Missing The Old File, Edit, View Menu Bar?

Aug 1, 2005

One of the main concepts of Windows Vista is to make things more simple, basically take some of the complexity out of Windows.The decision was made to do away with the old menu bar in many of the windows of Windows Vista because they simply looked too busy and offered the user too many, often confusing, choices.

This all sounds great but we are power users and most of us like complexity because it gives us more control. Thankfully, Microsoft didn't really do away with it completely, they just hid it. The next time you are using Windows Vista and wish that old menu bar was still around, just hit ALT on your keyboard and it magically appear! 

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Edit Windows Start Menu Items?

Jun 7, 2008

I want to reorganize some of the items on the Windows Start Menu to make it more streamlined and functional. I am right clicking the Windows Start button and choosing "Explore All Users" as directed. It works fine for 85% of the items on the Start Menu but there are still several items on the menu that don't show up in the Start Menu/Programs directory that comes up to edit the menu. How do I access these other items? They must be listed somewhere.

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Change The Default Edit Program In Pictures Context Menu

Jan 25, 2010

This is the Context Menu that I'm referring to, accessed by Start>Pictures>[Open a Folder to display thumbnails], Right-click on Thumbnail. With my current settings [where?], if I select and click on Edit, MS Windows Paint opens as the Default Editing Program. I don't like Paint at all, and want to change from that current Default Program, to allow my Pictures to be opened and edited by Picasa. Is there a method by which I can change that Context Menu, so that by clicking on Edit, the selected thumbnail automatically opens in Picasa And before anyone leaps in and suggests any other editing program from the plethora of others available [eg. Photoshop etc.], please don't waste your time - I'm not interested in them, as Picasa fulfills all of my basic photo editing requirements. Basically, I'm looking for a shortcut to open Picasa with just one click, as I'm aware that I can also get there through Open with, in the same Context Menu.

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Memory, Can't Right CLick, Missing Menubar, Missing Menu Commands

Mar 23, 2008

A lot of times, I just can NOT right-click, or do many other things, etc. Like...

Can't Right CLick
Missing Menubar
Missing Menu Commands
Thing won't open
History Dropdown list in IE Messed up!

I think it's Memory/resource BUG, am I right? What's the cause? How do I fix it?

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Edit User File Permissions

Apr 24, 2010

I am trying to set user file permissions in vista, and am unbale to do so as the policy editor in Home Premium is unavailable. I am trying to block a user from: Viewing Accesing and Changing files on my slave drive. registry edits that you may give will be appreciated..... thanks in advance

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Unable To Edit HTML File

Oct 5, 2009

I have a really strange problem on my VISTA home premium PC. I have a number of HTML files stored in documents folder, but when I try to edit the HTML file in notepad I get the following error message: Cannot create the file. Make sure that the path and file name are correct.

File and path are correct because I just opened it from the documents folder. What makes it strange is that if I change the extension from HTML to TXT I can edit and save without any issue, but once I change back to HTML I lose the ability to save any edits. Also, if I copy the HTML file to another folder such as desktop or C: root, I can edit without any issues. I've checked the properties of the folder and file and haven't found anything out of the ordinary. Searched the MS KB and haven't turned up anything.

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Edit And Alter File Associations,

Sep 14, 2009

Is there a way in Windows Vista (Ultimate, SP2) that I can edit and alter file associations other than the method outlined in the Help file (which is to right-click on a file, then click on Open With ...)? I'm having network troubles, so I reboot my router and my Windows, just to make sure everything is clean.

During startup, a file opens on my desktop in in TextPad (a utility that I have installed since December, but have not used or made changes to in recent months). This file is in C:UsersMikeAppData LocalTemp and is named nos_uninstall_Adobe.bat......

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How To Set File Associations For Open And Edit

Mar 23, 2008

How does one set the file type associations for the Open and Edit options in the menu that appears when I right click on a file? Vista seems to have hidden the FileTypes tab in the options dialog of WinExplorer.

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View Folder Contents Menu Causes Server Busy...

Sep 8, 2008

I am not sure what is going on, but I think it may be an over-aggressive registry cleaner. I am running Vista Ultimate 64 and every time I get an open file dialog box, and try to open the menu at the top of it to select the way I want to view the folder contents (List, Details, Thumbnails, etc.) the button stays depressed and after a few seconds I get the Server Busy... Switch To | Retry | Cancel... dialog. The Cancel button is always grayed out. The list always comes up eventually, after several hundred Retry clicks... If I do not move the mouse I do not get the Server Busy dialog, but it takes 30-45 seconds for the list to appear. After that everything works fine. I am running Vista Ultimate 64-bit on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+ @ 2.6GHz with 3GB RAM and an nVidia GTS8600.

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Cannot View Html File

Jun 29, 2008

I received zipped files via FTP. I extracted them and brought them to a C:folder. I have three choices: a CD, a Web or a LMS version. I cannot open any of the key HTML file in them. The choice is either player.html or index.html. I can view the source code but keep getting blocked. I tell Vista to allow blocked content. Nothing. I am the administrator. I started fooling with the Active X and Scripted security features since this is the warning I receive when trying to open the HTLM file. I enabled everything you aren't supposed to, received the dire warnings but still cannot access the content. I put everything back to default (because the dire warnings are scarey!) I am using Vista Home Premium. I am desperate to open any of these three files as I have a job using them next week.

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SP1 Search Bug, Missing From The Context Menu?

Mar 23, 2008

Installed SP1, now when I right click on any folder in windows explorer, the search option is missing from the context menu? Tried all my drives and a bunch of
different folders, still no search. I enabled Windows Search service again, had it disabled since it eats to many resources, still no search. Pre-SP1 of course did not do this.

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X64 Missing Start Menu Items

Apr 13, 2008

im having a problem with the startup menu on vista x64. ive installed vista everything went great. after installing i lookked at the all programs menu it had loads of icons for the likes of media centre and other free vista apps. anyway ive installed drivers some of my programs done a windows update downloaded all updates come back to the all programs menu and am missing loads of icons. i havent a clue how this as happend. look at this pic and i have lost everything in the list thats above windows update

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Missing WMP And IE7 Icons In Start Menu

Oct 9, 2007

Recently i installed Vista x64 Ultimate and as i remember in startall programs there are two icons of internet explorer (32 and 64 bit) and WMP icon. Now that icons are gone. Is that because Opera is my default browser and Gom and winamp are default media players? Of course i think that this is not problem. I remeber that i deleted that icons from quick lunch but deleting them from quick lunch doesn't mean deleting tham from start menu, right? Wmp and IE can be started directly by typing wmplayer and iexplore in search but i want that icons back in startall programs!

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Missing Autoplay Context Menu

Jan 26, 2009

when i right click on cd or disk on key media files i cant see the auto play Context Menu in vista how can i fix

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Missing Context Menu/right Click

Mar 23, 2008

i have loads of items missing from my right click menu when i click on files the run as has gone also the open and install have all gone a few winrar have gone even though i have uninstalled it then reinstalled it. I'm running vista ultimate i have 1535mb ram with a 512ddr2 graphics card please help or i'm going back to xp

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Start Menu Some Programs Missing

Dec 30, 2009

I recently had to reinstall Vista Windows and had to copy some of my program files across from the 'Old Windows' program file to the new Windows program file and they are now not all showing in the Start - All Programs menu or in the Programs and Features 'Uninstall or Change a program' list. How can I get all my programs into these two locations?

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Missing Icons In Start Menu

Jan 9, 2009

my computer its nothing serious its just annoying and i want to fix it. the icons on the right side of the Start menu are now shown as folders and not the fancy one and i miss that, i was wondering if i can change them back? this all started a few days ago i think i caused it by doing something with CMD and some files showed up and i was deleting alot of them cause they looked like they were unnessasary, i think i deleted something that shouldnt of been deleted. now im just trying to figure out how to fix it with using system restore because i dont have the a restore point to fix that problem my restore points are deleted.

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Icon Missing The Start Menu

Jun 16, 2008

I noticed last night that the icon was missing from the start menu for Spywareblaster. I'm not sure if it has been missing since I installed it, but I tried deleting the icon cache and uninstalling/reinstalling Spywareblaster, but the icon remains missing. If I right click on the shortcut within the menu and select properties-change icon, the correct icon is shown there. Not a major problem, just a bit annoying that the usual fixes don't seem to correct it.

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Items Missing From Start Menu

Sep 23, 2009

I rearranged my Start menu recently. I've just discovered that some items are now missing from the "Accessories" folder. I currently have:

Ease of Access
System Tools
Command Prompt
Windows Explorer So, things such as "Wordpad" are missing.I would be grateful if someone could tell me what menu items are missing, and the links to those items.

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"Windows Failed To Load Because A File Is Missing Or Corrupt File: Netio.sys Status: 0xc0000221

Oct 15, 2009

when i turn on my computer, an error message comes saying "Windows failed to load because a file is missing or corrupt File: Netio.sys Status: 0xc0000221" This started when i was clearing my computer of useless programs, and after i deleted Realtime player or Quicktime player, (can't remember which) an error message jumped from the taskbar saying something about Network device driver. After that every time i start the computer, the "Windows failed to load" message pops up. The first half a year, it was solved by pressing enter, to "Choose an operating system to start: Windows Vista" and then to "Windows error recovery (start windows normally, safe mode etc)" and back to "Windows failed to start", repeating it 3-20 times. Then i had a familiar "Unexpected shutdown" during a game, and now, the "Enter spamming technique" doesn't work anymore. All i can access at the moment is Windows memory diagnostic tool, and Bios setup utility. Is there any way to fix this through the setup utility or some other manner?

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How To View .aspx File Using Ultimate

Mar 26, 2008

how may I view an .aspx file (my clinic statement online) when it only is viewable in .aspx format? I use Vista Ultimate with the latest auto updates. I use IE7 for browser version 7.0.6000.16575, 256bit cipher, 32 bit OS. I've done searches on google and gotten nowhere. Any downloads I thought would help, do not seem to relate to my OS. One was Media Player update. I believe .aspx is an image file but not sure.

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How To View .aspx File Using Ultimate

Mar 23, 2008

how may I view an .aspx file (my clinic statement online) when it only is viewable in .aspx format? I use Vista Ultimate with the latest auto updates. I use IE7 for browser version 7.0.6000.16575, 256bit cipher, 32 bit OS. I've done searches on google and gotten nowhere. Any downloads I thought would help, do not seem to relate to my OS. One was Media Player update. I believe .aspx is an image file but not sure.

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Control Panel Missing In Start Menu

May 12, 2008

Don't know when this happened. I don't have SP1. I tried tutorial Method Two, Option One, and I got this : ( screenshot link ) 'ImageGrotto: Free Image and Screenshot Hosting'

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Restart, Shutdown, Missing From Start Menu

Jun 21, 2008

my problem is that suddenly some of the entries disappeared from the menu that comes up in the start menu, I have googled to see it there is a solution and it was not, tried system restore, and I even replaced patched uxtheme (and other) file(s) to the originals. Ill attach my CBS.log from the sfc scan. Images of the problem below.

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Changing Folders View When Opening A File

Jun 10, 2009

I'm working in InDesign. I prefer for all my windows to come up in Detail view. When I "Open a File," the window comes up in List view. I can change that specific window to Detail, and it will stay that way, but I can't figure out how to universally change all such windows to open in Detail. Anybody know?

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Mount Context Menu Option For Norton Missing

May 23, 2008

I am running Norton Ghost 14.0 under Windows Vista Home Premium with the lovely SP1. There use to be an option when you right click a v2i file on the windows explorer, this option said Mount and I think there was a Open option too. The one I really need is the Mount one. Anyway, this option is gone, I am not sure if it is the SP1, I have tried context menu editors and viewers and the shell registry entry is there and it is not disable by the "legacy" entry option on the registry, I believe it has the right command too, attached is my registry entry and a screen shot of my context menu:...............

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File Names Disappeared / Folder View Changed?

Aug 7, 2009

When I turned my computer on today it seems that all of my filenames have 'disappeared' - the files are still called the same that I named them, but instead of them showing the titles, they either show the date modified or only certain details. I mainly have music on my hard drive, and now the folder looks like this:

As you can see, on the left in the folder tree, the path is showing up, the files are still there etc, but instead of the track titles, there is now only the artist and album? I have tried shift and view, tried different views, tried changing the folder view to pictures and videos etc, I have also completely scanned the drives and there doesn't seem to be any problems? Under 'folder options' I have tried showing all extensions etc, showing hidden files, different customizing of views:...........

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Missing Desktop, Taskbar, Task Manager, Start Menu

May 31, 2008

So basically, a few weeks after i got Vista i tried to install Stellarium (freeware astronomy program), which crashed my computer. I restarted, and after typing in my password I get "My Documents" open on a black screen, nothing else, no taskbar or desktop icons or anything. When i try to open the "taskbar and start menu" icon in Control Panel, nothing happens. Also, when I Ctrl-Alt-Del the usual screen comes up, but the task manager is no longer an option, and i can't think of how to access it or my taskbar. I've installed all the servfice packs and they haven't helped.

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Restore Previous Versions Menu Item Missing/hidden?

May 12, 2008

In Windows Vista Inside Out chapter 7 section "Restoring Files and Folders with Previous Versions" it states, "To see what previous versions are available for a file or folder, right-click the item in Windows Explorer and choose Restore Previous Versions." When I right-click a file or folder (with frequent changes over time) in Windows Explorer, I can't find anything labelled "Restore Previous Versions".

I have "Show hidden files and folders" checked and "Hide protected operating system files" unchecked in Folder Options, and I opened Windows Explorer using "Run as Administrator". How do I get to see the "Restore Previous Versions" menu item?

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OT - Winzip 12.0: Open A Zip File With Pictures In It, It Always Brings Them Up In Thumbnail View

Mar 23, 2010

I'm not having much luck with Google and I realize it's off topic in here, but maybe someone can point me in the right direction for help. In Winzip 12.0 when I open a zip file with pictures in it, it always brings them up in thumbnail view. I can change the view to "details" and get a list of the filenames which is what I want to be the default action. But I can't seem to find a place where I can set that to the default. Winzip 8.0 didn't do this. I was *happy* with 8.0 but unfortunately it isn't compatible with Vista or Windows 7

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MS Office 97> Cannot Print From File Menu

Jun 22, 2008

Have checked the posts regarding this subject and googled it extensively but could not find any definitive answers. As I stated in some other post I got MS Office 97 Pro installed just fine and everything's working with no major problems; don't even have to use any compatability mode on Access, Excel and Binder (Powerpoint, Outlook are not installed) but must use WIN2000 compatability mode for Word or I can't use the Tools/Envelopes and Labels feature (popup-something about incorrect parameter). The problem I have is with printing in Word.

I can print just fine from the print icon on the toolbar in both regular view or print preview but when I try to use Print from within the File menu I get an error message like the one shown below. All other printing from any of those mentioned programs works just fine. I've been at this for some time now; uninstalled through Vista and MS Office Add/Remove and by also removing any readily identifiable instances of MS Office, reinstalled as an Administrator and not, in addition to using different compatability modes and the Print "problem" in Word persists.

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