What Happened To This Group: Kill File In Such A Short Time?

Apr 1, 2008

I've never seen a discussion group like this one? I know threads break down and take a turn but I've never seen so many people in my kill file in such a short time. Hardly any help is offered here just a bunch of people saying this and that about each other, or defending Ubuntu in a windows group?

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Blue Screen: "if This Is The First Time It Has Happened To You, Just Restart Normally"

Mar 2, 2010

i m using PC, when suddenly my computer just closed and went to a blue screen with loads of text and stuff, it said stuff like "if this is the first time it has happened to you, just restart normally" and "if you recently installed a software try system restore" something like that.. it didn't say a location from where the error was... like normal "blue screen of deaths", so i wondering if this is just a 1 off kinda thing or something more severe?

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Kill File In Windows Mail

Apr 14, 2008

I'm using Windows mail on Vista enterprise 32 bit. I can see there's a few posters in this group I've no interest in reading (I couldn't care less about some posters opinions of Windows contra Linux, I use both happily) and I'd like to skip over them. What's the best way to set up a kill file in Windows mail?

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Time Schronization: Change Date & Time Internet Time Tab And Chose A Time Standard To Connect

Aug 31, 2008

I recently went into Change Date & Time Internet time tab and chose a time standard to connect with. After doing that I went onto the internet and connected with time.nist.gov and checked the time. After that I was no longer able to go into the internet time tab. It tells me that time.nist.gov is the time connection and I can't change it. It tells me I need to have permission to do this as administrator. I am the administrator! What goes here?

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Seeing Listed In Group File?

Jun 22, 2008

How do I go about seeing who I have listed in my Group file?

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Wmv File Movie Maker Can Not Fined Time Stamps

Jun 27, 2008

I have downloaded a number of digital home videos from my camcorder onto my XP pc and then written them to .wmv files. Whenever I reload one of these ..wmv files into my XP's Movie Maker, it automatically breaks up it up into scenes and prominently displays the date and time stamp of when each was taken. When I reload these same .wmv files into my Vista Movie Maker I can't find where the time stamps are.

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Group Contacts: No Option Of Choosing To Add Group

Mar 23, 2008

We are having trouble adding new groups in Windows Mail. For some reason, it no longer gives us the option of choosing to add a group instead of a single contact. I've clicked on "File" then "New" but "Contact Group" or "Group" is not an option, nor is there a group button on the toolbar. Is there a problem with our settings? We used to be able to add them and now we can't unless we copy an existing group.

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Upgraded 2 Gb Nothing Happened

Oct 9, 2009

I had 1 gb of ram in my computer and I just upgraded to 2 gb. I tried to start it up, and nothing happened. All the lights and fan came on, but nothing happened.

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I Guess A Lot Of This Happened When Was Being Built

May 15, 2008

Arrogance from MS's part, lack of true leadership & vision, and plain
stupidity seems to plague the software giant...just read below and weep about how bad Microsoft handles some software developing.. Now multiply this by a factor of about a million,and you can imagine how bad things were with vista......

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What Happened To The Old Temporary Internet Files

May 26, 2009

I am fairly new to Vista but noticed that there are relatively few files in
the Temporary Internet Files folder compared to when I was running XP. I
subscribe to an internet based business messaging system (GoSolo) and used
to be able to drag the audio messages I had listened to from that temp
folder into an archive folder. But now they don't show up at all. I can
still "save" those messages from GoSolo but the process is a lot more
tedious. Are there IE settings that will allow them to be saved to disk and
show up in the Temporary Internet Files folder in Vista?

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Installing Software, Download And Nothing Happened

May 15, 2010

I'm having problems installing any software onto my computer. When I try to install something off a site eg; itunes, the download box will come up, it'll run through and as soon as the download is complete the box will close and nothing else comes up with no trace of the program I just waited two hours to download to be found on my computer anywhere.

when I try to install things from a disk like my new scanner software the omputer doesn't even read the disk, I dont get an error or a popup, it doesn't even say that anythings in the disk drive. I've tried other sorts of disks like CDs and it does the same thing.

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Sleeping" Nothing Happened The Screen Stayed Blank

Sep 22, 2009

my desktop as usual, its a dell XPS 630I and Ive had it maybe 4 months total. I just checked my email and logged back off to the user screen. While I was gone it kicked into hibernation mode like it always does when noones using it. When I got home like 4 hours later I moved the mouse to bring it out of sleeping and nothing happened the screen stayed blank. So I waited and waited and it never kicked back on so I manually restarted it with the power button and it loaded to the dell screen which took alot longer than normal to load, right after that it popped up "Error Loading OS". I tried restarting and hitting the F8 button... no luck.... I hit F12 and tried running the diagnostics... nothing came up...

I put the dell cd in that has vista on it and hit the repair button near the bottom of the install screen and ran the different tests and nothing came up wrong. However I tried the memory test and it started I needed to reboot in order to use it. however when I did that it kicked back to the "Error Loading OS" screen. So thats where I am right now and I have no clue what to do, I am going to just do a clean install but theres stuff Id really like to get off this drive before I wipe it clean.

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Did X64 Ultimate Kill My Powersupply?

Nov 5, 2008

recently tried to install vista 32bit on my computer, it was successfull until i installed nvidia display drivers. The error i got was: Error: Display driver has stopped working and has recovered successfully. I even tried to get Omega drivers, and old archived nvidia drivers did not work. So i gave up, and asked my retailer if i could get the x64bit instead. they aggreed with that. So i installed that one also correctly. No problems with the GPU drivers there, however in games my computer kept restarting after playing ~20mins and two days later my Powersupply died. a 600W PSU from OCZ. I then removed vista from my computer and is now running xp x64 and i have no problems what so ever. But i want Vista! loved the functions. I want to try again soon, but im not sure if my computer will survive.

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Remove Or KILL KMS Server?

May 5, 2008

We have a vista PC that is regestered in DNS as a KMS server (nslookup -q=SRV _VLMCS._TCP shows this PC) How can we have the person who is running this PC kill the KMS service so we can create a valid KMS on a Server 2003 or 2008 box?

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Kill Vista And Go To XP Profassional

Mar 23, 2008

Is there ANY way to take my new computer, kill Vista and go to XP pro??

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Managed To Kill My Raid 0

Mar 21, 2009

Managed to kill my raid 0, 1 terabyte games drive today. Absolutely shattered. Maybe ten hours worth of installs on that drive. To say that I am upset is an understatement. You live and learn. Will be purchasing an extra backup drive exclusively for backing up this drive. Never will I feel this pain again

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Games Seem To Kill Audio In X64

Sep 25, 2009

I am running into a problem with my sound when playing games. For some reason my sound stops working completely after starting a game. It happens in games like COD4, L4D, TF2, and so on. Even when I close the game, I get no sound on anything. It is as if the audio service stops completely. I am using Vista Ultimate x64 on a Intel i5 750 with a Radeon 4890 XXX 1 gig card. My audio card is an onboard Realtek HD. My mobo is an Intel DP55WB. I only notice it when I play games, and the timing varies. Last night I played L4D for 10 minutes before it happened, and today it happened 10 seconds into COD4. It feels as if it is an intermittent conflict between something. I tried reinstalling new drivers, but it doesn't work. Does anyone know what to look for in a case like this?

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Kill Off Windows Live OneCare

Nov 18, 2008

In a very surprising move, Microsoft has announced today that Windows Live OneCare customers will be getting the shaft next year. The software giant has decided to replace OneCare with a free security solution (codenamed "Morro") to be released in the second half of next year. The yet-to-be-announced product will be a realtime anti-malware protection solution, whereas OneCare offered that plus backup and management features. Sales of the Windows Live OneCare subscription service as well as Windows Live OneCare for Server on SBS 2008 will end on June 30, 2009.

If your subscription is about to run out, I'd suggest looking for an alternative instead of renewing a product that is on its way out the door. Sure, OneCare will continue to be available online until Morro is available and your subscription will still work until it ends, but Microsoft's decision makes the company look unreliable. Full Story: Microsoft to kill off Windows Live OneCare next year (Updated)

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Kill Security Center Notifications

Jun 28, 2006

The new Windows Security Center in Windows Vista can be just as annoying as the security centers in previous versions of Windows. I am an advanced of a computer user to know that I do not have anti-virus software installed. I don't need the Windows Security Center to remind me that all the time.

Thankfully there is a new easy way to disable the security center messages.

Click on the Security Center/Windows Security Alerts logo in the system tray.

Click Change the way Security Center alerts me.

Select I do not want notification messages from Security Center.

It is now that easy.

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Kill Processes From Command Prompt

May 16, 2009

I'm sure you are familiar with the traditional way to kill or end a process in Windows using Task Manager.  This method is effective but not nearly as fun as killing a process in Command Prompt.  Additionally, killing processes in Command Prompt provides much more control and the ability to end multiple processes at once....

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Add Short Cuts In MC

Oct 21, 2009

Is there a way to add short cuts into Media Center. I would like to add Hulu to my Media Center.

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Sleep Mode Restart Or Kill The Computer

Aug 27, 2008

whenever I put the computer to sleep mode and move the mouse while it's getting into sleep mode, it'll either restart or kill the computer. When it kills the computer, the fans still run but the lights on the front go out. There is also no picture on the monitor. To turn off the computer, I have to force a shutdown by holding the power button for around 4 seconds. Then, when I try to turn on the computer again, the fans turn on, the hard drive runs, but still no lights on the front of the case nor picutre on the screen. I fixed it by clearing the RTC RAM on the motherboard. After doing that, the computer would boot up, but if I did sleep mode and moved the mouse, then the computer would die again, and I'd have to clear the RTC RAM again. I'm wondering why this happens with sleep mode. I use Vista Home Premium 64-bit. Is there a solution to this problem or does anyone else have this problem?

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Starting To Like When This Happened: Open Certain Control Panel Functions From The RUN Command Line Or Through The MMC Console Itself

Jan 18, 2009

I've been getting this error message when I try to open certain control panel functions from the RUN command line or through the MMC console itself. Other functions like performance information, user accounts and parental controls don't respond when clicked. Windows update might flash up the beginnings of a window for a split second but wont load. I've got the update icon on my task bar saying it cant update. Other than some key function being inaccessible the PC runs fine (apart form Firefox has started crashing out every now again) I can install software ok.

I've run the SVG /scannow thing and it found no problem Its my home PC sp I am setup as administrator. This problem is effecting another vanilla admin account AND the hidden Admin account. I've virus scanned in safe mode. System restore went through the motions but after it had restarted the PC it said it couldn't actually restore........

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Measure The ReBoot-Time (restart Time) For Our Systems

May 13, 2008

measure the ReBoot-Time (restart time) for our systems. You can see how to here: How to See What Your Boot Up Time is in Vista

Here's my ReBoot-Time:

Running Processes: 41
Started Services: 36
Automatic logon

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Short-circuiting Shortcuts!

Aug 9, 2008

every time I right-click on a shortcut on my desktop, my windows explorer passes out and goes in autorestart (the explorer.exe, not my pc ^^) it's been happening for quite a while and is really giving me headaches!

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Very Short Start Menu

Feb 6, 2009

I recently changed the resolution of my screen from 1024x768 to 1440x900 and the start menu is cut off a little, where the arrow is cut off As you can see, next to the lock the arrow is not there, it is cut off and when I change it to other resolutions it is the same thing.

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Hibernation Password Timeout Too Short

Aug 5, 2008

I have Vista set to sleep after 1 hour, and then hibernate on the 2nd hour. That works fine, and it comes of of sleep & hibernation just fine, as well.

I have Vista set to ask for a password when it comes out of hibernation.

However, upon coming out of hibernation, it displays the password screen for all of 10-20 seconds. If I don't put in my password in that amount of time, Vista goes back into hibernation mode. Very annoying.

What I would like is to be able to tell Vista to wait a longer than just a handful of seconds before dropping back into hibernation.

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Motherboard 2 Long And 1 Short Beeps

Jun 12, 2009

im having another problem (they just keep coming) but this time it is with a brand new mmotherboard and RAM i just bought them yesterday and as the title says i get 1 short and 2 long beeps, i know what you guys will say is that i should take it back, but i would rather not as it is a two and a half hour return trip to the store (Umart for those locals) i read that it could be one of two things.

1. the Graphics card which i have checked in another board and it works

2. the RAM which i went to the store and replaced from one 2gb stick and now is 2X TEAM Xtreem 800mhz DDR2 and2X Kingston HyperX 1066Mhz DDR2 and they are all Brand New. Except the Graphics Card (Zotac nvidia 9800GT 612MB)are there any ideas of what i can do? as might have to drive to Umart tomorrow but would rather not. Please reply ASAP!

My Specs:

MotherBoard: Asus P5kPL-1600 Socket 775
CPU: intel P4 2.93Ghz
Graphics card: Zotac Nvidia 9800GT 512MB
HDD: Seagate Baracuda 250GB
RAM: 2X Kingston 1066mhz 2X team Extreme 800mhz DDR2
PSU: 550W

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Short Cut Keys No Longer Work

Aug 16, 2008

I have a HP Pavilion TX1340 laptop running Vista Home Premium and in general it is working OK. However just recently I have found that short cuts such as ctrl/C and ctrl/V no longer work and just result in the letters "c" and "v" appearing in the text. Is this a Vista problem or a laptop problem and what is the solution?

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Firefox: Message Short, Lengthen

Apr 2, 2009

I am using my IE 6 right now to post this as FF is giving me fits. Everytime I post, a message pops up telling me that my post is to short and I need to make it longer. Well, all my post and replies are usually long winded so I don't think the message is well deserved. Quote: The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 3 characters. To my knowledge, I have not set anything new on my options, it did installed an update for NoScript but I doubt this will be a problem since I can post or reply on the other boards I visit.

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Windows Explorer Failed Short Cut

Jun 3, 2008

Trying to get Drives / Folders and Sub-Folders on the right as existed in XP. Also tried to get a shortcut from the Desk top to open to windows displayed in this way. Failed! Shortcut opens to display Windows as I want but anchors itself to document; not Computer or the C drive. If I click on Computer it lists the drives / partition but there is no right pane. Am I able to configure the way I want and if so how do I go about it?

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