it says that my computer doesn't have a wireless adapter installed and configured but it does and when I go to the properties it says the device is working properly. I don't know what to do anymore. I've restarted my computer and unplugged and replugged the cable and disabled and enabled the adapter.

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"error Occured While Configuring The Network Bridge."

May 15, 2010

Im sorry but I wasnt sure which section this post should go in. I have plugged my xbox 360 into my Toshiba Satellite laptop with a cross over cable. I am using a wireless connection with my laptop and I attempted to bridge my connection so i can play XBL on my 360. I recieved this message: "An unexpected error occured while configuring the network bridge." This started happening after i reinstalled windows. Before the reinstallation it worked completely fine absolutetly no problems. There are no more updates to install on windows updates. I am unsure if what im about to say has anything to do with this problem, but here goes. I went to device manager and went under network adapters clicked show hidden devices and then I tried to update my WAN miniport drivers(all of them) but everytime for all of them i get this message: " Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error when trying to install it, the system cannot find the file specified. What is my next step?

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Internet Connection: "unidentified Network"

Apr 6, 2009

have 64 bit vista eveything was running fine until 2 days ago my internet connection is stuck on "identifiying network" or it connects to a "unidentified network" this prevents me from logging onto internet. my other computer and xbox have no issues connecting to internet. ive tried to reset local connection, unplug/reset router and modem, disable/enable connection but no luck. im using a linksys wireless b router.

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Internet Connection: Secure The Connection Permanently

May 20, 2009

my computer is not holding it's internet connection, even when i refresh it just wont reconnect and i end up having to restart and then the connection is fine. I'm running Vista Home Premium, Defender, ZoneAlarm (free) and Avast (free). Broadband connection. is there anyway to secure the connection permanently (which it should be) Have i, a setting wrong? At all times my internet icon says i am fully connected?

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Using A Wireless Ethernet Bridge With

Mar 23, 2008

I just upgraded to Vista Business on my laptop and I can't get it to connect to the internet using my Netgear Wireless Ethernet Bridge.

The Network Identification process identifies the wired LAN and the wireless network, tells me I'm connected to multiple networks and only grants me Local access. I can connect to LAN devices on the other end of the bridge but it won't connect outside of my subnet.

I have an XP desktop machine that uses the same bridge to connect to the DSL router downstairs and it works fine. The laptop also worked fine when it was running XP.

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DSL Router In Bridge Mode

Apr 14, 2008

trying to configure the network settings by adding a second static IP address, so that it can see with the other pc's in the network. The network infrastructure is set up as the following: there is a DSL router in bridge mode, so all pc's connected to the network have a direct connection to the internet, and get their ip address from the ISP's DHCP server. Also the other pc's (with XP and linux) have a secondary IP address set up e.g. so they can access a NAS also hooked up to the network, but not connected to the internet.

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Cannot Be Delected Adobe Bridge

May 15, 2010

If you make a folder, and call it " " (Alt+0160). Then it cannot be deleted. I accidentaly did this a while ago, and I was just checking whether it still did it. Nothing works to delete it, I have tried in command prompt, pressing delete, deleting in adobe bridge. And I cannot rename it too, the only way that I found to delete it was to use the Unlocker, so I don't need to know how to delete it, just simply why this happens?

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Bridge Connections Failed

Oct 9, 2008

what does bridging a connection do? on my manage network connections tab. i highlight the 2 connections, right click, and click on bridge connections. what does it do exactly?

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Network Connection Together

May 15, 2010

At my office we have 2 computers (both Vista version 6.0) networked together. I'll call them computer A and computer B. I can access, modify, and save Computer B files from computer A - I can save them directly to B or A. However, when I'm on computer B, it will only let me access files on computer A, which I then have to save to computer B if I want to save any changes I've made. I get a message saying they're read-only files and I don't have authorization to save to computer A.

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No Network Connection

Mar 27, 2009

I can't seem to find the drivers i need to astablish a network connection. I went to ASUS's website typed in my GPU's model and couldn't find a driver for network connection anywhere. EDIT: LOL! not gpu i mean mainboard as i have an inbuilt networking card.

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DNS: Connection To The Internet

May 7, 2008

I have had a problem keeping my connection to the Internet. when I connect everything is OK until I want to use my browser and then I lose the connection from my server to the web (dialup connection)I am still connected to my ISP but cannot access anything from the Internet zone,It is shown only that I have a local connection only. I can ping my ISP and Ping the ISP's website. so it seems that I have a DNS misconfiguration, question is what do I start looking for?

Netcomm internal modem IN5920 and have tried a swansmart internal modem and a webexcel external modem with the same results. I can start to download virus defs Etc but will drop the Internet connection as soon as I touch the browser and be just left with a local connection. I have had this problem for over a month and have greatly increased Telstra's Australian coffers

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Need To Hog The Internet Connection

Apr 21, 2009

We have a bt homehub router, two pc's connect wirelessly, the wifes laptop and my gaming rig, we live practically nextdoor to the exchange and sync up at 8192kb/s my ip profile is 7000kb/s so i know my connection is sound. she is a facebook fiend and when she is browsing pictures i lag out ingame regulaly, its getting to the point where i cant game if she is on the laptop its like being on a piece of elastic ingame is there any way i can make my pc hog the lions share of the banwidth? Or is it just a case of it being split equally? even if it means me connecting to the router with an ethernet cable.

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Network Connection Cannot Communicate With Each Other

Apr 17, 2008

Two vista home premium computers, desktop and laptop, are connected to a private network(Netgear router). Both can use internet through router and dsl modem. The two computers cannot communicate with each other. Each shows up on the other's full map, but not in the list of computers and devices. Network discovery, file sharing,public file sharing, printer sharing,media sharing are on, password protected sharing is off. Also Desktop prints to wireless printer, laptop can not. Laptop has drivers installed from disk, not over network from desktop since they do not communicate.

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Disabled Network Connection

Sep 24, 2009

i was connected to the internet at uni and i went to the network and internet thing and noticed i was connected to 2 networks, i then disabled one of the networks that i was connected to by accident and am unable to connect to the internet now. i have tried to find out how to enable that network connection that i disabled but am unable to find out how to, please can you help me fix it so i can connect to the internet.

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Lost Network Connection

Mar 23, 2008

Running Vista and can no longer open my Maxtor III external hard drive. It appears as working properly in device manager. My Computer does not show 'G' or 'P' drives any more - the 'G'used to be pick up the USB connection.

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Loosing Network Connection

Apr 7, 2008

Periodically I lose my network connection within Vista Ultimate (only since SP1). I tether my cell phone to my laptop PC. The cellular connections remains ON using 3G network. The connection drops for maybe 45 seconds and I can hear the laptop hard drive churning away. Based on another discussion I unchecked the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) but that has not solved the issue.

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No Network Connection After Wakeup

Aug 3, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium on a Levono 3000 N100 laptop. Whenever I use the Sleep or Hibernate feature, the wireless connection is disconnected whenever the laptop is awakened from Sleep or resumed from Hibernate. When awakened from Sleep or resumed from Hibernate, it shows that there is a connection briefly, then it disconnects. The ThinkVantage Access Connection (Version 4.31) will not reconnect automatically or manually. The only way I can reconnect to the Internet is to reboot the laptop. The Network Adapters are Realtek RTL 8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIV (Version 5.640.630.2006) and Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter. The Wireless Router is Netgear Rangemax WPN824NA.

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Network Connection Failure

Jun 11, 2008

I am running Vista x86 Business edition andhave a rater irritating problem with the network. Every time I try to browse the Network folder from within Vista, it seems to reset that LAN connection to all machines on the network. It only seems to happen when I try to access the network though, I have not experienced this problem anywhere else. It is also worth noting that browsing the vista shares from another PC on the LAN works fine. I read up on what this guy did ( Random disconnects while browsing - Microsoft Windows Vista Community Forums - Vistaheads ) and disabled TCP/IP 6 and TCP autotuning but am still getting the problem. I have a feeling that it may be something to do with our old(ish) Belkin router; however, according to the Internet Connectivity Evaluation Tool from MS, my router is all set to go with Vistas new networking features.

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Windows Network Connection

Mar 28, 2008

My Desktop Windows Vista machine will not connect to the network. My router (Apple Airport Extreme) works fine and I can connect with my Macbook (macbook booting Vista) and my other Vista laptop. These connections are wireless. My desktop is wired to the router. My motherboard is an Asus Striker Extreme with two Gigabit ethernet ports. I have one disabled currently. Neither of the ports will connect to the network and they are both giving me the same type of error... making me think that this is software. Also, my PC worked fine the other day and then just began to not connect in the middle of nowhere.

Problem: Network adapters are stuck identifying network - local only. I pull Ipconfig and get that their IPv4 is set to Subnet mask is I also found that I have three tunnel adapters for some reason. I have tried to create static IPs with both adapters, create my own subnet with both of them, I have tried to renew IP, release IP, delete & reinstall the adapters, reboot the PC many times, take each adapter out of BIOS individually, shut one down and work on them individually, try to have Vista repair the connections to absolutely no avail.

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Network Printer Connection

Jun 25, 2008

Is there a way to connect to network printers in Vista without using Active Directory for mulitiple users?

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Computer Keeps Loosing Connection....

Mar 30, 2009

I'm having with a latop, where after a while it will lose connection to the internet and network. We setup brand new SBS 2008 network, we joined all the computers (windows xp, servers 2003 and 2 vista business pc) to the network without any issues. One of the laptops was running Home premimun 64bit (which it used to connect to the network without any issues) and needed to be upgraded. After upgrading this laptop to Vista Business 64bit and joined to the network, I noticed that after about 30 to 45 minutes the laptop keep loosing connectivity to the internet and only had limited connection, at this point we can see our network nor can we reset the adapter.

1) I tried to view the connections properties but it hangs, after I reboot the laptop, I get connection to the internet but after a while it will lose connection again.

2) I even reformated the hard drive, reinstalled the OS, thinking I had some files corruption or something was not setup properly the first time...I downloaded the latest nic drivers, chipset from Dell. I also disable the Wireless card just to see if it was a conflict, but this has not fix the issues...........

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Cannot Browse, Have Internet Connection

May 5, 2010

I cannot browse the net, but am definitely online. I have an HP desktop with Vista OS. I have wireless and I know everything is fine with the connection, because I am typing this post off an XP laptop which is using the same modem.

Yesterday the problem began when I uninstalled a DivX player that I dont use. I have read up on this and other sites and can't find a solution. Everytime I try to browse from the desktop I get the HTTP 403 error message. I have tried rebooting, "winsockfix", several command prompts, pinging, the IP address is fine, I am all out of ideas.

Can somebody please point me in the right direction, I have spoken to HP, AT&T and the store I purchased the computer and no dice, anywhere.

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Reinstalling Without An Internet Connection

Mar 23, 2008

My son purchased a laptop for college in August. Recently he installed Unix on it and now he cannot connect to the Internet. How can he reinstall Vista on his machine without having to purchase Vista? His computer came with Vista, so it seems like he should be able to get it somehow. Of course, the quicker he can do this the better.

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