Lost Vista Toolbar At Top Of Desktop

Oct 17, 2008

I lost the taskbar at top of desktop that quicklinks with icons, etc .... this is not the bottom task bar, system tray and quicklinks to the left. New to Vista,

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How To Make Desktop Icons Go Away From Desktop Toolbar In?

Jan 30, 2010

I don't find the desktop to be of much use, too many icons take away from the image I choose to display, but I do use the desktop toolbar from the taskbar quite a bit. There are icons that I cannot remove from the desktop toolbar such as the Network & Control Panel icons they won’t leave the toolbar, and I can’t seem to kill the IE icon off for good, either.

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Lost Windows Quick Launch Toolbar

Mar 10, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium on my computer and just recently I lost my Quick Launch toolbar. I tried re-activating it by right clicking on the toolbar area and selecting it from properties but nothing happens. Tried rebooting the computer as well and nothing. It seems it totally erased from my system. Now, I read through some of the other posts before and saw that going back to a previous restore point would work for most people but my computer wont let me, it gives me the "unspecified error" thing every time. I'm running Norton 2008 on my PC and I saw that for some other person that was the issue. how they fixed their problem. How exactly or what exactly did you disactivate from your Norton to allow for the restore point option to work?

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Toolbar On Desktop Can't Believe MS

Jun 13, 2008

Is there any way to build a toolbar on the desktop like we used to have in 2002? I really need this. I have a ton of shortcuts that I use all the time. They were very handy in the sidebar. I can't believe MS has not put this back in because I see a lot of people asking for this.

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Incapable User: Toolbar Hangs And Hides Up On The Desktop

Jul 29, 2009

I just reinstalled windows vista home today and at first many things werent working such as my wireless and my 3d flip...so i searched on htfc and found out i needed the drivers from the computer maker. Now after downloading and rebooting, the aero scheme is working which is great. but the only thing i cant seem to figure out is that toolbar that hangs and hides up on the desktop, i dont know what its called, i cant see it, i cant find it. before today i just put my mouse up to the top of the screen and i could get quick access to whatever i had put up there. firstly whats it called and how do i get it back?

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Lost Desktop

Jan 12, 2010

I was attempting to do a screen shot, captured what I wanted, sent it as a "jpeg" file to my desktop so that I could attach it to forward it. But the screenshot has replaced my desktop. The photo is there, as well as all the icons, but the screen is non-functional. I can go to Control Panel and change the desktop, I have a new desktop, but it is a blank desktop,with nothing but a beautiful photo. I really do not know what I did to create all of this mess. The computer works, but I must access programs using "start" menu as the icons are just photos and not operational. I wonder where the desktop went. I want to correct this, but I am not the most effective computer owner, I know how to operate most of the programs, but am baffled by the technical end. I do have the option to update to Windows 7, but I am not sure that will correct the problem. It is 12:30am, and I have been attempting to correct this since 4:30pm and I am tired. I a nite owl knows an answer, it would sure make for a better morning

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Toolbar Options Can't Find In Vista

Mar 13, 2009

I keep an empty folder on my desktop to hold files I have downloaded until I can work on them or for temporary storage etc. With xp this folder's toolbar had an "X" icon for deleting any highlighted files. For some reason I can't find this in Vista.

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Windows Update, Lost Desktop

Mar 3, 2010

My computer was infected with Vista Guardian 2010 two days ago. I first ran a full scan using McAfee but didn't detect anything. Following a friend's advice, I then ran Windows Update on the system. After restarting, I lost my desktop, only a small window saying "Personalizing the personal setting of your Internet Explorer" and it stayed there for ever. I managed to get online through Task Manager by hiting ctrl+alt+del. Then I downloaded Microsoft Security Essential and it found two malwares.

I clicked "Remove Now" to the first one and my desktop came back. So when the second message prompted me to "Restart Now", I restared my computer while the scanning was still running. After restarting, everything was fine except a bit slower than before. But when I tried to open any .exe file (like IE browser, Firefox browser, MS Security Essential), none of them would open. The system keeps asking me which software I want to use to open the file, and still wouldn't open. I cannot open any browsers and cannot get online now. What should I do? (I tried in Safemode, and didn't work either).

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Lost Remote Desktop Connection

Jun 16, 2008

In error, I unistalled Remote Desktop Connection when I was having EXTREME problems with VPN. Now I can't reinstall it. I found a link at MS, Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows XP (KB925876), but when I try to run or save it, I get an error message "Not enough storage is available to process this command." I then saved the program to my desktop which it readily accepted, but it wont let me run it.

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Lost Create Desktop Shortcut On Right Click

Apr 1, 2010

I know there have been several posts about this but can't seem to figure out some of the answers.

I have lost, for some reason, the Create a Desktop Short cut from my right click context menu.

I tried one thing and all I got was the Desktop icon on my Desktop. I did more searching but can NOT find: "the file *Desktop (create shortcut)* from the Default user folder."

I went to my User folder and there is no such item. Am I looking in the wrong area?

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Lost Important Folders Saved On Desktop

Dec 13, 2008

I have lost 2 important folders saved on my desktop while i was downloading a game from a disk. I have tried system restore but to no avail. I am at a complete loss.

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Vista Home Premium - Quick Launch Toolbar

Oct 11, 2009

On my quick launch toolbar, I accedently moved it to the side of my
screen and somehow the icons for my programs on the toolbar moved to the
middle of the toolbar and the icons showing "open programs" moved to the
left of the toolbar. It used to be reversed - programs icons on the
left and open programs in the middle. How do I get that back the way it

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Word & Excel:Add-Edit Toolbar&Buttons:Autocorrect To Excel Toolbar

May 10, 2008

How do I create a new toolbar? How do I edit the Toolbar Command Buttons (Icons?)? How do I create and add an Autocorrect (AC) Command Button to an Excel Toolbar? I HATE the ribbons, period? I LOVED the nice, neat, useful, and tiny toolbars I created and edited in the 2003 programs and this 'RIBBON' thing is the most obnoxious thing ever! I REALLY fell bad for those laptop dudes and dudettes, especially the 15" (or smaller) screens. I have a nice, new, big 19" and I find the useless and extravagant space requirements for the "Ribbon" (who came up with that one, anyway?) EXTREMELY ANNOYING..............

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Vista Product Key Lost

Nov 3, 2009

I dunno where this should belongs to,sorry if i posted in the wrong section.

Ok so 2-3 year ago i bought my computer and it gave me the vista disk aswell...

Then,last month,i bought a new computer and used that disk to install window vista,and today,i got a message asking me to type in the product key,but i lost it.

I tried to use programmes that find product key for you..but it didnt work,it gave me an error which is 0xC00e and something(i forgot im at school atm)

Can someone tell me where i can buy a product key but not the disk? all i want is the product key..and how much is it about?

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Vista X86 Password Lost ,,

Oct 27, 2009

This past Friday, my 12 yr old daughter decided to create a user account for her (without asking) so my 10 yr old son doesn't mess with her "Sims" game. Now MY user account (administrator) password doesn't work and the password she claims she put on her new user account doesn't either,and I did not have a password recovery cd, So I'm locked out out of C: NTK (308 Gb) partition.


I inserted my OEM vista home basic dvd to go thru "recover my computer" and do a system restore but came to find out that my dvd-rom drive is not spinning the disk (took it apart and cleaned the lense with alcohol etc) drive does not make

that buzzing/spinning sound as before when cd/dvd was inserted.

I booted up with D:RECOVERY (10GB) made a bootable USB drive with vista ISO

(a while back I made an ISO image of my OEM vista to make copies in case original got lost or scratched) changed BIOS to boot from "removeable" and I was able to

access "recover my computer" but when I click on system restore, it asks for password, so there goes that idea.

Also tried CMD on the "recover my computer" user interface and typed: (C:> net users) and it only shows "Nano1" which is the admin account for the RECOVERY partition ( stupidly forgot that by using my D:RECOVERY to boot up, it becomes C

so I tried (D: net users) and again it only shows "nano1" also tried (D:Windows system32>net users Administrator active:yes) and it says operation completed sucessfully, after reboot on C:NTK drive there is no admin account available

then tried(D:Windows system32>net users Nano2 /add *) and still nothing.

Downloaded the "offline NT password and registry" followed instructions to make a USB flash drive(formated drive to FAT32) restart computer boot it from usb it starts loading (all the white letters etc) then it just freezes, wont let me do

anything, tried it several times and it always freezes at same spot, so tried the download again,reformat the USB drive and it did the exact same thing, so I decided to make a bootable ISO image of the "offline NT password and registry" had to reformat USB drive back to NTFS and add it the ISO booted from USB and viola! same crap happens ....

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"tools" On Vista Toolbar

Feb 16, 2010

I don't have a "tools" on my vista toolbar

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Install Vista, Lost XP Serial Key

Mar 26, 2008

I have a retail version of Vista Home Premium Upgrade which I used to upgrade XP home edition OEM around 6 months ago. Tomorrow I`m upgrading my Processor and Motherboard and would like to do a fresh install of Vista if I can. The problem is I have lost my XP serial key (was stuck to the case as a sticker and was peeled off and chewed up by my 2 year some months ago). What options do I have to do a fresh install? Am i better off reinstalling Vista over the top of my old version? I would though really like to do a Format C: though and get a nice fresh install for my nice new system.

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Vista Business Reinstalled :How To Recover Lost Backup

Oct 16, 2009

I recently had to have Vista Business reinstalled b/c my computer crashed. I have a complete backup on an external drive using Vista Backup & Restore (keeping my fingers crossed it is a good one) but it is from several months ago so I decided to have the tech that was checking out my computer do a backup before reinstall. Unfortunately, he couldn't backup everything and I am missing quite a bit of stuff. I have no idea how the complete restore would work. Am I able to select certain data to restore? Does it restore things back to their original location?

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Installed Update Vista Lost Icons And Data

Mar 26, 2008

i was wondering if someone could tell me if there is a way to go back to the old way my computer was before i installed the update for vista...i hate the new way and lost all my icons and data....

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Upgraded To Vista Premium From Basic Lost Sound

Apr 20, 2007

When I upgraded to Vista Premium from Basic I lost sound. Seems to be a common problem. I got the message "no audio output device is installed" I tried updating drivers to no avail.The following worked for me just now.

Go to Device manager
open Sound, video and game controllers
double click the driver
click "update driver"
click "search my computer"
choose "high definition audio device" - NOT the driver

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Tried To Do A Vista Repair Install - Lost User Settings, Installed Programs Etc.

Sep 26, 2008

yesterday i created a new vista dvd with vLite, because my windows folder was too big. after that i tried to do a "repair/upgrade install", like explained in this tutorial - Repair Install For Vista

as it turned out, it went completly wrong. i reinstalled vista on C: and the old version was moved to the folder Windows.old. obviously not that, what i want to accomplish. so now im online with a new user account - "lost" the user settings from my old user account, the programs are not "installed" anymore.

here is a small comparison of my situation:

- on C: i got now a new fresh windows and the old version in the folder in Windows.old

- Windows.old contains:

-- my old user settings

-- my old programms installed on C: (not a big deal, because i installed almost all programms on E: ---> other problem, see below)

-- the old windows folder himself

- as mentioned above i installed almost all programms on E: - obviously they are still there, but they are not "installed" anymore

so here are my key questions:

1. is there an easy was to transfer my old user settings to the new one?

2. is there an easy was to "install" all the programms on E:, without reinstall all per hand? eg. about registry import or something like that...

i hope it is clear, what my problems are - english is not my native language...

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'No Desktop On Vista Startup'

Mar 20, 2010

I'm working on a friend's compaq laptop running Vista Home Basic 32-bit. It is experiencing the same problems detailed in the 2007 post 'No Desktop on Vista Startup'. I have tried all the solutions suggested there to no effect..........

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Virtual Desktop For Vista X64

Aug 19, 2008

I just ordered my new computer parts from newegg (I'm building a whole rig) and so I thought this would be a good time to try vista x64. I'm currently using Ubuntu (Linux distro) and one thing I constantly use is the virtual desktop. I've searched around and I found a few of them for XP and Vista but I want one that is optimized for 64bit since I'll be use it a lot / run it all the time. Does anyone use a VDM that works well for vista x64?

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Can't Connect Remote Desktop Between Vista And XP.

May 22, 2008

I am trying to connect to computers. One has Vista Ultimate and the other has XP Proffesional.

I have enabled the Remote Destop options on both OS's but neither machine is being found/listed in the Remote Desktop Connection screen.

Also i have opened up my XP remote desktop connection port on my router, but i cannot find my port number in Vista for remote desktop.

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Deleted Desktop Was Not Compatible Vista

Oct 25, 2009

Several months ago, I was attempting to install software that I didn't think to consider was not compatible with Vista. It was made for Windows XP, and I was deleting files on my C: Drive to make room. I accidentally deleted a file that took my desktop with it. Now, when I log on, to any user on the computer, there is a black screen with the "My Computer" window up. I've included a picture to show. Minimized windows are irrelevant. I'm just multi-tasking at the moment.

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Desktop Don't Vista Control Panel

Jun 8, 2008

I have a Dell Insipron desktop with Vista Home Premium. It's a standard-style desktop, mouse, keyboard, etc... I'd like to purchase a touch screen LCD monitor, and do away with the mouse and keyboard. I've read about the Vista option of Touch Pointer, but I don't see it in the Vista Control Panel like the documentation says. Will that option "appear" if I make the touch screen LCD purchase and hook it up? Or, is that something special for tablet/mobile PCs?

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Vista & Windows 7 Dual Booting & Then Installed Xp Pro & Lost My Dual Boot

May 9, 2009

Had vista & windows 7 dual booting & then i installed xp pro & lost my dual boot. How can i get it back?

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Reinstall Boot Desktop Vista 32&64bit

Nov 29, 2008

I'm not sure where this goes but i was wondering what would give my system the best performance after a reinstall. Boot Or From Desktop I have Windows Vista Ultimate 32&64bit. Going to install 64Bit. Whats the Best Reinstallation Method

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Desktop Icons Position : Xp Doesnot Work Vista

May 16, 2008

I really need some software like this. I used one on XP but it does not work in Vista. The icons are wildely dancing around my desktop every time I do something with the sidebar or switch from the full screen game. Change resolution or such and It is really annoying They often even get under the sidebar so I cannot use them...

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Vista's Desktop Search To Index Thunderbird Emails?

Jun 5, 2008

HP finally after already one ship-back, replaced my motherboard and hard drive. Now that she's not in a defective swamp, Vista is working. Somewhat. I use Thunderbird because Vista mail still limits me to 29 addreses in my address book, always deleting the last one and adding the latest. That is way dumb, even dumber than I for not scaling the learning curve of Outlook. Is there a way, please say yes, to get Vista's desktop search to index my Thunderbird emails?

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PDF Files Dont Display Properly On Vista Desktop

Jul 6, 2008

I installed Vista Home basic 32-bit on my Notebook but PDF files don't display properly on Vista desktop, See the attachments file

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