Lost Drive D: With All My Data And Photos

Jan 31, 2009

Was installing software on my Dell Inspiron 530 with Vista 32 froze up. I rebooted but found that I lost all data in Drive D: Drive D: properties shows 0 bytes used and 0 bytes free. I tried to do a system restore but it says that I need to format Drive D:. When trying to install new software I get an Error Message: Error 1324.Thepath Program Files contain an invalid character

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Lost The Data On External Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I have a hard drive which i took out of an old computer and which has lots of data on it, i bought an external hard drive case and when i connect it to my computers, i have two one vista and one xp it tells me in computer management that it is unallocated, does this mean that i have lost all my data on the hard drive, also it shows up in device manager but not on my computer on the vista computer , and its the same on the xp computer, the blue led light on the external hard drive case stays blue for about 10
seconds then goes off, the hard drive is a seagate barracuda 7200.7 ,160 Gbytes, and the case is from ads technologies usbx-834.

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System Restore Lost My Music, Photos, And Documents.

Apr 1, 2009

I just restored my computer to a previous date only to find that during the course of it, the action lost or deleted my belongings. All of my music, photos, and documents are all gone.

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Lost Data On SD Card

May 6, 2008

After inserting the SD card in my computer, I selected to view the files. I stared scrolling down the list of thumbnails. I went to the bottom to view the last picture when explorer froze. I then closed explorer I then removed the SD card from the reader When I inserted the SD card explorer returned the message this drive is not formatted, do you want to format? I answered no. I then removed the SD card from the reader. When I inserted the card in the camera, there were no images on the card. For some reason it seems that exploer marked the files for deletion and perhaps marked the disk as unformatted Is this possible? If so, is there a way to recover?

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Installed Update Vista Lost Icons And Data

Mar 26, 2008

i was wondering if someone could tell me if there is a way to go back to the old way my computer was before i installed the update for vista...i hate the new way and lost all my icons and data....

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Lost Data, "out Of Range" Recovery

Aug 4, 2008

My last "out of range" recovery attempt caused me to lose some data. I'm using a Compaq SR5410F with Vista and have been dealing with the standard "out of range" message quite frequently. I'm aware of the "out of range" fix but I have a 22" LCD and do alot of graphics, 800x600 doesn't suit me, XP gave me better than 1024x960 and I don't think that Vista is the OS for me but when I bought this computer it was only offered with Vista.

Last night, I could not get to safe mode nor to a command prompt, the only screen available was the recovery utility and the only option was to reformat the Windows partition and once the recovery started, I shut down immediately once I realized that I'd lose my files but it was too late, the only screen that would show up was the recovery screen. I have heard that the data still resides on the drive and now that I've reinstalled all of my software, I need to know whether the lost files can ever be recovered.

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How Can DATA D Drive

May 11, 2008

how i use my DATA D drive . When i open MY Computer i have a Acer C drive with 69.7 GB and a DATA D with the same GB , it may seem a stupid question but i don't have a good knowledge of computers

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How Recover Data In Old D Drive?

Feb 18, 2009

I have a Vista Ultimate operating system. I have two partitions: C and D. In C I have my windows and in D i had my documents. Last times the computer booted from the hard disk I had to repair my Vista to let me enter in the windows. Because of that I formatted my C partition, by deleting it and creating it again. And when I logged in my fresh Windows surprize. All the info in the old C partition was now in my D, and the old D is missing. Those were my documents! Is it possible for me to recover the data in the old D drive? I really need those. Can you recommend me a software program that can recover that data? I don't mind the price of the licence, as far as it works with great results.

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Can't Clean Up Data On D Drive

May 8, 2010

Medion Windows home vista; saved photos/files to D drive (recovery) by accident. Medion support said too complicated to do over phone, ask someone who knows about comps. I need to retrieve only my saved files, and not interfere with recovery files on D drive. I cannot clean up or retrieve data on D drive.

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Transfering Data From Old Hard Drive To New One.

Sep 25, 2009

I recently got windows 7 and installed it onto an empty hard drive in my pc. I now have my old hard drive with vista on and my new hard drive with windows 7 on. The only problem is i have hundreds of programs and updates etc on my old hard drive that i really want to use with windows 7 on my new hard drive. Does anyone know how i can transfer over all the programs and data from my old hard drive to my new hard drive? I tryed just copying the files over but i dont have the registry settings on my new hard drive with windows 7, so none of the programs work

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Hard Drive Data Retrieval?

Jan 7, 2010

I crashed my computer and had to buy a new one. All my email contacts are on the old computers hard drive which I kept. How do I go about retrieving my contact information off of my old hard drive?

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External Hard Drive For 64: Transfer Data

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate 64 installed on my new pc (AMD Athlon64 X2 6000+ processor, Asus M2N-E mobo, 4 X 1gb Kingston pc2-6400 ram, WD 500gb SATAII hard drive, Asus GeForce 8500GT Silent 512mb video card, Antec Sonata III 500W case, LG 20X DVD+- drive). I wanted to buy an external hard drive to transfer my family pics and vids from my XP box to my Vista box. Been reading about some external hard drives not working with Vista x64. I've also read that I might ned to re-install Vista with the external hard drive connected. Can anyone recommend an external hard drive that will work with Vista x64? Need at least 250 gb hard drive but maybe around 500-750 would be optimal (wife takes lots of pics/vids of the kid ).

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Hard Drive Migration Without Losing Data

Mar 27, 2008

I have windows vista ultimate 64.... its on my Ide Maxtor 200GB... which is very noisy and seems to lock up.... So I went and got a Sata Seagate (my prefered brand)... and downloaded the Disk Wizard software from Seagate to migrate drives.... rather than having to lose all my data and operating system etc. In and Ide to Ide situation, this works fine... you simply swap drives over once Disk wizard finishes....

But, when it finished and advised me to swap drives over... disconnecting IDE drive meant when I powered up PC, it would not boot, and gave me error message... NO IDE HDD Found!!! Obviously the boot manager is still looking for IDE drive.... So I then proceeded to use Vista Boot Pro... but this doesnt seem to want to run on my machine?... it shows in Task Manager, but nothing on screen... Not one to give up, I thought I would simply use the Vista Disc to boot to Repair mode....

I diconnected Ide drive... left Sata connected... powered up, disc started, got to Repair window... and it showed a window for drives which was empty... but had two tabs... install drivers and cancel... I chose to install drivers... from my motherboard disc as this contains the Raid drivers.. I assume thats what I need to install.... Anyways... was a waste of time, error message stating they failed... Chose the right ones...Via x64 etc...

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DVD Drive Fails To Read Data Discs

Jan 20, 2009

I am having a quirky issue with my DVD drive and hopefully someone will know where to start. It seems that the drive will read CDs (opening them in iTunes) and music DVDs (playing in Mplayer), but the system completely hangs and freezes when trying to load a data disc. Specifically, the system will continually try and open the DVD (spinning away) and cause serious lag to the computer. When trying to eject the DVD, it will then cause the computer to freeze and require a reboot.

The data discs that I'm using are all programs that I've previously loaded on my XP install, so I know the discs aren't corrupt. I'm also running a 32 bit version of Vista, so I'm not worried about 64 bit compatibility issues. The drive is a Lite-on (DH-20A4P) IDE based drive, set as Master on the cable. There are no other devices hooked to the IDE cable, and the cable is also brand new (came with motherboard). Here's the steps I've taken thus far to diagnose the problem -- with no fixes working.

- Downloaded and installed newest drivers for the DVD drive
- Flashed the DVD drive firmware with most current version
- Uninstalled then reinstalled DVD drive through Device Manager
- Disabled autorun feature
- Checked connections from drive to motherboard

The drive obviously is working properly since I'm able to play CDs and DVD movies/music. It might be worth noting that I used this same drive to install Vista, but perhaps the updates horked my drive? I'm thinking this is a Vista software issue, but can't think of anything else to try. I'm also hesitant to wipe and reinstall Vista for such a small issue.

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Transfer Data From Hard Drive To New Computer?

Jun 26, 2008

I went to Fry's to have my computer (HP Windows XP) looked at because it wouldn't turn on. I was told that my mother board was fried. So, I bought a new computer (HP pavillion with vista) and a hard drive enclosure and the guys at Fry's put my hard drive in it and told me that I would just need to hook it up, turn it on and drag and drop my files. I've tried that but it's not working.

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Hard Drive Upgrade: Transfer Old Data To New Hdd?

Jul 16, 2009

Ive been using my 500gb hitachi hard drive for along time now and its just about full, i have a new 1TB hard drive which is also more powerful.M Does anyone know how i can transfer all the contents from my old 500gb hard drive onto this new 1TB hard drive, as its running slow with only half a gb free space on it. I want to sell my old 500gb hard drive after i have transfered all my data from it to my new one.

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20.2 GB Lost On My C Drive

Dec 4, 2008

This is what I see on my C Drive with Vista Home Premium

1. 48.3 GB used space on Local Disk (C When I Click Local Disk C then Properties, Blue Red Pie (51,940,466,688 bytes)

2. 28.1 GB Size on Disk When I Open C & Select All, Then Click Properties (30,206,545,173 bytes)

3. That's a Difference of 20.2 GB & I Checked Show hidden files and folders & Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Hide protected operating system files.

4. 33.2 GB is the size of my Compressed Backup on my Acronis TrueImage11 C Drive Backup to an External HD, so I think the 48.3 GB is true. Where could the 20.2 GB be hiding?

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Dvd Drive Is Lost

Apr 11, 2008

I'm running vista ultimate 32 bit. last dayas i a dealing with a very strange issue... i turn on pc, everything works fine. Suddenly my dvd drive(nec)is lost from my computer icon and also, i cannot see it in device manager!!!making a restart is not solving the problem. The only way to see again the drive is to turn pc off, change sata port on drive and when i turn on again the pc it starts to install it again. Foe some hour dvd drive works and is recognized perfectly. but suddenly(without nothing to do!!!)just waiting and looking the pc, dvd drive is lost again and tha hard disk led stays continiously on! any other functions works fine...

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Hard Drives: Transfer The Data To The Vista Drive

Jun 3, 2008

I have hard drives from both Win 98 SE and XP machines. I currently use a system with Vista 32. Is it possible to hook up these drives to my Vista machine and transfer the data to the Vista drive?

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How Data Recovery From Dead Hard Drive To New Machine?

May 12, 2008

I had my hard drive from my laptop die a few days ago. I was able to recover almost all of the files except for a few Windows file to an external hard drive enclosure. The old laptop was a Vista Home Premium unit and the new laptop is Ultimate. If it's of any consequence or usefulness, the recovery software I used was from R-Studio. How my files and programs to the new laptop I'm using? I contact Gateway for support and they were useless. Windows was not the issue, it was a faulty hard drive.

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C:/ Drive Have Lost Permissions To Run

Nov 1, 2009

I have searched over the lands of google and these forums and I have come across similar yet not the same problem as mine. It seems that files and folders across my C:/ drive have lost permissions to run. Also, some new files that are created by programs can be not able to run because they are created without permissions.

When clicked upon, they say I do not have permission to run or move etc. I can change this manually by going into properties and owners and changing it. I have no idea why these files are being created without an owner or permissions and I cant seem to get this to stop.

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Has Lost C Drive And Will Not Boot

Jun 1, 2008

Yesterday morning Vista, wouldn't boot I was promped to use safe mode, last known good configuration etc. Would not start in safe mode or last known good configuration. I finally got the repair from CD to corme up ran repair after 30 minutes or so got message found 0 problems 0 fixed scrool down for details reasion repair failed couldn't find C drive. I later got into safe mode and opened Excel trying to save a work book. couldn't save anthing from safe mode Hard drive light is on. how to boot from C on hard drive?

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Lost Drive Icon

Oct 4, 2009

I have lost the icon to my "D" drive (Recovery Files) and tried both methods of rebuilding/resetting the icon cache mentioned in a former thread. Unfortunately, nothing worked for me.

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Can't Gain Permission To Access A Hard Drive That Has Back Data On It

Jan 4, 2009

I can't gain permission to access a hard drive that has back data on it. Tried to upgrade BIOS success! Killed my OS? Reinstalled my OS success! Now I can't access my 2nd HDD? I am willing to format and start with a clean HDD but I need to get some files off of it first. I have tried several things but none see to work.

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External Drive Backup Overwriting /updating Current Data

Jan 2, 2010

I have been successfully backing-up to my Freecom hard drive classic 3.5 500GB via Windows Live however the drive keeps on filling up rather than overwriting/updating the current data, which is what I'd assumed was supposed to happen. Is this how it goes or have I missed something? The only option I have is to delete the current data and start again every month which is a bit of a pain!

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Hard Drive Space Lost?

Feb 6, 2009

Since a couple months ago, roughly July of last year, I've been losing disk space on my C drive even when I haven't downloaded a single byte or installed any programs. Though this might sound crazy, I've looked for viruses like a detective, in hopes that it's what's causing this. But I don't have a virus, and I'm down to 16.4 GB out of a 232 GB HDD. I'm going crazy, because since then, I've had a 32 GB average of anything on that drive, and I had a couple games and programs on there even with that in there. In 3 weeks, I've been losing at least 3 GB.

-Deleting every restore point/shadow copy except the most recent
-Overlooked the winsxs folder, it's only 8.35 GB, I can live with that.
-Downloaded TreeSize, found that a folder called [Files], taking up 201,663 MB: should I delete this file? The owner is called 'TrustedInstaller' according to TreeSize.

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Lost Space On 300 Gig External Drive

May 19, 2008

I have a 300 gig external drive that I use for backups. When I list the folders on the drive and their size, I come up with just under a 100 gigs of used space. The drive shows that I have approx 23 gigs of space left before the drive is full. So here is the question, which one of you guys has my other 170 gigs of storage space.......

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Lost Hard Drive Space

Jul 7, 2008

I am not sure why but for some reason my c drive is displaying incorrect information. When I view the total space for C: from "My Computer" it displays 21.3 GB of 133GB used. However, when I go into my c drive select all files and folders, right click and select properties, the most space being used in C is 30GB. For some reason my system restores have all been lost. I do not have a vista install disk, but I do have the factory restore that I made upon purchase of my laptop.

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Lost Files Copying To Other Hard Drive

May 3, 2008

i was copying some file and folders to my other hard drive and by mistake I deleted all my documents!!!, and now i do not have any thing in my document folder. I restored my system but i didn't get them back.

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DATA PROTECTION Fraud Antivirus: Data Protection Is A Counterfeit Application Which Pretends To Be A Legitimate Security Tool

May 15, 2010

Data Protection is a counterfeit application which pretends to be a legitimate security tool. It is also from the same rogue family as Digital Protection, Your Protection, User Protection, Dr. Guard and Paladin Antivirus. The trojan based software starts its activities as soon as it installs onto your computer. Malware has no ability to detect and terminate the parasite. It only gains that user lose their vigilance and would buy a registered version of Data Protection application.

This is a fraud and dangerous for your computer. Behind an offer stands bad people who will use your money for malicious intentions. This application is not worth spending your money. As any malware this one will scan your computer automatically and will show fake results. You should ignore it. Do not fall for this blatant scam. Data Protection can also redirect your web browser to deceptive web pages that advertises “full” version of the security tool. Do not buy it, but choose decent anti-spyware application and terminate Data Protection upon detection. - the conclusion is that Malware bytes does remove it,, you need to download the lastest malware byte or update the one you got. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Download.com

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Apr 13, 2008

never asked about this before.you know when you go to a web site and there
are photos.jpg and in the square.there are no photos.just little red blocks
with a red x in the upper left hand corner.

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