XP Logs On To Server - Doesn

Jul 20, 2007

I have a fairly new bog standard Dell business PC with a nice “Vista ready” sticker on it. Partition C runs XP, is trouble free and logs me onto our server without problem. Partition D runs Vista Ultimate and is driving me crazy. I cannot log onto the server (Win 2000), I can see all network machines (and use the internet) and Vista tells me everything is fine. I don’t need other machines; I do need the server’s hard drives. The Vista partition only has Firefox and Office loaded; firewall etc. all turned off. Ipconfig/all returns identical data (where applicable) on both partitions. I have also followed all the advice I could glean the the net. I can get all the way to logging on to the domain (changing from the default workgroup) when I get the dreaded: “An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a DC being joined has failed............”Is the problem with the server? Our IT administrator has left and not yet been replaced so be kind. If anyone needs to see ipconfig or anything else then please ask.

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Remote Desktop, Doesn't Support Terminal Server

Sep 29, 2009

I want to use remote desktop to access my home desktop pc from on the road. I'm running Vista HPx64. Of course it doesn't support terminal server. There is however a little reg hack out there that will make it work. (Just google "remote desktop on vista home premium" and visit the first link) So! I run the little hack thing, and it works. it starts the service, and I can now RDP into my desktop from my laptop.

When I login to the remote desktop session from my laptop, it doesn't show the proper desktop profile on my desktop. Example, right now I'm typing this on my desktop. Firefox is open with several tabs, one of them being this forum post. So, if I were to open a remote desktop session from my laptop right now. I would login using the same account, my main administrator account, I would get a blank desktop..............

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Get At The Logs File But Get C:

Feb 12, 2010

I want to get at the logs file. When I type cmd and run it as an administrator, I get the C: etc. prompt. To get to C:, I type cd .. twice. But What I get is C:>. How do I get rid of the > so I can type in C:WindowsLogsCBScbs.log?

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Starts, Logs In And Then Does Nothing....

May 21, 2009

A friend has a laptop with Vista Home Basic SP1 and fully patched. Recently, she boots up the laptop. Brings her to the login screen. She enters her password and it continues. It shows the "welcome" screen with the circular thing and sits there. The hard disk occasionally works but eventually it's stuck at the welcome screen.

Same thing happens in safe mode but I get to the black screen with "Safe mode" and the Vista version on the screen. Get the cursor only. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del, click on Task Manager but nothing happens. Tried a system restore [using MDOP when I brought it to the office] as well as other tools in MDOP. Detects no bootup errors. Ran the system file repair utility [or whatever it's called] and no files were repaired.

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32 Automatically Logs Off After A Period Of Non-use

Feb 10, 2009

Vista Home Premium 32. Sometimes when I turn my monitor on in the morning I'm greeted by the password screen. When I enter my password Vista says "logging off" (and does log off) then Vista goes to the "log On" password screen. After re-entering PW again, I'm logged back on but all the apps, web pages and work that I had open last night are gone

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Windows Xp Logs Out Automatically

May 21, 2009

windows automatically logs out as soon as you log in. The laptop has windows xp home sp2. I used to be able to boot into safe mode ,but now it wont let me log in using safemode. I was wondering if anyone has a solution or if anyone knows how I could use the harddrive as a virtual pc on my laptop so I can play with the registry? I dont want to reinstall windows because i dont have xp home cd.

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Standard User Account Logs Off.

Apr 13, 2009

When I my son signs on it comes back with logging off and logs him off. I am setup as an administrator and can log on without any problems, my son's account is setup as standard user account with parental controls turn on. I have deleted his account and created a new one as a standard user, I tried turning off parental controls and I still get the same problem. The only way around this I have found so far is to make his account an administrator. Which is not something that I want to keep this way.

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Guest Account Automatically Logs Off

Jun 30, 2009

I tried to search this but to no avail, My Guest and any other standard account I create, logs off automatically, and is not usable. Me thinks that this resulted from my attempt to erase the password of the guest account by back-spacing in the password field, until no characters and hitting enter or whatever. I still have admin, but no standard accounts will now work. I have Vista Starter (waiting for Win 7) How can I fix the standard account functionality?

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.dmp Files And Windows/System Logs That Show The Unrecoverable Events

Apr 8, 2009

I have a brand new HP Pavilion desktop and the first two days it gave me blue screens of death. Subsequently I had an expert look at the .dmp files and Windows/System logs that show the unrecoverable events and he said that it clearly shows a -hardware -problem and that I should tell HP and get a new computer. (I have had it just 4 days longer than Best Buy's return policy was in effect because I did not figure out how serious the problem was until 2 days ago. I had been thinking it was just a conflict with my monitor or something but this guy says the .dmp files show that it is a memory or processor problem and cannot be fixed.)

I spent 3 and 1/2 hours online in a chat session with an IDIOT supervisor in India and he did not fully understand the problem and kept preaching "System Restore". I kept saying that -System Restore will not fix a Hardware problem- so there was no point to it. He finally came up with this: "sir, the processor sends some IRQ requests etc to other hardware devices, and the log suggests me that theres a conflick in such IRQ requests." Even so, how is System Restore going to FIX a hardware problem that already exists???..........

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Crash Or Slow Down Vista It Usually Gets Documented In Vista's Error Logs

Jun 13, 2008

The often heard recurring theme spread by no nothing trolls and fanboys is if Vista isn't working right, it must be something you did rather than owning up to how badly Vista is designed once you start poking around and SEE how badly implemented it is. Much of the frustration with Vista comes from it's applets crashing or acting up for no apparent reason. Since these applets are INTERNAL and built-in as part of Vista's core the often heard excuse it's some third party driver, a hardware problem or other software you installed is proven to be bogus.

When something happens to either crash or slow down Vista it usually gets documented in Vista's Error Logs. However like most everything else Microsoft does, the logs are of little actual value other than pointing to how poorly designed and broken Vista really is.

To illustrate how broken Vista is, here's my experience this morning. As usual I started my day going to Google (my default home page) and clicking on News to see what the headlines were. Microsoft's browser hung. Waiting for it to respond, after 90 seconds I gave up and sure enough was treated to the usual BS asking if you want to wait longer or shut it down. I shut IE7 down. Next I went to Event Viewer......

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Open An Online Radio Station Windows Media Player Within Internet Explorer Just Says Ready - It Doesn't Even Begin To Buffer And Doesn't Play At All

Apr 1, 2010

Whenever I click the link to open an online radio station windows media player within internet explorer just says Ready - it doesn't even begin to buffer and doesn't play at all. Has anyone else experienced this recently?

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Incoming Mail Server (POP3): Server Error: 0x800CCC90

Mar 23, 2008

How do I pick up my yahoo mail, I have set up every thing that is required put I can neither send nor recieve any mail. The set up is :-Incoming Mail Server (POP3): pop.mail.yahoo.com.au Use SSL, port: 995 Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.mail.yahoo.com.au Use SSL, port: 465, use authentication denziljm@yahoo.com.au Error message is :- Pop3, Server Response: '-ERR popgate unknown command' Prt 995, Secure (SSL): Yes Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18 ail.

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Who My Outgoing Server And Incoming Server Is:craiglist Of Email

Sep 14, 2009

This computer is new to me and so is vista - I have had no problem with email because I have always gone to my own ISP via explorer. Today, however, I wanted to reply to a craigslist seller and found that my computer was trying to send the email with windows mail (and not sending!)- it was asking me questions like who my outgoing server and incoming server is - can anyone tell me what I need to do? Do I have to use windows mail or can my computer be set to default to yahoo email like my old one was?

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POP3: Specified SMTP Server Does Not Appear To Be A Valid Server

Dec 23, 2009

The message was: the specified SMTP server does not appear to be a valid server. Can provide me with more info to set up windows mail.

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Server - Find Out The Correct Server

Mar 23, 2008

When I created my windows mail I account I entered SMPT as my outgoing server. THat is not correct. So how do I find out the correct server and then how do I change it?

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Setting Up Servers: Incoming E-mail Server Type And Outgoing E-mail Server How Do I Find This

May 7, 2009

incoming e-mail server type and outgoing e-mail server how do i find this

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How Do Find Incoming E-mail Server Type, Incomming Mail Server,

Mar 1, 2009

I'm trying to send an email to someone on craigslist. I'm being asked to set
up email servers: Incomming email server type- POP3, IMAP, HTTP? Incomming email server? Outgoing email server name?

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Want Web Server And FTP Server Running

Feb 23, 2009

I will be running a PC with Vista Ultimate. I noticed that it has IIS services like FTP and a web server? I used to run a simple web server with WinXPPro. it is easy to get set up? I just want a simple web server and possibly a FTP server running.

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Software Doesn't Work, "Windows Hostprocess Doesn't Work"

Apr 21, 2009

I have had Windows Vista 64 for 2 Months now and of that period of time it worked soundly for about 2 Weeks. I am NOT an irresponsible User, I don't just delete Data, I know a little something about computing, I don't visit or download from dubious sites etc.

1) Without any reason software suddently doesn't work.
a) I installed a Antivirussoftware - after 3 Weeks it suddently didn't work any more (Kaspersky) I couldn't reinstall it.
b) I installed a new Antivirussoftware - after 5 days it didn't work anymore.
c) 4 days later I started to get errormessages "Windows Defender doesn't work any more" - "Windows Hostprocess doesn't work anymore"

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Why Doesn

Jun 17, 2009

Running Vista Home Premium on Compaq Presario notebook. This is my first Vista machine and I find its inability to do a "proper" search a stunning shortcoming. Or am I missing some secret setting? Scenario- I want to do a search of my entire hard drive for a file. I only know the extension so I enter .snf and the results are 1 file found. Wrong!First of all, the results don't show me the complete path to the file.

Instead of displaying C:UsersownerDocuments, it displays C:Usersowner. That's it. I either have to flail around and manually check all the owner folders or right click and look at the file's properties. Why won't Vista display the FULL path to the file? Secondly, and this is really disappointing, is that I KNOW there are at least 70 more .snf files on my C drive that Vista apparently can't locate! I never had this search problem with XP. You ask XP and it tells all. Simple. So what gives with Vista? Is there some way to make Vista do a COMPLETE search and display ALL found files with FULL PATHS?

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Doesn't Recognize My Web Cam

May 15, 2010

I have a problem on MSN that it doesn't recognize my web cam i know it works because other programs pick up the camera.

I have tried to uninstall the driver and reinstall it but that doesn't work

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CD ROM Doesn't Opening

Jan 30, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 1520 Laptop with windows vista ultimate opearting system.. the perblem is my cd w drive doesn't opening ..also, when I clicked on computer icon, the cd drive doesn't apper.. I tried to install the drive from dell website , but it didn't worked.. should i format my laptop to solve this problem???..

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Upgraded From 2GB To 4GB But Doesn't See

Mar 23, 2008

I've upgraded my ram from 2GB to 4GB the bios reports 4096 but Vista
reports 2048 the exact same value before the upgrade. I'm aware of
why Vista doesn't report all of the add'l memory but in my case I see no
change at all does any one have any ideas?

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Setup Doesn't Run On My Win 7 Dvd

Oct 29, 2009

I wish to UPGRADE (not clean install) my vista ultimate to win 7 ultimate.I put the win 7 (full version) DVD in my computer, setup ran and told me to remove Kaspersky anti-virus.I removed Kaspersky anti-virus and did the requested re-boot.

Now when I put the win 7 DVD in, setup does not run. When I try to double click on the DVD drive in explorer I get a readme text file and that's all.Trying to run: d:setup.exe in the run command on the start menu and at a command prompt does not work either.
I can boot from the DVD but that is only for a clean install, which I don't want to do.

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Doesn't Mention If It Has SP1 Or Not

May 11, 2008

I bought my computer a few weeks ago and I can't find the information anywhere. It just says I'm running Home Premium but doesn't mention if it has SP1 or not. Windows updates haven't said it needs downloading so does this mean it already has SP1? Is there a way to find out?

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Doesn't Show CD ROM

Dec 31, 2009

I have an HP dv6500 laptop running Vista Home Premium. Suddenly the CD ROM has quit working. It doesn't show on My Computer and at one time I got an error 39. I had Vista check the drivers and it said they were good. I'm only good enough on the computer to follow explicit instructions. When I put a CD in the drive the light will come on like it's reading but then goes off and it does nothing.

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Win7 Doesn't Have It Out Of The Box

Oct 30, 2009

Handy new thing in Karmic (and Win7 doesn't have it out of the box): From the above cited web site: "Store, sync and share Integrated "Ubuntu One" technology gives you 2 GB of online storage for free. Easily share files between your own and your friends' computers. Upgrade at low cost for more storage if you need it."

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TV Doesn't Work Again

Mar 23, 2008

I just bought a Hp 8300 with the Windows media center running Vista. If I try and watch the TV, it will pause and need to restart the computer to use the computer. It just locks up. Hp Tech support had me install new drivers, then they had me do the reinstall to original settings.. It worked until I tried to record, then it locked up again and the TV doesn't work again. It will lock up after watching the TV about 15 seconds. I returned the computer and got another one, it does the same thing, Tech support told me I had a bad tuner (on 2 computers?) they sent me a new tuner, that didn't work. Then they said I needed to reinstall the factory settings from the disk, they sent that to me and that did not fix the problem. The computer did not come with a new monitor and I am using a Sony flatscreen, its about 4 years old. Is that my problem? I'm going to take the computer to the store and let them see if they can make it work with a new monitor.

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Dvd Doesn't Working

Jul 5, 2008

my dvd doesn't let me install games ,even originals. as soon i put the disc in the windows goes in shut donw mode .

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Ubuntu Doesn't Run

Apr 15, 2009

Alias is getting a big hard on ( well for Alias it's big, but in the scheme of things 1 inch isn't much) about the new release of that INFERIOR Opetating System Ubuntu, Spicy Sphincter or whatever it's called. One thing for sure, Ubuntu is WORTHLESS for 99.999% of the population out there because Ubuntu doesn't run any of their software. Alias is the Ubuntu Marketing Department and Alias is a lost mental soul. He believes that he can convert users to that piece of crap when in reality

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CD/DVD Doesn't Work

Sep 20, 2009

My CD/DVD drive won't read any discs i put in it.

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