5 Minutes It Hangs For A Short Period Of

Jun 8, 2009

I've been having this kind of problem since I installed Vista. I like Vista very much, but it brings so much problems to me than XP. I often play Age of Empires III and in every 5 minutes it hangs for a short period of time. It hangs 2-3 times and the next thing that will happen is either it will show a black screen or hangs. Windows never responds if either of these happen, so I shut down the computer improperly.

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VISTA Hangs 20 Minutes, LanmanServer Starting

Feb 20, 2009

VISTA takes a few seconds more or less than 20 minutes to be ready to use each time my computer is powered up or VISTA is restarted. Under the Task Manager, Services Tab during that 20 minutes, LanmanServer is in "Starting" mode while other services are Running or Stopped. Also the connection icon in the lower right corner of the screen has a red X. After 20 minutes LanmanServer runs, the red X becomes a blue circle and the system becomes fully functional.

Solution: Use Regedit in administrator mode to:

1) Change entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSpooler. Click on "DependsOnService". Add three separate lines:..........

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Vista Startup: After Two Minutes I Get The Welcome Screen. Then The Monitor Goes Black For A Full Two Minutes Before Continuing The Startup Process

Mar 23, 2008

I have just puchased my first Windows Vista computer - an HP laptop. I have purchased at leat five laptops since 2000 so I am familiar with setup and
comfortable with installations etc. I have three questions here.

1. My last computer had Windows XP and an 80 gb hard drive with 70 gb full - After copying the data only (55 GB) to my new 250 gb hard drive I have only 107 GB remaining of the 222 GB C drive partition. I have not yet added many programs. That tells me that Vista must be using 50-60 GB or more of the drive. Can that be correct?

2. My new computer takes 5-6 minutes to start up. After two minutes I get the welcome screen. Then the monitor goes black for a full two minutes before continuing the startup process. Is this normal for Vista?

3. Occasionally the monitor goes dark for a few seconds and a window pops up saying the display driver has failed but is back. Is this normal?

I certainly gained no speed with this new computer. There are many things I like about Vista. Since I have no previous experience with owning it I am trying to sort out if this computer is a lemon that should be returned or if I should just put up with the downside.

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32 Automatically Logs Off After A Period Of Non-use

Feb 10, 2009

Vista Home Premium 32. Sometimes when I turn my monitor on in the morning I'm greeted by the password screen. When I enter my password Vista says "logging off" (and does log off) then Vista goes to the "log On" password screen. After re-entering PW again, I'm logged back on but all the apps, web pages and work that I had open last night are gone

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Reset Trial Period

Feb 16, 2007

This is unconfirmed but I read it on a newsfeed: Run this command: rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows. Or save as a .bat and run on system startup (put in startup folder)

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Extend Activation Period To 120 Days

Feb 11, 2007

Would you like to extend the activation period to the maximum 120 days instead of the 30 day period that is set by default?  It is possible and legal to do this using the software licensing manager in Windows Vista and Windows 7.  Simply run slmgr -rearm to get another 30 days at an administrative level command prompt.  You can do this a maximum of three times before Microsoft blocks further extensions...

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Extend Activation Period Past 180 Days

Mar 20, 2007

There has been a lot of news about a new technique to extend the activation period of Windows Vista past 180 days.  It all started when Brian Livingston posted a story on his site, WindowsSecrets.com, about a registry key that can be modified to allow the slmgr -rearm command to be run more than three times.  This allows you to use Windows Vista without having to activate it for longer than 180 days.
Activation has always been more of burden for licensed Windows users than an effective deterrent for piracy.  There are already many cracks for Windows Vista that bypass activation completely.   The end result is a bad experience for those that legally buy the product. 

For me, this is an issue that I am always fighting with. I am constantly building, installing and re-configuring my two computers with multiple vista virtual machines.  I don't want to deal with the burden of having to activate my legal copies of Windows Vista every time since none of my workstations seem to last for more than a few months before I reinstall.  If I actually activated my Vista Ultimate licenses every time I reinstall I would already have to use the slow phone based system where you have to type in that super long code.  Sorry Microsoft, that is a horrible experience that I'm trying to avoid.  

Using Brian's registry key and the old 180 day trick, it is possible to setup Task Scheduler to automate these changes to extend the period before you need to activate beyond 180 days. Follow these steps to automate the registry change and activation reset using Task Scheduler:

Click on the Start Button, type in Task Manager and hit Enter....

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Add Short Cuts In MC

Oct 21, 2009

Is there a way to add short cuts into Media Center. I would like to add Hulu to my Media Center.

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Short-circuiting Shortcuts!

Aug 9, 2008

every time I right-click on a shortcut on my desktop, my windows explorer passes out and goes in autorestart (the explorer.exe, not my pc ^^) it's been happening for quite a while and is really giving me headaches!

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Very Short Start Menu

Feb 6, 2009

I recently changed the resolution of my screen from 1024x768 to 1440x900 and the start menu is cut off a little, where the arrow is cut off As you can see, next to the lock the arrow is not there, it is cut off and when I change it to other resolutions it is the same thing.

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Hibernation Password Timeout Too Short

Aug 5, 2008

I have Vista set to sleep after 1 hour, and then hibernate on the 2nd hour. That works fine, and it comes of of sleep & hibernation just fine, as well.

I have Vista set to ask for a password when it comes out of hibernation.

However, upon coming out of hibernation, it displays the password screen for all of 10-20 seconds. If I don't put in my password in that amount of time, Vista goes back into hibernation mode. Very annoying.

What I would like is to be able to tell Vista to wait a longer than just a handful of seconds before dropping back into hibernation.

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Motherboard 2 Long And 1 Short Beeps

Jun 12, 2009

im having another problem (they just keep coming) but this time it is with a brand new mmotherboard and RAM i just bought them yesterday and as the title says i get 1 short and 2 long beeps, i know what you guys will say is that i should take it back, but i would rather not as it is a two and a half hour return trip to the store (Umart for those locals) i read that it could be one of two things.

1. the Graphics card which i have checked in another board and it works

2. the RAM which i went to the store and replaced from one 2gb stick and now is 2X TEAM Xtreem 800mhz DDR2 and2X Kingston HyperX 1066Mhz DDR2 and they are all Brand New. Except the Graphics Card (Zotac nvidia 9800GT 612MB)are there any ideas of what i can do? as might have to drive to Umart tomorrow but would rather not. Please reply ASAP!

My Specs:

MotherBoard: Asus P5kPL-1600 Socket 775
CPU: intel P4 2.93Ghz
Graphics card: Zotac Nvidia 9800GT 512MB
HDD: Seagate Baracuda 250GB
RAM: 2X Kingston 1066mhz 2X team Extreme 800mhz DDR2
PSU: 550W

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Short Cut Keys No Longer Work

Aug 16, 2008

I have a HP Pavilion TX1340 laptop running Vista Home Premium and in general it is working OK. However just recently I have found that short cuts such as ctrl/C and ctrl/V no longer work and just result in the letters "c" and "v" appearing in the text. Is this a Vista problem or a laptop problem and what is the solution?

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Firefox: Message Short, Lengthen

Apr 2, 2009

I am using my IE 6 right now to post this as FF is giving me fits. Everytime I post, a message pops up telling me that my post is to short and I need to make it longer. Well, all my post and replies are usually long winded so I don't think the message is well deserved. Quote: The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 3 characters. To my knowledge, I have not set anything new on my options, it did installed an update for NoScript but I doubt this will be a problem since I can post or reply on the other boards I visit.

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Windows Explorer Failed Short Cut

Jun 3, 2008

Trying to get Drives / Folders and Sub-Folders on the right as existed in XP. Also tried to get a shortcut from the Desk top to open to windows displayed in this way. Failed! Shortcut opens to display Windows as I want but anchors itself to document; not Computer or the C drive. If I click on Computer it lists the drives / partition but there is no right pane. Am I able to configure the way I want and if so how do I go about it?

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Create Short Cut To Existiing Programs?

Mar 23, 2008

Just installed Vista Home Premium as upgrade to Windows XP. Do I need to reinstall all my existing programs? Is there a way to create a short cut to the existiing programs.

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How To Winzip The Short Movie Clips

Mar 24, 2009

how do i send movie clips as attachments with my windows e mail that are longer than 10mb how do you winzip the short movie clips so you can e mail them

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Create Short Cut Game Desktop Not Run

Dec 14, 2008

While dual core and quad core processors are a great advance in processing power, many games in XP and Vista run better on a single core. Need for Speed Underground is one such game. In my search to find an easy way to set processor affinity, I found the easy method outlined below. This method is the best I've found and actually WORKS without having to make system-wide changes. Here's a tip I use for some games which have problems with dual core. It saves the trouble of [alt][tab] out of the game each time, and I find it easier than creating a batch file. You may have already seen this, if so, the short answer is written in red at the bottom of this post..... Affinity and priority can be permanently added to an application's shortcut so that you don't have to change it every time you run it. To begin, create a shortcut to the game on the desktop. Right click the shortcut and select properties. In the "shortcut" tab, find the line for "target". Copy this in front of the target: C:WindowsSystem32cmd.exe /C START "Need for Speed Undercover" /high /affinity 1. Now, NFS Underground will automatically run in high priority on Core 0. Here's an example for the game Tombraider Legend which also balks at dual core processing.

The target line originally looks like this: "C:Program Files (x86)Tomb Raider - Legend rl.exe" So I change it to this: :WindowsSystem32cmd.exe /C START "Tomb Raider" /high /affinity 1 "C:Program Files (x86)Tomb Raider - Legend rl.exe" The affinity can be set to any CPU core by changing the number to the corresponding hex value.
1st core = 1
2nd core = 2
3rd core = 4
4th core = 8
5th core = 10 ( hexadecimal 16 )
6th core = 20 ( hexadecimal 32 )........

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Desk Top Short Cuts To Internet Sites

May 10, 2009

I have been having a problem when I click on an icon on the desk top that takes me to a site on the internet. As soon as I select the icon, I get an error message with the sites address followed by "application not found". Verizon DSL is my service provider. Desk top short cuts that go to other application programs (i.e. Word etc.) work OK. Outlook works okay and I can still get to the web sites using Internet Explorer.

I recently downloaded Google Chrome but deleted it when it prevented me from downloading Adobe Flash. I tried to restore to a previous time, however, the restore operation failed.

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What Happened To This Group: Kill File In Such A Short Time?

Apr 1, 2008

I've never seen a discussion group like this one? I know threads break down and take a turn but I've never seen so many people in my kill file in such a short time. Hardly any help is offered here just a bunch of people saying this and that about each other, or defending Ubuntu in a windows group?

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Create New E-mail, Get Short Address List With Several Duplicates

Mar 23, 2008

what Windows Mail is doing with my Contacts File(s). When I create a new e-mail via "Create Mail> To:" I get a short address list with several duplicates. When I go to Contacts via the "Contacts" icon in Windows Mail I get the Contacts File I thought was the one Win Mail was using but it has many more entries (a good thing) and does not have any duplicates. I want Win Mail to use this Contacts File and get rid of the "old/leftover/??" file it is using. The good Contacts File is stored in C:>Users>Ken>Contacts. I don't know where Win Mail is gettting the other file. At one time I had my wife and I both receiving mail to my account. I have since set her up with a separate account.

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Why Does Take 10 Minutes To Shut Down?

Mar 12, 2008

My nice 200GB drive in my lappy barfed so I went back to the stocker w/ factory Vista install (about 5 mo old) and am trying to get it updated.

Pretty much been at it all afternoon.

One problem is that it hits the XML4 update and hangs there forever and ever.

Another problem is that shutdowns take forever. I've been sitting here 15 minutes now looking at '****ting down' and I'll probably get fed up with waiting for it and pull the battery.

I've always found Vista shutdowns to be 3-10x longer than XPs are, but this is getting ridiculous.

If it matters, lappy is a 5mo old HP 8510W.

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Shutdown Take 60-75 Minutes

Dec 11, 2009

Vista Home Premium Sometimes when I try to shut down the PC - START-SHUTDOWN and either shutdown or restart - the shutdown can take, literally, 60-75 minutes and sometimes longer. Since I usually don't have that long to wait, removing the power cord is an adequate substitute. How can I eliminate these eternal shutdowns?

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X64 Keeps Freezing 5 Minutes After Boot

Sep 23, 2009

I have had it Vista keeps freezing about 5 minutes after boot up.

Software up to date, drivers up to date, BIOS, up to date,memory tested, no errors, switched out 4GIGs RAM, no change, Event viewer , no errors Shut off Avast, still freezes chkdsk /r no change, ccleaner, no change, deframentation, no change.

it used to be after the first reboot, the machine ran fine, until yesterday, when after any and every reboot, 5 minutes, system freezes, nothing works, disk activity can not be heard.

other drive XP, no problems running, no freezeups, am using it now.

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Windows Keeps Freezing Every Few Minutes

May 15, 2010

I have Lenovo U330, 4GB Ram, Dual Core Intel Processor, With windows vista 64bit.

A few days ago my computer went crazy. Every few minutes windows keeps freezing for a minute or two and than everything is back to normal for another 3-4 minutes.

I tried to recover my windows but it always tells me that there is an error.

I tried the tutorials about maximize my performance and I ran the disk error check and nothing came up.

I don't have windows vista installation CD/DVD as Lenovo don't give it to you.

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Takes Several Minutes To Run A Setup,

Aug 11, 2009

I'm kinda a great gamer and when i download demos to test incoming games, i try running their setup and it takes a lot of time to start. About 2-3 minutes of waiting before asking if i want to open the file because it was downloaded from the internet (just with the demos i downloaded from the net, sure), and another 2-3 minutes to ask for permission to open it (the account security control or something like that). Then the task appears in Task Manager under "process" tab but it has only 64 kb of ram and it remains that way for another 4-5 minutes. Finally it starts (after about 12-15 minutes total), it installs and here's another problem. When the progress bar arrives to the end, it takes about 10 minutes to tell me installation was completed (during these 10 minutes installation does not busy the cpu at all). This problem occures only with setups, but not only with game's setups, with program's setups too.

I know there's not such a big problem "at least they install", but it's kinda annoying waiting about 25-30 minutes total to play a damn demo or to install a program.Has anyone had that problem? How can i fix it? Here there are my specs (it's an HP laptop, 6730s):

Intel Core 2 Duo T5670 @ 1.80 ghz, 4 mb L2 Cache
2 GB Ram
Intel Mobile 4 Series 128 Mb own ram, 796 total
HDD 150 GB (about 42,8 free at this moment)
Antivirus: Kaspersky Internet Security 2009
Windows Vista Home Premium 32 Bit.

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Takes 20 Minutes To Boot

Aug 27, 2009

at some point yesterday i restarted my notebook, and it appeared that vista froze on boot screen. after several restarts and system restores from dvd, for some reason i did nothing at an additional freeze, and after ages vista booted successfully. i tried several more times and timed approx 20 minutes of hangup during each boot.

i read around various forums, tried some things and nothing helps. to help as much as possible the people that might help me, here's what i gather's relevant:..........

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Log In Screen Password Again Every 15 Minutes

Mar 23, 2008

If I do not use my computer (a Lenovo T61 loaded w/ Vista Home Premium) every 15 minutes or so, it reverts to the log-in screen and I have to enter my password again. How do I extend the time period before Vista locks me out?

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Blank Box On The Screen For Well Over 5 Minutes

Mar 20, 2009

I have 4 vista 32 bit machines. 1 will update beautifully. When I go to run the Windows update, the other 3 "time out". They sit there with a blank box on the screen for well over 5 minutes, before in sheer frustration, I trash it. I know at least 1 machine is saying it has 350Mb of downloads to do, but when I tell it to start, it does nothing. All are running SP1.

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Strange Sound Playing After Every 5-10 Minutes

Sep 13, 2008

i have the notebook since a month and everything works fine. however, i always have that strange sound playing in vista. it happens every 5-10mins, i dont know what it it. its not caused by the hardware, but its played by vista, so to make it clear it is a soundfile. i have no clue, which software or whatever causes it. anyone, who has an idea? and no, it was already there with the original setup, it is not because of any software i installed additionally. i would really be happy, if someone knows how to stop that.

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Computer Has Horizontal Lines After 13 Minutes

Feb 20, 2009

I was listening to the 911 call about the chimp attacking the woman in Conn. when all at once my computer screen had these horizontal lines running all across the screen!!I wasn't watching the video ,just listeneing to the audio,after about 12 0r 13 minutes is when this happened,it was in full screen mode with a picture of the chimp on it. It was just a picture, no moving or anything. This has happened before,(just the lines are a new development) it never shut off it,this time, just stopped responding. what could have caused this?? When it happened before, it just shut off

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