32 Automatically Logs Off After A Period Of Non-use

Feb 10, 2009

Vista Home Premium 32. Sometimes when I turn my monitor on in the morning I'm greeted by the password screen. When I enter my password Vista says "logging off" (and does log off) then Vista goes to the "log On" password screen. After re-entering PW again, I'm logged back on but all the apps, web pages and work that I had open last night are gone

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Windows Xp Logs Out Automatically

May 21, 2009

windows automatically logs out as soon as you log in. The laptop has windows xp home sp2. I used to be able to boot into safe mode ,but now it wont let me log in using safemode. I was wondering if anyone has a solution or if anyone knows how I could use the harddrive as a virtual pc on my laptop so I can play with the registry? I dont want to reinstall windows because i dont have xp home cd.

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Guest Account Automatically Logs Off

Jun 30, 2009

I tried to search this but to no avail, My Guest and any other standard account I create, logs off automatically, and is not usable. Me thinks that this resulted from my attempt to erase the password of the guest account by back-spacing in the password field, until no characters and hitting enter or whatever. I still have admin, but no standard accounts will now work. I have Vista Starter (waiting for Win 7) How can I fix the standard account functionality?

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Reset Trial Period

Feb 16, 2007

This is unconfirmed but I read it on a newsfeed: Run this command: rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows. Or save as a .bat and run on system startup (put in startup folder)

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5 Minutes It Hangs For A Short Period Of

Jun 8, 2009

I've been having this kind of problem since I installed Vista. I like Vista very much, but it brings so much problems to me than XP. I often play Age of Empires III and in every 5 minutes it hangs for a short period of time. It hangs 2-3 times and the next thing that will happen is either it will show a black screen or hangs. Windows never responds if either of these happen, so I shut down the computer improperly.

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Extend Activation Period To 120 Days

Feb 11, 2007

Would you like to extend the activation period to the maximum 120 days instead of the 30 day period that is set by default?  It is possible and legal to do this using the software licensing manager in Windows Vista and Windows 7.  Simply run slmgr -rearm to get another 30 days at an administrative level command prompt.  You can do this a maximum of three times before Microsoft blocks further extensions...

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Extend Activation Period Past 180 Days

Mar 20, 2007

There has been a lot of news about a new technique to extend the activation period of Windows Vista past 180 days.  It all started when Brian Livingston posted a story on his site, WindowsSecrets.com, about a registry key that can be modified to allow the slmgr -rearm command to be run more than three times.  This allows you to use Windows Vista without having to activate it for longer than 180 days.
Activation has always been more of burden for licensed Windows users than an effective deterrent for piracy.  There are already many cracks for Windows Vista that bypass activation completely.   The end result is a bad experience for those that legally buy the product. 

For me, this is an issue that I am always fighting with. I am constantly building, installing and re-configuring my two computers with multiple vista virtual machines.  I don't want to deal with the burden of having to activate my legal copies of Windows Vista every time since none of my workstations seem to last for more than a few months before I reinstall.  If I actually activated my Vista Ultimate licenses every time I reinstall I would already have to use the slow phone based system where you have to type in that super long code.  Sorry Microsoft, that is a horrible experience that I'm trying to avoid.  

Using Brian's registry key and the old 180 day trick, it is possible to setup Task Scheduler to automate these changes to extend the period before you need to activate beyond 180 days. Follow these steps to automate the registry change and activation reset using Task Scheduler:

Click on the Start Button, type in Task Manager and hit Enter....

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Get At The Logs File But Get C:

Feb 12, 2010

I want to get at the logs file. When I type cmd and run it as an administrator, I get the C: etc. prompt. To get to C:, I type cd .. twice. But What I get is C:>. How do I get rid of the > so I can type in C:WindowsLogsCBScbs.log?

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Starts, Logs In And Then Does Nothing....

May 21, 2009

A friend has a laptop with Vista Home Basic SP1 and fully patched. Recently, she boots up the laptop. Brings her to the login screen. She enters her password and it continues. It shows the "welcome" screen with the circular thing and sits there. The hard disk occasionally works but eventually it's stuck at the welcome screen.

Same thing happens in safe mode but I get to the black screen with "Safe mode" and the Vista version on the screen. Get the cursor only. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del, click on Task Manager but nothing happens. Tried a system restore [using MDOP when I brought it to the office] as well as other tools in MDOP. Detects no bootup errors. Ran the system file repair utility [or whatever it's called] and no files were repaired.

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XP Logs On To Server - Doesn

Jul 20, 2007

I have a fairly new bog standard Dell business PC with a nice “Vista ready” sticker on it. Partition C runs XP, is trouble free and logs me onto our server without problem. Partition D runs Vista Ultimate and is driving me crazy. I cannot log onto the server (Win 2000), I can see all network machines (and use the internet) and Vista tells me everything is fine. I don’t need other machines; I do need the server’s hard drives. The Vista partition only has Firefox and Office loaded; firewall etc. all turned off. Ipconfig/all returns identical data (where applicable) on both partitions. I have also followed all the advice I could glean the the net. I can get all the way to logging on to the domain (changing from the default workgroup) when I get the dreaded: “An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a DC being joined has failed............”Is the problem with the server? Our IT administrator has left and not yet been replaced so be kind. If anyone needs to see ipconfig or anything else then please ask.

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Standard User Account Logs Off.

Apr 13, 2009

When I my son signs on it comes back with logging off and logs him off. I am setup as an administrator and can log on without any problems, my son's account is setup as standard user account with parental controls turn on. I have deleted his account and created a new one as a standard user, I tried turning off parental controls and I still get the same problem. The only way around this I have found so far is to make his account an administrator. Which is not something that I want to keep this way.

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.dmp Files And Windows/System Logs That Show The Unrecoverable Events

Apr 8, 2009

I have a brand new HP Pavilion desktop and the first two days it gave me blue screens of death. Subsequently I had an expert look at the .dmp files and Windows/System logs that show the unrecoverable events and he said that it clearly shows a -hardware -problem and that I should tell HP and get a new computer. (I have had it just 4 days longer than Best Buy's return policy was in effect because I did not figure out how serious the problem was until 2 days ago. I had been thinking it was just a conflict with my monitor or something but this guy says the .dmp files show that it is a memory or processor problem and cannot be fixed.)

I spent 3 and 1/2 hours online in a chat session with an IDIOT supervisor in India and he did not fully understand the problem and kept preaching "System Restore". I kept saying that -System Restore will not fix a Hardware problem- so there was no point to it. He finally came up with this: "sir, the processor sends some IRQ requests etc to other hardware devices, and the log suggests me that theres a conflick in such IRQ requests." Even so, how is System Restore going to FIX a hardware problem that already exists???..........

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Crash Or Slow Down Vista It Usually Gets Documented In Vista's Error Logs

Jun 13, 2008

The often heard recurring theme spread by no nothing trolls and fanboys is if Vista isn't working right, it must be something you did rather than owning up to how badly Vista is designed once you start poking around and SEE how badly implemented it is. Much of the frustration with Vista comes from it's applets crashing or acting up for no apparent reason. Since these applets are INTERNAL and built-in as part of Vista's core the often heard excuse it's some third party driver, a hardware problem or other software you installed is proven to be bogus.

When something happens to either crash or slow down Vista it usually gets documented in Vista's Error Logs. However like most everything else Microsoft does, the logs are of little actual value other than pointing to how poorly designed and broken Vista really is.

To illustrate how broken Vista is, here's my experience this morning. As usual I started my day going to Google (my default home page) and clicking on News to see what the headlines were. Microsoft's browser hung. Waiting for it to respond, after 90 seconds I gave up and sure enough was treated to the usual BS asking if you want to wait longer or shut it down. I shut IE7 down. Next I went to Event Viewer......

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How Can Get Cap And Num Lock To Automatically

Mar 23, 2008

How Can I Get Cap And Num Lock To Automatically Be Set Upon Start Up On Windows Vista Home Premium Os

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Not All Contacts Come Up Automatically

Mar 3, 2009

I've imported my contacts file into Windows Mail but something funny is happening. When I am creating a message and am typing the first few letters of a contact's name, some names come up automatically just as they did in the Outlook but not all of them, although I those names are there on the contacts list. I can't figure out why. In order to add these names I have to go to Tools, Select Recipient and add their names to the TO field. Is there a way I can get Windows Mail to insert all contacts names automatically?

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Always Automatically Allow A Certain Program

Mar 23, 2008

Every time I boot up, User Account Control pops up and asks me if I want to allow this program to run "PSDiagnostic.exe". This program has to do with the functionality of my wireless print server and it needs to run or the printer on my print server will not function. If I allow the program to run everything is fine, but I would rather not have to be bothered with this during every boot up. I know I can disable User Account Control to avoid this, but is there a way I can leave User Account Control active and still allow this program to run automatically during boot up? Like is there a list of exceptions that I could add it to?

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Not Restarting Automatically

Oct 16, 2009

I have a multi boot system with XP, Vista, 7 (RC1) and Ubuntu. If I select "restart" in order to reboot, it just waits until I do a hard reset. If I select shutdown, then it does so. Neither XP or 7 has this problem. Any fix for this?

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IP Gets Changed Automatically

Mar 23, 2008

I am using window Vista OS. The IP address assigned to my PC by sify is 10.x.x.x. Usually when i connect the lan cable to my laptop and check uing ipcofig i get the same IP ,But every now and then the IP gets chaged to some other IP y.y.y.y .Now when i go and check using the IP config my y.y.y.y Ip becomes the prefereed IP and 169.x.x.x becomes the duplicate IP But if i check in the Manage Network pane where we set the IP address ,there it will be showing the correct IP only ( x.x.x.x assigned by sify ).

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Way Automatically Login?

May 15, 2010

im running a dell laptop with vista home. i recently reinstalled the os and am having login issues. there is one user account and when i startup or come back from sleep, i have to click on my user account before entering password. is there a way to make it automatically select this account and display enter password rather than me having to click account first? i do want to require a password.

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Can't Automatically Receive New Emails

Sep 6, 2009

My new emails are not coming into my inbox unless I exit out of Mail and then re-open Mail. If I hit Send/Receive, I get an error box with "Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details. But there's nothing in the Errors box.

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Automatically Log Onto Your User Account.

May 31, 2008

I want to be able to automatically log onto my user account after sleep or shutdown. I unchecked 'require password etc.' under 'control userpasswords2'. But it keeps logging on to an administrator account.Is there a way to make the computer open at the desktop of my standard account? I would like the administrator account to be password protected.

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Task Scheduler Run Automatically

May 7, 2008

I have a vbs script that I use to copy files from my local drive to a network drive as a backup. The script works fine on its own (by double-clicking it or by running it from the command prompt). I created a scheduled task to have it run automatically, but it doesn't seem to work. It says that it completed successfully, but it didn't really do anything. Even if I select it in the Task Scheduler and then click "Run" in the Actions pane, it says it's status is "Running", but nothing is happening.

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Don't Want New Mail Automatically Selected

Jul 29, 2009

Using Vista Home and Windows Mail. Just d/l'd IE 8 and now in Windows Mail, the new mail is automatically selected and shows up in the Preview Pane. Before, I could select an old piece of mail and when new mail came in, it did not get selected until I chose to do this. I want this feature back, but don't know how to get it. The reason? It is my understanding that once a piece of mail is in the preview screen, the sender (spam or otherwise undesirable character), knows you have received it; or if in html format, it can open a virus. I know I can turn off the Preview and do have a button on the top menu to do this, but would prefer to not have to do this whenever going into the email program. Also, is it true that by looking at the Properties (instead of the Preview Pane) of an unopened email to view its content,

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Automatically Goes To Boot Screen

Mar 23, 2008

When I powerup my PC It automatically goes to the boot screen. I have to press F1 to get to get past it and to the password screen. I had to reformat my hard drive last month and its been doing that since then.

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Bluescreen, Not Shut Down Automatically

Mar 9, 2009

I got a bluescreen full of "stuff", it must mean something to someone, when I tried to shut down. My Lenovo 3000 K series would not shut down automatically and I had to turn it off by pressing the Off/On button. The Ethernet network is pointed to.

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32 Closing Automatically In 1 User Id....

Aug 25, 2009

I have 4 user identities on my computer. Three of them work no problem. When I go into my user id (which is also the admin ID) it automatically reboots the computer. The computer starts up to the normal screen with the 4 user IDs on it. And as soon as I log into my ID it reboots in about 5 seconds once again. keeps happening. All 3 other IDs work fine. Whats up and can I fix it? I ran a McAfee full scan and nothing came up.

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Windows Updated Automatically

May 17, 2008

evertime i open a window my computer will automatically make it scroll down to the bottem and stay there.... i got no idea how to stop this......

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Automatically Boots Up When Hibernated

Apr 7, 2008

I have a problem where the machine automatically boots up when hibernated. this happens approximately 2 mins after hibernating.. it's not always 2 mins. the time differs.

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Switch On Computer Automatically?

Oct 6, 2009

I want to know if it's possible to create a scheduled task that switches on the computer from hibernation at a specific time, gets past the user logon screen (it appears even though I haven't set a password) and then hibernates after a certain duration.

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Explorer.exe Not Opening Automatically

Apr 27, 2010

Today i turned on the laptop, after entering the password and logging in. i couldn't see the start menu, task bar or anything at all. after opening the TASK MANAGER, i realized the explorer.exe is not open, so i launched it manually and then everything was fine. But now i always have to open it manually. After doing some research, i went to regedit, then to some stuff, until i came to winlogon, then shell and i found this " Explorer.exe "C:UsersThe PhonixAppDataRoaminglsass.exe" instead of just "Explorer.exe". I erased it but it comes back again, i did a full virus check using windows defender and nod32 anti-virus.

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Usb Device Automatically Disconnected

Aug 5, 2008

i have a problem with my usb ports, ok so like last week i got my computer back from the manufacturer, i accidently knocked it over, (but we didnt tell them that). but anyways, i installed itunes, and tried to plug in my ipod, this was the first usb device i plugged it since i got it back, and for some reason it worked fine for like 10 minutes, then automatically disconnected, then reconnected, and reapetedly keeps doing that whenever i try to plug in a usb device. i did not have this problem before i sent it to get repaired, and now i do.

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